Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE Menu

Stan Feld


One Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words


One picture is worth 1,000 words.
The second picture says it all.

Chart of agencies 9 22 2013
The list of one humdred and fifty nine new bureaucratic new agencies can be found at

The one hundred and fifty–nine new agencies generated by the
Accountable Care Act (Obamacare) increases the complexity of an already
uncontrollable bureaucracy. Americans have seen many examples of the
inefficiency and waste because of the growth of bureaucracy in everyday life.

Jpg height of rules


 To date, before Obamacare
has been in full swing, these agencies have created the pile of regulations
demonstrated by Mitch McConnell.

 What are the chances the
recipients of these regulations will understand and obey all these regulations?

 What are the chances the
government bureaucrats can enforce these regulations?

What are the chances favored,
privileged parties will be exempt from these regulations?

What is the value added cost
these agencies and regulations provide for the direct treatment of patients
with disease?

These are all good questions.
The answers are not readily available. The administration, our congressmen or the
traditional media do not discuss these questions.

The American public has
already felt the consequences of the growth of bureaucracy and regulations.

Seventy seven percent of new
jobs have been part-time jobs
. A person working less than 30 hours a week is
not required to receive healthcare insurance from his employer. Employers have
done this to avoid an Obamacare penalty.

Healthcare insurance
premiums for next year are skyrocketing. The Obama administration continually
tells the traditional media that insurance premiums will be affordable and
decrease in 2014.

True unemployment rises to
over double digits while government statistics claim it is falling. It is a
statistical trick.

Americans are noticing the
sting of the 20 hidden taxes Obamacare has put in place. Despite these taxes,
the deficit for this year remains one trillion dollars. It means the
administration is spending more despite the tax increases.

The Democrats keep saying we
must raise the debt limit. The Federal Reserve keeps saying we need to print
more money. President Obama keeps saying you must pay the bills Americans and
congress voted to incur. America cannot default on its debt.

Few are saying we must
decrease the debt by decreasing bureaucracy, regulations and inefficiency.

Fewer are saying we must
stop this overspending.

President Obama has given
countless waivers to countless companies. The first waver was MacDonalds which provides
Mini-Med insurance to their low wage employees. Mini-Med insurance is worthless.
It provides practically no healthcare insurance coverage.

President Obama figures that
all these people would sign up for the Health Insurance Exchange rates. These
exchanges would provide tax credits for the low wage income earner by law. The
law seemed to change in the last few months from tax credits to subsidies
without congressional approval. Law wage earners do not pay taxes and cannot
benefit from tax credits.

After October 1 we will see
if young healthy persons without pre-existing condition sign up for healthcare insurance
through these health insurance exchanges.  

 The only insurance rates
seen through these exchanges so far are the California health Insurance exchange
rates. The rates are too high to buy adequate healthcare coverage for someone
making $40,000 per year. The affordable rates do not provide adequate healthcare
insurance coverage.

 The Obama administration
claim’s that the New York State rates are lower than the private insurance
rates. It might be true for certain levels of coverage. The reality is the
private insurance rates in New York are too high. The New York State Board of
Insurance permits healthcare insurance companies to receive an unconscionable
return on investment.

A one year delay of
Obamacare for corporations will get President Obama past the mid term
elections. It will permit public awareness of the harm Obamacare is doing to
the economy which the administration is striving to keep hidden.

After the election cycle it
will dawn on the majority of the public that Obamacare is a destructive
train-wreck to the economy and economic growth.

The delay will also have a
lesser effect on the tremendous increase in deficit spending that would
diminish the debate on the administration’s overspending.

President Obama doesn’t seem
to think deficit spending is an important issue.  He is also not bothered by the Federal Reserve’s
quantitative easing.

The most offensive action by
President Obama is exempting congress and the congressional staff from

Why should the individual
hard working person suffer the effects of Obamacare when government officials
do not? 

Can Obamacare work when we
have so many agencies generating so many regulations? Can it work when so many
people have waivers and exemptions?

I doubt it!

No only is it not fair to
hard working people. It is probably unconstitutional.

It doesn’t look like the
American individual taxpayers that are not exempt from Obamacare are going to
get much help from the Supreme Court.

Maybe President Obama’s goal
is to destroy the healthcare system’s infrastructure. He is setting up the
failure of Obamacare.

Obamacare seems to be designed
to destroy our healthcare system. Maybe Obamacare is not supposed to work. Maybe
it is designed to cost so much that the entire economy will fail.

This can be the only reason
Obamacare has been permitted to continue to exist by both Democrats and

Obamacare is neither affordable
nor executable.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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What Are Private Insurance Exchanges?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Corporations have been providing healthcare insurance
since after WWII. The cost of healthcare insurance has been rising since.

The increase in premiums became intolerable in the
1980’s when cost shifting occurred. Medicare decreased reimbursement and the
fees were shifted to private insurance.  Several experiments in healthcare coverage
were tried to reduce the cost to employers. All the schemes failed to control

The schemes include managed care and HMO’s. All the
insurance schemes were defined benefit plans. Employees were immune from
responsibility for themselves or their healthcare dollars.

As the costs have risen to unsustainable levels
corporations have been trying to figure out how to get out of providing
healthcare coverage for their employees as a benefit.

Most employers, large and small, want to limit their
exposure to healthcare premiums and Obamacare penalties.

A movement to limit employment to less than 30 hours
a week to avoid providing healthcare insurance to employees and avoid Obamacare
penalties has become viral.

No one has tackled the real reasons for the rising
healthcare costs. No one has tackled the perverse incentives and advantages
given to the healthcare insurance industry all these years.

I have argued that this perverse incentive can lead
to all the other perverse incentives initiated by the rest of the stakeholders
in the healthcare system in order to survive.

Once more the healthcare insurance industry figured
out how to increase their profits while making it appear they are helping both employers
and employees.

It must be remembered that the healthcare insurance
industry profits through both private insurance and government provided
healthcare coverage.

The industry makes its profits by providing
administrative services. The government outsources the administrative services
to the healthcare insurance industry.

The profit generated in both the private sector and
the government sector is far from transparent.

The healthcare industry’s new scheme converts defined
benefit coverage to defined contribution coverage for healthcare benefits.

In recent months we have seen large corporations
switch their employee healthcare benefits to defined contribution programs.

A partial list of companies includes Walgreens, Home
Depot, Sears, Trader Joes, Xerox and IBM retirees.

Rather than provide a healthcare insurance coverage
benefit through the corporation, the corporation is providing employees with a
defined contribution each year. The employees can then buy their insurance
through their employer’s contracted Private Health Insurance Exchange.

The Private Health Insurance Exchanges are provided
to the corporations by the healthcare insurance industry. There will be a menu
of insurance plans and premium levels employees eligible for coverage can
choose from.

The principals of healthcare coverage include all of
the basic requirements of Obamacare’s Health Insurance Exchanges. Employees
having a preexisting illness must be accepted. However, premiums might be
higher for patients with pre-existing conditions.

The defined contribution amount has not been defined.
It could be a couple of hundred dollars a year to a couple of thousand dollars
a year. In any event it does not sound as if it will be enough to cover the
cost of the healthcare insurance premium.

There will be high deductible plans with patients not
covered for the deductibles and co-pays.

If an employee doesn’t like what he buy in the
companies Private Insurance Exchange, he can always sign up for Obamacare’s
Health Insurance Exchange.

It sounds great for the employer because the employer
can predict costs. It is wonderful for the healthcare insurance industry.

It sounds terrible for the consumer.

It sounds both good and bad for the government. It
depends on how one looks at it.

The Obama administration will have more people sign
up for Obamacare’s Health Insurance Exchanges. The result will be greater
control over the healthcare system. I believe this is the reason the Obama administration has not opposed the Private Health Insurance Exchanges.

However, the consumers signing up for Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges will be the sickest
consumers. These consumers will use the system more than average.

This will result in an increase in the deficit and
unsustainability of Obamacare. The only way out is to increase premiums and

This is called a “redistribution of wealth” because
people making up to $40,000 per year do not pay taxes. If the tax increases are
means tested it will increase the amount of wealth that is redistributed will

The increase in taxes will decrease economic growth.

At the present time Obamacare’s Healthcare insurance
Exchanges do not have verification software. The system is vulnerable to fraud
and abuse even if it could work.

America is just becoming aware of the fraud and abuse
in the food stamp entitlement program. The food stamp entitlement has double. The
government has not fixed the food stamp program.

It is likely the same thing will happen with the government
run Health Insurance Exchanges. It will drive the federal deficit even higher.

Even though the Private Health Exchanges shift financial
responsibility to the consumer to pay for their own insurance it does not provide
financial incentive for patients to become responsible for their health.

It does not contain educational programs to help
patients deal with their chronic diseases. It does not teach consumers to be
responsible for their health and healthcare dollars.

Obamacare does not provide these incentives either.

The only plan that does is my Ideal Medical Saving
Accounts with employers providing support while shifting responsibility to
consumers by providing incentives for patients to lower the cost of their care.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Significance Of IBM Retiree Decision


 IBM’s dropping of retirees’ healthcare plans will be the cause of a
continuing avalanche of companies dropping healthcare insurance for its non-retired
.  These companies are doing it
in two ways. They are decreasing work hours from 40 to 30 hours per week. They
are hiring part time employees. The are also outsourcing work to avoid paying
an “Obamacare penalty.”

Companies are contracting with “Private Health Exchanges” to service the
rest of their employees
. The companies provide a stipend for healthcare
coverage and send employees to the “Private Health Exchange” to buy coverage.
If employees cannot afford the coverage, employees would be able to buy
insurance from the government health insurance exchange.


In February 2011 I wrote about the McKinsey study that estimated the
percent of employers that would stop providing healthcare insurance for their
employees in 2014.

None of the Obamacare fans wanted to believe this study.

Senator John Kerry and Representative Barney Frank said a public option was
essential in order for Obamacare to work.

President Obama told them not to worry. Obamacare will work without a
public option.

I called Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges essentially Obamacare’s Public
Option. Consumers will be forced into the health insurance exchanges in 2014.

The Congressional Budget Office provides congress estimates of the effects
of legislation. The CBO is not required to think.

 The CBO crunches numbers provided
to it by the administration. The administration has been less than candid with
everyone including the American public

Congressional Budget Office estimated that only 7 percent of employees
currently covered by employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) will have to switch to
government subsidized-exchange policies (Public Option) in 2014.”

The McKinsey study concluded; Feb 2011


  • Overall, 30 percent of employers will definitely
    or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014.
  • Many
    Human Resources officers and CFOs do not know the implications of Obama care.
  • Among employers having a high understanding of
    President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Act more than 50% will stop offering
    employee healthcare benefit and more than 60% will make some kind of change.
  • At least 30 percent of employers feel they would
    gain economically from dropping coverage and paying the penalty. They would
    even gain if they increase their employees’ salary or other benefits.
  •  The
    insurance coverage is in excess of $15,000 per year per employee. The
    government penalty is $2,000 per employee.
  • The
    difference in cost will force employers to drop ESI and force employees into
    the Public Option.  This was President Obama’s plan all along.
  • The survey also showed that more than 85 percent
    of employees would remain at their jobs even if their employer stopped offering
  • Sixty (60) percent of employees would expect an
    increase in compensation from their employers
  • Who
    are these rules in favor of? They are not in favor of the employee.”


“Health care reform fundamentally alters the
social contract inherent in employer-sponsored medical benefits and how
employees value health insurance as a form of compensation.”

 “Obamacare” guarantees the right to health
insurance regardless of an individual’s medical status or ability to pay. In
doing so, it minimizes the moral obligation employers may feel to cover the
sickest employees, who would otherwise be denied coverage in today’s individual
health insurance market.

The logical result is healthcare insurance
premiums would increase for the individual and benefits would decrease to keep
the premium cost down.

In 2014, people who are not offered affordable
health insurance coverage by their employers will receive income-indexed
premium and out-of-pocket cost-sharing subsidies from the government through public
health insurance exchanges.

The highest subsidies will be offered to the
lowest-income workers. It enables these low paid workers to obtain coverage
they could not afford in today’s individual healthcare insurance market.

It will force people into the dysfunctional
individual insurance market under public supervision of public health insurance

The government will pay the subsidies for the resulting
increased premiums that will result from expanded coverage in this “Public
The government would then pass the increased premium cost on to the
taxpayer on a means tested basis and with higher taxes.

This is what Don Berwick and President Obama meant by
redistributing wealth.

The next step is government’s complete control of
a single party healthcare system. 

Employers will no longer be able to offer better
healthcare insurance benefits to their highly compensated executives either.
Companies will be forced to discontinue employee healthcare coverage. We see
that happening in the Fall of 2013.

The penalty is set low to further encourage
companies to discontinue coverage. President Obama’s goal is to have most people
in the “Public Option.”

This will lead to government control of the
healthcare system and all the inefficiencies that will result. These
inefficiencies will increase the cost of care and result in a decrease in
access to care as well as rationing of care.

 State insurance exchanges will be paid for
by the states with a federal subsidy. These exchanges will offer individual and
family policies of set benefit levels (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum) from
a variety of insurance companies.

The effect on the federal deficit will be much
greater than the original CBO’s estimated. The number of people who will loss
their company insurance was estimated by the CBO at 10 million, or about 7
percent of employees, currently covered by ESI.

Seventy (70) million people was McKinsey’s estimate in 2011.

A July study by Craig Garthwaite of Northwestern
University’s Kellogg School of Management predicts as many as 940,000. That
number is an estimate of how many adults without children are working because
of what the researchers call “employment lock.”

increased number of participants will add to the federal deficit. The increased
federal deficit will result in higher taxes for everyone, including the middle

“The taxpayers are going to get
hammered,” says Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former Congressional Budget Office
director who is now president of American Action Forum,
a Washington-based
advocacy group that opposes the health law. “It’s going to be extraordinarily

President Obama wins his ideological goal.
Consumers will have less control over their own healthcare decisions and

The healthcare insurance industry will gain more
control over pricing. This will increase profits because they will administer
government health insurance exchange services. President Obama will continue to
outsource the administrative services to the healthcare insurance industry.

 The losers will be consumers and

The impending results are all totally
predictable. Obamacare fans refuse to listen.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Who Losses? Who Wins?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

IBM wins because it wants out of
providing healthcare insurance for retirees.

The government wins because it gains more
control over the healthcare system.

It is as if big business is playing right
into the Obama administration’s hands.

 The healthcare insurance industry wins because
it gets more administrative services fees from the government without risk.

The brokers for the healthcare insurance
industry win because they will take more commissions from individual consumers than
they would from an institutional company.

IBM retirees

 Most retirees will go on Medicare Part B or
Medicare Advantage. President Obama is planning to eliminate Medicare

Medicare Part B is means tested so the
more income that is generated from any source by a retiree the higher the premium
paid to the government for Medicare Part B.

The Medicare premiums are paid with pre
tax dollars from retirees Social Security payment. The supplemental insurance
(Medicare Part F) covering deductibles and co-pays are not tax deductible.

Medicare is increasing the deductible and
co-pay requirement in 2014. Therefore the non tax-deductible supplemental
premiums will increase in price.

The premiums of both Medicare and
Medicare supplements for services and drugs can amount to more that $16,000 a
year for a husband and wife calculated in terms of after tax dollars..

Large companies provided the healthcare
coverage as a benefit to retirees tax-free.

IBM has been trying to get out of
providing healthcare coverage for employees since 1999. Obamacare has provided
an excuse for IBM to discontinue its coverage for retirees.

General Electric (GE) made the same
announcement a while ago. Time Warner made its announcement right after IBM.

Companies who have changed their
healthcare coverage for retirees include DuPont, Caterpillar, Sears and Darden

Many more companies are about to joint in.

It is obvious this was coming as a result
of Obamacare.

The move
disregards the social contract made with employees when employees were first

International Business
(IBM) is going to discontinue its company-sponsored health plan for about
110,000 retired employees.

 IBM plans to provide retirees a fixed payment.
The payment will be used for retirees to buy their own health care coverage
through a “private” health insurance exchange.

 Once retirees are eligible for Medicare at age
65, IBM would not be responsible for managing these retirees’ healthcare

IBM said,
“the growing cost of care makes its current plan unsustainable without big
premium increases.”

IBM told retirees, “that its current retiree coverage will end
for Medicare-eligible retirees after Dec. 31, 2013.”

IBM is shifting the responsibility to the
retirees for buying their own coverage through “Private Health insurance

It sounds like a costly rip off to the retiree.
IBM is providing a subsidy for now. Then IBM will discontinue the subsidy.

One Private Health Insurance Exchange
executive said.

were turning off plans," he said. "We've given them a proven way to
subsidize. At some point every single retiree will join a Medicare

Some union-affiliated groups and retirees
weren't convinced. Lee Conrad, national coordinator for the IBM Global Union
Alliance, said

worker group
sees this as
just another take-away of retiree and employee benefits."

Parry, an engineer who retired in 1992 after nearly 32 years at IBM, said he is
concerned he may have to pay more. "The worst thing right now is not
knowing what's going on,"

At the moment the cost of the government
providing Medicare coverage is unsustainable according to the CBO. This is
despite Medicare premiums being means tested and the escalation of Medicare

Despite the increase in premiums Medicare
will run out of funds by 2024.

The choices are higher means tested
Medicare premiums (redistribution of wealth), decreased access to care or
rationing of care. I believe it will be all of the above. The burden of this
change will fall on the taxpaying consumers’ shoulders.

As big businesses drop coverage for
retirees, the Medicare roles will increase and the government will run out of
fund prior to 2024.

Excessive costs, commissions, and bureaucratic
inefficiencies part of any government program.

The Obamacare bureaucracies seem to have
no concern for the inefficiencies and increase in deficit spending.

It is as if they are saying, “Bring it on.”
All the government wants is control of the healthcare system.

The result will not be affordable care.
It will be unaffordable care that is rationed with limited access to care.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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You Cannot See the Pattern Unless You Look

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Let us assume President Obama wants to destroy the
healthcare system. I have presented steps taken by the Obama administration to
accomplish that goal.

It is possible that this assumption is correct.

It looks as if President Obama uses the same patterns
in the actions he takes to govern.

He promises a group something that group wants to
hear. Then he disregards the promise. He acts to further his political agenda.

This methodology is not the methodology of
leadership, nor does it promote trust.

However, he
has used the same methodology in finance, in the environment, in immigration,
in defense, in energy, in racial relations, and most of all in Medicine.

He first captures his base with ideas that promote
their vested interest. He then undermines his base’s vested interests replacing
these vested interests with his own political agenda.

next step is to shift the blame to someone else.
His best victim has been the Republican Party. It
is incomprehensible to me that the Republican Party sits back and takes it. I
guess it is politically correct to do so. However, it does not win elections.

If an element of his base makes a big enough stink,
he provides an executive waiver for the issue.

Some of the patterns are hard to see. The
traditional media under reports them.

Other actions using the same pattern are not seen
because they are not examined carefully. They are only seen after they have a
direct affect on an individual’s or group’s vested interest where they have
been betrayed. This leads to mistrust.

President Obama then proceeds to become the judge.
As judge he plays one group against the other.

He now has angered adjunct university and colleges
teachers. This group has been a steady ally.

“Adjunct faculty at a local college
were asked to sign a 
petition to the White House to "explore
options to prevent colleges/universities from cutting adjunct and contingent
faculty hours to circumvent [the] PPACA," better known as 

This is in
response to the massive assault on the livelihood of adjunct faculty who
now face devastating salary cuts as a direct result of Obamacare.

University and college
professors have universally been President Obama fans. The tide is shifting for
President Obama.

He has blamed the
shifting tide on the Republicans.

In medicine President
Obama’s budget cuts have already resulted in rationing of care and a decrease
in access to care. Cancer Clinics across the
United States are turning away thousands of Medicare cancer patients.

The cost of the
medication to the cancer clinics is higher than   government reimbursement for the medication.

"Patients at these clinics would need to
seek treatment elsewhere, such as at hospitals that might not have the capacity
to accommodate them

The reduced Medicare
funding already has taken place April 1,2013.

Cancer treatment in
hospitals, in many cases, are 2 to 4 times higher than treatment in outpatient
cancer clinics just as surgery done in an outpatient surgery clinic is one half
to one fifth the cost of surgery in a hospital.

Yet the hospital systems
continue to receive adequate fees.

 The Community Oncology Alliance, which
advocates for hundreds of outpatient cancer clinics nationwide has sent letters
to legislators urging them to exempt cancer drugs from the seques
ter for outpatient cancer
treatment to make less expensive outpatient cancer treatment available to

 The hypocrisy of President Obama, who early on
claimed that the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
would "launch a new effort to conquer a disease that has touched the life
of nearly every American

 Thus, it
is perplexing that the cuts outlined by CMS will negatively impact cancer
patients, making advances in cancer care more difficult to deliv

Seniors could not know
about this until they develop cancer and experience the cost. It too has been
under reported.

President Obama who introduced the idea of sequestration, in his
negotiations for a continuing resolution last year, has refused to take
responsibility for it.

Republicans attempted to
make the sequester cuts "less reckless,” such as severe military cuts,
closing the White House to visitors and all the other restrictions President
Obama introduced for this two per cent cut in the budget.

Harry Reid said the
Republican’s proposed cuts were dead on arrival in the Senate.

Obama's duplicity emerged, as he sought to blame the Republicans for
sequestration even though he originated it.”

There have been many instances where the
Obama administration has divided Americans into class warfare. The class
warfare has occurred in immigration reform, cancer victims vs. non cancer victims,
union workers vs. non union workers, right to work states, college teachers and
the administrators, black vs. whites and rich vs. poor for example.

The traditional media
fill the airwaves with these distractions. The real issues are diverted by the
distractions. President Obama plays “Wag the Dog” constantly.

Some examples of real
issues would be how to solve the problem of government inefficiency, waste,
fraud and abuse. It is not to create more agencies, rules and regulations and
impediments on business development to destroy job growth?

Why beat up on doctors
and patients when the real problems are insurance companies, hospitals and tort
reform despite the administration and its advisors’ denials.

Why is he giving out preferential
waivers? America should be outraged to have Obamacare passed into law by a
Democratic Party, which then in turn receives a waiver from President Obama by
executive order to be exempt from Obamacare.

The media should be
outraged. Instead the media has given congress and the President a pass.   

“Though I value my First Amendment right to
petition the government for change, we need far more puissant action.”  

We need to demand a total eradication of Obamacare.
 And it needs to be done as a united front.  Otherwise, we actually
play right into President Obama's overarching aims of 
and conquer
duplicity and coercion.” 

President Obama wants to
avoid personal blame for the expensive, unwieldy health care law. He will
probably figure out a way to blame Republicans for its failure.

The majority of the
people are against the healthcare law. Physicians know it will make the
healthcare systems problems worse and more expensive.  Yet the President ignores all of these voices
while he is spending massive amounts of money on marginally added value medical

Some believe the tactics
used by the used by the President to pass the healthcare law started all the
problems. In reality Obamacare is a bad law that will be impossible to

President Obama always uses
the same pattern to avoid personal blame. (“I
did not draw a Red Line, the international community did
”). He always
diverts our attention from the real problems. He tells lies or half-truths
about issues, and divides and conquers to create class warfare.

He uses the same moves
over and over again. If America doesn’t start looking, Americans will not see
the destruction to most of our institutions.

The so-called unintended
consequences in every area might not be so unintended.

President Obama is
accomplishing exactly what he wants to accomplish. It looks to me as if he
wants total government control over our society. Many institutions have begun to
crumble before he reaches his goal.

The disregard for our
constitution is one vivid example. 

What massive government
intervention means to me is that it is creating more misery, resentment and
anger among all the diverse groups in American society. 

Most Americans believed
President Obama when he said it is time for a change. It was time for a change.

 Since he did not define the change he was seeking,
we all assumed it would be for the better.

Our assumption was

It is time we start
looking and seeing.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Employer Mandate Confusion

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

about any rules or regulations is not good for business, bad for job growth and
bad for the economy.  Large and small
enterprises become cautious and are afraid to spend money on expansion.
Expansion might increase a tax liability without increasing production.

few months ago there was a dispute about how many new rules and regulations
have been released by the Obama administration to implement Obamacare.

“Implementation has
also become a bureaucratic nightmare, with some 159 new government agencies,
boards and programs busily enforcing the roughly 20,000 pages of rules and
regulations already associated with
this law.”

Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), on the third anniversary of the law’s passage,
March 22, 2013

The process the McConnell folks used is fairly
simple. They went to the Web site for the Federal Register and
searched for “Affordable Care Act,” the official name for the health-care law.
That turned up 897 documents.

On the Web site, there’s a button that will download
the documents to an Excel spreadsheet (CVS/excel). Then you use the sum feature
on Excel to add up the pages and presto, you end with 20,202 pages. These were
then printed out and duly stacked in a pile.

Jpg height of rules

McConnell might be way off in his calculation. The rules and regulations are
reported in the small print Federal Register. It is possible as many as 40,000
rules and regulations have been published. All of the rules and regulations for
Obamacare will not have been written by January 1, 2014. 

2nd Mcconnel jep

cost of the writing of the rules and regulations, the cost of the formation of
new agencies formation, and the cost of implementation have not been discussed.

and regulations tend to be open to misinterpretation, conflict, lawsuits and
lack of enforcement.

increase in rules and regulations leads to more confusion and conflict. Some
rules contradict other rules. This results in greater inefficiency and more not
less costs.

healthcare system can ill afford more non added value expenses.

IRS is going to be in control of enforcing the “Employer Manadate.” Many of the
rules and regulations have been written. However, many of the IRS’s rules and
regulations are not clear.

have written about employers decreasing the number of hours employees are
permitted to work in order to avoid the penalty “tax”
of not providing healthcare insurance for full time workers.

seven percent of the “job growth” in the past few months has been part time
employment growth.
The Obama administration has consistently denied this is
true despite the Bureau of Labor statistic reports.

is part time employment? It has been defined in Obamacare as an employee
working less than 30 hours a week.

“Just to understand how the penalty applies practically requires
flow chart. But as the Internal
Revenue Service has tried to 
interpret the mandate, the
agency and the businesses and employees affected by the mandate are discovering
that it is even more challenging than it reads.”

Answers to questions by
the I.R.S. have generated even more questions. Confusion mounts as more rules
and regulations are generated.

A big question has
surfaced. How does an employer determine whether employees whose hours fluctuate
should be offered insurance or pay a penalty “tax”?

Obamacare sets that
threshold at 30 hours per week. Many companies schedule some of their work
force on variable hours. An employee might work 25 hours one week and 33 hours
another week. 

In its preliminary
, released late last year,
the I.R.S. devised an approach to the problem of the variable-hour employee
that it calls the “look-back measurement method.”

The I.R.S regulations
would allow an employer to choose a measurement period of three months to a
year in which to average the employee’s weekly hours.

The measurement period
would then be followed by a stability period of a year for a total of two

Is anyone following this?

If an employee’s schedule
averaged out to full time (over 30 hours a week) during the measurement period,
then the company would be obliged to offer health insurance in the stability
period or pay a penalty.

The new measurement period
would begin immediately after the old one ended. The process of measurement and
stability periods would begin again.

 If the company anticipates that a new hire
will work full-time (over 30 hours a week), it must offer insurance by the
start of the fourth month on the job.

 Why not offer insurance immediately on hiring
the person? Is this not confusing?

 To make things more confusing, what happens if
an employee goes from full time to part-time?
The rules were unclear. “Do you get to keep your coverage?”

The I.R.S. took the
position that the employee would keep the coverage through the end of the
stability period.

If it turned out that the
worker still managed to average a full-time schedule, which would be possible,
if he or she made the switch late in the period. The company would have to
offer insurance in the next stability period as well or face the penalty.

A full-time employee who was
switched to part-time in August, before open enrollment in October, would be
entitled to an additional 16 months of insurance coverage.

Employers have figured out
they should fire the employee and avoid the penalty or the insurance coverage.
This is not good for job creation or the economy.

The law and its rules are
encouraging these actions.

The rule also penalizes an
employee who is switched from part time to full time employment. The employee
has to wait at least a year before the employer must offer that employee
insurance coverage rather than by the fourth month.

Measurement and stability
periods should be used to infer a status of variable-hour employees only,” 

“Once an employee is no longer a variable-hour employee and is
in a full-time position, he or she should be offered coverage within, at most,
four calendar months.”

Is all this confusing? You
bet. Just visualize the cost of the mountain of paper work and reports.

Is all of this cost
effective? No!

This represents a tiny
fraction of the rules and regulations by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) that
are causing confusion.

The more confused one gets
the less one wants to participation.

The only option left is a government
take over of the healthcare system. It wouldn’t be bad except for the fact that
America cannot afford it, and the government could not implement it without a
terrible cost to society.

It would result in
rationing of care and a decrease in access to care. The only solution is for
consumers to be responsible for their own care and control their own healthcare

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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  • spinal shock cure

    A dog’s nail consists of two parts, the quick which contains blood vessels and is the base of the nail. All in all, controlling the cost of health insurance plans is essential. Most people who change or lose their jobs also end up losing the health coverage and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that was passed in 1996 intends to protect individuals and their families from loss of health insurance.

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A Weekend With Brad

  Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

 Every year Brad and I spend a
weekend in some city just walking around bonding with each other.
We try to
solve the world’s problems. We talk about everything from life in the present
to life in the future.

 It is truly a great
experience for me. I learn more from him than he learns from me. Our roles are
reversed at this stage of life. He is now my mentor.

 Last week he expressed
interest in going to visit his place of birth, Blytheville Arkansas, for our
2014 weekend.

 I have many wonderful stories
about Blytheville Air Force Base and its 851st Medical Division. My
first is:

Into The Air Force 1965

 On February 13, 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson
authorized Rolling Thunder, the sustained bombing of North Vietnam. With
Rolling Thunder, the Vietnam War officially escalated.

Even though I received a Berry Plan exemption to complete my
Internal Medicine training, I was drafted to active duty when the war escalated.

My orders said to report to Blytheville Air Force Base
Hospital, 851st Medical Group on July 1,1965.

I found out who to protest to. The Major General I spoke to
in Washington said, “Sorry son, America is at war.”

Cecelia was pregnant with our first son, Brad. He kicked for the first time in Smokey Mountain National Park. Cecelia screamed and I almost went off the road.

Physicians practicing
at the hospital found out through the grapevine that I was going to be
stationed in Blytheville, Arkansas. Many just looked as if they pitied me for
my bad luck.

Stanley Gittleson M.D. a practicing pediatrician at the
hospital, came up to me in the hall one day and said he heard I was going to be
stationed at Blytheville Air Force Base in Arkansas. I said, “Yes.”

He said,

roommate at Cornell University came from Blytheville, Arkansas. His parents
lived there because his father was a civil engineer who had a government
contract to build the Bayous along the Mississippi River from St Louis to 200
miles south of Memphis.

 Jerry Cohen was brought up in Blytheville. His
father sent him east to his alma mata, Cornell for college and graduate school.
Jerry wanted to become a civil engineer and join his father’s construction company.

Cornell Jerry met a girl from New London Connecticut. After graduate school Jerry
and Huddy married.  Jerry convinced Huddy
to move to Blytheville, Arkansas.”

Stanley Gittleson said “They
are two great people. They will welcome you and Cecelia to Blytheville.

Just call him up and say, “ Gittleson sent you.”

Cecelia and I were nervous about going to Blytheville,
Arkansas. We were two kids who grew up on the streets of New York. We had never
traveled anywhere except to the Catskill Mountains in New York State during our
familys’ summer vacations.

We were immediately relieved to know all we had to do was
call and say “Gittleson sent us.”

It was exactly what I did the first afternoon we got there.
Jerry said in his charming southern accent, “Why don’t you guys come over to the house tonight for dinner.”

Jerry, Huddy and their two girls took us in as family
immediately. They were at our side during Cecelia’s pregnancy. Huddy was right
there at the Air Force Base Hospital as we waited for Brad’s birth on December
1, 1965.

As it turned out, Blytheville Arkansas was a great
experience  that neither of us will

I look forward to visiting Blytheville with Brad in 2014. We
will stay in Memphis for the weekend.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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President Obama Should Listen To Physicians

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Obama keeps saying over and over that Republicans do
not have any good health care reform solutions.

don’t have an agenda to provide health insurance to people at affordable

It all depends
on the definition of a good idea. Is it one that will work or one that will
fail? A good idea is it one that agrees with President Obama’s agenda. If it
doesn’t agree with his agenda it is a bad idea.

By President
Obama and Harry Reid own admission they believe Obamacare is a good step toward
a single party payer. They believe Obamacare will fail.

Any idea that
interferes with President Obama’s is defined as a bad idea.

The Republicans
and thoughtful people with actual healthcare experience have plenty of good
ideas. They do not agree with President Obama’s agenda.

This program containing Republican ideas three years ago had only 807 views on You Tube.

Congress voted for the
law (only Democrats voted for the law). They have now exempted themselves from
the law because they realize it is a bad law. It looks as if Obamacare will be
a train wreck.


Perhaps that is where
President Obama wants it to end.


 As each day
passes Obamacare looks like it will be a very expensive train wreck.

 Physicians are tired of being blamed for the rising
healthcare costs. They are starting to realize that they have to take action to
preserve their professional integrity.

In fact, in a recent study by the Physicians Foundation, six
out of ten physicians said they would quit medicine.

Most physicians love practicing medicine but cannot
understand the unbelievably wrong direction President Obama is taking to reform
the healthcare system.

 Many physicians
are looking for viable exit strategies to avoid quitting.

Physicians Foundation commissioned an extensive survey of
nearly 13,575 physicians. Meritt Hawkins, the physician search and consulting
firm, conducted the survey.

“The survey found
60% of physicians would
retire today
, if given the
opportunity—an increase from 45% in 2008. And it's not just disgruntled and
tired Baby Boomers who want to abandon their healing work. At least 47% of
physicians under 40 also said they would retire today, if given the

survey pointed out many major problem areas.

Two specific issues consistently agreed on by physicians
were malpractice concerns and the need for tort reform as well as the lack of
cohesive leadership among all physician groups to represent the vested
interests of physicians and their patients.

This survey is an excellent and detailed survey that has
heightened the awareness of physicians’ practice problems.

The Massachusetts Medical Society survey pointed out the
scope of defensive medicine. I extrapolated findings of the society’s survey to
the nation.

My conclusion was that $500 billion to $700 billion
dollars a year is spent on defensive medicine testing. Tort reform would
decrease the cost incurred by defensive medicine over testing.

The Mass Medical Society survey demonstrated that
physicians are frightened by the multidimensional stress of malpractice suits.
Physicians will do as much testing as necessary to avoid a malpractice suit for
missing a diagnosis. Most physicians do not experience financial gain in over
testing. The hospital system does.

President Obama and his advisors have ignored tort reform
and defensive medicine as an insignificant cost. Ezekiel Emanuel M.D. one of
President Obama’s advisors thinks defensive medicine only raises the cost of
the healthcare system between $2 to $3 billion dollars a year. This is a
misguided bias.

The Physician Foundation survey notes that many policy
makers, academics, and others identify fee-for-service reimbursement as a key
driver of health care costs. Physicians believe that "defensive
medicine is a far more important cost driver."

percent (40%) of the physicians surveyed said "liability/defensive
medicine pressures" was the least satisfying aspect of medical practice.

 Sixty nine percent
(69%) of physicians said defensive medicine is the "number one ranked
factor" driving up healthcare costs. The survey described the ordering of
tests, prescribing of drugs, and conducting of procedures done "partly or
solely to drive a wedge against potential malpractice lawsuits."  

malpractice lawsuits are common, adding an additional layer of paperwork,
expense, and stress in virtually every physician's work day," the report

The government ought to be listening to physicians practicing medicine every
day rather than ivory tower professors who have never practiced medicine a day
in their lives.

understand to some degree that's the cost of doing business, but the defensive
medicine goes deeper than that, in the ordering of extra tests, doing the extra
procedures, and extra scans to protect [oneself] against a malpractice suit.”

Medical malpractice is at the heart of overspending in
American healthcare. President Obama and Obamacare have ignored it. Some states
have addressed it and the cost of care has been decreasing slowly. I believe it
will take time in those states.  If
anyone is sincere about bending the healthcare cost curve they have to take
defensive medicine seriously. 

According to the survey physicians
felt that there is a lack of a forceful cohesive voice representing them.

is a systematic, endemic series of problems," Ray says. "Everywhere there
is defensive medicine, regulation issues, reimbursement issues. We are all in
the same boat. But physician representation is balkanized. There is not a
national organization that represents a majority of physicians."

When the survey asked which best describes
their feelings about the current state of the medical profession, only 3.9
percent of physicians used the words “very positive,” while 23.4 percent of
physicians indicated their feelings are “very negative.”

The majority of physicians – 68.2 percent —
described their feelings as either somewhat negative” or “very negative,” while
only 31.8 percent of physicians’, described their feelings as “somewhat positive”
or “very positive”.

A "least satisfying" aspect of
practicing medicine included dealing with Medicare/Medicaid/government
regulations (27.4%) and reimbursement issues (27.3%).

The American Medical Association (AMA)
represents only 15% of physicians, according to the Physician Foundation report. One of the reasons for the low enrollment is that physicians feel the
AMA does not represent their vested interests.

 Sermo is another physician organization. It is an Internet social
network. In less than 2 years Sermo had as many members as the AMA.

Sermo originally concentrated on
socioeconomic issues. It also discussed difficult clinical cases. 

The socioeconomic activity has recently
faded. Sermo’s power was using the social network to do instant surveys of physicians’
opinions on healthcare policy and patient care hassles.

These surveys were quickly disseminated to
the public as media stories of physicians’ opinions. It was done through public
service announcements and daily press releases.

Physicians were able to let the public know
how they felt about an issue instantly. It was very attractive. Somehow the
initial vigor stalled. Physicians are now left without a vehicle or organization
to express their feelings.

Government, the healthcare insurance industry
and the hospital systems have little desire to listen to the concerns of
practicing physicians. It is more important for these stakeholders to control
physicians. It will not work long term.

The Physicians Foundation Biennial Survey is
valid and accurate. However it is not dynamic or evolving. Neither the PFB
survey of the Sermo survey have gotten the attention they deserve.

Both are must reads along with the
Massachusetts Medical Society survey for those interested in physician concerns
and behavior.

Patients’ problems with the healthcare system
get less attention. The government and insurance companies tell patients what
they can and cannot do.

Repair of the healthcare system will only
happen when the American healthcare system evolves to a consumer driven
healthcare system with individual responsibility and patient control of their
healthcare dollars.

The reality is that health care should be as decentralized and regulated as close
to the people as possible, not run by Washington mandates.

This concept
opposes President Obama’s agenda.  

Obama has the power of the pulpit and has the gift of misdirection.

healthcare system is going to fail unless the public wakes up to the facts.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Are The Unintended Consequence’s Of Obamacare Unintended?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

It is hard to tell whether the unintended
consequences were really intended consequences on the way to destroying the
healthcare system.

Harry Reid and the President have already
admitted that Obamacare is a good first step on the way to a government
controlled single party payer system.

There are several problems with a single
party payer system,

  1. The
    government cannot afford it.
  2. The
    government cannot run it. It will have to hire the healthcare insurance
    industry to administer it. It costs the government 40% of the healthcare
    dollars to have the healthcare insurance industry provide administrative
    services for Medicare and Medicaid presently.
  3. Providers
    will not have incentive to produce. Reimbursement will be low and salaries will
    be low.

Normally if one works for a company, the
company provides healthcare insurance to the family. When Obamacare raised the
mandate limit forcing employers to provide healthcare insurance for employees’
children living at home to 26 years old, companies have been trying to figure
out how to avoid paying the increased premium cost of healthcare insurance.

Most companies have reduced or are reducing
employment to less than 30 hours to avoid the penalty for not providing
healthcare insurance.

Many companies have applied for wavers.
These companies will get waivers if they are the Obama administration’s
friends. Congress got a waiver.

U.P.S. announced it would discontinue
Health Benefits
for spouses of some workers. U.P.S. joins the list of other
companies doing the same thing. These include large employers like Xerox and Teva Pharmaceuticals. They
have chosen to impose surcharges on employees for spousal coverage.

Cities like Terre Haute,
Ind., are adopting a spousal carve-out so that working spouses would not be
covered under its health plans even if the healthcare insurance plan of the
spouse’s company is worse than Terra Haute’s healthcare insurance plan.

The University of Virginia
has just announced a similar spousal carve out. It is rumored that the state of
Virginia is next.

“UVA said
this is only one of many “major changes” coming to their health plans a
s a
result of ObamaCare. The university says the changes are necessary because the
law is projected to add $7.3 million to the cost of the university’s health
plan in 2014 alone.”

Isn’t Obamacare called the
Affordable Care Act?
In truth it is not. It will drive these spouses into a
health insurance exchange.

 “U.P.S. said, “Limiting plan eligibility is
one way to manage ongoing health care costs, now and into the future, so that
we can continue to provide affordable coverage for our employees.”

 — U.P.S. told employees, “Since the Affordable
Care Act requires employers to provide affordable coverage, we believe your
spouse should be covered by their own employer — just as U.P.S. has a
responsibility to offer coverage to you, our employee.”

Delta Airlines announced
that someone
leaked a letter from Delta Air Lines to the Obama administration.

letter stated that the “cost of providing health care to our employees will
increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year.” The letter also states that much of
the increase is due to Obamacare.

It means the airline tickets are going to increase in
price. This will become a burden on businesses who depend on flying to do
business. In turn, products these companies produce will increase in price.  

The ordinary consumer will also be affected by rising
airline ticket prices.

U.P.S. said, “Limiting plan
eligibility is one way to manage ongoing health care costs
, now and into the
future, so that we can continue to provide affordable coverage for our

U.P.S. estimates they cover
33,000 spouses. Fifteen thousand (15,000) spouses can get coverage through
their own employers. It should be added that they can get insurance until the companies
of these15,000 spouses drop their own healthcare coverage.

 If U.P.S
cannot lower insurance costs, they will raise shipping prices. Once again the middle
class is the victim. Another option is to drop healthcare insurance for all
employees and let them participate in the health insurance exchanges.

 Companies providing executive insurance
of $27,500 or more for employee family coverage or $10,200 for individual
coverage (Cadillac plans) will have to pay an additional 40% Obamacare tax in

This Cadillac plan tax is
something many companies are thinking about and making plans to discontinue in
the future.

The whole thing stinks.

It might not be an
unintended consequence. It might be an intended consequence.

 It might be exactly what President Obama wants
to drive as many people as possible into his health insurance exchanges.

His excuse for the increased
costs is that the American people cannot refuse to pay for something they have
obligated themselves to pay. In reality they have been deceived. They have been
tricked, forced and deceived into this obligation.

The Obama
administration is building a detective squad to target and penalize consumers and
companies that don't follow Obamacare's rules.

Department of Health and Human Services has hired 1,814 criminal investigators.
On the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010, HHS received authority
to hire 1,814 investigators to
sleuth out violations of the law.

Congressmen who supported Obamacare find this new police force

“HHS received authority from the Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) to make as many as 1,814 new hires under an emergency 'Direct Hiring
Authority' order.”

 The Obama administration ordered that employment expansion despite
a government-wide hiring freeze that is in place.

Why doesn’t President Obama
listen to the will of the people?

Everyone is against it. Everyone
has to be more vocal. Everyone has to vote these people out of power.

Otherwise we are on the Road
to Serfdom.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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