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Stakeholder Mistrust


If You Like You Doctor

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 This is a message for the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Obamacare is a disaster built on a failed ideology, deceptions and lies.

Obamacare started off with lies and continues to deceive the American public.  

Its emotional seductions have also deceived many physicians.

All one has to remember is Jonathan Gruber’s statement about the lack of transparency being a powerful political tool. Gruber said given the lack of transparency, the public is too stupid to figure out the truth.

President Obama told us; ”If you like your doctor you can keep you doctor, period.”

This statement was not true for an instant. President Obama knew it but ideology trumps reality. Many have blamed Obamacare’s failure on President Obama’s inexperience as a manager. This is not the reason.

The failed progressive ideology of big government controlling choices and freedoms of the American people is the reason for Obamacare’s failure.

Last week, Senator Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) admitted the passage of Obamacare was a mistake. Not surprisingly, the mainstream traditional media has not mentioned Schumer’s admission.

The mainstream media has been a shill for Democrats and President Obama. It has helped the Obama administration keep the truth from the American public.  

President Obama keeps the American public uninformed with the help from the traditional mainstream media. His goal is central government control of Americans’ choices and freedoms. President Obama’s support is derived from his appeal to Americans’ emotions and not from the facts.

His problem is Americans are not stupid. They can separate reality from appearance when they pay attention. Obamacare is now affecting them directly and they are paying attention.

President Obama is waking up the sleeping tiger of Patient Power.

Obamacare is failing, but Obama’s lies keep coming. One recent lie is Obamacare’s open enrollment period is going well. I have shown evidence to the contrary in my last blog. So far the administration is 50% behind their estimated sign ups.

As of 12/05/2014 open enrollment is still (884,354/1,050,000) behind with 59% of estimates to sign up.


Confirmed 2015 QHPs: 884,354 as of 12/04/14


Estimated 2015 QHPs (Cumulative):11/21: 610K (462K • 11/28: 1.02M (765K
12/05: 1.50M (1.12M (special: 1.64M / 1.23M HCgov)

Thru 12/06: 1.57M (1.18M

 The biggest lie, since “you can keep your doctor, period” is that healthcare spending is decreasing because of Obamacare. This lie is a complicated lie. It is important to understand this lie.

 Obamacare is not lowering healthcare spending. It is increasing healthcare spending. Premiums and out of pocket costs are increasing for consumers.

 As a result of Obamacare deductibles have increased beyond affordability. Consumers cannot afford to utilize their “healthcare insurance” until absolutely necessary. The result will be higher costs when patients are forced to use the insurance because of the development of complications from a chronic disease.

 “The Bureau of Economic Analysis issued its advance estimate of first-quarter growth in 2014, which barely made it into the black with an annualized GDP growth rate of 0.1 percent.

Healthcare spending rose at an annualized rate of 9.9 percent, far outstripping inflation and standing in stark contrast to other components of the BEA report.

 Exports fell 7.6 percent, and demand for imports declined by 1.4 percent. Consumer consumption rose 3.0 percent, but that came in part from the high rate of health-care spending.

Without the spending on health care in 2014 Q1, annualized GDP would have dropped to a recessionary -1.0 percent, according to economist Ian Shepherdson.”

 In 2008, pre Obamacare, the US had seen a drift downward in health-care spending.

 The downward trend began to reverse as Obamacare first officially launched in October 2013. In the fourth quarter of 2013, health-care spending rose 5.6 percent, far above the 2.6 percent growth rate of the economy, to which it significantly contributed.

 The New York Times writes article after article claiming that the cost of healthcare is decreasing. The implication is that Obamacare is working.

 Nothing could be further from the truth.

“The rapid increase in spending does not indicate that the system is working to lower costs, an absurd if not Orwellian construct by President Obama.

“Nor is the debate “over,” no matter how many times Obama claims otherwise. Too bad the White House chose not to take advice from National Journal’s Ron Fournier

“The president risks insulting a vast majority of Americans by dismissing their concerns with a consultant's talking point,” Fournier wrote before the economic figures were released, “and Obama can't afford any more blows to his credibility.”

Consumers are tired of President Obama’s lies. He has lost all credibility with the American public.

The Obama administration keeps telling us how well Obamacare’s Accountable Care Organizations are doing. The Obama administration keeps saying hospital systems must set up integrated healthcare systems (ACOs) to increase the quality of care.  

 Hospital systems have been promised increased revenue incentives by setting up ACOs. Most hospital systems are losing money with their ACO’s.

As a result of losing money hospital systems are dropping out of the federal ACO program.

 This week, the Obama administration published regulations to decrease the hospital systems’ risk and increase its financial incentives, in order to decrease the ACO dropout rate.

President Obama refuses to believe that even though the ACO model sounds great its successful execution is difficult to impossible. 

The chances for ACOs to succeed is not only dependent on the hospital system’s ability to decrease utilization, it is heavily dependent on patients taking responsibility for their own care. Patients must follow instructions.

President Obama believes he can lie his way out of reality. The American public is not buying these lies any more.

Republicans must focus on the reasons for the obvious failures of Obamacare.

Consumers want to have freedom of choice. They do not want the government to control them.

Republican must focus on creating programs to provide incentives for consumers to be in control and responsible for their health and healthcare dollars. 

Republican must focus on ways to permit consumers “to keep their doctors if they like their doctors period.”

My ideal medical saving account will do all of the above.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deceptions Keep Coming

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama and CMS have been extremely quiet about Health Insurance Exchange enrollment since enrollment opened November 15,2014

President Obama reported that on  opening day the health insurance marketplace performed much better than last year. However, some consumers reported long, frustrating delays trying to buy insurance and gain access to their own accounts at

Consumers there were having a hard time logging into their accounts, retrieving old passwords and proving they were who they said they were — a process known as identity proofing, which also vexed many people last fall.

Some people did complete their applications, but it often took them 90 minutes. Some people were unable to finish what they started, so they left the clinic with plans to return at another time.

The insurance exchanges are supposed to be the centerpiece of Obamacare.

 Ms.Sylvia Burwell, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services said, “23,000 people had completed online applications in the first eight hours after, the federal website, opened on Saturday morning.”

Twenty three thousand is a low number for a 45-day enrollment period with four days each at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is only 1,035,000 enrollees (45 x 23,000). We do not know if they are new or old enrollees. 

Ms. Sylvia Burwell has given us signals previously that all is not well with Obamacare.

The estimate of total enrollees (old and new) for the end of the 2015 enrollment period was lowered from 13 million to 9 million. If 8 million were enrolled in 2014 this is only an increase of 1 million new enrollees.

There were clearly not 8 million valid enrollees when President Obama did his victory lap at the end of the extended enrollment period on March 31,2014.


It was later announced that 85% of enrollees were to receive subsidies (tax credit). The tax credits were to make the insurance premiums affordable to enrollees earning less than $50,000 a year.

It turned out that 65% of those approved for subsidies originally had the subsidy reduced when they could not verify their claimed income.

The American taxpayers, who are responsible for the subsidy (tax credit), were never told how the government was going to collect the government over payment. Taxpayers were never told the amount of  payment due from people who received the invalid subsidies.

 How many of those over subsidized people dropped out of Obamacare because they could not afford the premium or the deductible.

How many enrollees remained from the 8 million claimed to have enrolled?

 Somehow the published number of enrollees dropped to 7.3 million. Did the decrease from 8 million to 7.3 million include the over subsidized dropouts?  

I should think an inspector general or someone in congress would start connecting the dots.

I would think the CBO would recalculate their estimates.

I should think someone in the press would sense there was something fishy and start investigating.


Last week it was discovered that 400,000 people were counted in the total enrollment number that did not buy healthcare insurance. The 400,000 enrolled for low cost dental insurance.

 This new revelation lowered the total number of claimed enrollees to 6.9 million from the 7.3 million claimed enrollees.

Kathleen Sibelius declared over a year ago that Obamacare would have to have over seven million enrollees to be viable and declared successful.

In a previous blog my estimate of valid enrollees for 2014 was 3 million. I have also pointed out that the healthcare insurance industry is not worried about the number of enrollees because if they lose money the government would bale them out and subsidized the difference.

The loser is the taxpayer. We have been paying a tax increase of more than 10% for Obamacare since 2010.

The public has not yet seen any numbers proving Obamacare’ s viability or it’s bending of the cost curve.

 We have seen patients complaining that they cannot afford the 6-10 thousand dollar deductibles of the health insurance policies. People have realized that they are not covered by insurance until they reach their deductibles. People have been hesitant to get necessary medical care in order to avoid paying the deductibles.

The Obama administration claims to have reduced healthcare costs. The administration does not count the patient’s deductible costs (out of pocket costs) in their bogus calculation of costs to the healthcare system.

The avoidance of follow-up care by patients with pre-existing illnesses (chronic diseases) is only going to lead to complications of those chronic disease and higher societal healthcare costs.

Lowering the goal for the number of enrollees to 9 million if only there are only 3 million valid enrollees that stayed in the system is going to be a very difficult task.

The changing of the date to begin open enrollment from October 1 to November 15 for political reasons is not going to help achieve the goal.

President Obama will probably extend the enrollment period from December 15,2014.

The Obama administration already announced the 2016 open enrollment period. It starts October 1 2015 and ends December 15, 2015.

There is a great website that calculates the estimated weekly enrollment and actual enrollment. Enrollment is not going very well. President Obama and his administration are very quiet about the enrollment. The mainstream traditional media is also ignoring enrollment.    


The website is,

As of 11/21/2014 the website reports confirmed enrollees for 2015 QHPs: at least 39,215 have enrolled as of 11/21/14 as opposed to the government estimated enrollees for 2015 QHPs of at least 410,000 as of 11/21/14.

No one is paying attention to the website. The Obama administration is not providing the information necessary for consumers to judge how well Obamacare enrollment is doing.

Ms. Burwell said,

Ms. Burwell said that attention should be on all of the people who now have health insurance, rather than the miscalculation.

While we understand some will be skeptical, our clarity that this is mistake and the fact that we have quickly corrected the numbers should give people confidence,” she said. “It is important to continue to focus on the fact that millions of Americans are getting affordable health care.”

The Obama administration persists in trying to distract the American public.

I think the Obama administration continues to believe, as Jonathan Gruber believes, that Americans are too stupid to understand what the administration is doing.

The administration wants to prove that the free market and private insurance cannot provide healthcare coverage for all that only total government control of the healthcare system can work.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deception Continues

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Open Enrollment for Obamacare started November 15th rather than October 1st. Open Enrollment for Health Insurance Exchanges was originally going start October 1,2014 to run until December 15,2014 for enrollees to have insurance on January 1,2015.

It think the open enrollment dates were delayed to prevent negative publicity for Democrats in the midterm elections. The date to close open enrollment has been moved to March 15th or March 31st2015 instead of December 31,2014.

President Obama is changing dates at will without congressional approval. It is creating confusion. Americans are giving up on following changes in the law.

President Obama probably believes, as Jonathon Gruber, that the American public is too stupid to follow all of his maneuvers.

It is impossible to know when open enrollment ends by following the mainstream media. I think it will end when the Obama administration has something to brag about despite what the law demands.

Early in 2014 it became clear to health insurance consultants that the healthcare insurance industry would raise Obamacare 2015 premiums by double digits (15-30%). The demographic of 2014 enrollees was actuarially unsound according to the healthcare insurance industry.

The Obama administration expressed fear that the healthcare insurance industry would not participate in the health insurance exchanges because they were destined to loss money.

The Obama administration is presently boasting that the average premiums are going to rise only slightly in 2015.  

Healthcare insurance companies are flocking to sell insurance in more markets rather than quitting the health insurance exchanges.

The Obama administration claims that Obamacare has created a competitive atmosphere for the healthcare insurance industry.

You bet it has. It has done the by creating subsidies for the healthcare insurance industry so it takes on no risk along with increased profit. This is the reason all the companies are fighting to get into the health insurance exchange market.

President Obama has offered to bail out the healthcare insurance companies if they do not make an adequate profit in the health insurance exchange.

The mainstream traditional media has not reported that Obamacare provided insurance company subsidies, nor have the subsidies been connected to the dampening of extreme increases predicted for premiums in 2015.

However, the decreases that are being reported by the Obama administration are deceptive.

Below is a CMS provided map of states and counties with either increases or decreases in premiums.


Prices as a jpeg 1

In about a fifth of the counties in states using the federal insurance exchange, premiums for the lowest-priced silver plans will increase by 10 percent or more. But rates for the same plans will decrease in all of Maine, Montana and New Hampshire, and most parts of Mississippi and South Dakota. NOV. 14, 2014

Largest decrease: -28.0%

Greatest increase: +29.5%

Minneapolis, Honolulu, Seattle, Phoenix, San Diego, St. Louis,  New Orleans , Dallas, Boston, Tampa, Philadelphia Detroit, Anchorage, San Francisco, Denver, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. New York all are experiencing increases in premiums.

 Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

A PricewaterhouseCoopers report on all individual market premiums — on and off Obamacare exchanges — found a large range of rate changes, from a drastic 35 percent hike in Colorado to a 22 percent cut, also in Colorado (the state’s Obamacare exchange changed the geographic rating areas this year to cut costs for ski resort towns). Overall, the average rate hike nationwide is 5.6 percent, according to PWC.

The published map belies the Obama administration’s claim that premiums have been, on the average, lowered. It does not take into account population density in counties where premiums are lowered or raised.

Eight states are facing double-digit premium hikes in 2015 while just four states have reported decreases according to the Daily Caller.

 The premiums in some states could be lowered. However, the high deductibles included in these health insurance plans have not been lowered. The high deductibles are out of pocket expenses. The high deductibles continue to be unaffordable to many even thought these enrollees might receive sizable “tax credits? subsidies?” to help them pay for the premiums.

In January 2014, I described the subsidies provided by the Obama administration to the healthcare insurance industry. The Obama administration guaranteed a profit for participating in the health insurance exchange at no risk through the Reinsurance program and the Risk Corridor program that is buried in Obamacare.

(Nancy Pelosi: “We will not know what is in the bill until we pass the bill.”)

 “This was one of President Obama’s deceptions.

It is similar to the deception “If you like your insurance you can keep it. If you like you doctor you can keep him/her.”

Last week we learned that the insurance company bailout was built into the original bill passed in 2010. The President knew about this bailout before Obamacare was passed.

Did the congressional members who passed the bill know about the built in bailout?

If they did they should all be voted out of office. If the Democrats needed to pass Obamacare did not know about the bailout they should have and they should all be voted out.

It should be recalled that this was a Democrat controlled House and Senate. There was not a single Republican vote included in the passage of Obamacare.

The American people did not know about the built in bailout at taxpayers’ expense.

Obamacare contains a "Reinsurance Program that caps big claim costs for insurers (individual plans only)." Robert Laszewski, a prominent consultant to health insurance companies, writes that in 2014, 80% of individual costs between $45,000 and $250,000 are paid by the government [read: by taxpayers], for example." 

Private insurance plans bought through the health insurance exchanges are not private health insurance plans. They are plans that are subsidized by the government if the insurance bill goes over $45,000.

Who pays this government subsidy?

The taxpayers, by having their taxes increased.

 Who makes the profit from this subsidy?

 The healthcare insurance industry makes the profit because the insurance policies have been priced at high risk (Increased deductibles, and increased premiums for consumers not eligible for government subsidies).

 "The reinsurance program has done and will continue to do what it was intended to do; help attract and keep more carriers in Obamacare than might have otherwise come."  Thus, Obamacare is being aided by having taxpayers subsidize big insurance companies' business expenses.”

Obamacare also provides the healthcare industry a greater subsidy. It is called the “Risk Corridor Program”. The “Risk Corridor Program” limits the overall losses of the healthcare insurance industry to 2.4%.

This is the way the “Risk Corridor Program” works. The healthcare insurance company submits its expected costs to the government for a particular year.

If the expected costs of the insurance exceed 102%, the government will pay the healthcare insurance company 80% of the difference above 102% at taxpayers’ expense.

 “Taxpayers' are unwitting generosity toward these "participating health plans" (plans sold through Obamacare's government-run exchanges):

 "If the health plan has costs at 110% of the medical cost target [the costs that the insurer expects to accrue], it will be responsible for only 102.4% of the target (a 2.4% shortfall)-only about a quarter of its losses.”

There is little risk to the healthcare insurance company for being involved in the healthcare insurance exchanges.

The key point is President Obama had this written into Obamacare without telling taxpayers about it. I wonder if the CBO knew about it and calculated it into the original cost estimates of Obamacare.

“In this way, and so many others, Obamacare takes a major step toward the government monopoly over American medicine ("single payer") that liberals drool about in their sleep.”

 There are many other deceptions that lie ahead. Now that the Jonathan Gruber controversy has increased the American public’s awareness of Obamacare deceptions Americans will begin to shout about the costs and rationing of care.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Obamacare Post Mid-Term Elections

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The mid-term elections are over. The Republicans captured majorities in the House and Senate. The election was a clear repudiation by the people of President Obama’s policies.

President Obama has denied this reality. He has pledged to pursue his ideological goals that have hobbled the people and the country so badly.

 The polls have indicated that the public is opposed to Obamacare and all of its unintended consequences.

We ain’t seen nothin yet. The unintended consequences are going to escalate starting with the delayed open enrollment season on November 15 2014. This opened enrollment was unnoticed, so Democrats did not suffer any blowback from Obamacare during the mid-term elections.  

Larger categories of people and businesses will be affected by Obamacare’s rules and regulations on January 1,2015. Last year only people in the individual healthcare insurance market were affected.

President Obama continues to mock Republicans by telling them he will be happy to listen to them to see if they have a better idea than Obamacare.

Everyone knows he has no interest in changing or repealing his legacy healthcare law.

The majority of people are dissatisfied with Obamacare. All the Republicans have to do is come up with an idea that is compelling to all of the public. The power of public opinion can demand that Obamacare must change.

 It has to be a simple idea. It has to teach consumers how to be responsible for their health and their own healthcare dollars. It has to educate consumers on how to drive the healthcare system and remove government from controlling their healthcare choices.

The basic problem with our present healthcare system is medical care is fragmented. In addition, all the stakeholders’ vested interests are misaligned. 

President Obama, with his forced passage of Obamacare, has added to the dysfunction of the healthcare system.  .

 Obamacare is meant to be a step toward a single party system. 

 The government cannot afford, and the nation will not accept, a government controlled single party payer system. 

Obamacare does not do anything to repair the distortions of to the system that have led to the dysfunction of the healthcare system pre Obamacare.

The most important stakeholder in the healthcare system is the consumer. Obamacare has marginalized consumers/patients even further.

It was hard for consumers to have notice the dysfunction in the healthcare system because only 20% of consumers use the healthcare system at one time. The remaining 80% thought their healthcare insurance was fine.

Since Obamacare was passed into law it is affecting everyone directly and they are starting to complain.

The current state problem are shown in the figure below.


 A dizzying array of stakeholders is all fighting for a competitive advantage, or at the very least survival, in the dysfunctional current state.

Obamacare’s rules and regulations have made the current state more difficult for everyone.  This is leading to the impending collapse of the healthcare system.

Republican Party should not tinker with legislation to try to fix Obamacare.

It should step in right now and educate the consumers about their consumer power. Republicans need to present a market driven solution that is easy to understand.

 My ideal medical saving account can provide the financial incentives for consumers to act and drive the new healthcare systems.

Once the public understands what they can do, it will change its attitude from the helplessness and hopelessness to an empowered reaction to do something to change the system.  

There are many other things that need to be demanded by the public. I believe empowering the public to demand a market driven system is crucial to a viable and affordable healthcare system.

Almost all the stakeholders believe something must change. The centrally controlled healthcare system’s business model will not work or be sustainable. All one has to do it look at the VA Health System.

Consumers and businesses are becoming frightened and beg the government for help.  The government will institute a single party payer system.

 The result is that consumers will not be able or willing to tolerate a centrally controlled healthcare system.

 As I see it, the nation has two choices: Alternative 1 and Alternative 2.

Alternative 1:

  Alternative 1 future state

 If we extend the course of our present healthcare system to a single party payer system (Alternative 1) the costs will escalate, and access to care will decrease. It is inevitable the rationing of care will occur.

 Alternative 2

Alternative 2 Future state
 Alternative 2 would be a market-based system that would put the consumer in the center of the healthcare system.

Provider systems and administrative systems would have incentive to make its products attractive to consumers at the lowest price possible with the highest quality of care.

Consumers, by owning their healthcare dollars, would have the freedom and resources to choose. Government and its bloated and inefficient bureaucracies should not be making medical care choices for consumers. 

Two things must happen. Republicans must teach consumers the advantages of a market based business model.

 The Republican congressional majority must start teaching all the other stakeholders (physicians, hospital systems, the government, the healthcare insurance industry and Big Pharma) the advantages of this market-based system to their vested interest.

 The alignment of vested interests must start right now and not down the line.

 The Obama administration will dismiss the possibility of a successful market based system. Republicans must not be intimidated. Didn’t they win the election this time?

The Obama administration’s conclusions are based on ideology not past history, logic, fact or evidence.

 The Obama administration and its followers will reject the possibility of success for an incentive driven system instead of a government controlled system.

 A market-based system can be presented in a way where all the stakeholders can buy into a successful consumer driven future state.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Incentives and Mechanism Design

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Why are Obamacare’s initiatives failing? There are several reasons.

1. Government is inefficient. It outsources all of its administrative services.  

The contractors, in turn, subcontract out most of the work. The overhead for each function increases non-transparent costs. The execution of tasks decreases.

2. President Obama’s healthcare policy advisors are academics. They have little clinical experience. It is clear they have little experience in the trenches.

The healthcare policy advisors have no idea how to create incentives for physicians and hospitals.

They have no idea how destructive to clinical practice the lack of tort reform is.

3. Without clinical experience the policy advisors do not know how to create effective incentives for patients.

I have emphasized that patients must be responsible for themselves and their diseases. They must become professors of their diseases. They have to be provided with adequate incentives to become professors of their diseases.

Physicians must be provided with incentives to teach patients to be professors of their diseases.

4. The government outsources the administrative services to adjudicated Medicare and Obamacare billings. The government has little idea of the actual profits built into the fees the insurance companies charge the government. At intervals insurance companies are required to enter another bidding process. The government probably picks the lowest bidder.

It is not an efficient way to pick an insurance company. This is especially true when the government guarantees the insurance company‘s profit. The government does not know what the insurance company’s profit actually is. The profit is about 40% of the healthcare dollars.

President Obama’s ideological goal leads to these errors. His only concern is for the government to control the healthcare system.

Government control of a healthcare system has not been successful. The V.A. healthcare system is on example. Medicaid and Medicare’s increasing deficits has been another example.

None of the countries in the developed world have a financially viable universal healthcare system except Switzerland.

A few years ago I learned about “Mechanism Design.”  My first reaction was “what is that?”

Leoid Hurwicz, Roger Meyerson and Eric Maskin received a Nobel Prize was  for this economic theory in 2007.

Mechanism Design is a brilliant economic theory. If the theory was applied to the healthcare system it could solve much the system’s dysfunction.

When I wrote about Mechanism Design I felt that few people understood it.  

What is it?  Mechanism Design is the art and science of designing rules of a game to achieve a specific outcome, even though each participant may have a separate vested self-interest.

The design of the game is to align all the stakeholders’ vested self-interests.  

 Each stakeholder has an incentive to behave as the game designer intends. The game can then implement the desired outcome.

 The strength of such a result depends on the solution concept used in the game.  

None of the stakeholders’ vested interests are aligned in Obamacare except the vested self-interest of President Obama and his ideology.

The healthcare insurance industry thinks it has President Obama over a barrel.

Some of the hospital systems have figured out that they will be at the mercy of Obamacare.

 Physicians already feel they are at the mercy of President Obama’s ideology.

Medical device companies and pharmaceutical companies have figured out they are dead already. It is only a matter of time until they cannot move. They are working around the system to come back from the dead.  

None of the stakeholder’s vested interests are are aligned. This non-alignment will lead to destruction of the healthcare system.

Mechanism designers commonly try to achieve the following basic outcomes for stakeholders: truthfulness, individual rationality, budget balance, and social welfare.

 With those four outcomes for stakeholders in the healthcare system one could get close to aligning stakeholders incentives.

Lodi Hurwicz’ point is the way to get as close to the most efficient economic outcomes is to design mechanisms in which everyone does best for themselves.

He says this can be achieved by sharing information truthfully (Price Transparency). It is easy to understand that some people can do better than others by not sharing information or lying in the short term. It will not serve all the stakeholders’ vested self-interest in the long term.

If everyone’s incentives are aligned you have a much more efficient economic system.

The example given in the military is defense contracting. If you agree to pay on a cost plus basis you have created incentives for the contractor to be inefficient.  

If you do not you have incentives aligned and truthful information you create the incentive to be overcharged. Most people can do better by not sharing truthful information.

Many have observed that Obamacare has not been transparent or truthful.

If the rules of the game require truthful information you can get close to an efficient market driven solution.

The concept of Pareto efficiency means no one can be made better off without someone becoming worse off.  

Hurwicz observed, as had others, that the dispersion of information was at the heart of the failure of a planned economy.

He observed that the free market economy can get us closer than central planning to incentive compatibility because in the end the consumer can drive the discovery of truthful information

A free market economy is by no means immune to the Pareto efficiency concept.

However, the free market mechanism was far less afflicted than central planning bureaucracy. A consumer driven system serves to force truthfulness.

Empowering consumers is the key to an efficient system. Customers determine success of an enterprise by creating demand. In a transparent environment they can get closer to incentive efficiency. They create the rules of the game for compatible incentive.

How does Mechanism Design relate to the Repairing The Healthcare System?

The rules of the games can align all the stakeholders’ incentives without one stakeholder taking advantage of another.

In our healthcare system everyone is pursuing his vested interest in a game that has rules that do not lead to “incentive compatibility.”

Some politicians think central planning will straighten out the rules. Historically, central planning has not worked. These Nobel Prize winners in economics have proven this fact.

A  consumer driven healthcare system using the ideal medical saving account. Will be a good start in achieving alignment of all the stakeholders.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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President Obama Doesn’t Listen

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama does not listen to the thoughts of the people who elected him. The middle class and independent voters under great economic distress and are frightened.

They are not better off than when President Obama took office.

They have no confidence in President Obama’s promise or desire to help them even though he continues to say he is out to protect the welfare of the middle class.

He claims to be for income equality, yet income inequality has increased in the last six years.

The people do not trust President Obama to make good decisions for them.

The people are scared stiff about the Ebola virus. They do not believe his explanations for letting people into this country from countries that have the Ebola epidemic are logical.


Why would he take the chance of letting more cases into the country? It is completely illogical to me.

People have felt the hysteria spreading throughout the nation because of one case. They are feeling the economic effects of so many people quarantined and held in isolation for 21 days. They see economic activity slowing down while they are experiencing a weak recovery after six years. Shopping malls are disserted.

The more he does the less the people trust him. The appointment of a public relations person as the Ebola czar is a mind blower to most people.

The Ebola czar knows nothing about medicine, or transmission of viral disease or human illness.

The Ebola czar knows everything about spinning disinformation.

This is not a good formula for increasing confidence and trust in President Obama’s ability to handle this crisis.

The people are noticing and reacting to crisis after crisis and scandal after scandal. President Obama calling an obvious scandal a phony scandal makes things worse for his being able to convince the voters that he knows what he is doing.

President Obama does not listen to the people who got him into office.

Is his agenda to ignore the people, the constitution and the law in order to basically transform this country?

Last January he said Obamacare would not be an issue in the midterm elections. He keeps on misleading the public about Obamacare.

 He and his henchman keep saying Obamacare is working. Obamacare is a success. The evidence that it is not working is abundant. The people who voted for him are feeling its failure.

All these people are feeling the pain of President Obama’s policies. They also recognize that their wishes are being ignored.  

People do not know what they need.  Voters now know President Obama is ignoring them.

Yet he and Michelle have the audacity to travel around the country telling people “to vote for Democrats for congress to give Barack a chance to finish his work.”

A series of articles have appeared that express voters’s concerns about Obamacare’s failures.  

Radius Global Market Research (Radius GMR did a survey that showed two-thirds of those insured via Obamacare will change healthcare plans in 2015.

 “The survey stimulated competition among healthcare insurance companies to capture this two-thirds of Americans that are dissatisfied with their healthcare insurance policies for 2014.”

The two thirds of the people surveyed wanted,

  • Lower premium and deductible costs
  • Improved access to doctors
  • Improved quality of care by doctors and hospital systems
  • More than half of respondents expect their healthcare premiums to increase
  • More than one-third of those who switched primary doctors after joining ACA plans did so because their doctor was not on the new plan.
  • Twenty five percent of households are visiting their doctor less frequently and/or experiencing longer office wait times.
  • Only 44% of Americans feel they are adequately about the benefits provided by Obamacare.

At present, eighty percent of people who get healthcare insurance through Obamacare receive government subsidies. These subsidies help with the healthcare insurance premiums for people earning up to $50,000 a year.

However, those people are responsible for the deductible under Obamacare. The least expensive coverage is for a bronze plan.  

The average deductible from the Health Insurance Exchange is $5,081 for an individual and $10,386 for a family, according to HealthPocket.

A Silver plan (the next higher plan) had average deductibles of $2,907 for an individual and $6,078 for a family. The initial premiums are higher.

An average family making less than $50,000 cannot afford either deductible. A family making more that $50,000 per year without subsidy cannot afford the premium or the deductible.

People having a pre-existing illness will eat into the deductible that they cannot afford. Therefore they will avoid medical care.

The impact of the deductible is a surprise to people with preexisting illness. They do not have coverage until the deductible is met.

This creates stress on these individuals. It also represents a form of deception for these people. They thought they had good insurance coverage. President Obama promised them good healthcare coverage. He lied to them. They will remember the lie at the voting booth.

Insurers must cover certain preventive services, like immunizations, cholesterol checks and screening for breast and colon cancer, at no cost to the consumer if the provider is in their network.

 But for other services and items, like prescription drugs, marketplace customers often have to meet their deductible before insurance starts to help.”

Physicians have been deceived as well.

Forty-six percent of doctors give President Obama's healthcare law a "D" or an "F,according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. In contrast, just 25 percent of those surveyed gave the law an "A" or a "B."

A number of doctors complained about the vast amount of bureaucracy that has been added to the medical profession.

"Get government OUT of healthcare," one doctor wrote.

Another physician wrote in the survey

"The system is broken and I am out of here as soon as I can. I am tired of being used, abused and lied to. Has anyone here woken up to the fact that we are always the last ones to be considered in the equation of change?"

It is clear the primary stakeholders in the healthcare system (patients and physicians) feel deceived by President Obama.

I do not think they are going to let him finish his work. They will stop him at the voting booth in November.

It will be difficult for the country to survive another two years of Harry Reid’s obstruction if the Democrats hold the senate.

Obamacare remains a big issue among many people despite President Obama’s promise that everyone will like Obamacare by the November election.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Caving In

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

As time goes by the implementation of Obamacare (ACA) becomes more bizarre.

The start of the 2015 enrollment period in Obamacare’s health insurance exchange program was delayed from October 1, 2014 until November 15, 2014.

The reason for the delay is obvious. The Obama administration fears another disastrous enrollment rollout just before the midterm elections.

President Obama is protectingDemocratic candidates who voted for Obamacare from the political fallout.

The enrollment period is supposed to end December 31, 2014 in order for insurance coverage to start January 1, 2015.

This enrollment period is very short. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will make it even shorter.

President Obama will probably delay the end of the enrollment period once again by executive order.

The Obama administration must also deal with people who lied about their enrollment qualification. Hundreds of thousands could not show proof of income or eligibility for government subsidies for their insurance for 2014.

The government has not published any data about the number of people who have been disqualified for providing false information.

These people owe the government money. They cannot afford to pay the amount owed. Is the government going to let these underpayments disappear?

The Obama administration also announced that anyone who was enrolled last year does not have to do anything. They will be enrolled automatically in 2015.

At what price?  Premiums will be higher than last year. Enrollees might not be able to pay the higher or unsubsidized premiums.

Insurance premiums in the health insurance exchanges are going to increase at least 10% in 2015 despite the Obama administrations guarantee, through its reinsurance plan, that it will cover any of the healthcare insurance industry’s claimed losses.

Problems were compounded this week by a CMS announcement that they will not publish the health insurance exchange premiums until November 15,2014.

Medicare premiums are also going to increase dramatically in 2015. Many seniors will not be able to afford to pay them. Senior might not notice the increase until they receive their first social security check.

On January 1, 2015 Obamacare’s “employer shared responsibility reporting requirement”  goes into effect.

“Starting in 2015, applicable large employers will need to identify whether eligible employees have been offered employer-sponsored health care coverage and whether that coverage meets the standard for minimum essential coverage, among other requirements.

Employers will also be required to track employee eligibility for health care coverage, including number of hours worked, etc.”

There is no way employers can track this information manually anymore. They will have to hire a benefits manager to keep track of something that is so fluid as to will be impossible to keep track of.

Employers’ overhead will rise. The large employers will decide it is cheaper to pay the Obamacare’s penalty and force their employees to buy insurance on the federal health insurance exchanges.

How can all these people buy insurance wisely between November 15, 2014 and December 31, 2014 to be insured in 2015.

This will create havoc in the healthcare system.

Creating havoc is the goal of President Obama’s plan to transform America. It follows Saul Alinsky’s game plan precisely. It will lead to population fear. Population fear will lead to a government controlled single payer healthcare system.

The public is presently experiencing a great deal of fear with the potential for an Ebola epidemic. The resulting hospitalizations and deaths that might occur from an epidemic will intensify this fear.

This CDC and the Obama administration keep giving us illogical reason for why they refuse to stop flights from West Africa to the U.S.  

The airport screenings’ protocols are illogical. The training protocols have been unsuccessful.

Havoc will intensify if the United States experiences an influenza outbreak this winter. People will not know whether they have the flu or Ebola. People will overrun the nation’s hospital ERs.

Public and private health insurance policies might not cover the care needed to diagnose and treat these patients.

People will be put in isolation in the hospitals. The patient’s contacts will have to be quarantined. The economy will come to a standstill.

The only option remaining is for the people to beg the government to take over the healthcare system.

I do not know if President Obama and his administration are brilliant or incompetent.

I suspect he is brilliant.

 In either case his goal of socializing medicine will be achieved

Are President Obama and his administration competent enough to control and run the healthcare system?

What is your guess?

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Fantasy vs. Facts

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama is continues to mock the critics of Obamacare who predict failure even as Obamacare is obviously failing.

He knows the media is the message even if his message has nothing to do with the facts.


President Obam's first victory lap.

 There had been three failures at the time he declared Obamacare a success this month.

1. The Obama administration announced that accountable care organizations (ACOs) in the Pioneer ACO model and Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) have generated more than $372 million in total program savings for Medicare ACOs over the program’s two-year span.

The details of the Pioneer ACO models’ savings are difficult to follow.

  • An estimated total model savings of over $96 million and at the same time qualified for shared savings payments of $68 million
  • Eleven Pioneer ACOs earned shared savings, 3 generated shared losses, and 3 elected to defer reconciliation until after the completion of performance year three.
  • The organizations showed improvements in 28 of the 33 quality measures and experienced average improvements of 14.8 percent across all quality measures.
  • The mean quality score among Pioneer ACOs increased by 19 percent, from 71.8 percent in 2012 to 85.2 percent in 2013.


Can anyone make any sense out of this word salad?

One week later three of the 22 remaining Pioneer ACOs dropped out of the program. The program originally had 32 members. 

The Franciscan Alliance, Genesys PHO and Renaissance Health Network have exited the Pioneer ACO program, which is now in its third year.

Only 19 of the original 32 ACOs remain.

Sharp Healthcare, a San Diego-based health system, dropped out August 2014, saying that the ACO model was “financially detrimental.”

The Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic were invited to be in the Pioneer ACO program but rejected the offer. It was clear to them that ACO’s meant taking on too much uncontrollable financial risk.

The ACOs were supposed to deliver a higher quality of care through their integrated hospital systems. The hospital system would also experience greater profits.

At the onset of the program some hospital systems and integrated medical practices recognized they would lose money and possibly be penalized.

The thirteen integrated systems that quit the Pioneer ACO model recognized their losses after they started the program.

I predicted ACOs would fail and provided detailed reasons. I predicted that ACOs would fail because of the financial risks to the ACO. The job of risk is an insurance issue. A healthcare provider cannot control the confounding variables influencing risk.

“Genesys PHO received a $2.5 million penalty in the program's first year and a $1.9 million penalty in the program's second year (Evans, Modern Healthcare, 9/25; Leventhal/Hagland, Healthcare Informatics, 9/25; Beck, Wall Street Journal, 9/25).”

One could conclude that Genesys’ ACO was becoming an improved integrated better because it experienced a smaller loss the second year. It was not Genesys’ conclusion. It withdrew from the program.

2. Last week President Obama predicted that enrollment in Obamacare increase this year. The web site is fixed and enrollment will be easier.

At the same time at least 300,000 people in last years group of enrollees lost their subsidies or coverage because they did not offer proof of their eligibility by September 30th.

There has been little media coverage of this event. This is not the definition of success.

3. In addition, the insurance industry announced that thousands will lose health insurance their current insurance policy with their employer by the end of 2014.

They will have to apply for which will probably be more expensive through the health insurance exchanges. Insurers are cancelling the private healthcare insurance policies because they no longer make business sense.

Of course, it makes no business sense when the insurance company can make more money from the federal health insurance exchange plans. The Obama administration is guaranteeing the healthcare insurance company’s profit and eliminating its risks.

All this appeared at the time President Obama called Obamacare a success and mocked his critics who predicted failure.

The media is the message. If President Obama can manipulate the media enough he can help the Democrats maintain a majority in the Senate with two more years of Harry Reid control.

I do not think the American public is going to fall for President Obama’s disinformation campaign once again.

I hope not.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.  

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Democrats and Ayn Rand

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I have never understood why Democrats have always belittled Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged is reported to be the best selling book in history aside from the Bible.

I first read it in 1959, two years after it was published. It is a weak love story but a powerful critique of government policy and the effect of expanding government control over society.

I did not think about it much during medical school. I thought about it when the government started to control my medical practice.

In 1984 my son, Brad, insisted I read Atlas Shrugged again. It describes exactly the effect the government was having on the practice of medicine. 

I did not understand why Democrats in congress and the Democratic Party members become were so angry with Ayn Rand and her philosophy. I thought Democrats were problem solvers for the benefit of the people. 

I finally realized that Ayn Rand’s writings are a dangerous threat to the Democrats’ progressive agenda. The agenda is the government’s control over society turning free citizens into clients of big government. 

In this election year the Democrats have decided to combine their anti-Rand rhetoric with a Saul Alinsky tactic.

The Democrats are trying to immobilize Republicans’ replies through a replay of their anti-Rand sound bites. They are using the traditional mainstream media to spread their disinformation.

If a reader wants to know what Ayn Rand’s philosophy is read Atlas Shrugged. I suspect most critics have not read the book.

Democrats attack Ayn Rand by misrepresenting her philosophy as evil.

This year the Democrats’ attack dog is House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).

He accused Republicans of following author Ayn Rand’s advice that “compromise is always evil,” and warned that letting Republicans take over Congress would only lead to more gridlock and partisanship.” 

In reality comprise is usually evil. If a policy or law is wrong, compromising will not fix the problem that policy or law set out to fix. According to Ayn Rand there are issues in which compromise is evil. If a law or policy does not work compromise can be evil is if is not modified by compromise.

Steny Hoyer’s warning Republicans taking over congress would only lead to more gridlock and partisanship does not  logically follow the first part of his sentence.  

The House of Representatives have passed about 350 bills. A 98% of the House passed bills were with  bipartisan.

Harry Reid, chairman of the senate, has created the gridlock by not permitting these bills to be brought to committee or the senate floor for debate.

Harry Reid has been President Obama’s inarticulate creator of gridlock.

“Compromise is not evil,” Hoyer said. “It is the necessary and noble pursuit of those who govern responsibly in a democracy. We listen to one another. We come to an agreement.”

Harry Reid has not compromised on anything. Neither has President Obama.

How does Steny Hoyer have the chutzpah to make such a statement?

Why doesn’t the traditional media react to this ridiculous statement.

Steny Hoyer’s statement is the typical Saul Alinsky lie crafted to immobilize the enemy’s ability to have a strong reply.

If a policy is wrong and is not working or has not been working reasonable men should debate the issue and change the policy so it works to the benefit of the people.

The policy must be changed. It is the responsibility of both parties to change it to something that can work for the benefit of all the people.

Obamacare is a law forced through congress by a Democratic majority that is not working. Compromise can only make it worse.

Who is to blame for congressional gridlock?

Is it the Republicans or Democrats?

If there were a Republican majority in the Senate and bills passed both houses President Obama has threatened to veto the bills. He would then be responsible for his errors not Harry Reid. 

Hoyer accused House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and others as following Rand’s teachings when it comes to operating Congress. 

The implication is Paul Ryan is evil.

The message is President Obama knows what is good for the people. Therefore. elect Democrats to congress this fall.  

Which of President Obama and the Democrat’s policies have worked? All are failing at the expense of the middle class taxpayer.

President Obama’s policy decisions have been proven wrong daily.

  • He has created chaos in the healthcare system with Obamacare.
  • He has increased the costs of unsustainable entitlements programs.
  • Obamacare is another unsustainable entitlement program.
  • He has increased the deficit from $11 trillion dollars to $17 trillion dollars.
  • America’s foreign policy is chaotic.
  • America’s economy is still a mess and getting worse even though the President claims it is better.
  • People are more dependent on government.
  • Individual privacy had been violated.
  • Independence has been discouraged.
  • Individual responsibility has been discouraged.
  • Cronyism has been promoted..

President Obama wants to do away with racism yet makes every issue a racist issue and blames it on Republicans.

I think before Steny Hoyer and the Democrats start attacking Republicans who might have been influenced by Any Rand, he should read Atlas Shrugged or at least watch the three-part movie.

“He should reexamine his premises.”  (A John Galt quote).

President Obama’s own party members are running away from his concepts of big government and central control in order to be elected. 

They are sounding like Republicans.

The people are realizing that “Big Government” has had difficulty in doing anything efficiently.

These days government competence is all too often exposed as a fragile veneer. When an elite corps like the Secret Service can’t remember to lock the White House’s front door and alleged health technocrats can’t build a working Obamacare website for less than $2 billion, a sense of low-level worry about Ebola seems more than reasonable.”

 President Obama is always blaming his failures on President George W. Bush or his advisors.

Many of President Obama’s advisors are now blaming Republicans for their agencys’ shortcomings. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Health Infectious Disease division, is implying Republicans are to blame for the agencey’s lack of efficient response to the Ebola virus epidemic.   

“Nor does it inspire confidence that the head of infectious diseases for the CDC is resorting to that promiscuous federal excuse—budget cuts.

Anthony Fauci recently told Congress that sequestration “has, both in an acute and in a chronic insidious way, eroded our ability to respond in the way that I and my colleagues would like to see us be able to respond to these emerging threats.”

Is this a joke? There are many other examples of shifting blame such as our foreign policy crisis in the middle east, the crisis with ISIS, nuclear Iran, Israel/Hamas and the Arab spring to name a few.

All these excuses remind me of the excuses that characters in Atlas Shrugged used when the world was falling apart.

As I listened to President Obama’s repeated statements that government was going to somehow fix what Obama calls “income inequality” it brought to mind several of the more depressing chapters of Any Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, which you recall envisioned a dystopian world in which government “looters” stripped society’s producers, thinkers and creators of the fruits of their labor in the name of equalizing society.”

“The looting of the fruit of their labor provoked the producers to withdraw from society. Without producers, thinkers and creators there was an economic implosion and society rapidly declined and fell into chaos.” 

Every time President Obama mentions government enforced income equality or government-led opportunity I think of the villains in Atlas Shrugged such as the politician Wesley Mouch (New York Senator Chuck Schumer) or crony capitalist Orren Boyle (various green energy vampires) to name only two.

In the words of Yogi Berra, “It feels like Da Ja Vu all over again.”

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.  

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