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Health Care Up to Public, Edwards Says – Part 1

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The obvious goal of the Democratic Party if they win the Presidential election is to institute a socialized medicine system. Not one candidate is talking about an incentive driven healthcare system to increase wellness of Americans and decrease the cost to the healthcare system by preventing the complications of chronic diseases. If we created a hype for creating a consumer driven healthcare system with the ideal medical saving account, America would have a chance at effective healthcare reform.
Senator Edwards’ healthcare plan became clear this week. I believe it will fail.

“In Patrick, S.C. Former Senator John Edwards does not discount the possibility that his health care proposal, which would allow Americans to buy new government insurance packages modeled on Medicare, could evolve into a federalized system like those in Canada and many European countries. And if it does, Mr. Edwards said he would be just fine with that.”

To my surprise, Senator Edwards has revealed the Democratic Party’s goal sooner than I anticipated.

“American health consumers will decide which works best,” Mr. Edwards said “It could continue to be divided. But it could go in one direction or the other, and one of the directions is obviously government or single-payer. And I’m not opposed to that.”

The present Medicare model is failing. The cost and cost overruns are unaffordable for the government. Medicare is increasing premiums annually for the elderly and decreasing their benefits. Medicare is also decreasing the reimbursements to providers annually.

“Each of the three Democratic front-runners has called for government insurance that would be available to an expanded number of consumers, not just the elderly and disabled as is currently the case with Medicare. If the government is able to undercut private insurers on price — by forgoing profit, reducing overhead, and maximizing economies of scale — it theoretically could put the private system out of business. and become the de facto insurer for the nation.”

Medicare claims to have minimal overhead. However, they outsource the administration and adjudication of claims to various healthcare insurance companies. The healthcare insurance industry is their administrative services organization. The healthcare insurance companies bury the administrative fees into the cost of the service to Medicare. The overhead fees do not show up as overhead.

“Republican candidates and policy strategists have raised the specter of “socialized medicine” and depicted the Democratic plans as a back-door route to a so-called single-payer government system.”
“Mr. Edwards brushed off that critique. “There is nothing back-door about it,” he said. “It’s right through the front door. We’re going to let America decide what health care system works for them.”

All I can say to Mr. Edwards and the Democratic Party is, “Look out for Harry and Louise.”

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Are Patients Smart Enough To Make Their Own Healthcare Choices?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The following comment is from a physician. He brings up important points.

“Your blog of January 13, 2008, raises my concern for an important and critical factor in you’re repair of the healthcare system proposals:”

I have received many questions concerning my proposals to Repair The Healthcare System. I am grateful for the comments. It means people out there are paying attention and thinking.

“Even if you give the patient the right and responsibility to decide on the way to spend his/her healthcare dollar, that patient is relatively uninformed and most cannot make the important choices about their healthcare because he is uninformed.”

People are smarter that many think. An important element missing from other healthcare reform proposals is providing patients with incentives to make informed choices. A second element is teaching patients how to make informed choices.

Presently the healthcare insurance industry makes the choices for the patient. Unfortunately many of those choices are restricting access to care and driving the patients to lowest cost providers. These choices are made for the healthcare insurance company’s benefit and not the patient.

The healthcare insurance companies make their decisions on price not quality of care. Neither the government nor the healthcare insurance industry has defined quality medical care accurately.

At any one time eighty percent of the people are not sick.The urgency to recognize that the healthcare system has a problem is not on their mind. In recent years as the healthcare system has become so dysfunctional, healthcare insurance so expensive and in many cases unavailable, it is becoming a concern to most people. Additionally, with the growth of information on the internet consumers are becoming more aware of the criteria for diagnosis of many chronic diseases along with the most effective treatment and follow-up. Consumers are starting to make their own judgments about their physicians and the quality of care they receive.

We have seen the growth of demand for diabetes education, and intensive diabetes self management. Intensive diabetes education is important in improving the quality of diabetes care. The methodology to create an effective Diabetes Education program is available.

I believe when patients are responsible for their healthcare dollar and there is a financial reward for effective chronic disease management we will see all the facilitator stakeholders respond by competing for these patients healthcare dollar. The infrastructure will be created to teach everyone to be an informed consumer.

The new web based phenomena of social networking will create social networks for specific chronic diseases. These social networks will stimulate an even greater level of informed patient choices. The patient will be able to distinguish between excellent care and mediocre care.

There are many examples on the internet of information that can help consumers make intelligent choices. Fifteen years ago we depended on travel agents to pick the best hotels in different cities. Today we use www.Trip We not only receive editorial comment on the hotels but reactions from people who stayed at these hotels. Another simple example is for book reviews.

“ And whose fault is this? Is it the fault of patients themselves, or physicians and other healthcare professionals, or those who own the healthcare insurance business and our legislators.”

Everyone is at fault! It starts with the patients. They have to be responsible to themselves and their disease. Physicians do not get paid to prevent the complications of disease. In our present system they only get paid to fix things. It is against the vested interest of the hospital to keep the patients out of the hospital. If physicians reduced the incidence of coronary artery disease in diabetes mellitus by 50%, hospitals would be in big trouble. The healthcare insurance industry does not pay adequately for preventive services. If all the stakeholders’ vested interests were align for the patient’s benefit we could decrease the cost of healthcare by at least 50%.

When the healthcare insurance industry or government reimburse for preventive services, the payment is not sufficient to motivate physicians to develop an infrastructure for chronic disease management. When consumers own their healthcare dollar and are motivated to spend their healthcare dollar wisely we will see the development of viable diabetes education centers, asthma centers, and other chronic disease management centers. (Focused Factories)

Effective chronic disease management will not only increase the quality of care, it will also decrease the cost of care by decreasing complications of chronic disease.

And who is going to be able to remedy this?

It is going to have to be the consumer. The mechanism will be the ideal medical savings account with patients being responsible for their healthcare dollar and their healthcare. Hospital systems, healthcare insurance companies and physicians practices will be transformed. It is easy to understand that none of the secondary stakeholders wants to give up its power. The changes involve web based real price transparency, an ideal medical savings account, an insurance industry that continues to negotiate price, accurate definitions of quality medical care for specific diseases and patient web based social networking. It is essential that all of this occur at once.

“One must not only empower that consumer but inform him/her. Please address, in your proposals, the solutions for this deficiency, which must precede all others if a system such as you propose is to work.”

I refer you to my review in the Fall of 2007. The healthcare system must work within a new set of comprehensive rules. We simply can not continue to patch the system.

I believe the consumers is not stupid. If he chooses to take advantage of the system he is in reality taking advantage of himself. The overwhelming majority of patients will make the correct choices. They will utilize technologies of the 21st century to help them spend their healthcare dollar wisely.

Neither the Democrats or the Republicans are close with their proposals to repair the healthcare system.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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HillaryCare v. Obama – Part 3

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Baruch Obama’s healthcare plan seems different than Hillary Clinton’s.The only difference is Hillary Clinton’s plan is a mandate and Omba’s is a choice. Both plans create a public option managed by the government. (Socialized medicine)

“Once Hillary Clinton got roughed up in Iowa, she was bound to strike back against Barack Obama. Her first line of attack debuted at the Democratic debate over the weekend, and a big part of it concerns health care. Their differences are more political than substantive, but the debate does tell us something about current policy ambitions on the American left.”

The term universal healthcare does not have to be synonymous with government as a single party payer. However, to Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama they are synonymous.

“Universal” health care is of course a major Democratic issue, and Mr. Obama laid out a proposal in May, Mrs. Clinton in September. Both plans create a public insurance option managed by the government. Both plans impose more stringent regulations on insurance companies, and both institute new taxes on business.”

The Republican Party’s interpretation of these plans is that it represents socialized medicine. The reality is that this is a big step on the way to a totally socialized medicine system. The plans will generate another headache for the federal government. Entitlements are bottomless pits with multiple failures. They will fail to control cost, or increase the quality of medical care. They will fail to improve patient or physician satisfaction. They will increase taxes and cost to business without increasing coverage. They will fail because they lack incentives for consumers and providers.

I predict the inefficiencies in the healthcare systems will increase. adding patches to a broken system does not improve the system.

“The so-call “individual mandate” has become the preferred liberal health policy tool after Mitt Romney introduced it in Massachusetts.”

Romney’s Massachusetts plan has been modified after nine months because of extreme cost overruns.

In theory, such a law would force everyone to sign up for health insurance–either through their employers, a private plan or a government option–or otherwise pay penalties.

Mitt Romney knows the wheels are coming off the Massachusetts Program. You do not hear him talk about it very much except to take credit for the plan. Romney’s plan does not provide incentives for the consumer or the providers.

“ Mr. Obama’s mandate has led to a primary catfight that runs back several months and Mrs. Clinton is pressing the issue especially hard now to attract liberals who think Mr. Obama is the better bet for “change.” She said on Saturday that Mr. Obama “proposed a health-care plan that doesn’t cover everybody.” Mr. Obama counters that the reason many people aren’t insured is because they can’t afford it.”

He has been accused by Clinton of echoing right-wing talking points,” He fires back that he is testing reality.
“In modifying its original plan Massachusetts has exempted almost 20% of uninsured adults who don’t qualify for subsidies from mandated coverage because it is too expensive.”

In Massachusetts more and more people can not afford the mandated healthcare insurance program. The State of Massachusetts cannot afford the rising costs of the plan.

I believe the Democratic Party’s goal is to use incremental steps to gradually achieve a totally government-run health-care system. Hillary Clinton is making a big mistake in highlighting herself as a change agent. She failed with HillaryCare in 1994.

“She’s betting that Democratic primary voters will give her credit for having tried. The new liberal consensus is that her 1994 effort got the policy right but botched the politics. That’s why Mrs. Clinton–and John Edwards–posits insurance and pharmaceutical companies as villains who must be vanquished for liberal reform to prevail.”

Hillary Clinton’s goal is to convert a political liability to a political asset. She wants credit for a failed plan. In 1994 she never asked patients and practicing physicians what they needed or wanted. She is making the same mistake now.

“By contrast, Mr. Obama says a genuine health-care overhaul must be negotiated at a “big table” including industry.”

Whatever the minor policy differences among Democrats, their major domestic ambition this campaign season is the government takeover of the health-care market.

We have heard nothing constructive from Republican candidates. I do not think any of their presidential candidates have a viable plan. No one seems to understand the Consumer Driven Healthcare concept.No one seems to understand the ideal Medical Saving Account concept.

Healthcare is a major issue to the voters. Now is the time “People Power” must express itself.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Clinton, Obama Clashing On Healthcare – Part 2 Democrats Debate Requiring People To Buy Coverage

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

None of the candidates are discussing the origins of our dysfunctional healthcare system. If they understood the origin of the dysfunction I believe the cure would be obvious. The problems started with Medicare and mandated price controls.

Instead they fight over relatively insignificant issues.

“ Clinton is not alone among Democrats in calling for all adults to buy insurance. Former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and Sen. Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut have included the requirement in their health plans, making Obama the most notable outlier in the party’s presidential field.”

An important question is; what is the definition of the middle class? The Drum Major Institute, a progressive think tank, has a website called that places the range for middle class at individuals making between $25,000 and $100,000 a year. The middle class comprise 60% of our population. These are the people the presidential candidates are begging to vote for them. However, the candidates from neither party are presenting viable solutions to the voters’ problems.

A middle class male with a family of four earning $40,000 per year will not be able to spend $10,000 a year with after tax dollars for healthcare insurance. He needs to feed and clothe his family. His home could cost $12,000 a year. Fuel, electricity and gasoline could cost at least $8,000, all with after tax dollars. Income tax bill could be at least $6,000 or more. All this without mentioning food and clothing and other essential expenditures to keep a roof over his family’s head.

A male independent contractor with a family of four who has hypertension and high cholesterol earns $50,000 a year. He does not have access to group healthcare insurance. He would not be eligible to purchase healthcare insurance from any healthcare insurance company. He is a poor insurance risk. Even if he was eligible, this middle class family could not afford the present healthcare insurance premiums.

The idea of making health insurance a requirement has grown in appeal as politicians and health advocates look for ways to cover the estimated 47 million Americans who do not have it.”

On the other hand, insurance executives are earning millions of dollars a year; hospital administrators feel they deserve one million dollar plus salaries. We all recognize the inefficiencies and waste in the system. The presidential candidates are not talking about how to solve these problems.

Pharmaceutical companies sell their drugs directly to the public through advertising. The FDA has recently taken many drugs of the market. How can the public develop trust in medications? Not a single candidate is discussing the patient safety issues of prescription medication.

Neither are any of the candidates discussing ideas to solve our national obesity epidemic. Obesity is the cause of many chronic diseases. Here is an idea for a candidate. Why don’t you make the War on Obesity a national issue. Two issues can be highlighted. First is the excessive calories in fast food and second the perverse incentives in the farm bill. The farm bill incentives can redirect corn and soybean from foodstuffs to fuel. The result would be decreasing our dependence on foreign oil and promoting a cleaner greener environment. Both initiatives would have a significant impact on our health.
Ninety percent of our healthcare dollar is spent on treating the complications of chronic disease. No candidate is advocating funding for teaching patients to prevent these complications.

Compliance/adherence rate for medication prescribed is about 50% for most chronic diseases. No candidate has mentioned developing public service educational programs to emphasize this problem.
These are a few of the problems that should be addressed.

Yet Clinton is attaching Obama with meaningless sound bites. “He’s called his plan ‘universal.’ Then he called it ‘virtually universal.’ But it is not either,” she asserted in a recent Iowa speech. “And when it comes to truth in labeling, it simply flunks the test.”

The debate about healthcare is entertaining but shallow and negative.

Clinton mailed a letter to Iowa voters, over the signature of former Gov. Tom Vilsack, which says “Mr. Obama threw back talking points worthy of Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney” when questioned about “flaws” in his plan.

In response, Obama distributed a piece in New Hampshire that defended his health proposals and urged voters to “remind Hillary Clinton” that the Jan. 8 primary “won’t be won by launching misleading, negative attacks.”

However Americans are tired of political rhetoric. Someone has to tell the candidates that we are smarter than they think.

“But as the concept of a health insurance mandate gains currency within top ranks of the Democratic Party, the feasibility of the idea remains uncertain and its effects are unproven. As the Obama campaign points out, similar requirements in other areas, such as mandatory automobile insurance and motorcycle helmet use, never result in universal compliance.”

I do not believe Hillary Clinton is interested in the feasibility of her ideas. She is more interested in spinning her sound bites so she can become president.

Obama might be the only one that has respect for our intelligence. I hope America’s intelligence shows up in the polls.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are mine and mine alone.

  • charlesclarknovels

    I plead with candidates: don’t try a band-aid cure for the dying healthcare system. I won’t work! You have to dig into the causes and take action to restructure the entire program by eliminating the causes regardless of how unpleasant it might be to the lobbyist of the AMA, Health Insurance Industry, and the Pharmaceutical Industry.
    A start would be to take steps to deny reimbursement for unnecessary surgical procedures and unnecessary diagnostic testing.
    Is there a candidate who will step up and take the heat that goes with change? I think not.

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Clinton, Obama Clashing On Healthcare – Part 1: Democrats Debate Requiring People To Buy Coverage

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is on the attack against her main rival, charging that Sen. Barack Obama’s health plan would leave millions of Americans without medical protection while hers provides coverage to all.”

The real issue should be that everyone should be the able to purchase healthcare insurance if they want to. It should not be mandated with a penalty. There should be no restriction on eligibility. Everyone should be able to purchase healthcare insurance with pre-tax dollars. The government should subsidize the less fortunate on a means tested basis. Everyone should own their healthcare dollar. Everyone should have financial incentives to use their healthcare dollar wisely.

Patient education is critical for the prevention of the complications of chronic disease.Patient education should be adequately compensated. Patient education programs to teach patients to use their healthcare dollar wisely should be available on the internet.

Consumers can force the healthcare insurance industry to compete for their healthcare dollar. If real price transparency was required for hospital systems and physicians, both would be forced to compete for the consumers’ healthcare dollar.

With consumer driven healthcare, the market economy would force the healthcare insurance industry to become more efficient. It would decrease its 150 billion dollars in administrative costs.
Consumer driven healthcare would also stimulate hospital systems and physician groups to deliver more efficient medical care. Both groups would be interested in eliminating administrative waste through the use of information technology. The consumer must be the primary driver of the healthcare system, not the government nor the healthcare insurance industry.

Consumer driven healthcare would create a more orderly evolution toward the adoption of information technology rather than the punitive administrative rules and bureaucratic inefficiency advocated by Gingrich and Kerry in their E-prescriptions article.

I have mentioned that it costs a physician $7 to pull a chart from his filing racks. It costs another $15 to complete the chart. The use of the ideal electronic medical record would decrease this cost to pennies. In turn, it will decrease the physicians costs to deliver medical care which would reduce fees.

If an innovative software company provided universal software to physicians and hospital systems and charged physicians and hospital systems by the click, we could eliminate the burden of start up costs and capital expenditure.

Hospital systems’ pharmaceutical charges and bed charges should be based on its cost plus a reasonable profit.

Healthcare premiums must be community rated and available to all with pre-tax dollars and subsidies if necessary. Consumers electing not to purchase healthcare insurance would be responsible for the retail charges. This might create incentives for those would choose not to take advantage of the universal coverage opportunity.

Incentives should be given to physicians to develop patient education services to prevent the complications of chronic diseases. All the presidential candidates are ignoring the fact that 80-90% of the healthcare dollars are spent on the complications of chronic disease.

Hillary Clinton’s assertion, flatly rejected by the Obama campaign, rests on a pivotal difference between the two Democratic presidential candidates’ health proposals. Clinton says she wants the government to require all citizens to buy insurance or face a penalty. Obama relies on a mandate for children only, and instead emphasizes ways to make coverage more affordable.”

I believe the basic difference between Hillary and Obama is Hillary thinks you have to force people to do things and Obama thinks you have to provide the environment and incentives to get people to do things. Obama has more respect for our intellect than Hillary does. However, both candidates are advocating systems that will fail. After they fail the next step is universal coverage by a single party payer. The single party payer will be a disaster for America.

“ The seemingly technical distinction has launched an impassioned debate among economists, health care analysts and politicians, and has fueled a key campaign argument in early-voting states such as Iowa. It will likely receive more attention as the election season grinds ahead.”

Here we go again. The media seeks openings to make the election a spectator sport. Americans want serious discussion of the issues and well thought out solutions.

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The Opportunity for Innovative Thinking: Medicare Part D.

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I said there was plenty of room for improvement of the healthcare system and innovation.

The Medicare Part D doughnut hole (coverage gap) is punishing to the over 65 year old. Pricing of drugs bought with Medicare Part D are inflated. The price of drugs is so high that when patients reach their coverage gap (doughnut hole) of $2510 to $5250 they can not afford to pay the inflated retail price for the medication. Therefore they do not take the medication and develop the complications of their chronic disease. The complications of chronic disease increase the cost of healthcare.

Medicare Part D recipients are driving an evolving innovative change in purchasing prescription medication. Since payment in the doughnut hole (coverage gap) is money out of the seniors pocket they are looking for ways to save money and still be able to afford their medication. They are demanding that their physicians write prescriptions for generic substitutes. Physicians want to help their patients. When they can, they are prescribing generics substitutes.

Patients then buy the generic without using their Medicare Part D insurance for $4.00 at Wal-Mart. They avoid the $6.00 out of pocket expense plus the additional $50 to $150 dollars charged to their coverage gap. They have also learned to ask their physician to double the dose of the dose generic medication. They then use a pill cutter to cut the pill in half to take the prescribe dose. They save even more money on their prescriptions.

This consumer driven initiative was stimulated by Wal-Mart. It has saved Texans $79 million since September 2007 and patients nationally $613 million.

The pharmaceutical industry has not done a good job influences patients or physicians to insist on brand name medication. Five years ago their influence on physicians was much greater. However, the pharmaceutical industry has killed the goose that provided the golden eggs. They have flood physician offices with account sales representatives. The pharmaceutical sales reps bring lunch, arranged dinners and do everything they can to influence physicians to use brand name drugs. The increase activity by pharmaceutical sales reps has backfired and has annoyed physicians. Most physicians’ offices will not let account reps into their office much less let them bring in lunch.

The pharmaceutical industry has not been innovative or effective in proving their drug is better than the generic substitute. The physicians’ reflex is they have been used. They are the generic drug movement.

It is innovations like Wal-Mart’s creating an opportunity for patient to save their own money that will stimulate more creative innovations for the benefit of the patients in the future. Price transparency for drugs has been exposed by the market place without the need for government regulation. It should be obvious to all that the price of brand name drugs are excessively high.

It must be remembered that without patients and physicians there would not be a healthcare system. Patients have the power to create change to their advantage with a little help from their physicians if they understand the defects in the healthcare system. Previous innovations by facilitator stakeholders have taken advantage of the healthcare system. It is now the primary stakeholders turn to be innovative with the help of innovative entrepreneurs.

  • Ken Welch

    I just read your article “The Opportunity for Innovative Thinking: Medicare Part D” and would agree the splitting pills could save 8 million Lipitor users in the U.S. up to $1,000 per year.
    As I am sure you are aware, Pfizer’s Lipitor is the largest selling prescription drug in the World at $13 Billion per year with U. S. sales exceeding $8 Billion. Lipitor is available in 10mg, 20mg, 40mg or 80mg tablets – all sold at the same price, and costs the average user $1,300 per year. (The 10mg dose is slightly cheaper.)
    Splitting Lipitor tablets in half or quarters results in the following savings every year:
    * Splitting the 80 mg Lipitor tablet into quarters will save $1,001 per year.
    * Splitting the 80 mg Lipitor tablet in half will save $668 per year.
    * Splitting the 40 mg Lipitor tablet in half will save $655 per year.
    * Splitting the 20 mg Lipitor tablet in half will save $328 per year.
    Splitting pills is not a new idea, but many people do not get accurate results with the typical $5 drugstore pillcutter. To address this problem, we have developed the Swiss Pill Cutter for Lipitor which precisely and easily splits the 80mg, 40mg and 20mg tablets in half, and the 80mg tablet into quarters.
    To put this whole pill cutter issue in perspective, one should note that more than eight million people in the U. S. use Lipitor and most of them could significantly reduce their prescription drug costs by the simple act of splitting the tablets in half. The savings would dwarf those offered by the PPA or Canadian pharmacies or many other programs debated in Congress. And, we are only talking about one prescription drug.
    Ken Welch

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