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Healthcare Needs Some Big Time Disintermediation

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

What is disintermediation?

Disintermediation is a process that provides a user or end consumer with direct access to a product, service or information that would otherwise require a mediator (middleman) such as a wholesaler, lawyer or salesperson.

In many cases the information available on the Internet has often eliminated the need for a middleman.

As commerce grew in the United States after WWII, there was a need for multiple middlemen to fulfill each commercial endeavor.

One of the strongest examples of early Internet disintermediation was Dell Computers. Consumers were able built custom computers by picking the components. They bought exactly what they wanted at a lower price. Michal Dell sold directly to the consumer and bypassed all the middlemen channels and normal retail outlets.

Amazon is another compelling example. It started with books and now includes almost everything. Amazon bypasses most of the channels and all of the expense of brick and mortar structures to lower the cost to the consumer.

Steve Jobs did it best with ITunes. Most people did not want the16 tunes on a CD. They might want one or two. Music publishers and all the middlemen in that industry fought him tooth and nail.

Steve Jobs won because he provided the consumer with what they wanted, the one song at 99 cents as opposed to 16 songs at $16 dollars.

The music publishing companies have now realized that they are doing better since ITunes with less middlemen and more product sales.

My son, Brad Feld, is going to disintermediate the book publishers. Brad authored 5 books for Wiley Press as part of the Start Up Revolution. Wiley Press and its bureaucracy treat him and other authors unfairly.

He and his partners at Foundry Group Venture Capital started FG Press.

“We treat authors like partners, not service providers. Instead of flat fees and unequal royalty assignments, we abandoned the old model and rebuilt it with the author as our top priority.”

I believe the FG Press results will be to disintermediate the entire book publishing industry.

Disintermediation though the Internet also happened in the travel industry, the airline industry, the stock broker industry and the banking industry.

Disintermediation cuts out the middleman.

By using the Internet, companies and even manufacturers can deal directly with users or end consumers, which is a significant factor in decreasing the cost of servicing customers. The high market transparency often enables the buyers to pay less as they deal directly with the manufacturer, bypassing the wholesaler and the retailer. As another alternative, buyers can also buy directly from wholesalers.”

There is no reason disintermediation cannot be applied to healthcare. The goal in healthcare is to lower the cost, increase quality of care and increase access to care.

The way to do it is by making consumers the most important stakeholder. Consumers must drive the healthcare system just as consumers are put at the head of the line in other disintermediated systems that work.

I have described the evolution of the healthcare business model of 1946 to the business model of 2014 and beyond.

In 1946 the healthcare business model was simple. The healthcare contract was between consumers/patients and physicians.

  1946 business model


Consumers were responsible for their medical care. The only technology was physicians’ car his stethoscope and his doctors bag. Consumers were also cautious in their utilization of healthcare services. They did not want to waste their money. They were responsible for their health and their healthcare dollars.

Healthcare insurance destroyed this relationship. Healthcare insurance was attractive to sick people. It was attractive to employers to help their employees stay well. It also helped employer keep their valuable labor force.

Consumers became less cautious about spending their healthcare dollars as third parties were paying for healthcare costs.  

The use of technology boomed in medicine. The cost of healthcare escalated as more and more technology was used.

 In 1965 the government created Medicare. Medicare regulations distorted the free market healthcare system. The distortion increased further in the early 1980s.

 All of a sudden there were more and more middlemen. The middlemen added little value to the medical care of consumers/patients. However they did add increased costs to the healthcare system.

In 2008 the healthcare system became so complex and riddled with rules and regulations that enormous barriers existed between the consumers/patients and their physicians.

2012 busniss model


It looks like a giant hairball that cannot be digested.

Obamacare was invented to use technology and ideology to straighten this all out. It has made and is making healthcare more unsustainable.

Obamacare cannot work. It is government control. The majority of consumers and physicians are against it.

Obamacare destroys the patient physician relationship. Obamacare has resulted in more bureaucracy, large overhead, more middlemen and an increase in costs to the consumers in terms of higher taxes and higher healthcare insurance premiums. 

The major problems are there are too many middlemen and the bureaucracy is superimposed on a failed legacy healthcare system.

The healthcare insurance industry takes 40% off the top leaving 60% of the premium dollars working for the delivery of medical care.

Hospitals charges are outrageous. Hospital expenses are inflated.

The need for cost shifting puts a large burden on hospital systems.  

Government interference simply escalates costs.

An example is the cost of chemotherapy. In hospital chemotherapy cost is 2 to 3 time the cost of the chemotherapy done by the same doctor in that doctor’s office. The government does not pay for chemotherapy in the doctor’s office.

An example of disintermediation in the healthcare system is the Oklahoma Surgery Center.

The Oklahoma Surgery Center demonstrates that it’s possible to offer high quality care at low prices. Surgeons can do twice as many surgeries in an outpatient surgery center than they can in a traditional hospital surgical suite.

Most industries try to improve efficiency. However, simple efficiencies have not occurred in most traditional hospitals. Surgeons spend half their time waiting for the patients to come to the operating room or for the availability of operating rooms and equipment.

The Surgery centers have solved these efficiency problems. They can service surgeons’ needs at less than half the cost without the wasted time.”

A key reason is there are not multiple administrators creating multiple regulations and collecting multiple $500,000 to $3 million dollar a year salaries. Surgical centers have one head nurse responsible for everything and zero administrators.

The cost of a “complex bilateral sinus procedure” at the Surgery Center was an all-inclusive $5,885. The traditional hospital bill totaled $33,505 without the surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s bill included.”

Hospital systems in the area are lowering their prices and becoming more transparent.

Obamacare has made the healthcare insurance costs worse for the middle class. The middle class healthcare insurance premiums are not subsidized by the government.

Obamacare has made the premium cost better for the poor and sick. It has not necessarily lowered the deductible. It has not made access to care better for the poor.

Obamacare may make quality of care worse. It will restrict access to care. It will ration care. Obamacare will make medical care decisions for consumers.

The only way to repair the healthcare system is to make it a consumer driven healthcare system using my ideal medical saving accounts.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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The Anatomy of Healthcare Billing


The start of exposing the real cause of healthcare inflation has begun.  The billing and reimbursement system is
finally being questioned.

I hope the debate creates an uproar among consumers who are the most
important and most disadvantaged stakeholders in the debate. My hope is consumers will realize they
are pawns in the complex billing and reimbursement system created.

Consumers must also realize they have the power to demand control over their
healthcare dollars and not hope the government will protect them.

Brill’s article in TIME magazine started the debate.
The demand for transparent
pricing has started.  Steve Brill’s
numbers are far from accurate.  However,the
pricing information is close enough to get consumers mad as hell.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services finally released its massive database containing what 3,000 hospitals
charge for 100 of the most common medical procedures.

The database compares the hospital
“chargemaster” to the prices Medicare actually paid.

The reimbursement to hospitals is based
on the hospital system’s estimates of the actual hospital costs plus hospital
administrative overhead. These estimates are an error. The calculation should be the actual costs
and not an estimate of the actual cost.

The database only covers 100 of the
most common illnesses.

I have written about hospital
administrators’ salaries being in excess of 1 million dollars a year with many
being up to 15 million dollars a year.
These salaries are included in the
overhead covered by Medicare payment.

I have questioned the appropriateness
of these massive salaries. In Boston there seems to be a contest between hospital
systems for which CEO gets a bigger salary.

Another important question is how many
hospital administrators in a hospital system get an excessive salary for the
value they add to medical treatment.

Who is worth more, a physician or a
hospital administrator?

 In many cases the
reimbursement by Medicare to some hospitals is 10% of the hospital’s billing.  In other hospitals the difference is 20-40%.

The payment gap between hospital charges
for procedures and Medicare payments is also stunning. The average difference
between hospital charges for the 100 procedures tracked and what Medicare’s
average actually payment is a difference of 72%.

A good metric is to beware of the man
that quotes average percentages if you want to understand the actual

The best example I have seen to visualize the variation of these prices
in simple terms is as follows.


“Imagine a banana in a supermarket. It costs $1 for those paying
with Visa, $3 for those paying with MasterCard, and $32 for those paying with

You can't sign up for Visa until you're 65, and you can only get
a MasterCard if you have a nice employer or a decent income.

Worse, customers have no
idea that such price discrepancy exists. They don't even know how much they'll
pay for the banana until long after they've eaten it.”

“That would be absurd. No
one would put up with it.

But it's how our health
care system works.”

Why should healthcare consumers in
America put up with it? Isn’t it the government’s job to protect us from this
abuse and not have a system that encourages it? Obamacare claims to stop the
abuse as it has been going on its merry way to encourage it.

This is not the entire grizzly story.

The average prices by states shows
massive discrepancies. In California, the average hospital charges $101,844 to
treat respiratory infections. In Maryland the average price for the same respiratory
infection is $18,144. The difference is 82% for the same disease in two
different states. The government is the same payer for both states.

 New Jersey hospitals bill an average for
$72,084 for "simple pneumonia," while Massachusetts’ hospitals charges
an average of $20,722. Neither of the state’s hospitals receives that much
reimbursement for treating these infections from Medicare. However, New Jersey
hospitals receive more.

Uninsured patients and the indigent
without insurance are getting the shaft. These people will have to pay retail
hospital prices or get sued by the hospital system.

None of the hospital prices are
transparent. A patient cannot even beg the hospital system to get a price.

Many treatments can be administered as
an outpatient. The government pays at least three times more for chemotherapy
in a hospital setting or a hospital outpatient clinic as it would to a freestanding
private outpatient oncology clinic.

 What’s the deal? The government doesn’t
trust physicians. It is afraid physicians will overcharge.

What does the government think the
hospital systems are doing?

I have also written about primary care
physicians’ salary being about $100,000- $120,000 a year. Surveys of physician
salaries have shown salaries varying between $100,000 to $600,000 per year. Surgical
subspecialists receive more than primary care physicians.

Let us assume the average physician’s salary
is $300,000 per year. There are approximately 600,000 practicing physicians in
the U.S.

The total physician reimbursement is $180
billion dollars a year in a $2.7 trillion dollar industry
. This is less than
10% of the total dollars spent. Even if you doubled physicians’ salaries to
include an overhead of 50% physicians receive 13.2% of the healthcare dollars

A major question is where is the
remaining 2.5 trillion dollars going?

The healthcare insurance companies take
40% off the top of all care delivered including Medicare and Medicaid and other
government programs. They do all the government administrative services and
hide the fees through deductions that should go to expenses but with the
government’s permission go to direct patient care.

The most important metrics are never
discussed and inaccurately measured. 
They are clinical outcomes and quality of procedures performed with
respect to financial outcomes.

The reason this measurement is not done
is because there is no accurate definition or measurement of these metrics.
Clinical outcomes as it relates to cost of care has to be included in the
measurement of quality of care.  No one
knows how to do this.

How does all this get fixed?

Consumers must drive the healthcare
My ideal medical saving account would go a long way in
dis-intermediating the healthcare insurance industry

An easy to use web site should be constructed
using the Travelocity, Expedia or the Orbitz formula.

All hospital and physicians’ prices
should be online. All insurance and government reimbursement should be
published on this web site, plus
insurance premiums and their justifications. The real government overhead
should also be available to consumers. 

A government web based educational
program to make consumers smart medical consumers would decrease healthcare
costs immediately.

All of the above would be a good start.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Hospital Systems’ Abuses Of The Healthcare System


In my very first blogs in
2006 I made the point that all the stakeholders are to blame for the dysfunctional
healthcare syste

Most of the incentives that
created a technology driven healthcare system have been perverse. All the major
stakeholders’ incentives are misaligned.

The major stakeholders are
consumers, physicians, government, healthcare insurance companies,
pharmaceutical companies and employers.

The primary stakeholders
are consumers and physicians. The government, healthcare insurance companies,
pharmaceutical companies and employers are secondary stakeholders. Some
secondary stakeholders provide administrative services and some reimbursement.
None provide medical care.

None of the actions of any
of the stakeholders are transparent. All the stakeholders are trying to take
advantage of the payers (consumers, employers and the government).

The government should be
the neutralizing force. It should level the paying field for all the stakeholders.
Government should not permit one stakeholder take advantage another

Everyone except the
primary stakeholders “patients and physicians” figured out the money game in
the healthcare system early on.

Government and employers
were next to last in figuring out the game of money gouging.  This happened in the early 1980’s when both
said they cannot pay any higher price for healthcare services.

At that point the hospital
systems and the healthcare insurance industry figured out another way to continue
the money gouging. The result was HMOs and managed care. They did not work.

The opacity of pricing
continued, cost shifting flourished, and the price of medical care continued to

Physicians are not
blameless. However, they are the easiest to blame. Physicians are the least
organized and least aggressive stakeholders in the healthcare system.

In the past, I have
pointed out the real problems that have resulted in the dysfunctions of the
healthcare system.
Health policy wonks seem to ignore the real problems.

Consumers and physicians
are mere pawns in this money game.

Without consumers or
physicians there would be no healthcare system.
They generate the engine that
provides the need for medical care and administrative services.

I have covered much of the
abuse of the healthcare system by most of the stakeholders.

I have been relatively
easy on hospital systems and pharmaceutical companies until now.

However, the basic problems
in the healthcare system must be to be recognized and then fixed. All of the
problems have to be recognized at the same time and fixed simultaneously.

A patch on one problem
simply intensifies the overall problems.

Obamacare does not solve
any of the real problems. It is an attempt at patching a problem. It will only
make the problems worse and will not reduce the cost of care.

On February 20,2013 TIME
Magazine published an article by Steven Brill. The article is an excellent article
pointing out the abuses of the hospital systems.

“Bitter Pill Why Medical Bills are Killing Us” presents
examples of the abuses of large and small hospital systems.

The basic philosophy that
hospital systems should operate by should be “Patients First.”  It is not. It is how much money can I make
from each patient.

Steven Brill asked the
major question. “ Why are hospital bills so high?”

He presented the answer:,32068,2178453595001_2136781,00.html

The answer is obvious to
all physicians.

One fellow physician


we know much of this, this is an excellent overview of healthcare costs.


All Americans ought to
understand the distortions hospital system pricing creates. The government
ought to make hospital pricing transparent to everyone..

The government should include
the hospital system’s retail price, wholesale price and actual cost for an item
or service.

Then, consumers can choose
the hospital system to go to.

Policy makers continually criticize
this ideal saying that illnesses are sudden and patients are not in a position
to choose a hospital system or negotiate price.

If the hospital system is
compelled to compete on price the price will be the same as the competitive
price when the patient gets sick. If one hospital is much higher than the next
hospital the patient will know this before hand.

Hospital system charges
are actually higher than they appear. Most hospital systems are non-profit
organizations. The hospital systems do not pay taxes.

Hospital charges are
opaque to everyone, including physicians. Physicians generate the services
hospitals charge for.

As seen in Steven Brill’s
article oncology charges are extremely high.

One oncologist wrote to me
and said he could administer the same therapy in his office for one-tenth the hospital

However, neither the government nor the healthcare insurance industry
would reimburse him for the office procedure. It is the same procedure he performs
in the hospital.

Doesn’t that seem strange? What is going on?

Steven Brill discovered
that it is almost impossible to find out what hospital systems are charging.

The same opacity is true
for pharmaceutical charges.  The
pharmaceutical charges are further inflated by multiple middlemen involved in
drug distribution.

This has been less true
for drugs since Internet Drug stores publish drug prices.

However, since the patients’
physicians prescribed the drug patients are hesitate to use substitute drugs.
The patients’ attitude is that the healthcare insurance company will pay for
the drug less the copay.

Therefore the patients are not interested in looking
up the difference in price or the options for substitution.

This is the reason consumers need skin in the game.

The result of consumer apathy is an increase
in healthcare insurance premiums.

Steven Brill covers the
grotesqueness of retail hospital system charges. He also points out the amount
Medicare reimburses for the grossly inflated charge.

The consumers without
insurance are the consumers that get stuck with the retail charges. Insurer consumers recieve a large discount.  The uninsured
consumers are least likely to be able to afford these charges.

In some cases Medicare
reimbursement is less than 20% of the hospital retail charge. Steven Brill
points out that at this time Medicare reimbursement to hospitals is still 10
times its actual costs.

The article “Bitter Pill” is
excellent. It covers many categories of hospital system abuse by the use of
case studies.

The facts are
overwhelming.  I am going to try to
categorize these facts in my next blogs. The abuses will be easier to remember.

Consumers must be educated.
The hope is consumers can be activated by education. Only a consumer driven
healthcare system can drive the abuse out of the healthcare system. 

Americans will have an affordable healthcare system.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Big Data Is A Major Problem For The Healthcare System.

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Obama is blinded by his ideology. His healthcare policy goal is to eventually
have a single party payer system. Medical care will be commoditized with
treatment decisions made by the central government.

is a charade that his health insurance exchanges will lead to affordable
private insurance. It is misguided to believe that a non-elected central
committee (IPAB) will be tolerated to make treatment decisions for the

larger pretense is that President Obama is building an inexpensive bureaucracy.
Last week he again stated that government overhead for Medicare and Medicaid is
very low. He again declared that the overhead expense is only 2½ percent.

cost two and one half percent for the central government to outsource administrative
services to the healthcare insurance industry. The healthcare insurance
industry, in turn, charges the government 18-40% to administer the programs.

knows most everything government run is inefficient. President Obama is
enlarging the scope of government in all areas at a time when government is too
large and inefficient. The government’s income is $1 trillion dollars less than
its expenses per year since he has been President.

Obama thinks if he spends enough money he will spend his way out off the jam.

Obama believes one way to become more efficient is to gather more data. He can
then figure out which hospital systems and physicians are inefficient and
penalize them.

philosophy has two potential pitfalls. If the data is faulty the conclusions
are wrong. The second pitfall is that penalties do not encourage cooperation
and meaningful improvements. 

Decision-making in
healthcare can be painfully slow, as any physician will tell you
Hospital systems and
physicians are being spurred on in part because healthcare is beginning to deal
with a shift in reimbursement toward one that rewards quality and disincentives
inefficiency and waste.

One problem is that quality is not clearly
defined and is sometime false. The government must reexamine its premises.

Most hospitals and health systems have lots of
data that might improve outcomes and cut waste.

problem is getting that data, which is often unstructured, into a format that
allows clinicians to make decisions faster and in a more coordinated fashion.

of the innovation is happening without input from physicians. It is being done
to decrease the cost of the hospitals. One thought would be to get rid of a few
excess salaried, $750,000 a year hospital administrators and $2,000,0000 plus
healthcare insurance company administrators which would go a long way to reduce
the cost of healthcare coverage.

the government is looking to penalize physicians
. Physicians are the providers
that deliver medical care.

is software being developed that deals with real time processing of clinical
data. The software can communicate those data to networked physicians instantly
and help physicians deliver more timely care.

hospital systems are trying to install these real time systems. Unfortunately,
many hospital administrators do not understand its power as a teaching tool to
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care.

 The hospital systems’ only interest is in the
financial result and the question of whether the huge investment is worth the
capital expenditure.

physician group practices, independent of hospital systems, are incorporating
these software systems into their electronic medical records. These groups recognize the potential
importance of having instantaneous predictive data.

physicians do not have an EMR and only 7% of physicians have a fully
functioning EMR.

the monograph from “Pathways to Data Analytics” two things were very apparent. It
looks like the healthcare insurance industry controls the committee and its
plans is to continue to control the healthcare dollars and hope to control the
healthcare data.

Increasingly, a
data-driven approach to healthcare is necessary.

The complexity of clinical care requires it, says Glenn Crotty
Jr., MD, FACP, executive vice president and chief operating officer at CaMC.

 “We’re moving from an
individual practitioner cottage industry to a team-based process now . . .. [Medical
care] is beyond the capacity of any one individual to be expert enough to do
that. So we have to do it in a team.”

A team requires information. The changing dynamics of healthcare
spending and reimbursements also require data to navigate.

“Our analytics are not just for finance, which traditionally is
what hospitals invested in,” says St. Luke’s Chief Quality Officer Donna Sabol
, MSN, RN. “When you look at how [hospital] payment is changing [to] a value-based
equation, you have to have good analytics for finance and for quality.”

Absent from the report is the patient and his/her responsibility
to the therapeutic unit. Until some policy maker understands the role of
patients to the therapeutic unit they will get nowhere in improving the
healthcare system.

A glaring example is the money spent by hospital systems to
improve the discharge process to avoid re-hospitalization within the 30 days
post discharge.

Obamacare has instituted the rule November1,2012 that if a
patient is re-hospitalized within 30 days of the initial hospitalization the
hospital system will not get paid.

I can think of 5 ways hospital systems can get around this rule
without suffering the penalty. 

None-the-less the hospital systems are buying software to study
and automate the process to avoid re-hospitalization using its clinical data in
real time.

 The Seton Hospital System in Austin Texas
might have figured it partially out.

It started what it calls an extensivist
program. It is acting as an extension of its physicians care to help avoid re-hospitalization
and use the best data it can collect.

Its is helping clinicians identify patients who
would benefit most from extra attention following discharge. The program
started with congestive heart failure patient

lot of it is about enabling decision-making," Ryan Leslie says

"It's taking the whole universe of
information we have and cutting out what's extraneous and giving clinicians the
information they need to make decisions."

Ryan Leslie is vice
president of analytics and health economics at Seton Healthcare system.  He is taking
unstructured clinical information and connecting that with billing or
administrative information and social demographic information.

He says,  "you start connecting all those things
together and you get a more complete picture of the patient as a person, rather
than as a recipient of a bill," he says. "That's been the exciting
thing recently. You realize that a patients' success or failure may not have to
do with the care plan details or the clinical attributes of the patient as much
as the social attributes

outside the hospital work with a team of social workers, nurses, and others to
visit patient homes and figure out what's keeping a patient from effectively
following treatment protocols that will likely keep them out of the hospital.

The software
helps determine, based on a host of combined data, which patients are most
likely to be re-hospitalized within 30 days. Targeting the patients is like
looking into a crystal ball. The hospital system cannot afford to service all
the patients with congestive heart failure. The program is in its early stages.
If successful the plan is to expand it to diabetes and other chronic diseases.

This will
happen well beyond November 2012 and January 1,2014. This hospital system
finally realized that it can and must be an extension of its physicians’ care
and not a competitor for patient care.

Missing is the
patients responsibility and incentive in not being readmitted to the hospital.
This can only be accomplished when consumers not only have a desire to be
healthy they have a financial interest to stay healthy.

This can be
accomplished in a consumer driven healthcare system where the patients are responsible
for their health and own their healthcare dollars. The easiest way to get there
is using my ideal medical savings accounts.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The Future State Business Model For Repairing the Healthcare System

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Obamacare is going to lead to the demise of both the healthcare system and the medical care system in the United States. America is at a critical turn in 2012.  The evidence for the collapse is presented in the following links.

The business model for a successful repair of both the healthcre system and the medical care system are outline on the next slide.


A consumer driven healthcare system is critcal to a successful repair of the healthcare system. Read this link to understand the full meaning and implications of a consumer driven healthcare system.

Consumers must drive the systems by being responsible for their own healthcare decisions and own their healthcare dollars even if they are subsidized by the government.

Another critcal element in business model for the future state is effective tort reform. Ideally defensive medical testing  has to be eliminated completely. Defensive medical costs the healthcare system between $300-500 billion dollars a year

A summary of the misalign insentives must be understood and examine . There is a way to align all the primary and secondary stakeholders incentives. It must be agreed too that consumers are the primary stakeholders and physicians are next. Most of the control and power in the system has shifted to the secondary stakeholder namely the government, the hospital systems and mostly the healthcare insurance industry.

The government must understand that the only way to reduce cost is to shift the responsibility of controlling costs from the government to consumers.

Consumer must be the leader of their healthcare team.

Consumers must be responsible for health and healthcare dollars.

Consumers must have effective financial incentives to become medically responsible to themselves. It is clear with the incidence of obesity, the increases in smoking and drug addictions, hearth attacks, and strokes from high blood pressure that the need to attain good health is not enough incentive.

My ideal Medical Saving Accounts are an excellent way of providing financial incentives to achieve good health in a consumer driven system. The achievement of good health will drive down the costs to the healthcare system. The incidence of costly complications of disease will be reduced.

My ideal Electronic Medical Record is an important innovation. It is inexpensive to physicians. The data belongs to patients and their physicians and set up in a way that it is not punitive to physicians. It should be a fully functional EMR.

All physicians know that medical care decisions making and judging the quality of medical care by electronic data is faulty. All the EMR's are expensive. They also put physicians in a vulnerable position to be judged by faulty data. My Ideal EMR helps physicians track their patients and improve their medical communications and care. 

It is important that consumer become responsible for their own Personal Medical Record. The ideal EMR permits patients to download their records with their tests to their own computer or flash drive. Consumers should carry their medical records at all times in case of emergency. 

Social Networking is the key to a consumer driven healthcare system. The possibilities are compelling.

Improved communication between patients and physicians will be driven by a consumer driven healthcare system connected to social networking. The motivations is financial when consumers own their healthcare dollars.

Education via the Internet must be an extension of physician care.

Government's Educational Responsibility:

Teach consumers to become intelligent healthcare consumers

Government must develop a program to effectively combat obesity. There must be a change in the food industry and farm policy.

Price Transparency

Price Controls Do Not Work.

Eliminate Medical Monopolies

Patient must learn to be and educated and responsible healthcare consumer.

There must be a decrease in medical entitlement programs. Consumers must have skin in the game in order to be educated and responsible consumers. Consumers need to be a financial risk.

This is the outline of the future state business model. The readers should click on each link to read the details of each bullet point.

This business model will enable America to have an affordable healthcare system for all which will become sustainable.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Evidence For Impending Healthcare System Failure

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The following are the links that is the evidence for the impending failure of the healthcare system in its present form and in the form that Obamacare is adopting.

Obamacare is piling on more regulations and restrictions to the present healthcare system. The present system is a failed system.The regulation will be impossible to comply with and impossible to enforce. They will create more opportunity for secondary stakeholder to extract more funds from monies needed for direct patient care creating a greater decrease in access to care for all .

The links follow the slides I presented in my last blog. Those links could not be opened because they were jpegs.

My hope is the links serve as an excellent reference to Repair The Healthcare System presently or when it collapses under it unsubstainable costs and the present system's inability to be executed.

The Etiology of Accelerated


Medicare 1965-1980 Fee for

authorized HMO’s

Medicare Price Fixing Begins In 1980

Cost shifting Penalizes Private

HMO Fail Because Of Faulty Assumptions In 1990.

 Reasons for Hillarycare’s
Failure To Pass.

Distrust of Government

Healthcare Insurance Companies
Raise Premiums.

Birth of Managed  Care: Another Compicated Mistake  

Managed Cares Fails. 

Managed Care Pricing And
Premiums Remain

2009 Obamacare And The Threat
Of Government Takeover To Freedom, Liberty and Choice.

Rationing Of Healthcare

ACOs Are HMO's On Steroids Combined With Managed Care Is Obamacare's Complicated Mistake. 

ACOs Will Fail At Great Costs To Everyone.

 Tort Reform And Defensive Medicine Are Ignored By Obamacare.

Medical Cost Escalate Out Of
Control And Then The Healthcare System Will Collapse.

The other major slide in the last blog was the barriers to the
Physician/Patient Relationship. This relationship is critical to the
theraputic index. It is almost destroyed and will be totally dstroyed in
Obamacare. Both physicians and patients will become commodities in a
bureaucratic healthcare system. Patients will not win.


Physician/ Patient Barriers to the Physicians/Patient Relationship



The Physician/Patient

physician/patient relationship

 The Magic  of the Patient Physician Relationship  

 Patient and
Physician responsibility contract

 Patient should be the leader of the team

 Barriers for physicians in the Physician/Patient


1. Tort
Reform/Defensive Medicine.

2. Restriction
of Physicians Clinical Judgment

3. Medicine
is a calling not a business

  4.  Constant
lowering physicians’ reimbursement

 5. Physicians
are driven to decrease time spent with patients

6. Government
rations care through panel of experts

7. Physician’s
treatments are driven by government regulations

8. The
traditional media undermining physician credibility

9. Government
is attempting to commoditize medical treatment


Patient Barriers To the Patient/Physicians Relationship

1. Patients are not in control of their own medical decisions.

2. Patients are not in control of their own healthcare

3. Patients
do not have to be responsible for their treatment because they

first dollar coverage.

4.  Education about chronic disease must be extension of
physician’s care

5.  Internet can undermine the Physician/Patient

6. Method of choosing a physician is random and must be
made clearer

7. Portability of information about previous treatment
is difficult

8. Patient must be responsible and in control of their
medical record.

9. Patient must endure poor communication by their

Government and the healthcare insurance industry limit choice with


11. Patients should be responsible for their treatment

America's healthcare system is at a critical turn in 2012.

Obamacare must be repeal.

Effective healthcare reform is essential. Both the primary and secondary stakeholders have abused a system. A system that is punitive.

Consumers must drive the system by being responsible to themselve and their healthcare dollars.

Obamacare is building a system of government dependency by all stakeholders (patients,physicians,hospital and healthcare insurance companies).

The healthcare system should be developed to create innovation and competions among stakeholders for the benefit of consumers and their indepent choice.

The government's inefficiency will create a healthcare system destined to doom at the expense of all of us taxpayers.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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There Is A Way To Fix The Healthcare System!!

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The healthcare system cannot be fixed using a
broken business model.

It can only be fixed by changing the business
model to a consumer driven business model that would include personal
responsibility and individual freedom of choice.

President Obama believes the healthcare system
can be fixed by a single party payer system run by the government.

I do not believe the government has run things
very well. Many examples come to mind in many areas. Two recent examples are
the Fast and Furious scandal and the lack of security for the murdered ambassador
in Benghsi Lybia.

When things go bad with government policy it is
difficult to discover the reasons. I believe consumers are very hesitant to
trust the government to make their healthcare decisions for them. On the other
hand consumers would be happy to allow the government and taxpayers to pay for
their medical costs.

A cultural shift in the healthcare system must
occur.  The shift must be toward
individual responsibility. Consumers must be responsible for their health and
their healthcare dollars if Americans are to be healthier and the cost of
healthcare decreased. The government must allow and encourage the introduction
of innovative forms of healthcare insurance.

The role of government must be to educate
consumers maintain health and to be smart purchasers of healthcare insurance.
Government should make the rules so secondary stakeholder cannot take advantage
of the primary stakeholders  (consumers)
and then get out of the way.

Government should help those who are less well
off with subsidies and equal access to medical care. Consumers must be
financially incentivized to take responsibility for their health or healthcare
dollars. They must not be penalized if they do not take responsibility for
their health and healthcare dollars.

I presented a new healthcare business model a
few months ago. It deserves to be restated.


This is the way the healthcare system looks


Since 1965, as a result of government intervention,
healthcare costs have escalated. This escalation has been the resulted of
increasing government intervention over the years. The path to accelerated
collapse of the healthcare system has started.

The result has been destruction of the patient-physicians
relationship. Effective medical care has been disrupted along with the
impersonal fragmentation of care.


All of the underlined headings represent links
to articles that explain these problems. I will publish functional links in the
next blog.

President Obama’s goal is to have a single
party payer healthcare system. He believes this is the only way to an efficient

He realizes he cannot achieve this goal immediately.
He must do it one step at a time.

The methodology he is using will not work.  He is imposing an accountable care
organizations model onto hospital systems and large physician practices. He
plans to pay one fee for certain diseases based on financial outcomes.

The fee is to be divided between the
stakeholders. President Obama wants to collect data to evaluate and direct
physicians and hospital systems care.

It sounds good but it will not work because he
will encounter physician resistance.

He wants to make cost effective judgments about
patients care without giving patients the right to make their own decisions.

It is going to very difficult to divide the
shrinking pot of money between physicians and hospital systems.

President Obama refuses to admit that the
government outsources the administrative services to the healthcare insurance
industry. The healthcare insurance industry’s fee for this service is about 40%
of the healthcare dollar.

In a recent debate he again stated that CMS’s
overhead is very low at 2.5%

President Obama’s ACA (Obamacare) is proceeding
with the same business model that has failed except he wants complete control
and no competition. If the U.S. continues with the same business model the total
collapse of the healthcare system will accelerate.


The healthcare system is at a critical turn.
The disadvantages of President Obama’s healthcare reform act are obvious. The present
healthcare systems model has lead to all of the disadvantages on the above list.

It is going to take many years to get an
accountable care organization to effectively function if at all. It will take
many years to have a fully functional EMR installed in every hospital system
and physician’s office. If something is not done to correct the business model
we will experience total collapse of the healthcare system.



Two things have to happen to change course. The
business model has to change to transfer power from the government to the


The healthcare system is good at curing
infectious disease and replacing kidneys, lungs, livers or hearts.

The big question is, “how does the healthcare
system prevent disease from occurring?”

The greatest expense is diseases that can be
prevented such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease. The root causes are not
preventable yet because they are genetic. The expression of the diseases and
its resultant and costly complications can be prevented.

Obesity causes the expression of these diseases.
The avoidance of obesity requires a drastic change in society’s food industry
and culture.

Americans have been programed over time to eat
more calories and do less activity. There is no quick fix for obesity. People
must eat less and be more active in order to lose weight.

The government has not devoted adequate
resources for education and innovation to change this culture.

Mayor Bloomberg had the right idea by
decreasing the size of the soda pop being sold in N.Y.C. but his approach is

He must use education and provide real incentives.
He is trying to legislate behavior. It has never worked in the past.

Americans’ attitude toward food must change by creating
hype for decreasing intake and increasing exercise tied to financial
incentives. Penalties do not work. Incentives and freedom to choose does work.

This is the main problem with President Obama’s
business plan for the healthcare system. He is imposing his will on the
consumers, hospital systems and physicians.

It will not work. It must stop now because it
is unsustainable for taxpayers.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The Healthcare System in Switzerland Works

Stanley Feld

Krugman is starting to drive me crazy with all his fact free declarations about
the healthcare system.

He recently declared that consumer driven healthcare has
been a bust everywhere it has been tried. Paul Krugman as an “expert” has once
again made a declaration that contradicts the facts. He is clearly not
interested in being confused by facts.

Paul Krugman is against putting consumers in
control of the healthcare system. He feels,
as President Obama feels, that a central committee (IPAB) should be in charge
of deciding what to do with limited health care resources. 

He has said,

 "Consumer-based" medicine has been a
bust everywhere it has been tried.
Medicare Advantage was supposed to save
money; it ended up costing substantially more than traditional Medicare.

Medicare Advantage costs the government more
money because the government gave the private insurance companies a $3,000 bonus
per senior to get Medicare out of the government’s hands.

This is one of the principle reasons I am not a fan of
Medicare Advantage.

In reality Medicare Advantage provides more
services at lower premiums and deductibles for seniors. Seniors with Medicare Advantage use
fewer services resulting in a lower cost of total services and more profit for the
healthcare insurance industry.

“America has the most "consumer-driven" health care
system in the advanced world. It also has by far the highest costs yet provides
a quality of care no better than far cheaper systems in other countries.”

Krugman is wrong.  Switzerland has the
most consumer driven healthcare system in the world and the Swiss government
pays far less than most countries while the Swiss get a high quality of care.

His ideology
blinds his mind. The healthcare system in Switzerland is a consumer driven
healthcare system that works for the Swiss. The Swiss government makes the
rules and then gets out of the way.

Swiss healthcare system can be used to start a constructive conversation about
healthcare reform in America that can satisfy both conservatives and liberals
and save the U.S. from bankruptcy resulting from expanding entitlements.

healthcare system in Switzerland is a consumer driven healthcare system in
which consumers have choice. It has resulted in a low income tax rate,
universal healthcare, and satisfied stakeholders

Swiss system could not be totally transformed into an American system because
of America’s embedded ideology and prejudices as well as stakeholder vested interests.
However it outlines the government’s role in a healthcare system and highlights
the power of a consumer driven system.

healthcare system must undergo significant changes. Most of these significant
changes have been ignored by President Obama in Obamacare. It empowers
government and not the consumer.

Paul Krugman has stated flatly, "Patients
are not consumers"

“Patients get illness that others (government) should decide on
whether it is cost effective to treat

attitude toward patients points out the disrespect for the intelligence and
judgment of consumers.

The elements
critical to meaningful reform of America’s healthcare system must include the
following changes.

There must be significant and meaningful Tort Reform to decrease the practice
of defensive medicine.

There must be significant reform of the healthcare insurance industry’s
financial rules to stop the industry from listing non-direct care expenses as
direct patient care.

There must be regulations to cause the healthcare industry to be competitive
for consumers’ business. Government should not be the consumer of healthcare.

There must be legislation to change the healthcare insurance industry’s incentives
for profitability in order to create innovative healthcare insurance products
that will reduce healthcare costs.

There must be significant financial incentives for consumers to be motivated to
save healthcare dollars.

Consumer must responsible for their health and healthcare dollars. The
entitlement mentality must be eliminated.

Hospital systems should be competing for patients’ healthcare dollars and not
government healthcare dollars.

Physicians must be responsible to consumers and not hospital systems or the

Insurance costs must be community rated.

healthcare system must be a consumer driven system just as purchasing
groceries, automobiles, computers and televisions are. If the product is poor
the company will go out of business.

America’s goals should be universal healthcare
coverage with freedom of choice, and reduction of healthcare costs.

It is worth understanding the Swiss healthcare
system as a starting point to meaningful reform of the American healthcare

These are the major features
of the Swiss Healthcare System:

1.Swiss citizens
buy insurance for themselves.

2.There are no
employer-sponsored or government-run insurance programs.

prices are transparent to the beneficiary and community rated.

4. The
government defines the minimum insurance benefit packages that must be offered.
 Everyone must have the minimum
healthcare insurance coverage.

5. All
packages require beneficiaries to pick up a portion of the costs of their care
(deductibles and coinsurance) in order to incentivize citizens to be
responsible for their health and the control of healthcare dollars spent.

6. My ideal
medical savings account would provide a positive incentive by rewarding
citizens who did not spend the first $6,000 dollar to keep that money in a
retirement account.

7. Patient
incentive is a critical element in healthcare reform because incentives provide
consumers with a reason to take care of their health and healthcare

8.The Swiss government
subsidizes health care for the poor on a graduated basis, with the goal of
preventing individuals from spending more than 10 percent of their income on healthcare

9. Citizens
can be responsible for a significant component of healthcare costs in Switzerland.

10. Consumers
often opt for the cheaper healthcare insurance packages. They have freedom of
choice.  Many Swiss consumers choice chose
minimal insurance plans combined with high-deductible insurance plans.

11. Citizens
are free to choose comprehensive insurance coverage or some form of
supplemental coverage. It is not a one size fits all system.

12. Ninety-nine
percent (99.5%) of Swiss citizens have health insurance.

13.There are
about 100 different private insurance companies in Switzerland with multiple
healthcare insurance plans.

14. It is clear
that the government has made the rules and then has gotten out of the way. The
rules have set up a market driven competitive healthcare system.

15. The result
has been that healthcare insurers are competing for consumers’ business on
price and service. Consumers gravitate to the best price and service that fits
their needs.

16. The Swiss
healthcare system not only helps to curb health care inflation but most
beneficiaries have complete freedom to choose their doctor.

17. The setup
of the system has resulted is low waiting times for physician and hospital
services with a minimum of bureaucratic slow downs. 

18. The Swiss healthcare
system aligns all the stakeholder incentives by empowering the consumer while
helping less fortunate consumers.

19. Government
spending on health care in Switzerland is only 2.7 percent of GDP, by far the
lowest in the developed world.

government spending on health care was 7.4 percent of GDP in 2008 and will
exponentially grow under Obamacare.

 “ If the U.S. could move its state health spending to Swiss
levels, it would save more than $700 billion a year.”

Dr. Regina Hertzlinger has an excellent description of the
Swiss healthcare system in the following You Tube.

healthcare system cannot be superimposed on the U.S. healthcare system. It can
be used as a starting point to empower consumers to drive the healthcare system
and be part of the solution. 

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Supreme Court and Healthcare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

This week the Supreme Court is going to rule on whether President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Act is constitutional or not.

The traditional media and blogosphere has spent many hours speculating on the Supreme Court’s decision.

The Supreme Court probably recognizes the many strange issues involved in the passage of Obamacare and the many tricks President Obama played in its passage. It also recognizes than only 32% of the population approves of the plan.

The Supreme Court has cleverly picked the two most important issues dealing with the constitutionality of President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Act. These two issues are intermingled with the multitude of issues that are wrong with the law.

There are two key issues.

One key issue is whether it is constitutional for the central government to mandate that Americans and American companies must purchase healthcare insurance from a private healthcare insurance company. If Americans do not purchase the healthcare insurance, can the federal government fine them?

The second key issue is whether it is constitutional for the federal government to force states to increase the number of people eligible for Medicaid or do the states have the right to determine who they can and should cover at their expense.

 The two core issues are freedom of individual choice and central government control over states rights. Does the federal government have the power under the constitution to limit these constitutional rights?

Once the constitutionality of these two issues are decided by the Supreme Court, Obamacare still has the healthcare system’s original dysfunctional problems.

Obamacare institutes none of the necessary rules or regulations to repair the healthcare system. It adds a patch onto a dysfunction healthcare system.

Effective repair of the healthcare system must be incentive driven with alignment of all of the stakeholders. The primary stakeholders are the patients and physicians.  It must not be a system that is punitive to stakeholders.

The healthcare system must not be an entitlement program. It can be a subsidized program that is consumer owned and driven. Consumers must have financial incentive to be responsible for their health and healthcare dollars.

Any system that promotes government dependency will fail.

The list of initiatives that could repair the healthcare system is large. Obamacare does not include any of them.  

Obamacare omits the need for patients’ responsibility, expands entitlements and promotes government dependency.

These are the initiatives that must be included in a healthcare system that will work:

  1. Eliminate defensive medicine by effective Tort Reform.
  2. Individual patients’ responsibility for their healthcare dollars using the Medical Saving Accounts.
  3. Individual patients must become responsible for their health.  Obesity and the avoidance and control of chronic diseases and complications are in large measure the patient’s responsibility. Financial incentives for effective health along with educational programs to avoid chronic diseases and the complications of chronic diseases should be available.
  4. Dis-intermediate the healthcare insurance industry’s ability to extract 40% of every healthcare dollar for both public and private healthcare insurance sectors: Medical Savings Accounts.
  5. Eliminate the vague regulations and confusing regulations restricting innovative direct medical care programs.
  6. Make all healthcare insurance programs, corporate, small business and individual programs, tax deductible. 
  7. Administrative waste is expanded in Obamacare. Over 250 new agencies have been created already.  
  8. Effective system to implement Electronic Medical Records. The present stimulus is inadequate and will not achieve its goal. It can be done much less expensively.
  9. The hospital reimbursement system must be revised.  The government should institute regulations that monitor transparent real costs of a service and transparent negotiated charges. This should be available to patients and physicians in order to make educated choices.
  10. The government should provide on-line information to patients and physicians about reimbursement for services and need for services based on evidence based medicine recommendations.
  11. The government should help patients save their own money by helping patients decide what are necessary diagnostic tests and treatment.
  12. It should be the patient’s decision and not the government’s decision on necessary treatment.  
  13. Patient should be a Pro-sumer ( Productive Consumer). Patients must learn to be responsible for their care and healthcare decisions.
  14. The central government should stop trying to control the healthcare system and forcing consumers to be dependent on government. This is the Road To Serfdom.  
  15. The government should streamline regulations, eliminate paperwork, and make the healthcare system interaction a pleasant one.
  16. The government should eliminate bureaucracy. The government must approach healthcare reform from the patients’ and physicians’ point of view.


 There are many more initiatives I could list that are needed to the repair of the healthcare system. All the initiatives are based on maintaining individual freedoms and promoting individual responsibilities. The initiatives are not based on forcing everyone to be dependent on government.

These are exactly the problems the Supreme Court is considering.

As a society we have been acculturated to accept an entitlement society and central government dependency.

We are also noticing that entitlement societies do not work as witnessed by European socialism.  

America is in a Catch 22 situation. If you want to be fiscally responsible you cannot live beyond your means. America cannot maintain the entitlements any longer because the central government cannot afford them.  

After a finite time a nation runs out of other peoples’ money.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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