You Cannot See the Pattern Unless You Look
Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
Let us assume President Obama wants to destroy the
healthcare system. I have presented steps taken by the Obama administration to
accomplish that goal.
It is possible that this assumption is correct.
It looks as if President Obama uses the same patterns
in the actions he takes to govern.
He promises a group something that group wants to
hear. Then he disregards the promise. He acts to further his political agenda.
This methodology is not the methodology of
leadership, nor does it promote trust.
However, he
has used the same methodology in finance, in the environment, in immigration,
in defense, in energy, in racial relations, and most of all in Medicine.
He first captures his base with ideas that promote
their vested interest. He then undermines his base’s vested interests replacing
these vested interests with his own political agenda.
next step is to shift the blame to someone else. His best victim has been the Republican Party. It
is incomprehensible to me that the Republican Party sits back and takes it. I
guess it is politically correct to do so. However, it does not win elections.
If an element of his base makes a big enough stink,
he provides an executive waiver for the issue.
Some of the patterns are hard to see. The
traditional media under reports them.
Other actions using the same pattern are not seen
because they are not examined carefully. They are only seen after they have a
direct affect on an individual’s or group’s vested interest where they have
been betrayed. This leads to mistrust.
President Obama then proceeds to become the judge.
As judge he plays one group against the other.
He now has angered adjunct university and colleges
teachers. This group has been a steady ally.
“Adjunct faculty at a local college
were asked to sign a petition to the White House to "explore
options to prevent colleges/universities from cutting adjunct and contingent
faculty hours to circumvent [the] PPACA," better known as ObamaCare”
This is in
response to the massive assault on the livelihood of adjunct faculty who
now face devastating salary cuts as a direct result of Obamacare.
University and college
professors have universally been President Obama fans. The tide is shifting for
President Obama.
He has blamed the
shifting tide on the Republicans.
In medicine President
Obama’s budget cuts have already resulted in rationing of care and a decrease
in access to care. Cancer Clinics across the
United States are turning away thousands of Medicare cancer patients.
The cost of the
medication to the cancer clinics is higher than government reimbursement for the medication.
"Patients at these clinics would need to
seek treatment elsewhere, such as at hospitals that might not have the capacity
to accommodate them."
The reduced Medicare
funding already has taken place April 1,2013.
Cancer treatment in
hospitals, in many cases, are 2 to 4 times higher than treatment in outpatient
cancer clinics just as surgery done in an outpatient surgery clinic is one half
to one fifth the cost of surgery in a hospital.
Yet the hospital systems
continue to receive adequate fees.
The Community Oncology Alliance, which
advocates for hundreds of outpatient cancer clinics nationwide has sent letters
to legislators urging them to exempt cancer drugs from the sequester for outpatient cancer
treatment to make less expensive outpatient cancer treatment available to
Thus, it
is perplexing that the cuts outlined by CMS will negatively impact cancer
patients, making advances in cancer care more difficult to deliver."
Seniors could not know
about this until they develop cancer and experience the cost. It too has been
under reported.
President Obama who introduced the idea of sequestration, in his
negotiations for a continuing resolution last year, has refused to take
responsibility for it.
Republicans attempted to
make the sequester cuts "less reckless,” such as severe military cuts,
closing the White House to visitors and all the other restrictions President
Obama introduced for this two per cent cut in the budget.
Harry Reid said the
Republican’s proposed cuts were dead on arrival in the Senate.
Obama's duplicity emerged, as he sought to blame the Republicans for
sequestration even though he originated it.”
There have been many instances where the
Obama administration has divided Americans into class warfare. The class
warfare has occurred in immigration reform, cancer victims vs. non cancer victims,
union workers vs. non union workers, right to work states, college teachers and
the administrators, black vs. whites and rich vs. poor for example.
The traditional media
fill the airwaves with these distractions. The real issues are diverted by the
distractions. President Obama plays “Wag the Dog” constantly.
Some examples of real
issues would be how to solve the problem of government inefficiency, waste,
fraud and abuse. It is not to create more agencies, rules and regulations and
impediments on business development to destroy job growth?
Why beat up on doctors
and patients when the real problems are insurance companies, hospitals and tort
reform despite the administration and its advisors’ denials.
Why is he giving out preferential
waivers? America should be outraged to have Obamacare passed into law by a
Democratic Party, which then in turn receives a waiver from President Obama by
executive order to be exempt from Obamacare.
The media should be
outraged. Instead the media has given congress and the President a pass.
“Though I value my First Amendment right to
petition the government for change, we need far more puissant action.”
We need to demand a total eradication of Obamacare.
And it needs to be done as a united front. Otherwise, we actually
play right into President Obama's overarching aims of divide
and conquer by
duplicity and coercion.”
President Obama wants to
avoid personal blame for the expensive, unwieldy health care law. He will
probably figure out a way to blame Republicans for its failure.
The majority of the
people are against the healthcare law. Physicians know it will make the
healthcare systems problems worse and more expensive. Yet the President ignores all of these voices
while he is spending massive amounts of money on marginally added value medical
Some believe the tactics
used by the used by the President to pass the healthcare law started all the
problems. In reality Obamacare is a bad law that will be impossible to
President Obama always uses
the same pattern to avoid personal blame. (“I
did not draw a Red Line, the international community did”). He always
diverts our attention from the real problems. He tells lies or half-truths
about issues, and divides and conquers to create class warfare.
He uses the same moves
over and over again. If America doesn’t start looking, Americans will not see
the destruction to most of our institutions.
The so-called unintended
consequences in every area might not be so unintended.
President Obama is
accomplishing exactly what he wants to accomplish. It looks to me as if he
wants total government control over our society. Many institutions have begun to
crumble before he reaches his goal.
The disregard for our
constitution is one vivid example.
What massive government
intervention means to me is that it is creating more misery, resentment and
anger among all the diverse groups in American society.
Most Americans believed
President Obama when he said it is time for a change. It was time for a change.
Since he did not define the change he was seeking,
we all assumed it would be for the better.
Our assumption was
It is time we start
looking and seeing.
The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone
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faculty • October 17, 2013
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