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Has A Government Entitlement Program Ever Come In Under Budget?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama’s healthcare reform plan will not repair the healthcare system. It will not provide universal coverage, it will not provide affordable coverage and it will not increase the quality of care.

Not repairing the healthcare system is unacceptable. I have proposed an ideal medical saving accounts that will align all the stakeholder’s interests while not letting any stakeholder take advantage of the other. It is dependent on appropriate, enforceable state and federal rules and regulations that permit the market system to flourish and maintain freedom of choice.

Government should make rules to level the playing field for all stakeholders and then get out of the way. An efficient healthcare system can be created by permitting the consumer to drive the healthcare system.

Many employers have adjusted to the present healthcare rules and regulations. The result has been greater dysfunction in the healthcare system .

As healthcare insurance premiums increased employers could not afford full coverage for their employees. They changed to providing partial insurance coverage. Employees are required to pay for a significant portion of their insurance policy. The money comes out of the employee’s salary with pretax dollars. .

Other employers have provided high deductible insurance for their employees. The initial deductible costs are paid for with after tax dollars and have been an unaffordable burden to employees. Some cannot afford to pay the deductible and avoid care.

This scheme has the same effect on employees’ purchasing power as a federal tax increase. It should be viewed as a hidden tax increase.

There are many ways to fix the inequities to consumers in the present healthcare insurance system. .

“Substantial improvements to private insurance markets can be much more targeted and straightforward.

  1. These include changes to HIPAA and COBRA provisions to ensure portability between employer insurance plans,
  1. Measures to prevent higher premium upticks for customers moving from group to individual insurance markets,
  1. Ensuring that market entrants only face a single risk evaluation,
  1. Opportunities for the uninsured to opt back in to the system under new protections.”
  1. Correct accounting standard for incurred claim and Medical-Loss ratio.
  1. Instituting ideal medical savings accounts with patients owning and controlling their healthcare dollars would result in consumers being educated purchasers of healthcare services. Permitting consumers to retain the unused portion of the deductible in a tax retirement trust account would motivate the consumer to have a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Developing rules and regulations that calculate healthcare insurance premiums for the entire population and not rates determined by age or pre-existing illness.
  1. Taxing employers appropriately so that they provide adequate healthcare insurance for their employees with tax deductible dollars.

    9. Creating malpractice reform that has caps on liability. It will decrease defensive medicine and over testing by physicians in order to avoid malpractice suits. This simple rule could decrease healthcare costs by $750 billion dollars a year.

“STEPHANOPOULOS: The president has drawn one other very red line in the sand, that he won’t sign any health care bill that increases the deficit.”

“OBAMA: I will not sign a healthcare reform plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future.

However the history of government entitlement programs estimates has consistently contradicted President Obama’s statement. With the CBO’s estimates changing weekly and a large bureaucracy being set up, President Obama’s estimates are certain to be underestimates.


Next let’s examine the record of Congressional forecasters in predicting costs. Start with Medicaid, the joint state-federal program for the poor. The House Ways and Means Committee estimated that its first-year costs would be $238 million. Instead it hit more than $1 billion, and costs have kept climbing.

In many states a person living in poverty but earn more than the poverty level defined in 1955, does not qualify for Medicaid coverage.

Medicaid now costs 37 times more than it did when it was launched—after adjusting for inflation. Its current cost is $251 billion, up 24.7% or $50 billion in fiscal 2009 alone, and that’s before the health-care bill covers millions of new beneficiaries.

The bureaucratic process for Medicaid coverage requires reapplication every six months. Moises’ reapplication was rejected by bureaucratic error without explanation. He and his wife do not have coverage. Now his children are uncovered. So much for bureaucratic efficiency in Medicaid.

Medicare has a similar record. In 1965, Congressional budgeters said that it would cost $12 billion in 1990. Its actual cost that year was $90 billion. Whoops. The hospitalization program alone was supposed to cost $9 billion but wound up costing $67 billion. These aren’t small forecasting errors. The rate of increase in Medicare spending has outpaced overall inflation in nearly every year (up 9.8% in 2009), so a program that began at $4 billion now costs $428 billion.

Even if one gave President Obama the benefit of the doubt on his budget estimates his plan will not repair the real defects in the healthcare system.

There is strong historical precedent that his new entitlement program will create large deficits no matter what tricks he plays with the numbers.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


Nothing New: Same Old Story Spun Slightly Differently: Part 1


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama’s speech on healthcare reform to a joint session of congress added nothing new to the healthcare reform debate.. It was just spun differently.

He did give a tepid nod to tort reform. Defensive medicine results from a defective tort system. The defective tort system generates between $300 and $700 billion dollars a year in excessive diagnostic testing. Lawyers and insurance companies make large sums of money from the malpractice system. The tort system adds little value to the health of citizens.

President Obama said he will set up a few demonstration projects. Government demonstration projects have not worked in the past. His tort reform projects are too few and will have little effect. Everyone knows the problem as well as the solution. Our healthcare system needs significant tort reform immediately. The President is protecting the plaintiff attorneys because he doesn’t want to take them on. They have been large contributors to Democratic Party member election campaigns.

President Obama said the “Public Option” is the best way to control costs. However, he will not have a Public Option if he gets a bill passed. He is going to try to sneak a single party payer system through the back door as Barney Frank has stated.

The President said no one will have to spend more than $5,000.00 a year in out of pocket expenses.

Who is going to pick up the costs after consumers spend $5,000.00? I assume the government will. Consumers have to buy government mandated and approved healthcare plans.

Consumers will have to pay for policies that have a 40% deductible with after tax dollars as opposed to the 20% deductible with pre-tax dollars. The Obama administration has been convinced by the healthcare insurance industry that it needs the increase in deductible percentage in order to produce a lower “affordable” premium.

Consumers, by paying with after tax dollars, will be paying 35% more for their healthcare policies and 20% more in deductibles expenses. If the tax rate goes up to 40% they will pay 40% more for both. This is a hidden increase in consumers’ taxes and a government increase in revenue.

The big winner is the healthcare insurance industry, not consumers. The healthcare insurance industry will have a greater number of people insured on its roles because of a presidential mandate that he had promised to avoid.

President Obama said he will subsidize businesses and individuals who cannot afford healthcare insurance.

Who is going to make that judgment? The government will make that judgment. He asks us to stop being skeptical and trust his administration. He will take care of consumers in the spirit that made our country great.

President Obama, how can we trust your administration with our healthcare needs when we have had experience with so much false hope from your administration in the last 8 months?

He is leaving the control of the healthcare dollars in the healthcare insurance industry’s hands. The healthcare insurance industry provides administrative services. Can we trust the healthcare insurance industry to be fair and look out for the well being of consumers? No!!

President Obama said there are almost 400 insurance companies in the nation. He claims his plan will force them to be competitive. There are only five major healthcare insurance companies (Unitedhealthcare, Aetna Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, and Humana). Most of the other healthcare insurance companies are subsidiaries of those five major companies.

There will be no competition. The administration says a “Public Option” is the only effective way to lower the costs of healthcare. It will make healthcare insurance companies compete. However the insurance industry will define the costs and the price of the government’s public option. It has done so for Medicare Part D at the expense of taxpayers and it will do it again.

Medicare Part D is another failed government entitlement whose monthly premium has gone from $14 to $37 in three years. The patient deductibles have increase and the onerous donut still exists.

In addition to increasing the premium price the government subsidizes Medicare Part D with of billions of dollars a year. I predict the premiums for the “Public Option” will slowly escalate at tax payers’ expense.

The only creative way to break this healthcare insurance industry stranglehold is to institute a system with Medical Savings Accounts. The government or employers, as providers, should give consumers first $6,000 for their healthcare needs and teach them how to spend it wisely. What consumers do not spend they keep. The second $6,000 would be used to buy high deductible first dollar healthcare coverage.

This is the only way to reduce the healthcare insurance industry’s influence and grasp on healthcare spending. Medical Savings Accounts will provide consumers with incentives to use their healthcare dollar wisely. It will also provide incentives for patients to comply with medication and treatment prescribed. America might even make serious progress combating our obesity epidemic.


Gotta Pass This Healthcare Bill Before America Catches On


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


President Obama wants Congress to get a healthcare bill on his desk before the August recess. I can hear the train whistle blowing. He wants the bill passed before the public understands the implications of the bill. The House bill has provisions that declare individual private medical insurance illegal.

“Under the header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:”

"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.”

President Obama told Americans they can keep their private insurance if they like it. He did not tell us about the exceptions. He did not tell us we could not switch healthcare insurance companies.

“Those who currently have private individual coverage won’t be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.”

The only choice will be the public option. So much for creating competition to lower price. He did say the public option would be 30% to 40% cheaper than the current healthcare premiums. He did not say taxpayers would be funding the difference. Employers would gladly drop healthcare coverage especially if they cannot deduct the expense of private insurance. Employers do not need more incentive to drop private coverage. To be sure of this Congress will outlaw private insurance. 

What else is he not telling us when a 1018 page bill is presented with many confusing provisions? How much more of our freedom of choice will be restricted? The healthcare insurance industry is presently charging 15%-20% for administrative services for private healthcare coverage.

The government outsources administrative services to the healthcare insurance industry. As best as I can tell it is charging the government 15% for administrative services. The government claims administration cost 2% for Medicare. The 2% is before government outsourcing of administrative services. This 2% is going to balloon to at least 15% with the additional government bureaucracy. (Figure 1)


Figure 1


Who loses? The consumers of healthcare, the patients and the taxpayers lose. President Obama’s preference is rich tax payers.

“What wasn’t known until now is that the bill itself will kill the market for private individual coverage by not letting any new policies be written after the public option becomes law.”

The bill also outlaws the sale of health savings accounts.

“The Democrats want to crush that alternative because nothing gives individuals more control over their medical care, and the government less, than HSAs.”

All my readers know that Medical Savings Accounts not Health Savings Accounts are the answer to giving patients control of their healthcare dollar. The Democrats want to control the people and not permit freedom of choice.

“Neither the government nor the President has the constitutional nor moral authority to outlaw private markets in which parties voluntarily participate. Government shouldn’t be killing business opportunities, or limiting choices, or legislating major changes in Americans’ lives.”

With the house bill the public option becomes a mandate forcing citizens to buy government healthcare. A free people should be outraged at limitation of freedom of choice.

The Kennedy Senate bill has restricted input from the Republicans. Republicans have had to present 398 amendments to the Kennedy bill. All have been rejected.

“Unless you’ve been carefully watching the mark-up of the Kennedy health bill, you wouldn’t be aware that Senators have been battling over many of the 398 amendments proposed to the legislation. You also wouldn’t know that all attempts to protect patients from health care rationing were defeated.”

President Obama has already funded 1.1 billion dollars for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER). The research is supposed to compare the clinical and/or cost-effectiveness of two health care treatments for the same condition.

The Kennedy bill expands the role for CER. Sen. Pat Roberts’ (R-KS) amendment ,Sen. Tom Coburn’s (R-OK) amendment, Sen. Mike Enzi’s (R-NV) amendment, would all have prevented the use of CER to ration or deny care or mandate coverage. All three were defeated by straight Democratic Party-line votes. This action has gotten little public attention in the general media.

“If CER can be used by the government to make payment, treatment, and coverage decisions, it could also be used as a rationing tool.”

“One of the key issues emerging in the national health care debate is whether or not there will be official limits on the kinds of care, medical treatments, or procedures that Americans can get. As The Post reporter noted, when asked a specific question on this issue, the President failed to respond.

The Democratic Senators on Senator Kennedy’s Committee have responded in a way that would astonish and outrage and most ordinary Americans.

”The truth is that with legislation authorizing the federal government to make key decisions on medical benefits and medical procedures, dictating the kinds of health benefits Americans will and will not have in the government-approved health insurance plans, federal officials would retain enormous power over the kind of care Americans would receive.”

The President has repeatedly promised that if you enjoy your relationship with your doctor, his proposals would not interfere with that relationship. If CER powers are expanded rationing will occur, and government policy would destroy the doctor-patient relationship.


  The health care debate is not a battle over the uninsured, over rules governing insurance markets. It is a debate over government controlling our freedom of choice. It is not even a debate. It is a SPEEDING TRAIN.

Let your Senators and Representatives know the proposals are unacceptable.  Write, fax,call,email,twitter. Tell them:

“We do not want the government to control our lives. We want affordable, universal healthcare coverage that does not limit access to care. We want control over our healthcare dollars. We do not want government to control our lives and our money.”

Additional Reading: IBD Exc Series: Government-Run Healthcare: A Prescription For Failure

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


Consumers’ Anger Toward The Healthcare Insurance Industry Mounts


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama is utilizing the well earned anger consumers have for the healthcare industry in order to promote his healthcare reform plan. Eighty percent of consumers are not sick. Those 80% think their healthcare insurance policy is great. The 20% of the population that is sick is very unhappy with the healthcare insurance industry.

The internet and the blogosphere have enabled those 20% to express their anger. In less than 5 hours there were 177 negative comments to the article describing how the healthcare insurance industry double crossed President Obama. This anger has been ignored in the past. The new media has created an environment in which the anger cannot be ignored. The healthcare insurance industry has killed the goose that laid its golden eggs.

President Obama has made the internet his town hall to permit consumers to express their discontent for the healthcare system. I suspect President Obama will receive more than 5 million complaints in his campaign to expose the abuse of patients by the healthcare insurance industry.

It will not bring us closer to having an affordable healthcare system. If the complications of chronic diseases were prevented, defensive medicine eliminated by effective malpractice reform, and healthcare insurance companies’ administrative waste stopped, America would have an affordable healthcare system.

Consumers need to control their healthcare dollars, receive incentives and be responsible for their own health and healthcare. ( ideal medical savings accounts).

The following are a few consumer comments

“Not surprised at all by this. The health insurance companies have had an unbelievable advantage, they can do anything they want. The only thing they need to do is keep Congress happy with lobbyists because Congress is not their customer, they have their own insurance paid by you and I. It’s gloves off time on health reform. These guys will pull no punches, they are fighting for their yachts. While we lose insurance if we file a claim.”

A consumer terminated from his job.

“I am a 56 year old professional with master degrees and many years of experience in my industry & for 19 years plus I worked for the same large corporation that just terminated me from employment because I was diagnosed with a blood cancer.
My family and I have lost medical coverage because of this and at a time when I need it the most. I would like to continue buying the same insurance even with the termination but I can not do so because I am excluded from group employment. I have lost all my rights to buy insurance like everyone else and with pre-existing medical problems nobody will insure me (or my family which depended on me).
At the very least, because I worked all my life and have never been unemployed, I should have been allowed to keep my insurance that I had while I was healthy. When I tell my friends overseas what my employer, Sun Chemical Corporation has done with me, they all say it is illegal in their country and it is a total horror that our society has chosen to discriminate so savagely against the sick and those unfortunate to lose their employment.
It is a travesty that corporations and health insurance companies collude to cleanse their ranks of those that are sick and those that are getting old as it has happened at Sun Chemical Corporation a multinational division of Dainippon Ink & Chemicals a Japanese conglomerate. “
An abused person”

This man’s corporation dropped him. He should be able to get COBRA insurance but the COBRA premium is at least 150% more than the employer paid premium. The premiums must be paid with after tax dollars. This increases the real cost of the COBRA premiums by an additional 35%.Corporate self insured plan’s can avoid the COBRA coverage requirement.

This consumer is 9 years away from being eligible for Medicare coverage. He cannot qualify for private insurance because of his age and his preexisting illness. The rest of his family might not qualify for more expensive individual healthcare insurance policies.

A byproduct of the new media is others can be made aware of the healthcare systems inequities.

“I am so sorry and hope there is some sort of alternative for you found very soon – for you and your family’s sake. This is why we have to hang solidly behind healthcare reform. Personally, I would prefer single payer because these guys do not want to reform, they want to continue holding everyone’s health hostage. What you’re going through is awful. Please take care…so sorry.”

+ I’m a fan of this user

There are pleas for people to exercise our People Power.

Dear J,

“It’s exactly stories like you that need to get out in front of this thing and bury Blue Cross in their hypocritical "we provide better service" grave.
Just like so many scare-tactic politicking, these ads are nothing more than a mirror aimed outward. The private insurance industry is broken because there are really no better options.
If they want to survive, they’re just going to have to do better…

As far as I’m concerned, no one will be upset if they don’t survive.”

There are even comments containing color words.

Blue Cross Blue Shield s@#%&–they have raised my rates every year for the past three years, even though they have not had to pay ANY medical charges for me. What do you expect these insurance guys to do? They don’t want to lower costs. No doubt, if there were a cure found for cancer, there would be some idiots, like insurance companies and republicans, rushing to undermine the cure and bury it because it hurt the chemotherapy industry. That’s the way they think. They have NO interest in making health care more affordable, more efficient, and less necessary. Don’t threaten the system that helps the fat cats.

The negative comments are endless. President Obama will receive lots of documentation. Documentation he will use against the healthcare insurance industry. He will win. Unfortunately, he will not solve any of the problems in the healthcare system.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


Consumers’ Must Control Their Healthcare Dollars

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I. Consumer Control of their healthcare dollars:

     A. How would a medical savings account work to reduce cost, while encouraging physicians, hospitals and the healthcare insurance industry to become more competitive and efficient?

1. By creating a system in which consumer’s demands drive competition and efficiency because they are spending their own money.

2. The government’s role should to support assets designed to teach consumers to drive the healthcare system’s efficiency so that consumers could save their own money for retirement.

     B. The cost of healthcare insurance for a family of four is presently over $12,000 per year. Who should be the payers for healthcare?

1. Both consumers and employers should be able to pay for healthcare insurance with pre tax dollars.

2. Medicare and Medicaid should be abolished. Both Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable entitlement programs that must be restructured to create a sustainable system. They should replaced by The Ideal Medical Savings Account. Medicare recipients should pay a means tested premium directly from their monthly Social Security check. It should be paid with pre-tax dollars.

3. The government should subsidize the uninsured using economic means testing methodology similar to the economic means testing used to determine Medicare premiums. The premium should be paid monthly rather than yearly. The more you earn the more you pay.

4. Consumers who were Medicaid would not pay a premium. They would be totally subsidized by the government as they are presently. They would get the identical healthcare insurance that other consumers have.

The physicians’ and hospital systems’ fees have already been negotiated or imposed by the healthcare insurance industry or government. There are many reimbursement overpayments and underpayments in the system that can be corrected. There are many prices for healthcare services. There are retail and multiple discounted prices.

Presently, uninsured consumers are charged retail price for healthcare services. Under appropriate rules with real price transparency, consumers can negotiate an affordable price acceptable to all. If a consumer elects to overpay it reduces the money in the consumer’s Medical Savings Account. The government’s role should be to support a variety of assets to provide consumers with education. The government should enforce appropriate rules and regulations to protect consumers. The Ideal Medical Savings Account will create incentives for consumers to save their money and maintain their health.

II. Healthcare System Errors

        A. The healthcare system does not provide payment for prevention care.

        B. There are no good criteria defining preventive care.

        C. There is no payment for systems of medical care that will prevent the complications of chronic diseases.

        D. There are duplications of testing and costs in the system due to perverse incentives and lack of appropriate information technology.

        E. There is overpayment for some procedures and tests and underpayment for others.

This can be fixed by a system of both government and consumer education. Government must educate consumers to be wise purchasers of medical care. It can be done with effective websites. .

III. Mechanics Of The Ideal Medical Savings Account:

      A. Goal: Provide consumers with incentives to become wise purchasers of medical care and maintain good health.

1. Employers are willing to pay $12,000 per year for healthcare premiums. Presently it costs $15,000

2. $6,000 of the $12,000 should be put into a medical saving trust account. The second $6,000 is for first dollar insurance coverage beyond the initial $6,000.

3. At the end of each year the unused portion should be transferred to a retirement account.

4. All consumers would be motivated to have healthcare insurance. They benefit from money saved, if they remained healthy.

5. Government subsidies should be available to self employed and uninsured consumers who could not afford healthcare insurance. Universal coverage would be instantaneous. Consumers would maintain free choice. Each consumer would be his own deterrent to abuse of his health and overuse of the healthcare system

6. It is to society’s benefit to maintain a healthy and fit population.

7. Consumers with a chronic disease should be motivated to learn to avoid acute or chronic complications of the disease.

        a. For example: A diabetic could be motivated to learned how to avoid acute complications eliminating costly emergency room           visit. Continuous control of blood sugars would reduce complications by at least 50%.

         b. Diabetics need maintenance with follow up care. If they maintain perfect control he would spend part of the $6,000.

         c. If they spent $4,000 but avoided hospitalization or a complication of his disease his employer or the government could afford to give him a   $2,000 bonus. Their total retirement account deposit at the end of the year would be $4,000 rather than $2,000. They would have avoided hospitalizations and ER visits . Diabetics would be on the way to avoiding the costly complications of their chronic disease.

         d. They would enjoy good health and increase their retirement account. The government or their employers would save money decreasing   their premium costs.

Simply providing healthcare insurance (private insurance or public insurance) will not solve the problem of the ever increasing cost of care.

Motivating and teaching consumers to take care of their health short term and long term will decrease healthcare costs.

8. Ideal Medical Savings Accounts would make actuarial sense to the healthcare insurance industry if it could get past its desire to control the first healthcare dollars. It would be able to reduce premiums because fewer people would get sick.

If the Ideal Medical Saving Account would come to pass America would have a positive impact on our epidemic of obesity, environmental pollution and lung disease.

America let us force our politicians to finally do something that makes sense.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


Consumer Driven Healthcare Plans Trickle


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


As the healthcare debate heats up the meaning of consumer driven healthcare (CDHC) needs repeating. The true meaning of CDHC has been bastardized by the healthcare insurance industry as represented by Health Savings Accounts (HSA).

The healthcare insurance industry feared that if Medical Savings Accounts dominated it would lose control of the initial healthcare premium dollars. The result would be a decrease in profit and an increase in price competition and real price transparency.

The reality would be America would have universal healthcare in a more efficient healthcare system. The system would be more efficient because it would be driven by the consumer for their benefit and not a third party payer. A more efficient system will maintain healthcare insurance industry’s profit while permitting a decrease in healthcare system costs.

“A lack of consumer understanding has contributed to the glacial growth of consumer-driven plans. Can better information from health plans help CDHPs take hold?”

HSAs place limits on consumers’ incentives. All of the healthcare premium dollars are eventually paid to the healthcare insurance industry.

Our economic recession along with increasing unemployment have set the stage for consumers to accept any help government will provide. Enter a single party payer and all its problems. Since Medicare and Medicaid have proven to be unsustainable, it is foolish to throw money at a failing system. It is time to revitalize the system.

Just the opposite should be occurring. CDHC should be promoted and not be marginalized. President Obama’s universal healthcare with a single party payer system marginalizes CDHPs. The route he is taking to achieve everyone’s goals and will not repair the healthcare system.

“The idea behind consumer-driven health plans is to transform members into healthcare consumers through education and place more responsibility on the individual.”

Health Saving Accounts (HSA) do little to encourage patient responsibility or make patients informed consumers. HSA were a political compromise designed by the healthcare insurance industry. The resulting plan gutted the intent and effect of the CDHC movement.

“ Studies show that the percentage of Americans insured in CDHPs is still in the single digits, largely for two reasons: Consumers simply don’t understand the tax-free savings accounts that are connected to CDHPs, and few health plans are providing cost and quality information to allow consumers to compare doctors, hospitals, and treatment options.”


Consumers do not see a financial advantage of the HSA because there are none. The money has to be used to pay present deductibles and future deductibles. There is no reason the future deductable will not be increased reducing the present value of the money in their health savings account. The healthcare insurance industry wants health savings accounts to fail. It feels its margins are presently excellent and does not need a change.

“More than one-quarter those respondents said that HSAs are difficult to open/manage, or too complicated, or they simply didn’t understand the accounts.”

Consumer driven healthcare is the only thing that can repair the healthcare system. It would take control out of the healthcare insurance industry’s hands. The route to take is the ideal medical saving accounts.

Healthcare insurance would convert to real at risk insurance. Consumer would own and control their healthcare dollar. The government could teach the consumer to use the healthcare dollar wisely. The government could provide clear price and quality transparency. It would force all the secondary stakeholders to compete for the consumers’ healthcare dollar. This competition would force an increase in efficiency and decrease in administrative waste.

The government should act as the facilitator for the competition. The time has come for politicians to do something for consumers and not for secondary stakeholders.


Dear President-Elect Obama: Part 4


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

You made a promise to the American people. You would listen to everyone and choose the best plan. If it did not work you would change the plan. You campaigned on a platform of universal healthcare without mandates. It has recently been reported that a consensus is emerging on universal healthcare.

“The prospect of bold government action appears to be accepted among players across the ideological and political spectrum, including those who opposed the idea in the 1990s”.

I see no evidence that this consensus includes the opinions of practicing physicians. There is some evidence that you have included large well known universities, clinics and hospital systems. However they do not represent the majority of the practicing physicians in the country. The practicing physicians  are your workforce and they are the people whose opinion you should seek.

“The answer says leading groups of businesses, hospitals, doctors, labor unions and insurance companies — as well as senior lawmakers on Capitol Hill and members of the new Obama administration — is unprecedented government intervention to create a system of universal protection.”

This sounds like the typical government way of doing things. The consensus crafts the laws and regulations. When the programs fail the law makers are confused. The programs fail because the laws and regulations do not get to the basic problems. This leads to more regulations leading to more failure.

I am afraid you are going to rely heavily on Tom Daschle. He is a nice man and an effective legislator. He is also a self appointed healthcare expert. I have written an extensive review of Mr. Daschle’s book and plan. His plan is dead wrong. His policies do not solve the basic problems of the healthcare system. 

I beg you. Please do not rely on his plan to solve the healthcare problems. It will only increase the cost, decrease compliance and drive the country into healthcare bankruptcy more quickly.

There are some good ideas in his plan but they are poorly crafted. The recession and rising unemployment will certainly increase the uninsured to well over 250,000. I believe universal healthcare is a concept that has come of age.

“Mr. Daschle wants to open to all Americans the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan–a menu of private-insurance options now accessible only to government workers.”

He suggests there would also be some form of means-tested premium support (or tax benefits) for Americans who couldn’t afford one of the presently available plans. This could solve the uninsured problem. It would at least put the uninsured premium payment on a pretax dollar schedule and level the playing field. Private health plan contributions made by employers enjoy pre tax status. 

However, by making the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan available to all citizens you are providing a perfect excuse for employers to drop the health benefit.

Providing a healthcare benefit to employees has become too costly. The Bush administration, by distorting the goals of my ideal Medical Savings Accounts, with Health Savings Accounts tried to provide an excuse for employers to drop the healthcare benefit

Employers have had to decrease healthcare coverage to keep the premium prices within reach. Many citizens are under insured. Employers would rather pay the government and let you be the provider of healthcare insurance for their employees. Universal healthcare with a single party payer then becomes socialized medicine with restriction of freedom of choice by the patients and restrictions on practice of physicians.

Your administration would have to continue to outsource the administrative services to the private healthcare insurance industry. This would thrill the healthcare insurance industry as I have described previously.

Your expanded government program would experience the same financial debacle the state of Massachusetts is experiencing with its universal healthcare plan. In fact the state of Massachusetts has applied for an addition 8 billion dollar bailout after receiving 2 billion dollars from the federal government already.

The Federal Health Board is an example of a bad idea with potential for terrible results. Rather than being a board that creates educational programs for physicians to improve the quality of care (an attribute that has not been clearly defined) it is punitive to physicians and restrictive to patients’ access to care. Remember ,when the CEO of Winn-Dixie was asked what his secret to success was. He said, “Don’t get the A&P mad”.

The health board would manage the pricing, and use, of tens of thousands of medical products and procedures. How can a single board (instead of, say, the market) make so many decisions, and wisely? Mr. Daschle proposes a dozen or so “experts” who would be “chosen based on their stature, knowledge, and experience, ensuring that the decisions they make have credibility across the health-care spectrum.”

Mr. Daschle admits that the board is loosely based on the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in Britain and the Federal Joint Committee in Germany. Both are charged with managing the public’s access to higher-cost drugs, medical devices and procedures. “But both are growing increasingly unpopular in their home countries–precisely because they’ve become a triumph of cost-containment over patient access and choice.

“Despite the fresh enthusiasm Mr. Daschle shows for his federal health-board proposal, it’s not exactly a new idea. Mr. Daschle himself proposed it as part of the failed American Health Security Act of 1993.”

This is not the way reform the U.S. healthcare system. The healthcare system needs to be reformed using common sense. I am hoping you will use common sense and get to the core of the healthcare systems problems. I will discuss common sense reforms in my next letter to you.


The Insured Are Feeling The Strain of Health Costs : Part 2

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I could never understand why my understanding of the original Medical Savings Accounts presented by John Goodman in 1994 slowly got changed to a Health Savings Accountsounding the same but using a different formula for payment and savings.

Many consulting firms worked hard to change the structure of the original Medical Savings Account to the structure of the Health Savings Account. They also convinced congress to pass a bill permitting the structure of the HSA instead of the MSA.

To my amazement, Mr. Nussbaum Director, Group and Healthcare, North America, Watson Wyatt Worldwide explained the reason for the change clearly, saying it is unlikely that significant numbers of employers will simply drop coverage for their workers.

The weak economy could prompt more of them to push for so-called consumer-driven plans. Such plans tend to offset lower premiums with higher annual deductibles. And when a weak economy undermines job security, he said, workers may simply have to accept reduced benefits. Even so, more companies may see themselves as having little choice but to require employees to pay even more of their health expenses.” 04insure.html?_r=3&th&emc=th&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin

Mr. Nussbaum dismisses Health Savings Accounts out of hand as a way that forces consumers to pay for their healthcare insurance.
I believe the consulting firms figured out a way for the healthcare insurance industry to remain in control of the healthcare system and relieve the employer of the responsibility of paying for the healthcare insurance needs of their employees.

“And while these plans often allow employees to put pre-tax savings into special health care accounts, they typically end up forcing the worker to assume a bigger share of overall medical costs. About six million people are now enrolled in these medical plans.”

The director of a major health benefits organization (Watson-Wyatt) revealed the subtext purpose of the Health Savings Accounts. These plans seem to be evolving into plans that take the burden of payment out of the employers’ hands and into the employees’ hands with the control of the money remaining in the healthcare insurance industry’s hands. That was a neat trick. It will probably do little to Repair the Healthcare System.

The Consumer Driven Healthcare movement is an exciting movement to me because it promises to put consumers in control of their healthcare dollar and not the healthcare insurance industry.

Politics and powerful stakeholders’ agenda always seem to contaminate solutions to problems in order to protect its vested interest. The healthcare insurance industry has done and is doing just that to the consumer driven healthcare movement. I believe its goal is to destroy the consumer driven healthcare movement. The healthcare insurance industry has not been pushing HSA’s . because, I suspect because the net profit is less than traditional plans.

Health Savings Accounts do not motivate patients to save money. The healthcare insurance industry still controls the premium rates, and designs the patients’ deductibles and co-pays. The healthcare insurance industry can manipulate deductibles and deplete the HSA. If there is less money in the HSA out of pocket expenses will be higher.

The original concept of consumer driven health care was to provide the consumer with the purchasing power to control the costs of healthcare. Most other consumer driven purchases such as automobiles, computers, houses, and food control the costs using purchasing power and forcing providers to compete.

Wal-Mart and Target are really consumer extenders that drive down the costs to consumers utilizing their companies’ purchasing power. The purchase remains the consumers’ choice.

The original Medical Saving Account and my Ideal Medical Saving Account
accomplish the same using Patient Power. in a consumer driven healthcare model.

In the process it eliminates much of the non transparent 150 billion dollar skimming off the top of the healthcare insurance industry for “expenses”.. It also eliminates the control the healthcare insurance industry has on the consumer. The consumer has control over the first $6,000 and pays the first $6,000 of services. Anything he does not spend goes into his retirement fund. The money is out of play for the insurance company of other vendors.

If the consumer spends the $6,000 appropriately he gets first dollar coverage without deductibles. The consumer is by true insurance for risk. If he has a chronic disease and it is determined that certain amount of money would have to be spent to avoid complications of that disease he should be eligible for a bonus since he has saved the system a great deal of money. This is an example of the incentive I have described previously. As an example a Type 2 Diabetic should spend $4500 a year to prevent complications of his disease. If he does he keeps the remaining $1500 and gets a $2250 reward totaling $3750. This is the financial reward for losing weight, exercising, maintaining a normal blood sugar and functioning in the work place at a high level.

Healthcare insurance should be available to everyone regardless of pre-existing illness. It should be paid with pre-tax dollars regardless of the payer. It should be community rated and not individually rated.
Who pays for the premium? It could employer, the government with subsides, or the patient himself. All would pay with pre-tax dollars. All consumers would be automatically eligible without penalty. Monies not spent or monies for performance would accrue in a tax free retirement account until withdrawn.
Medicare and Medicaid entitlement programs would be eliminated. The government could get out of the way after making the rules and providing effective subsidy programs. The government would guarantee and enforce the requirements for real price transparency from insurance carriers, hospitals, physicians and drug companies.

The New York Times article simply confuses the issue. It does not clarifying anything. It presents war stories that we have no way to cure.

Let us stop complaining. Let us start demanding positive constructive action from our local, state, and national government.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


Can Employers And Patients Trust Healthcare Insurance Companies Part 1

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I received several comments in recent weeks highlighting the hardships employers face trying to provide healthcare insurance to their employees. Employers, and individuals who want to buy individual insurance have been deceived by the healthcare insurance industry. Many associations subcontract healthcare insurance companies to provide healthcare insurance for the association membership. However, the healthcare insurance is expensive and deceptively limited. People think they are covered until they get sick and discover they are not.

The simple answer is the ideal medical savings accounts with high deductible insurance available to all after all the conditions for the ideal healthcare systems are met.

The healthcare insurance industry and congress have blocked the ideal medical savings account concept for years. Why has congress been so stubborn? MSAs were introduced by the Golden Rule insurance company at least a decade ago. Congress has been influenced by healthcare insurance industry lobbying to block the concept of individuals owning their healthcare dollar and also receive a pretax dollar tax exemption for buying their own healthcare insurance policy. I also do not believe that many of the members of congress want to understand the power and intelligence of the consumer.

In my naïve younger days, I simply could not understand why congress would be opposed to such a logical plan. It would eliminate 150 billion dollars of administrative waste in the healthcare system. My problem was I was not aware of the excessive influence the healthcare insurance industries lobbying groups have on congress.

Lobbying groups in general wield more influence than the will of the people in the daily activities of government simply because they have more money and are more focused than the individual. Previously, I spent a lot of time on TXU’s desired to pollute Texas even further with “Dirty Coal Plants”
and the subsequent acquisition of TXU by KKR with KKR’s promise to discontinue the pursuit of dirty coal plant permits.

This past week it was published that TXU and KKR spent $17 million dollars just to get its merger passed and work its way toward building dirty coal plants in Texas. Imagine how much the healthcare insurance industry pays lobbyists.

It is a true goliath against a weak and divided foe, namely patients (the consumer). Consumers do not get activated unless they are affected. Only then to they want to do something to solve the problem. The problem is only 20% of consumers are sick at any one time. We do not anticipate that we could be affected any day now.

It took the healthcare insurance industry four years and many millions of dollars to have firms like Cooper Lybrand and Price Waterhouse develop schemes that would counter the potential effectiveness of the Ideal Medical Savings Account. They developed the concept of the Health Savings Account. The HSA kept the premium dollar in the control of the healthcare insurance companies. The healthcare dollar does not belong to the patient. The healthcare insurance industry robbed patients, physicians and hospitals of incentives to be innovative in order to repair the healthcare system by being competitive.

United Healthcare bought the Golden Rule Insurance Company. It immediately destroyed Golden Rule’s medical saving account product. UnitedHealthcare has converted Golden Rule’s MSA to an HSA. I cannot understand why the health policy experts who advocated MSAs are satisfied for the now. Their argument is this is compromise. It is a step in the right direction.

To paraphrase the great German philosopher Fredrick Hegel “An ineffective step in the right direction is worse than no step at all. If the ineffective step fails then you will never created the correct concept.”

I will add, especially if the step in the right direction is a purposeful step in the wrong direction. HSAs are destined to fail, in my view, because they do not put the consumer in charge of his healthcare dollar.