I remember when President Obama held a meeting in 2009 with congressional Republicans in the House and Senate to discuss Obamacare before its passage.
This was to get input from Republicans before the Democrats excluded Republican input and were ready to vote in their Democratic Party dominated house and senate.
John McCain offered a constructive comment to improve Obamacare. President Obama’s response was “John I won the election.”
Now that Obamacare is an unmitigated failure John McCain voted against a simple repeal of Obamacare.
John McCain ran for reelection in his Senate primary and again in the general election on the platform that he would repeal and replace Obamacare.
Many forget that he almost lost his primary election to a Republican tea party challenger. He and the Republican Party outspent the tea party challenger.
During his Senate race, he was also anti-Obamacare.
“In fight of his political life, McCain hammers Obamacare”
“I think it’s a very strong issue,” McCain told POLITICO about his focus on Obamacare. “Eight of the counties in my state will now only have one [health insurer]. They’re looking at 65 percent increases in their premiums. They’re very upset.”
Why did he vote against the simple repeal? Is he a political hypocrite?
Does he hate President Trump so much that he will do anything to undermine his agenda?
Paul Ryan’s original bill allowed for an easy transition from Obamacare to a replacement bill.
Congressional leaders, especially John McCain, must listen to this lecture.
The traditional media critiques should listen to Paul Ryan’s lecture carefully and report on it fairly.
His plan would eliminate many of the Obamacare punitive regulations and permit Health Savings Accounts to grow. It would stabilize the health insurance markets. Some Republicans in the House are still opposed to his bill. They wanted immediate repeal and replace. They could not comprehend Paul Ryan’s subtle strategy.
Speaker Ryan finally got a watered down version of his proposal passed and ready for a joint conference. The Democrats fought it all the way.
In the senate, the Democrats said no to any proposal President Trump supported.
Both Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi said it is the Democrats job to say no to everything in President Trump’s agenda. The job in their view is to destroy the Trump presidency.
Their plan is to destroy the Trump presidency with the help of the traditional media and the deep state. The deep state consists of Obama administration holdovers and anti-Trumpers in administrative positions. Some are career administrators. It is becoming obvious that they are also the leakers.
Chuck Schumer has done everything in his power to slow down confirming President Trump’s nominees. He has openly admitted this.
The members of the deep state have been leaking classified information to the press about President Trump’s administration. These are federal crimes. Secretary Sessions is starting to do something about catching these leakers.
President Trump has pledged to clean up the swamp. The swamp consists of the deep state plus many Democrats and some Republicans are both houses.
President Trump has the ability to confirm his nominees when both houses in congress are in recess.
By a strange sounding rule, both houses of congress can be considered in session when all the congresspersons are in recess.
Lisa Murkowski (R Alaska) set it up so that while the senate is in recess it is still in session. This is denying President Trump the opportunity to make recess appointments.
Senator McConnell did not do anything to stop her. It looks like the Republican establishment is also trying to destroy President Trump’s presidency.
Why would I think that?
President Trump has not had any cooperation from the Republican establishment to date.
President Trump pledged to clean up the swamp. All of the parties mentioned are the swamp that has hampered the growth of our economy.
I guess John McCain did his job for both the Democratic and Republican political establishment by voting against the simple repeal of Obamacare.
“The Senate GOP’s healthcare bill failure is a political debacle that will compound for years, and the first predictable fallout is already here:
“Republicans in Congress are under pressure to bail out the Obama Care exchanges, even as Donald Trump threatens to let them collapse.
The GOP needs to get at least some reform in return if it’s going to save Democrats and insurers from their own failed policies.”
“Mr. Schumer may figure he can bludgeon the GOP into surrender because his press-corps buddies will blame the GOP for rising premiums.”
Let’s see what happens as a result of the swamp’s victory.
The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” is, mine and mine alone.
All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2017 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
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