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Healthcare Insurance Industry Moves Against Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The 3 R’s are not working out well for the government, the patients or the healthcare insurance companies.

The temporary reinsurance portion of the 3R’s is about to expire. It was meant to support the healthcare insurance industry as enrollment in Health Insurance Exchanges grew.

Patient enrollment figures in State and Federal Exchanges have not grown significantly in the last two years. Enrollment ii exchanges has been from high risk and elderly patients.

High risk and comprehensive coverage has meant decreasing profit for the healthcare industry.

The numbers the Obama administration publishes are confusing and mostly false. State exchanges are failing. The State Health Insurance Exchanges are causing (in states that have State Health Insurance Exchanges) greater budget deficits.

The reinsurance program is not covering the healthcare industry’s expected profit because of the redistribution of wealth component in the 3R’s.

The significance of the redistribution of profit and wealth component of the 3R’s was not fully appreciated by the healthcare insurance industry as was the reinsurance subsidy was.

The industry’s first step to combat this barrier to profit was to increase next year’s insurance premiums by 20-30 percent in both the private sector and the State and Federal Health Insurance Exchanges.

This has created inflationary pressure on the private sector and unaffordable healthcare in both the private and public sectors for consumers and companies that provide healthcare coverage to their employees.

Its effect is the opposite of what President Obama promised. He promised to make healthcare insurance coverage affordable to all.

It is also forcing corporations to switch their healthcare coverage plans from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans. The net effect is to increase employee out of pocket expenses.

We do not know how many more people have lost healthcare insurance because of Obamacare’s rules and regulations.

The public is also unaware of the exact number of people who have gained healthcare insurance through the Health Insurance Exchanges.

The real figures are not easily available.

The next step by the healthcare insurers is to merge.  A series of merger negotiations are occurring. In the last three weeks two merger negotiations have been completed.

Anthem Inc. agreed to buy Cigna Corp. for $48 billion, capping months of merger frenzy among top U.S. health insurers that is set to reshape the industry.

“The merged company is projected to have around $115 billion in annual revenue and cover about 53.2 million people.

The deal, which needs regulatory approval, would help reshape health insurance industry.”

Three weeks ago Aetna agreed to buy Humana for $34 billion. The two deals accelerated the rapid-fire reconfiguration of the U.S. health-insurance industries. The two deals would decrease the industry from five major companies to only three.

The traditional media has not discussed the reasons the healthcare insurance industry is merging or the details of the mergers.

I will try to connect the dots.

The healthcare insurance industry realizes that the Obama administration is trying to play one insurance company against another. The redistribution of profit from insurance companies that profit to those that make less profit must be irritating to the healthcare insurance industry.

Perhaps they did not appreciate the intricacies of the 3 Rs. Maybe there was a small window where the temporary reinsurance was profitable.

I would guess that the healthcare insurance industry would try to stop the redistribution of profit. These mergers will increase their individual profits.

The companies will be in a position to force the government to discontinue the redistribution of profit or lose a company that is an administrative service provider.

The losers will be taxpayers and non-subsidized insurance consumers. The increases in premiums to consumers that are subsidized will be passed on to taxpayers. Non-subsidized taxpayers will also be paying increased healthcare premiums.

This will create non-affordable insurance premiums for all as a result of the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare).

The healthcare system will collapse. The government will move in with a single party payer system and a bloated and wasteful government bureaucracy.

Remember Senator Kerry and Representative Barney Frank saying the ACA would not work without a Public Option? Remember President Obama saying we don’t need a Public Option?

President Obama is backing healthcare insurers into a Public Option corner and a single party payer system.

The government will be forced to limit access to care and ration care. Americans will not have freedom of choice.

The problem is the government will still have to hire one of the three healthcare insurance carriers for its administrative services instead of one of five major carriers. The price to the taxpayer will probably be high along with all of the government’s bureaucratic inefficiencies.

Remember the VA? The VA scandal is continuing without any apparent improvement in VA services or in reforming the dysfunctional VA system.

Congress is simply giving the VA more money to continue its dysfunctional ways.

The latest step in the healthcare insurance industry’s attempt to protect itself is the hiring of Marilyn Tavenner as CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) the lobbying group for the healthcare insurance industry.

Marilyn Tavenner is the former head and CEO of CMS overseeing Medicare, Medicaid and ACA (Obamacare) implementation.

Marilyn Tavenner oversaw the botched rollout of the federal insurance exchange and the ACA-mandated cuts in payment rates to Medicare Advantage in additional to a myriad of new Obamacare generated Medicare and Medicaid regulations.

Some of these regulations are unconstitutional according to lawmakers. However, the legislators have done nothing about these unconstitutional regulations.

They have not even attempted to make Americans aware of them.

Health Insurance Exchange plans and Medicare Advantage plans are two areas of tremendous profit and significant growth for private insurers. The Obama administration knows this and has tried to limit or eliminate this growth.  AHIP hopes Marilyn Travenner can help the industry continue this growth by pointing out the bureaucracy’s weaknesses to healthcare insurance company’s executives.

The healthcare industry (AHIP) hired her for her political connections inside the administration, inside the CMS bureaucracy and inside the congressional committees that regulate them,” said Tim LaPira, political science professor at James Madison University.”

 The mainstream media parroting the AHIP’s press release said, that the insurance industry has accepted Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) as the new business environment. AHIP wants a CMS insider to help during the next phase of its market development.

According to the AHIP press release, “her government experience will be invaluable to AHIP given how rapidly the public sector is dominating the financial, market and regulatory facets of health plans”

It is obvious to me that AHIP did not hired Ms. Travenner in order to understand the new business environment better for an instant.

I believe AHIP hired her as CEO for her connections in,

1.   CMS,

2. The Obama administration,

3. The administration’s bureaucracy.

4. Congress

Along with her impressions of CMS’s weaknesses.

Weaknesses the AHIP can exploit.

Neither the Obama administration nor AHIP are working for the benefit of the American consumer of healthcare.

This behavior must be stopped somehow.


The Defects In Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

We live in an era of sound bites driving opinions rather than details driving opinions. The devil is always in the details.

The defects in Obamacare are too numerous to count. President Obama provides the traditional mass media with sounds bites leading to false conclusions.

The sound bites are misleading. Many of the sound bites are lies. One such sound bite is Obamacare is working and therefore does not need changing.

He and the Democrats keep the discussion on the sound bites level and do not dig into the real issue. President Obama even keeps the details away from congress the very people he is dependent on to pass the bill.

President Obama kept the facts and details about Obamacare away from the congress and the people. He is now doing it with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional regulatory and investment pact. Just as with Obamacare, President Obama expects congress to vote in favor of a pact they have not debated and have not had an opportunity to read the details in the final bill.

It is another one of those bills where the administration is telling the congress and the American people you have to pass the bill in order to see what is in it.

Americans are tired of his lack of transparency and lies. They do not trust President Obama anymore.

Congress should never make the same mistake they made with Obamacare. If they do all Americans should rally to throw all the bums out.

The devil is always in the details.

United States Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) said,

   “Congress is being kept in the dark as to the substance of the TPP negotiations, while representatives of U.S. corporations—like Halliburton, Chevron, PHRMA, Comcast, and the Motion Picture Association of America—are being consulted and made privy to details of the agreement. […]

More than two months after receiving the proper security credentials, my staff is still barred from viewing the details of the proposals that USTR is advancing. We hear that the process by which TPP is being negotiated has been a model of transparency. I disagree with that statement.[98]

President Obama and the speaker have told us it is good pact for the country’s economy. Senator Cruz is right. “Don’t vote for something whose details you do not know.”

There are many defects in Obamacare. One major defect is that it is not affordable to consumers, the federal government or state governments. When fully implemented the cost of healthcare to the federal government will be at least 50% of our GNP not the 23% of GNP predicted. Twenty three percent is bad enough.

Federal and State taxes will have to be increased to cover all medical care entitlement costs.

President Obama keeps telling us that Obamacare is working. He says it is here to stay.

The reality is Obamacare is an unworkable and costly failure in multiple areas including the health insurance exchanges,, insurance premiums and deductible costs, the development of Accountable Care Organizations, maintenance of employer insurance and more.

Americans deserve a better system than Obamacare.

It is impossible to cover all of the harmful details of every category in one blog. 

It is disingenuous for President Obama to claim, in his repeated sound bites, that there is no need to change anything in Obamacare because Obamacare is working fine.

The real cost of Obamacare to consumers (especially taxpayers), the federal and state governments and the economy have not been disclosed nor are they transparent.

The real costs start to leak out with stories about how the costs affect consumers and their lifestyle.

This usually leads to the sound bites that it will be better to have a government single party payer system.

The underlying defect is that this system leads to consumers being dependent on government and not responsible for themselves. Government changes rules on a whim. Consumers do not have options. This is a road to serfdom.

After the Affordable Care Act kicked in, a 52-year-old sales and marketing entrepreneur reported his monthly health-insurance premium to cover himself and his family grew to $848 from $513. Like others, he wasn’t happy about it. “It’s taking a lot out of pocket,” he said.”

He is one of millions of Americans who earn too much to qualify for government subsidies on policies purchased through the federal insurance exchange. He was in favor of Obamacare before he realized Obamacare’s effect on reality.

 Obamacare requires insurance companies to offer insurance policies with broad coverage and greater protection against catastrophic medical costs. It also requires coverage on illnesses and conditions such as pregnancy and birth control coverage for people who do not need this coverage.

Obamacare was supposed to save every family $2,500 a year. It costs families more than $2,500 dollars a year. It was not supposed to affect anyone making less than $250,000 per year.

It is true that many of the above a not taxes. However it is a cost burden on consumers making less than $250,000 a year.

Others, making less than $50,000 a year, receive complete or partial government subsidies. This is what is meant by redistribution of wealth. It is a significant cost burden on consumers making $50,000 to $250,000 dollars a year.

Everyone remembers President Obama promising that Obamacare will not cost families making less that $250,000 one dime.

Obamacare premiums have become unaffordable to people earning less than $50,000 per year as well.

Obamacare’s goal was to cover everyone with broad insurance coverage and greater protection against catastrophic medical costs.

Yet, only 10 million out of 330 million are covered by the exchanges. Each enrollee in the exchanges also has high deductibles. These deductibles can be as high as $6,000 a year.

Many of the insurance companies claim they will be losing money after the government’s health insurance industry subsidies disappear in 2016.

These companies will leave the Obamacare federal health exchanges reducing competition. This in turn will increase premiums further and make premiums more unaffordable.

Another detail overlooked is enrollees are poorer, sicker and older. The pool is not diluted by younger, healthier and richer. The result is more expensive insurance rates.

“ HHS was saying that it needed about 40 percent of the exchange policies to be purchased by people age 18-35 to keep the exchanges financially stable. It was 28 percent in both 2014 and 2015, according to HHS data. The CBO had projected about 85 percent of exchange enrollees to be subsidized, falling toward 80 percent as enrollment grew; instead, that number is 87 percent and actually rose slightly from 2014.”

According to a study last year by the National Bureau of Economic Research, people who bought silver and bronze plans on the federal and state health insurance exchanges saw total premiums and out-of-pocket payments rise an estimated 14% to 28% higher than pre- Obamacare premiums and out of pocket expenses.

Obamacare is not fulfilling any of President Obama’s sound-bite promises.

His claim that Obamacare is working well and does not have to change makes absolutely no sense.

If one tells a lie enough times it becomes eventually becomes the truth.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The Republican Alternative to Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D. FACP MACE

House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton along with Senate Finance Chairman Orin Hatch and Senator Richard Burr have outlined what is, at least for now, the Republican alternative to Obamacare.

The Obama administration insists that the Republicans do not have a viable alternative. I doubt that anyone in the administration has read the alternatives.

President Obama’s tactic is to marginalize any opposition even if he has not reviewed it.  

The Republicans have some good ideas. However, they do not address the basic problems in our healthcare system.

The implementation of their ideas will not repair our healthcare system.

 “Republicans have now really muddied the waters with a huge take it or leave it alternative that will have plenty of its own reasons to give voters pause.”

Obamacare has so many parts. Most of Obamacare’s parts could have been predicted to fail. It is clear that congress did not understand this destiny before passage.

Obamacare was destined to fail from the start. It is on the way toward failure today. It will also destroy the entire healthcare system.

The Republican alternative is called, "The Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility, and Empowerment Act." 

It's key provisions include:

A Full Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare

Eliminate Individual Mandate to Buy Health Insurance or an Employer Mandate to Offer Coverage

Consumer Protections – Republicans want to retain the popular consumer protections in Obamacare including no lifetime limits, coverage for children to age 26 on their parent's plan, and guaranteed renewability of coverage.

However, they propose to decrease the costs of healthcare insurance for younger consumers but want to increase the cost of healthcare insurance for older buyers.

The Republicans would create a new set of losers (older buyers) while increasing the incentive for younger people to buy insurance.

Republicans should be providing financial incentives for consumers to be responsible for their health and their own healthcare dollars. Consumers with chronic diseases should also be responsible for the control of their chronic disease.

 A Return to Pre-Existing Condition Limits.  This is a ridiculous provision. It guarantees the biggest villain in the healthcare system (the healthcare insurance industry) its control of premiums and profitability.

Default Enrollments – Republicans would allow states to create a default enrollment system for those eligible for tax credits as a means to reduce the number who would otherwise remain uninsured.

A complex agency would be needed to administer a complicated process.

High Risk Pools for the Uninsured – High-risk insurance pools did not work previously because of healthcare insurance companys’ control of the premiums for the sickest people and their high risk of disease.

 Affordable Insurance Policies – This is also a pipe dream. America’s population is becoming more obese. Obesity generates more illness and higher risk. As long as the healthcare insurance industry is calculating and is in control of the actuary risk, healthcare insurance will not be affordable. The problem is how the insurance industry is allowed to do its accounting.  

The Republicans are proposing the elimination of benefit mandates and downsizing guaranteed insurability with their "continuous coverage" provision.  

This proposal is ridiculous. As long as consumers are not responsible for their health and their healthcare dollars and the healthcare insurance industry controls  price,  the healthcare system will be increasingly more expensive and dysfunctional.

Tax Credits to Buy Coverage – Tax credits are an unearned entitlement. Unearned entitlements do not work. Tax credits would be available for those in the individual health insurance market, those working for businesses with fewer than 100 employees, and those working for larger employers that do not offer coverage.

Tax Credits Only Up to 300% of Poverty – A system of tax credits leads to an agency that must be connected to another government agency, which leads to a larger government bureaucracy. In turn the bureaucracy leads to fraud and abuse

Flat Amount Tax Credits By Age – The goal of this proposal is to eliminate federal and state exchanges. Obamacare’s state and federal exchanges have not worked no matter how the administration spins the truth.

It would be easy to just give everyone a tax credit by age. A new bureaucracy would not be needed.

However, control of price and actuarial risk is still determined by the healthcare insurance industry. Consumers are not empowered. The healthcare insurance industry is empowered. Only at the time consumers are stimulated to control their health and healthcare dollars will the system work. Tax credits and price controls do not work.
 No Limits on the Kind of Insurance Policies That Could Be Offered – This is not a bad idea.

Capping the Tax Exclusion on Employer-Provided Health Insurance – The entire tax benefit for the employer and the individual should be equalized. Benefits should not be exclusive. Healthcare insurance premiums should be paid for with pre-tax dollars by all. The individual market should not pay for premiums with after tax dollars and the group market pay for premiums with pre-tax dollars. The present system is a hidden tax on consumers buying insurance in the individual market.
Moving Toward Defined Contribution Health Insurance – This is a stab in the dark by Republicans. It would penalize consumers and it would benefit employers. Employer want to avoid providing the same level of healthcare coverage for all their employees
Medical Malpractice Reform – This is a sensible reform. It is estimated that is would lower healthcare cost between $300 and $750 billion dollars a year if all costs were included.

If malpractice reform took the right form to protect consumers and physicians, the abuse in the malpractice system by lawyers and the insurance industry would be eliminated.

Both the Democrats and the Republican have protected the lawyers and the insurance industry in the past. Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior.    

Repealing the Medicaid Expansion – Medicaid should be eliminated and replaced by an all-inclusive healthcare system.

The poor should have the same insurance coverage as the rest of society. The immediate response is the nation couldn’t afford it. Yet President Obama is expanding Medicaid as access to care is being restricted. Therefore formulas that try to control costs fail because the development of severe illness is more expensive than consumers of healthcare learning how to control their disease. A consumer having healthcare insurance coverage does not make those consumers well.  

 Empower Poorer Consumers by Giving Them Mainstream Health Plans

Republicans do not offer a plan of action within this category. It sounds good but feels as if it is an empty promise. Actually it is an important factor in repairing the healthcare system. I will explain in the next blog.

The solution to the healthcare system’s dysfunction must be a simple solution.

The Republican solutions are almost as complex as Obamacare. It does not decrease governmental bureaucracy nor does it avoid the potential for fraud and abuse.

The Republican solutions promote continued control over consumers and their freedoms.

The Republican solutions do not get to the main problem in the healthcare system.

The healthcare system must be set up so consumers are motivated to have incentive to be responsible for their own health and healthcare dollars.

The alternative to Obamacare should exclude the government from making consumers dependent on the government. 

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Nobody Seems To Care About The Increases In Obamacare Taxes

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

There are at least two ways to balance the budget. Increase taxes or decrease spending.

If you increase spending without increasing taxes, you increase the budget deficit. If taxes are increased enough the budget deficit might be reduced.  

It was the Obama administration’s hope that if taxes were raised slowly, Americans would not notice the increases.

This is exactly what President Obama and the tax and spend Democrats are doing.

A frustrated reader writes about the slow rise but unrelenting rise in taxes.

“Here is a message from my buddy Brad.

As Jim Naybors/Gomer Pyle used to say – "surprise surprise."

Here is what happened on January 1, 2015:

Top Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%

Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%

Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%

Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%

Dividends tax went from15% to 39.6%

Estate tax went from 0%to 55%

Remember this fact:

These taxes were all passed only with Democrat votes, no Republicans 
voted for these taxes.

These taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, aka 

The problem is taxes are at the tipping point. The rich and the middle class are now noticing the yearly tax increases. They are starting to shout, “no new taxes. Where is the value of these new taxes?”

A problem in America is an increasingly large  group of people who pay no taxes. These people have no choice but to accept government handouts to survive.

It has been reported that government handouts are equivalent to about a $50,000 a year post tax income. The entitlements blunt incentives to take the initiative and find work in order to be productive citizens.

Working people are experiencing the increased tax burden and are unhappy.

I have written a few articles listing Obamacare increases in taxes. President Obama has steadily increased taxes each year for the last six years.

The most irritating thing about the increased taxes is Americans are not getting value for their money.  All they are getting is lies and failed programs.

Administrator Marilyn Tavenner is resigning her post overseeing Obamacare just months after she admitted that the Obama White House’s highly publicized 8 million Obamacare enrollment figure was inflated by at least 1.3 million.

There is always a fall guy. It is never President Obama or his policies that are at fault. There is never full disclosure or transparency about these failed programs.

A vivid example of the lack of transparency is a recent disclosure by the budget committee about the Obama administration’s using unauthorized funds to pay for Obamacare cost overruns. Congress is supposed to authorize the use of funds according to the constitution.

Obamacare was having trouble getting insurance companies to participate in Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. President Obama activated the government guarantee reinsurance program to subsidize the insurance industry. The goal was to induce the healthcare insurance industry to participate in the health insurance exchanges. The Obamacare reinsurance program guarantees the insurance industry that it cannot loss money in providing insurance through the health insurance exchanges.

 The Treasury Department has rebuffed a request by House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan to explain $3 billion in payments that were made to health insurers even though Congress never authorized the spending through annual appropriations.

At issue are payments to insurers known as cost-sharing subsidies. These payments come about because President Obama’s healthcare law forces insurers to limit out-of-pocket costs for certain low income individuals by capping consumer expenses, such as deductibles and co-payments, in insurance policies. In exchange for capping these charges, insurers are supposed to receive compensation.

What’s tricky is that Congress never authorized any money to make such payments to insurers in its annual appropriations, but the Department of Health and Human Services, with the cooperation of the U.S. Treasury, made them anyway.

There are several other incidences of money shifting without congressional appropriation.

President Obama continually forgets that the constitution provides for three independent branches of government. They were formed in order to maintain checks and balance so one branch does not become all powerful.

The apparent disregard for the constitution is ubiquitous in the Obama administration.

If anyone is bothered by these actions by the Obama administration, please write to your representatives in congress.

If you think it is important that everyone in the U.S. should 
know these things, feel free to pass this on.

If there is value to the healthcare system with Obamacare, a debate about the need for increased funds is appropriate.

Most Americans do not like Obamacare. Most physicians do not like Obamacare. America’s budget cannot stand Obamacare.

President Obama loves Obamacare. Isn’t President Obama supposed to represent the will of the people?

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Where Are Your Actionable Points To Replace Obamacare?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 Some have criticized me for always criticizing Obamacare. There is plenty to criticize. President Obama has asked if anyone has a better idea than Obamacare please let him know.

The question asked by some readers is where are your actionable points to repair the healthcare system.

My answer is, “you have not been reading my blog.”

Democrats and President Obama have not read my blog.

The Republicans have been searching for an alternative plan. President Obama has mocked them for not having an alternative than Obamacare.

Republican leaders have not read my blog either. If they had and really thought about my plan they would conclude it could work.

 My plan aligns all the stakeholders’ incentives while reducing the cost of healthcare coverage to consumers. It also decreases secondary stakeholders’ costs and increases their profits. It is very democratic. It would provide universal care without government interference.

These actionable points have been clearly described in many of my blog posts. It is a “consumer driven healthcare plan.” The real customers in the healthcare system are consumers, not physicians, insurance companies, hospitals or the government.

Below are some of the links that provide actionable points to Repair The Healthcare System.

The first link is an overview using a slide presentation. It outlines the business model for 2020.  The details of each specific point can be found in the links in the slide presentation or in the websites search engine.

Obamacare ignores many of the key points. Obamacare will fail because of the absence of these key points. Simple things must be done for an alternative to Obamacare to succeed.

The second link is My Ideal Medical Savings Account is Democratic. My ideal Medical Savings Account can cover and motivate every socioeconomic group. It provides incentives for all consumers to remain healthy and take care of their chronic disease. It promotes consumer responsibility.

Consumer self-responsibility is an essential element in the Repair of the Healthcare System.

My Medical Savings Account is different that a Health Savings Account.

Self-management of chronic diseases is a vital element necessary in a law that attempts to Repair the Healthcare System. It requires education and incorporation of all the spokes of the wheel in the link above to the slide presentation.

President Obama has done some pilot studies using the wrong groups (political groups) to study the self-management hypothesis.

They have all failed because the administration picked the wrong groups to do the pilots.

Systems of care must be developed to teach patients to self-manage their chronic disease to decrease the complication rate of those diseases.

Eighty percent of the healthcare dollars are spent on treating the complications of chronic diseases. Twenty percent of patients have a chronic disease that is not well controlled and will lead to complications eventually. This can be solved with a properly executed Systems of Care by physicians using information technology as an extension of their care patient.

Obamacare does not seriously consider any of these vital corrections necessary to create an affordable healthcare system. The hospitals and/or physicians cannot be responsible for consumers’ behavior to avoid the complications of chronic diseases. Accountable Care Organizations are based on the fact that the hospitals and physicians are responsible for better outcomes.

 Hospitals and physicians have to have the infrastructure to teach patients to become “professors of their diseases.”

Another simple action point is to provide equal tax deductibility for the individual insurance market and group insurance market.

At the moment employers providing insurance to employees can deduct premiums from revenue. An individual buying insurance for himself and his family does not get the same tax deduction. This discrepancy can easily be cured by providing the individual market with the same tax deduction as the group market.

The above links to blogs I have written are just some of the important actionable points necessary to Repair the Healthcare System.

Please study these action points in the links and try to understand how vital they are to maintaining a viable healthcare system.

Obamacare’s complicated rules and regulations have only driven the healthcare system to further dysfunction and increased costs while only having less than 10 million people really signed up after 2 years of enrollment and 6 years of increased taxes.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare’s Solyndras

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

Peter Orszag was previously President Obama’s director of Office of Management and Budget. He was wrong about Obamacare’s economic impact, improvements in the healthcare system and efficiency in 2009.  He is wrong about it in 2015 in his critique of Steven Brill’s book “A Bitter Pill”.

The problem is Peter Orzag still believes in the Obama administration’s fiction. He quotes the Obama administration’s spin of the results as proof of Obamacare’s success. There is little valid data to back up the spin.

Obamacare has had its share of Solyndras. Solyndra was destined to fail. It had a lot of built in organizational waste.

I fear the few Obamacare experiments that we are aware of that have failed are only the tip of the Obamacare failure iceberg. There will be many more debacles that the Obama administration is probably hiding. 


Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS, was designed to provide cash benefits for those patients needing long-term services and support. CLASS was a part of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act). Many Republican and moderate Democrats objected to CLASS and considered it fiscally unsustainable. It would only waste money.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman at the time Kent Conrad D-N.D. called CLASS “a Ponzi scheme of the first order”. In any event the $68 billion dollar program was rammed through as part of Obamacare.  

Two years later the Department of Health and Human Services determined CLASS could not be implemented in a fiscally solvent manner, and in January 2013 Congress repealed CLASS.

In 2015 the American public still does not know how much of the $68 million dollars was wasted.

Just how much did cost?

 The American public will never know. We will never know what we should have paid for the website or what we finally paid.

In October 2013 as soon as it was apparent that was a train wreck the Obama administration denied all the published prices contracted for building the website.

Prices to build the website varied from $91 million dollars to $634 million dollars to over 1 trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000.00).

Americans did not know what the website should have cost. They never found out what the cost was to rebuild the website after the initial disaster.

It was never clear whether the contract to CGI was won by competitive bid. The Obama administration never answered the question of Michelle Obama’s influence in choosing CGI.

The history is clear. CGI has failed to deliver for other projects they have done in other parts of the world.

What is the truth? Why would the Obama administration pick this company? What can we do about this waste of taxpayers’ money?

I guess Americans can remain passive and pay more taxes.

Americans have given up on the truth about the

 debacle. The attitude of many is that it is what it is. We must go on.

All Americans are hearing or want to hear is the current website is easy to use and is working well.The important question is, Is it?

It is easy to understand why Jonathan Gruber would say Americans are stupid and the lack of transparency is a powerful tool. The implication of that statement indicates an Obama administration attitude. It is the reason the administration says they hardly knew the guy.

CoOportunity Health falters, taken over by state

This Obamacare debacle almost got away from recognition by the American public.

 CoOportunity Health is a fledgling Iowa health insurance cooperative set up under  Obamacare with Obamacare money.  It is going bankrupt.

CoOportunity Health was set up by the Obama administration. The Obama administration granted the company $146 million dollars in funding from Obamacare funds. The idea was to provide consumers and small businesses alternative insurance in healthcare markets with limited insurance choices. It could also be thought of as a disguised “Public Option”.

The healthcare insurance industry had refused to participate in the federal and state insurance exchanges in many states. The healthcare insurance companies thought the risk was too great. They would lose money.

Just before this year’s open enrollment period President Obama activated the reinsurance provisions in Obamacare guaranteeing insurance companies that they can only make money and not lose money on providing insurance through the government health insurance exchanges.

The Healthcare insurance companies are falling all over themselves to provide healthcare insurance in high risk states now.

 Where else can you sell insurance to more people at no risk?

“As of December 12,2013 Cooportunity has only $17 million of the $146 million dollars left.  CoOportunity has been taken over by state regulators and could soon go under, officials said Wednesday.

The Obama administration knows they can now throw government funded insurance companies like CoOportunity under the bus because they have guaranteed backup companies from the healthcare industry that want to sell no risk insurance.

 The CoOportunity hasn't reached insolvency yet but it doesn’t have  enough money on hand to continue to run the company.  It will leave 96,350 consumers uninsured with unresolved claims healthcare insurance claims. These consumers will also lose their un-used premiums.

The 96,350 should be able to get insurance through the federal health insurance exchange in their state.

The federal government as banker has simply cut CoOportunity’s credit and took a $146 million dollar loss.

I wonder how many other Obamacare funded insurance companies are out there?

I wonder how many other Solyndra like experiments Obamacare has. I can think of at least 4 or 5.

I wonder how much money Obamacare is losing on experiments and bureaucratic waste?

It is making medical care more expensive for taxpayers and for patients with increased out of pocket expenses.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Notice The Enrollment Spin

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The disinformation coming from the Obama administration is unrelenting.

CMS has released Obamacare’s open enrollment numbers through 12/15/14.

 On December 15,2014 all of last years enrollees who did not change their health plan or did not discontinued their plan were automatically re-enrolled for 2015.


Confirmed 2015 QHPs: 3,039,524 as of 12/15/14”

“Estimated 2015 QHPs (Cumulative):

11/21: 610K (462K HCgov) • 11/28: 1.02M (765K HCgov) • 12/05: 1.80M (1.35M HCgov) Thru 12/15: 4.70M (3.52M HCgov

Enrollment by state can be studied in the following link.

The Obama Administration bragged with the following statement.

The number of people enrolling or re-enrolling last week was considerably higher than in previous weeks. Week one saw 500,000 enrollees, week two had 300,000 and week three saw 600,000 sign up through

Week four saw 850,000 people enrolling or re-enrolling.

The cumulative estimate of people needed to sign up was 4.7 million through 12/15/14. The sign up number included people who were automatically re- enrolled with the same insurance policy they bought last year. This year’s premiums and deductibles will be higher that last year’s premiums in most cases.

The Obama administration picked up 1 million enrollees for the week as a result of the automatic re-enrollment. These enrollees have been warned that they will be paying a higher premium than if they searched for a different plan by a different insurance carrier.

Only 3.4 million sign ups were confirmed to receive healthcare coverage by January 1,2015.

This is only seventy percent (70%) of the expected enrollment through 12/15/14. The enrollment had been extended previously to February 15, 2015.

CMS told us that last year 8 million were enrolled. The number was modified to 7.2 million and then changed to 6.7 million as 400,000 were not enrolled in healthcare but bought dental care insurance.

We were never told that 65% of the enrollees received federal subsidies in the traditional media. How many of those people who received subsidies subsequently lost their subsidy because the IRS could not confirm their reported income?

The next critical question is how many of the people who lost their subsidy dropped their insurance because they could not afford the premiums and deductibles.

How many people that enrolled have preexisting illnesses? How many of the people who enrolled can pay the high deductibles and copays?

How many people in the individual market can afford to pay the insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars?

Whatever the premium is in the individual market the enrollee has to have twice as much disposable income to pay the premium because the premium is not tax deductible.

Healthcare insurance premiums are tax deductible to employers in the employer group markets.

How many taxpayers know that the Obama administration is subsidizing the healthcare insurance industry so the industry cannot loss money if the healthcare insurance is bought through Obamacare?

The original goal for enrollment for 2015 was 13.5 million. It was lowered to 12 million and now 9 million by the time the enrollment started. If 6.7 million were originally enrolled the increase in new enrollment will only be 2.3 million.

What happened to all the millions of people who lost insurance through their employer because they were shifted to part-time work?

It seems that Obamacare is unattractive or unaffordable to those who need it most. If taxpayers knew the waste in Obamacare’s administration and guarantees to the healthcare industry, taxpayers would not be very happy.

It goes back to Jonathan Gruber’s statement that the people are stupid and the lack of transparency is very powerful political tool.

Meanwhile, the enrollment rate is low but the Obama administration is feeding the traditional media the spin that enrollment is surging. This game is not going to promote Obamacare’s credibility.

More than a million people signed up for health insurance plans in the past week, bringing the overall total of signups for the first four weeks of the current open-enrollment period to nearly 2.5 million, the CMS announced Tuesday.

Dec. 15 was the deadline to enroll for coverage to go into effect Jan. 1.” 

“More than half of the people who enrolled between Dec. 6-12 were renewing their coverage.

Many of the State Health Exchanges are already extending the deadline for coverage to begin January 1,2015, California, Maryland and Minnesota, Idaho, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and Washington already have extended their deadlines for signing up.

If enrollment was going as well as the Obama administration claims, there would not be so many 2 week extensions.

 “Our community wants to do everything we can to make sure consumers have greater peace of mind about their healthcare coverage and to support them throughout the open-enrollment process,” Karen Ignagni, CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans, said in a statement Monday.ė

Why wouldn’t the healthcare insurance companies want more enrollees? They are selling insurance policies for the Obamacare at no financial risk.
Federal plans are underway for a special outreach campaign to the roughly 250,000 individuals whose existing plans are no longer being offered on the federal exchange for 2015. HHS plans to point these people in the direction of a plan that is substantially similar to the ones they've lost but they won't be auto-enrolled.”

The Obamacare’s enrollment period is desperate for more enrollees

HHS is rolling out online partnerships with three online firms to further promote during the current open-enrollment period,which ends Feb. 15.
The partnerships are with,, and Higi, a provider of interactive health stations tracking weight, BMI and other vital signs to supermarkets such as Kroger and Meijer. The company will post messages informing users of the open-enrollment period. 

The partnerships are innovative but have a low probability of success.

President Obama and his administration continue its information  spin. The real truth is the Obama administration is not transparent at all. It takes hard work to figure out what is the truth.

The public is beginning to figure out that they are not getting the truth.  Consumers are directly affected by the manipulation of the truth personally. Consumers are not showing up to participate.

Presently, Obamacare is only covering consumers in the individual marketplace.

Just wait until Obamacare affects the small group and large group employers that are going to have to pay a penalty for providing  unqualified Obamacare healthcare coverage. 

One outstanding example is the worthless Mini-med plans of McDonald and Burger King that President Obama gave a waiver to until 2017.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deceptions Keep Coming

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama and CMS have been extremely quiet about Health Insurance Exchange enrollment since enrollment opened November 15,2014

President Obama reported that on  opening day the health insurance marketplace performed much better than last year. However, some consumers reported long, frustrating delays trying to buy insurance and gain access to their own accounts at

Consumers there were having a hard time logging into their accounts, retrieving old passwords and proving they were who they said they were — a process known as identity proofing, which also vexed many people last fall.

Some people did complete their applications, but it often took them 90 minutes. Some people were unable to finish what they started, so they left the clinic with plans to return at another time.

The insurance exchanges are supposed to be the centerpiece of Obamacare.

 Ms.Sylvia Burwell, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services said, “23,000 people had completed online applications in the first eight hours after, the federal website, opened on Saturday morning.”

Twenty three thousand is a low number for a 45-day enrollment period with four days each at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is only 1,035,000 enrollees (45 x 23,000). We do not know if they are new or old enrollees. 

Ms. Sylvia Burwell has given us signals previously that all is not well with Obamacare.

The estimate of total enrollees (old and new) for the end of the 2015 enrollment period was lowered from 13 million to 9 million. If 8 million were enrolled in 2014 this is only an increase of 1 million new enrollees.

There were clearly not 8 million valid enrollees when President Obama did his victory lap at the end of the extended enrollment period on March 31,2014.


It was later announced that 85% of enrollees were to receive subsidies (tax credit). The tax credits were to make the insurance premiums affordable to enrollees earning less than $50,000 a year.

It turned out that 65% of those approved for subsidies originally had the subsidy reduced when they could not verify their claimed income.

The American taxpayers, who are responsible for the subsidy (tax credit), were never told how the government was going to collect the government over payment. Taxpayers were never told the amount of  payment due from people who received the invalid subsidies.

 How many of those over subsidized people dropped out of Obamacare because they could not afford the premium or the deductible.

How many enrollees remained from the 8 million claimed to have enrolled?

 Somehow the published number of enrollees dropped to 7.3 million. Did the decrease from 8 million to 7.3 million include the over subsidized dropouts?  

I should think an inspector general or someone in congress would start connecting the dots.

I would think the CBO would recalculate their estimates.

I should think someone in the press would sense there was something fishy and start investigating.


Last week it was discovered that 400,000 people were counted in the total enrollment number that did not buy healthcare insurance. The 400,000 enrolled for low cost dental insurance.

 This new revelation lowered the total number of claimed enrollees to 6.9 million from the 7.3 million claimed enrollees.

Kathleen Sibelius declared over a year ago that Obamacare would have to have over seven million enrollees to be viable and declared successful.

In a previous blog my estimate of valid enrollees for 2014 was 3 million. I have also pointed out that the healthcare insurance industry is not worried about the number of enrollees because if they lose money the government would bale them out and subsidized the difference.

The loser is the taxpayer. We have been paying a tax increase of more than 10% for Obamacare since 2010.

The public has not yet seen any numbers proving Obamacare’ s viability or it’s bending of the cost curve.

 We have seen patients complaining that they cannot afford the 6-10 thousand dollar deductibles of the health insurance policies. People have realized that they are not covered by insurance until they reach their deductibles. People have been hesitant to get necessary medical care in order to avoid paying the deductibles.

The Obama administration claims to have reduced healthcare costs. The administration does not count the patient’s deductible costs (out of pocket costs) in their bogus calculation of costs to the healthcare system.

The avoidance of follow-up care by patients with pre-existing illnesses (chronic diseases) is only going to lead to complications of those chronic disease and higher societal healthcare costs.

Lowering the goal for the number of enrollees to 9 million if only there are only 3 million valid enrollees that stayed in the system is going to be a very difficult task.

The changing of the date to begin open enrollment from October 1 to November 15 for political reasons is not going to help achieve the goal.

President Obama will probably extend the enrollment period from December 15,2014.

The Obama administration already announced the 2016 open enrollment period. It starts October 1 2015 and ends December 15, 2015.

There is a great website that calculates the estimated weekly enrollment and actual enrollment. Enrollment is not going very well. President Obama and his administration are very quiet about the enrollment. The mainstream traditional media is also ignoring enrollment.    


The website is,

As of 11/21/2014 the website reports confirmed enrollees for 2015 QHPs: at least 39,215 have enrolled as of 11/21/14 as opposed to the government estimated enrollees for 2015 QHPs of at least 410,000 as of 11/21/14.

No one is paying attention to the website. The Obama administration is not providing the information necessary for consumers to judge how well Obamacare enrollment is doing.

Ms. Burwell said,

Ms. Burwell said that attention should be on all of the people who now have health insurance, rather than the miscalculation.

While we understand some will be skeptical, our clarity that this is mistake and the fact that we have quickly corrected the numbers should give people confidence,” she said. “It is important to continue to focus on the fact that millions of Americans are getting affordable health care.”

The Obama administration persists in trying to distract the American public.

I think the Obama administration continues to believe, as Jonathan Gruber believes, that Americans are too stupid to understand what the administration is doing.

The administration wants to prove that the free market and private insurance cannot provide healthcare coverage for all that only total government control of the healthcare system can work.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deception Continues

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Open Enrollment for Obamacare started November 15th rather than October 1st. Open Enrollment for Health Insurance Exchanges was originally going start October 1,2014 to run until December 15,2014 for enrollees to have insurance on January 1,2015.

It think the open enrollment dates were delayed to prevent negative publicity for Democrats in the midterm elections. The date to close open enrollment has been moved to March 15th or March 31st2015 instead of December 31,2014.

President Obama is changing dates at will without congressional approval. It is creating confusion. Americans are giving up on following changes in the law.

President Obama probably believes, as Jonathon Gruber, that the American public is too stupid to follow all of his maneuvers.

It is impossible to know when open enrollment ends by following the mainstream media. I think it will end when the Obama administration has something to brag about despite what the law demands.

Early in 2014 it became clear to health insurance consultants that the healthcare insurance industry would raise Obamacare 2015 premiums by double digits (15-30%). The demographic of 2014 enrollees was actuarially unsound according to the healthcare insurance industry.

The Obama administration expressed fear that the healthcare insurance industry would not participate in the health insurance exchanges because they were destined to loss money.

The Obama administration is presently boasting that the average premiums are going to rise only slightly in 2015.  

Healthcare insurance companies are flocking to sell insurance in more markets rather than quitting the health insurance exchanges.

The Obama administration claims that Obamacare has created a competitive atmosphere for the healthcare insurance industry.

You bet it has. It has done the by creating subsidies for the healthcare insurance industry so it takes on no risk along with increased profit. This is the reason all the companies are fighting to get into the health insurance exchange market.

President Obama has offered to bail out the healthcare insurance companies if they do not make an adequate profit in the health insurance exchange.

The mainstream traditional media has not reported that Obamacare provided insurance company subsidies, nor have the subsidies been connected to the dampening of extreme increases predicted for premiums in 2015.

However, the decreases that are being reported by the Obama administration are deceptive.

Below is a CMS provided map of states and counties with either increases or decreases in premiums.


Prices as a jpeg 1

In about a fifth of the counties in states using the federal insurance exchange, premiums for the lowest-priced silver plans will increase by 10 percent or more. But rates for the same plans will decrease in all of Maine, Montana and New Hampshire, and most parts of Mississippi and South Dakota. NOV. 14, 2014

Largest decrease: -28.0%

Greatest increase: +29.5%

Minneapolis, Honolulu, Seattle, Phoenix, San Diego, St. Louis,  New Orleans , Dallas, Boston, Tampa, Philadelphia Detroit, Anchorage, San Francisco, Denver, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. New York all are experiencing increases in premiums.

 Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

A PricewaterhouseCoopers report on all individual market premiums — on and off Obamacare exchanges — found a large range of rate changes, from a drastic 35 percent hike in Colorado to a 22 percent cut, also in Colorado (the state’s Obamacare exchange changed the geographic rating areas this year to cut costs for ski resort towns). Overall, the average rate hike nationwide is 5.6 percent, according to PWC.

The published map belies the Obama administration’s claim that premiums have been, on the average, lowered. It does not take into account population density in counties where premiums are lowered or raised.

Eight states are facing double-digit premium hikes in 2015 while just four states have reported decreases according to the Daily Caller.

 The premiums in some states could be lowered. However, the high deductibles included in these health insurance plans have not been lowered. The high deductibles are out of pocket expenses. The high deductibles continue to be unaffordable to many even thought these enrollees might receive sizable “tax credits? subsidies?” to help them pay for the premiums.

In January 2014, I described the subsidies provided by the Obama administration to the healthcare insurance industry. The Obama administration guaranteed a profit for participating in the health insurance exchange at no risk through the Reinsurance program and the Risk Corridor program that is buried in Obamacare.

(Nancy Pelosi: “We will not know what is in the bill until we pass the bill.”)

 “This was one of President Obama’s deceptions.

It is similar to the deception “If you like your insurance you can keep it. If you like you doctor you can keep him/her.”

Last week we learned that the insurance company bailout was built into the original bill passed in 2010. The President knew about this bailout before Obamacare was passed.

Did the congressional members who passed the bill know about the built in bailout?

If they did they should all be voted out of office. If the Democrats needed to pass Obamacare did not know about the bailout they should have and they should all be voted out.

It should be recalled that this was a Democrat controlled House and Senate. There was not a single Republican vote included in the passage of Obamacare.

The American people did not know about the built in bailout at taxpayers’ expense.

Obamacare contains a "Reinsurance Program that caps big claim costs for insurers (individual plans only)." Robert Laszewski, a prominent consultant to health insurance companies, writes that in 2014, 80% of individual costs between $45,000 and $250,000 are paid by the government [read: by taxpayers], for example." 

Private insurance plans bought through the health insurance exchanges are not private health insurance plans. They are plans that are subsidized by the government if the insurance bill goes over $45,000.

Who pays this government subsidy?

The taxpayers, by having their taxes increased.

 Who makes the profit from this subsidy?

 The healthcare insurance industry makes the profit because the insurance policies have been priced at high risk (Increased deductibles, and increased premiums for consumers not eligible for government subsidies).

 "The reinsurance program has done and will continue to do what it was intended to do; help attract and keep more carriers in Obamacare than might have otherwise come."  Thus, Obamacare is being aided by having taxpayers subsidize big insurance companies' business expenses.”

Obamacare also provides the healthcare industry a greater subsidy. It is called the “Risk Corridor Program”. The “Risk Corridor Program” limits the overall losses of the healthcare insurance industry to 2.4%.

This is the way the “Risk Corridor Program” works. The healthcare insurance company submits its expected costs to the government for a particular year.

If the expected costs of the insurance exceed 102%, the government will pay the healthcare insurance company 80% of the difference above 102% at taxpayers’ expense.

 “Taxpayers' are unwitting generosity toward these "participating health plans" (plans sold through Obamacare's government-run exchanges):

 "If the health plan has costs at 110% of the medical cost target [the costs that the insurer expects to accrue], it will be responsible for only 102.4% of the target (a 2.4% shortfall)-only about a quarter of its losses.”

There is little risk to the healthcare insurance company for being involved in the healthcare insurance exchanges.

The key point is President Obama had this written into Obamacare without telling taxpayers about it. I wonder if the CBO knew about it and calculated it into the original cost estimates of Obamacare.

“In this way, and so many others, Obamacare takes a major step toward the government monopoly over American medicine ("single payer") that liberals drool about in their sleep.”

 There are many other deceptions that lie ahead. Now that the Jonathan Gruber controversy has increased the American public’s awareness of Obamacare deceptions Americans will begin to shout about the costs and rationing of care.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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