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What Are The Real Costs Of Obamacare?


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


The traditional media is not discussing the economic consequences of President Obama’s healthcare reform program.

In these final days the traditional media is describing the horse race to the finish line for a deemed vote (“Slaughter rule”) vs. a partisan up and down vote on the Senate bill. The horse race is a distraction to avoid discussing the unintended consequences of the bill.

Congressman Paul Ryan is the Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee and senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee. His focus has been to bring fiscal discipline to federal spending. The House Ways and Means committee’s jurisdiction is tax policy, Social Security and healthcare. He has been addressing America’s long-term fiscal crisis and the dangers of explosive entitlement spending.

He has accused President Obama of being dishonest to the American public about the costs of his healthcare bill.

I can understand the emotional appeal of President Obama’s healthcare reform plan. His solution will not repair the healthcare system. It will increase the price of care, decrease access to care and decrease many freedoms.

President Obama has said repeatedly, “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits either now or in the future.”

If passed by this phony congressional “Slaughter maneuver” it will simply make the healthcare reform bill’s failure to solve our healthcare system’s problems even more grotesque. I predict the bill will cripple Americans’ ability to maintain their present standard of living.

I am sure Paul Ryan is frustrated that his remarks to President Obama at President Obama’s Healthcare Summit would be thought of as disrespectful by Democrats.

No one has refuted Paul Ryan’s accusations.

President Obama continues to recite his unsound sound bites about his healthcare plan. He claims it will save Medicare, provide coverage for 30 million more Americans and reduce the deficit.

I believe that anyone who votes for this terrible bill should not be reelected. They are doing a disservice to Americans.

Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin made the following points before President Obama at the Healthcare Summit.

  1. Medicare, right now, has a $38 trillion unfunded liability. That’s $38 trillion in empty promises to my parents’ generation, our generation, our kids’ generation
  2. Medicaid’s growing at 21 percent each year. It’s suffocating states’ budgets. It’s adding trillions in obligations that we have no means to pay for . . .

He then went on to say that the Congressional Budget Office scores bills with the premises and assumptions it is given. If the premises and assumptions are incorrect the score will be incorrect.

  1. “And what has been placed in front of them is a bill that is full of gimmicks and smoke-and-mirrors.”

He continued by saying;

“And if you take a look at the CBO analysis—analysis from your chief actuary—I think it’s very revealing.”

  1. “ This bill does not control costs. This bill does not reduce deficits. Instead, this bill adds a new health-care entitlement at a time when we have no idea how to pay for the entitlements we already have.”

The CBO letter to Harry Reid on March 11, 2010 states the bill will not decrease the deficit as President Obama claims, but it increases the deficit even as it increases costs.

“March 11, 2010

Honorable Harry Reid

Majority Leader

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Leader:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of the Joint Committee onTaxation (JCT) have estimated the direct spending and revenue.

“Under the legislation, federal outlays for health care would increase during the

2010–2019 period, as would the federal budgetary commitment to health care.6

CBO now estimates that the federal commitment would increase by about

$210 billion over that period, rather than by $200 billion as previously estimated.”

If anyone is concerned about our budget increased deficit and increasing taxes for a bill that will not repair the healthcare system, understanding the numbers is important.

Paul Ryan dug into the details at the Healthcare Summitt;

  1. “The bill has 10 years of tax increases, about half a trillion dollars, with 10 years of Medicare cuts, about half a trillion dollars, to pay for six years of spending.”

“Therefore the true 10-year cost of this bill in 10 years? That’s $2.3 trillion.”

  1. “It takes $52 billion in higher Social Security tax revenues and counts them as offsets. But that’s really reserved for Social Security. So either we’re double-counting them or we don’t intend on paying those Social Security benefits.”
  2. “It takes $72 billion and claims money from the CLASS Act. That’s the long-term care insurance program. It takes the money from premiums that are designed for that benefit and instead counts them as offsets.”

Kent Conrad (D) Senate Budget Committee chairman said that this is a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

Five hundred million dollars is taken out of Medicare to fund the healthcare reform bill. This is not shoring up Medicare solvency. It is paying to expand the program.

Paul Ryan did not stop there. He kept pounding away at the smoke and mirrors that the traditional media is not even analyzing much less mentioning.

  1. “You can’t say that you’re using this money to either extend Medicare solvency and also offset the cost of this new program. That’s double counting.”
  2. “According to the chief actuary of Medicare as much as 20 percent of Medicare’s providers will either go out of business or will have to stop seeing Medicare beneficiaries”.
  3. “When you strip out the double-counting and what I would call these gimmicks, the full 10-year cost of the bill has a $460 billion deficit. The second 10-year cost of this bill has a $1.4 trillion deficit.”
  4. “Probably the most cynical gimmick in this bill is something that we all probably agree on. We don’t think we should cut doctors [annual federal reimbursements] 21 percent this year and next. We’ve stopped those cuts from occurring every year for the last seven years”.

The “doctor fix” was supposed to go into effect January 1st. It was delayed until March 1st. Now it is delayed until October 1st. It was taken out of the Healthcare Reform Bill and
placed in a separate bill because it added $371 billion dollars to the healthcare reform bill’s deficit.

President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Bill ignores and in actually hides these costs. Hiding these costs does not take the costs off the backs of taxpayers, the deficit, or future tax payers.

12.” I’ll finish with the cost curve. Are we bending the cost curve down or are we bending the cost curve up?”

“If you look at your own chief actuary at Medicare, we’re bending it up. He’s claiming that we’re going up $222 billion, adding more to the unsustainable fiscal situation we have.

13. “We don’t think the government should control our healthcare system. We want people to be in control. And that, at the end of the day, is the big difference.”

14. I’ve got to tell you, the American people are engaged. And if you think they want a government takeover of health care, I would respectfully submit you’re not listening to them.”

President Obama ignored Paul Ryan’s comments. He is ignoring the will of Americans. He is ignoring the fiscal consequences of a bill he is ramming through congress at the expense of the American people for something that will not work.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.




Watch Out!! Obamacare 5.0 And The Healthcare Insurance Industry

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Ann Braly’s (CEO of WellPoint), article in the Wall Street Journal on February 7, 2007 and the announcement of a 37% increase in healthcare insurance premiums by California’s Anthem Blue Cross(a WellPoint affiliate) illustrates several points.

  1. The healthcare insurance industry wants Obamacare’s mandated insurance so it can service more enrollees.
  2. It is easier to hate the healthcare insurance industry more than Obamacare
  3. President Obama is able to ride in on his white horse and save Americans from the evil healthcare insurance industry.

Who wins?

  1. The healthcare insurance industry.
  2. The President and his goal to increase government. control over our lives and freedom.

Who losses? American citizens

1. Increasing government control over one-sixth of our economy

2. Increasing taxes in different ways.

3. Decreasing freedom to choose.

4. Restricting access to care.

5. Rationing medical care.

6. Infringement on our constitutional rights.

The healthcare insurance industry controls the healthcare system. It sets insurance premiums using defective accounting systems to determine an exaggerated overhead.

The States and their State Insurance Board control licenses to sell insurance. State Insurance Boards have not acted in the citizens’ interest in many states.

All the California State Insurance Board has to do is refuse Anthem Blue Cross a license to sell insurance in California. Anthem Blue Cross would lose 800,000 enrollees.

The healthcare insurance industry is the administrative service vendor for Medicare and Medicaid. The fees government pays to the healthcare industry are excessive.

The healthcare industry believes it adds value to medical care of patients.

The reason costs are rising so fast, Mrs. Braly says, is because the way the health-care market is structured doesn’t give providers reason to control costs. The solution is to "reintroduce the consumer to the health-care equation," and on that front, she believes, insurers "are actually the part of the health-care delivery system that is there to create the value."

This is an important statement. Medical care is the relationship between patients and physicians. All the other stakeholders are secondary stakeholders. In Repairing the Healthcare System the most important issue to be resolved is how do you provide incentives to patients and physicians to control costs?

The solution is that consumers have to drive the healthcare system not healthcare insurance industry.

Government control of the healthcare system will not control costs. Programs that penalize physicians and patients will not control costs.

Patients can control costs and quality with the appropriate educational infrastructure. At present most patients choose their physician by word of mouth.

Healthcare costs can be controlled by consumers controlling their healthcare dollars. .

“Mrs. Braly thinks patients will make more cost-conscious decisions if they have the incentives and the tools—namely, the information about cost and quality that is the basis of any ordinary market. "Data just sitting there is not helpful, and its got to be meaningful, provided to the doctor and the patient in a meaningful way," she says. Far from simply being a bill-paying outfit or a hedge against risk, she sees WellPoint’s fundamental role as making "the health dollar more valuable, less wasteful, more efficient."

Mrs. Braly knows her company owns the healthcare dollar. She wants patients and physicians to be directed by her company to be more efficient. If they are they will be more valuable to her company’s bottom line.

I do not think she will reduce premiums. . I think increased efficiency will result in greater profits for WellPoint. Consumers have to be incentivized to be responsible for their health and healthcare. This is the only way you will reduce costs and decrease premiums. The government trying to force cost reductions will fail.

I do not think President Obama realizes he is being set up by the healthcare insurance industry. He believes he is setting the healthcare insurance industry up.

He has refused the Republican offer for a bipartisan effort at healthcare reform. It is almost as if he and the healthcare insurance industry are playing bad cop, good cop at the expense of the American people.

President Obama published Obamacare 5.0 on Monday four days before his so called bipartisan healthcare summit. His proposal is almost a duplicate of the Senate bill.

Michael Connelly, a retired constitutional lawyer, wrote a dynamite review of President Obama’s proposal which he dubbed Obamacare 5.0.

“After much anticipation, at least by the so-called mainstream media, the White House has released the new and improved version of Obamacare.

Since I have already had to read two previous versions of these monstrosities in the House and two more in the Senate, I call this version Obamacare 5.0 and it is actually an easy read.

It is not hundreds or thousands of pages long and it doesn’t take long for people to realize that it really changes very little.”

The President’s proposal makes the bill more palatable to the American public because he camouflages the implications.

“Some members of Congress have grown increasingly more concerned about the implications that these proposals have for freedom in this country. In that regard the proposal fails miserably.

This is all an attempt to hide the fact that the bill is still blatantly unconstitutional.”

Michael Connelly points out that President Obama’s proposal exceeds the authority granted to Congress in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. It also violates the 9th and 10th amendments that protect the rights of people and the states.

His article is clear and precise. The critical details should be a wakeup call to all Americans. It is a must read.

I believe that President Obama’s proposal is in fact a ruse. It is designed to lure us into believing that the health care bill is actually about affordable health care when it is really about taking control of our lives and limiting our freedoms.

It is a cover for the fact that the Senate will try to pass this bill as a “budget reconciliation act” that will only require a simple majority in the Senate instead of the usual 60 votes.

We must act now to let our representatives in the House and Senate know that we are not buying
into these deceptions and that they will pay a price in November at the polls if this is forced on us.

During Nancy Pelosi’s call to action, she said if necessary they would parachute in and pass the bill.

President Obama’s proposal is a way to get a healthcare bill passed. If it passes it will cost Americans dearly. At this point he wants to pass any bill for the sake of saying he passed a healthcare reform bill.

His present proposal is the same as the terrible Senate bill. He will fail because he makes no attempt to be bipartisan.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.


If You Tell A Lie

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

If you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. President Obama and Hillary and Bill Clinton keep telling the American public that there are 20 million new Obamacare enrollees.

Obamacare advocates believe that Obamacare provided healthcare insurance for 20 million people who did not have healthcare insurance before Obamacare.

These Obamacare advocates have little understanding of the details of this lie. They usually react negatively when I tell them the 20 million new enrollee figure is a lie.

Republicans do not pick this up and call Democrats out about this lie. Perhaps they have no understanding of what is going on.

The lie then becomes the truth.

I follow Charles Gabbe at Charles Gabbe is pro Obamacare. He publishes daily and weekly statistics as well as news in general about Obamacare’s progress and enrollment.

His numbers come from government sources. His numbers are very different than the numbers President Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton are announcing.

The Obama administration continually manipulates the enrollment figures in order to give the impression that Obamacare has been successful.

President Obama continuously lies about the enrollment figures.

Obamacare has been a total failure because of its structure.

On December 9, 2015 published these enrollment numbers for 2016. publishes government release enrollment numbers weekly. These are the December 9th numbers.

Confirmed 2016 Exchange QHPs: 3,260,356 as of 12/09/15

Estimated 2016 Exchange QHPs: 4.73M as of 12/09/15 (3.60M via HCgov)

Projected Exchange QHPs: 5.76M by 12/12/15 (4.34M via HC.Gov)

Projected #OE3 QHP Selections: 14.70M nationally (11.23M via

Projected #OE3 QHP Selections by State

Maybe 9 million signed up for Obamacare last year. (2015)

What were the 12/09/14 enrollee numbers with 3 weeks to go until January 1, 2015?

Christmas to New Years consumes one week of enrollment. Holiday shopping will consume the other two weeks.

Why did the government reduce the expected enrollment to 5 million when enrollment was 9 million last year (2016)?

Does the Obama administration expect 4 million people to drop out of Obamacare because it is too expensive?

How did the Obama administration’s data given to the CBO cause the CBO to predict an enrollment of 21 million enrollees for 2016?

The 2016 Obamacare enrollment figures barely touch 10 million, not 20 million.

What is enrollment going to be when most of the major insurance companies have dropped out of the health insurance exchanges?

What is enrollment going to be when 18 of the 22 Obama administration created State Co-Ops have gone bankrupt?

President Obama and his administration have mislead Americans about the exact number of enrollees since the very beginning of the first enrollment period starting October 1, 2013. The first enrollment was delayed until November 1, 2013 and extended 6 months.

The American public has been mislead about:

  • The disastrous website development, reason for website crashes and cost of website development.
  • The exact number of enrollees the first year. (9.5 million corrected to 8 million and then re-corrected to 6.8 million)
  • An additional correction that resulted in another decrease of an additional 800,000 enrollees losing Obamacare insurance. The government belatedly discovered these 800,000 were ineligible for subsidies.
  • Decreasing the original predicted enrollees for 2015 from 13.5 million to 9.5 million.
  • The change in the start of enrollment from October 1, 2014 to November 15th to avoid discussion of enrollment around the time of the November 2014 elections.
  • Extending the 2014 enrollment 6 months.
  • Extending enrollment for 2015 for one to three months.
  • Finally, in 2015 announcing the back end of the website’s ability to send information to the IRS was still not complete.
  • Rehiring CGI, the same Canadian company that built the disastrous, to fix the back end of the website. A company’s employee is a friend of Michelle Obama.
  • Discovering that 1.2 million enrollees were counted that should not have been because they got dental insurance instead of healthcare insurance bringing the number of enrollees down from a recalculated 8 million to 6.8 million enrollees for 2014.
  • Announcing that 11.5 million people have enrolled for 2015 (these numbers seemed shaking at the time of enrollment. It seemed to be closer to 9.5 million or less.)
  • Announcing that the group market Obamacare insurance enrollment is being delayed a year or two while the mandate penalty for employers was to start January 1,2015.

Along the way I got the feeling that none of the enrollment numbers could be trusted. HHS and CMS kept modifying and lowering them.

The Obama administration keeps telling American how great the enrollment is and that Obamacare is a success.

However, we are told only ten million enrollees had Obamacare insurance in 2016.

Eighty five percent of those on Obamacare are receiving subsidies so the premiums are affordable. These subsidized recipients still cannot afford the deductibles.

The remaining 15% enrollees have a pre-existing illness. They cannot find private insurance to buy.

What about the 330 million people who might have subpar healthcare insurance? How many employers might discontinue employee insurance?

After five years with all the new Obamacare taxes, I would not call Obamacare a successful healthcare reform program.

All of these enrollees are in the individual insurance market. These numbers do not include the group insurance market.

14 million people in the individual market lost their healthcare insurance pre Obamacare.

10 million gained insurance on the healthcare insurance exchanges in 2016. There is a net decrease of 4 million individuals that is not discussed by the Obama administration or the traditional mass media.

Many of the state healthcare insurance exchanges have failed.

Eighteen of the 22 state insurance co-ops have failed so far.

An unknown number of enrollees in 2014 did not re-enroll in 2015 because of the loss of the subsidy.

Other enrollees did not sign up again because they could not afford the high deductible.

At the end of 2015 enrollment the Obama administration announced that 11.5 million people were enrolled.

On March 16, 2015 the administration said about 16.4 million people have gained health insurance coverage since the Affordable Care Act became law nearly five years ago.

Please notice the tricky wording. The Obama administration is counting children under 26 that now can be included in their parents’ group insurance plans and the additional Medicaid recipients added by some states.

The count is not only the people who enrolled in Obamacare through the healthcare insurance exchanges.

The discussion should be about the success of the healthcare insurance exchanges not the increase in Medicaid coverage.

The 2014 enrollment figures as of March 18, 2015 were also inflated. It is noteworthy than the Medicaid/CHIP estimate was 14.1 M. It is down to 10 million in 2016.

Confirmed Exchange QHPs: 11,699,473 as of 3/18/15

Estimated: 11.95M (9.06M via HCgov) as of 3/18/15

Estimated ACA Policy Enrollment: 33.1M
(10.46M Exchange QHPs, 8.20M OFF-Exchange QHPs, 330K SHOP, 14.1M Medicaid/CHIP)

Written into the law is that only state healthcare exchanges can provide subsidies not the federal health exchanges.

President Obama has not asked congress to rewrite the law’s provision.

This was another example of executive overreach of power by President Obama.

It looks as if President Obama cannot help himself from trying to manipulate the American public.

Republicans have not pointed out all this manipulation to the voting public.

I believe the public has figured out the manipulation.

Hillary Clinton has promised she will expand Obamacare. Why expand a failed program?

Her unspoken goal is to institute a single party payer system. A single party payer system will also be unsustainable.

There is a better way!

It is a consumer driven healthcare system with my ideal medical saving account.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

 All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2016 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

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Let’s Do The Numbers : Another Obama Trick

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Have the increased Obamacare taxes added enough value to the healthcare system to be worth the costs?

The answer is no.

Are the increased taxes becoming painful yet?

The answer is yes.

The yearly cost of Obamacare has not been transparent.  There have been multiple delays in the implementation of Obamacare.

Favored businesses and unions have received waivers and exemptions from the laws required coverage. All the while taxes have increased and less than 10 million people have received healthcare coverage from the healthcare insurance exchanges. Eighty-five percent of those people enrolled are receiving federal subsidies.

No one has explained how a tax credit becomes a federal subsidy.

The public has no idea what the costs of Obamacare are or will be in the future. The CBO has revised its estimates several times.

Are all the Obamacare pronouncements confusing?

Yes. I believe they are intentionally confusing.

All the stakeholders are dissatisfied. Neither President Obama nor his administration is listening to the primary stakeholder (patients). 

Why are there so many waivers and exemptions being handed out by the Obama administration? I believe it is because President Obama is listening to his political base.

He is delaying the implementation of his agenda so his goal of socialized medicine is not obvious to all Americans.

President Obama and his administration have mislead us about the exact number of enrollees since the very beginning of the first enrollment period,  October 1,2013.

The American public was mislead about ,


  1. The disastrous website development, reason for website crashes and cost of website development.
  2. The exact number of enrollees the first year. (9.5 million correct to 8 million and then down to 6.8 million)
  3. The resulting further correction by a decrease in 800,000 more people losing insurance because of discovered ineligibility for subsidies.
  4. Decreasing the original predicted enrollees for 2015 from 13.5 million to 9.5 million.
  5. The change in the start of enrollment from October 1,2014 to November 15th to avoid discussion of enrollment around the time of the November 2014 elections.
  6. Extending the 2014 enrollment three months.
  7. Extending enrollment for 2015 for one to three months.
  8. Finally in 2015 announcing the back end of the website sending information to the IRS was still not complete.
  9. Rehiring CGI the same Canadian company that built the disastrous to fix the back end of the website.
  10. Discovering that 1.2 million were counted that should not have been because they got dental insurance bringing the number of enrollees down from a recalculated 8 million to 6.8 million enrollees for 2014.
  11. Announcing that 11.5 million people have enrolled for 2015 (these numbers seemed shaking at the time of enrollment. It seemed to be closer to 9.5 million or less.)
  12. Eight hundred thousand (800,000) enrollees lost their subsidy because they lied on their application
  13. Announcing that the group market Obamacare enrollment is being delayed a year or two while the mandate penalty for employers was to start January 1,2015.

Along the way I got the feeling that none of the enrollment numbers could be trusted.  HHS and CMS keeps on modifying and lowering them.

The Obama administration keeps telling us how great the enrollment is and that Obamacare is a success.

However, only ten million people have Obamacare insurance. Eighty five percent of those on Obamacare are receiving subsidies and still cannot afford the deductibles.

The rest of the enrollees have a pre-existing illness. They cannot find private insurance to buy. What about the 330 million people who might have subpar healthcare insurance? How many employers might discontinue employee insurance?    

After five years with all these new Obamacare taxes, I would not call this a successful healthcare reform program.

All of these enrollees were in the individual market. These numbers do not include the group insurance market.

14 million lost their healthcare insurance on the individual market. 10 million gained insurance on the healthcare insurance exchanges.

Several states healthcare insurance exchanges have failed.

An unknown number of enrollees in 2014 did not re-enroll in 2015 because of the loss of the subsidy and the high deductibles.

Other enrollees did not sign up again because they could not afford the high deductible.

The following is President Obama’s next trick play.

At the end of 2015 enrollment the Obama administration declared that 11.5 million people were enrolled.

On March 16,2015 the administration said about 16.4 million people have gained health insurance coverage since the Affordable Care Act became law nearly five years ago.

Please notice the tricky wording. The Obama administration is counting children under 26 that now can be included in their parents’ group insurance plans and the additional Medicaid recipients added by some states.

The count is not only the people who enrolled in Obamacare through the healthcare insurance exchanges.

The present discussion is about the success of the healthcare insurance exchanges not the increase in Medicaid coverage.

Confirmed Exchange QHPs: 11,699,473 as of 3/18/15

Estimated: 11.95M (9.06M via HCgov) as of 3/18/15


Estimated ACA Policy Enrollment: 33.1M
(10.46M Exchange QHPs, 8.20M OFF-Exchange QHPs, 330K SHOP, 14.1M Medicaid/CHIP)

There are two possible reasons for the Obama administration’s pronouncement at this time.

The first is the Republicans are about to announce its alternative plan to Obamacare. The administration’s goal would be to blunt the impact of the alternative plan by announcing the false success of Obamacare.

The second reason is to play mind games with the Supreme Court.

Justice Kennedy’s questioning at the hearing of King vs. Burwell expressed his concern for 85% of 10 million people who would loss their federal subsidy. Justice Kennedy did not address the letter of the law in his questioning.

Only the state healthcare exchanges can provide subsidies not the federal exchanges according to the written law. This is executive overreach of power granted by the constitution. President Obama should have asked congress to rewrite the law’s provision.

In an attempt to pressure the Supreme Court to vote in President Obama’s favor the administration has given the impression of confidence the Supreme Court will act in its favor.

The Obama administration has announced, a few times, that it does not have an alternative plan if the Supreme Court rules against it.

This is not true. The Obama administration has at least three alternative plans in the works.

It looks as if President Obama cannot help himself from trying to manipulate the American public and now the Supreme Court.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Wrong Is Wrong

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

When the Democrats were in power in one or both houses of congress, President Obama had Republicans tied up in knots. Now that Republicans are in charge of both houses of congress, President Obama still has Republicans tied up in knots. The reason is the administrations spin the story to the traditional media blaming the Republicans for everything and the media sends the spin to the American citizens.

Republicans don’t fight back effectively. As a recent example, Republicans are being afraid of being blamed for an impending Homeland Security non-funding.

Aren’t the Democrats holding up progress by filibustering? Why haven’t they made any positive suggestions to move the process along? Come on Republicans. Democrats and the traditional media would attack you for that    behavior. Get smart!

Scott Walker fought back when Howard Dean (a Democratic plant and hatchet man), told Morning Joe that Scott Walker did not graduate from college and he would be unknowledgeable. Unknowledgeable is a new word invented by Howard Dean on the spot.

Scott Walker immediately replied with names of people who have been very effective without a college degree like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Einstein, among many others.

Howard Dean’s attack is a typical Saul Alinsky tactic.

Obamacare is a bad law. It is having a negative effect on our economy and healthcare delivery in America.

I said Obamacare would fail. It has failed so far.

President Obama has pulled lots of tricks and caused lots of delays in the implementation of the law so as not to upset too many American at one time.

He has made a lot of promises and told lots of lies to all the stakeholders to get them to support Obamacare.

It is easy to remember President Obama’s promise, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance policy you can keep your insurance policy.”

Another lie was “Anyone making less that 250,000 a year will not pay a dime, not a dime more in taxes.”

He has promised the insurance industry it would have more customers buying healthcare insurance. The healthcare insurance industry has not seen an increase in subscribers yet. It is betting on future consumers buying insurance that is no risk to the healthcare industry because it has a government guaranteed no risk insurance subsidy attached to it.

So far the healthcare insurance industry has seen nothing but sick people who they would not sell insurance to before Obamacare.

It has not seen a balanced insurance population. President Obama had to subsidize the insurance industry by guaranteeing their profit in order to get the industry participation. I have warned the healthcare insurance industry that this is another President Obama trick play.

He promised that healthcare insurance premiums would decrease. Families would save $2500 dollars year. The premiums have gone up $2500 a year.

In addition, healthcare insurance has increased to unaffordable levels for both the unsubsidized and subsidized Americans buying insurance through the health insurance exchanges. The deductibles are out of reach of the middle class.

Why doesn’t the Republicans expose this issue?

 Only 20% of the population uses the healthcare system at any one time. As it is there are too few physicians accepting both Medicare and Medicaid.

People who can afford it have to go out of the system and pay extra for concierge physicians to have a doctor they can communicate with. Few physicians are willing to accept Medicaid reimbursement. It is hard to get an appointment with a physician.

President Obama just undermined Primary Care Physicians by letting their promised increase in reimbursement expire.

The Obama administration has delayed implementation of the law even though the law specifies an implementation timetable.

Why doesn’t the Republican Party explain this to the public?

The implementation of penalties to consumers and businesses, which are supposed to start January 1, 2015, will probably be delayed by executive order. President Obama’s Democratic base is unhappy with the penalty and that frightens Democrats in congress.

Obamacare taxes have been collected for the past four years while full implementation of the law has been constantly delayed. Some of the executive orders have been constitutional and many of the delays in implementation have been unconstitutional.  

The deceptions and unconstitutional maneuvers are TNTC (too numerous to count.)

Republicans should point this out clearly for taxpayers and those people who do not earn enough to pay tax. Yet the Republican Party gives all these maneuvers a pass.

The Supreme Court will decide the King v. Burwell case in June. The law clearly states that only States with Health Insurance Exchanges can provide subsidies to qualified consumers.

The law does not provide for Federal Health Insurance Exchanges to grant subsidies to consumers buying insurance through Federal Health Insurance Exchanges. It can be done by congressional changes in the law. The Obama administration cannot change laws according to the constitution.

President Obama and his administration have ignored the law. The subsidy restriction was written into the law to encourage States to set up State Health Insurance Exchanges.

Thirty-three states felt that health insurance exchange formation was a bad deal for their state, their state deficits and the people living in the state. Those states   refused to set up a state health insurance exchange.

President Obama even told the state governments he would pay the costs for three years. It still worked out to be too expensive for the states.

Two appeals courts voted in favor of the plaintiffs against the government and one voted for the government. It was a Democratic full court in one state and a judicial panel in Washington D.C that voted in favor of the plaintiff.

Congressional Republicans are convinced that the Supreme Court will rule against the government. If that happens Obamacare will collapse because 85% of the enrollees receive subsidies.

This is part of the reason Republicans are not offering an alternative to Obamacare.

Even though I believe the Obama administration is wrong in providing subsidies that are not written into a law by congress and signed by the President I would not bet on the Supreme Court’s decision.

Secondary stakeholders in the healthcare system are resilient. They have figured out how to make more money with Obamacare. It happens to be at the expense of consumers.

These secondary stakeholders are now appealing to the Supreme Court to uphold President Obama’s unconstitutional executive order.

These business supplicants have little and often nothing to contribute on the legal merits. But they do want the Justices who might be inclined to obey the law’s text—which limits subsidies to exchanges established by states, not the 36 run by the feds—to know the woe that withdrawing the subsidies would visit on patients and especially on their corporate welfare.”

Obamacare enrollment is going poorly. Potential enrollees now understand that Obamacare is a bad deal for them.

In 2015 only 10.5 million have enrolled at the end of the enrollment period. The original projection for 2015 enrollment was 17 million enrollees. This goal was modified by the Obama administration in 2014 to 13 million and then at the start of enrollment to 10.5 million.

The public does not know how many of the 10.5 million enrollees paid their January premium and how many qualify for subsidies in 2015.

America’s Health Insurance Plans notes that 85% of Obamacare enrollees claim subsidies, which on average fund 76% of their premiums. Cancelling this “would make health insurance less affordable—the precise result the tax credits were intended to prevent.” 

The healthcare insurance is unaffordable now even that the subsidies cover 76% of the premiums. The government pays the remaining premium fee.

The deductibles are also unaffordable. Last year many paid their premiums initially and dropped out during the year because of the high deductibles. The number of people dropping out might be more that 1 million of the 8 million who supposedly enrolled and paid their first month’s premium.

The higher the enrollment the more secondary stakeholders profit. The taxpayers and patients are the losers.

A system needs to be developed that levels the playing field for patients.

 These irrelevant arguments belong to the larger lobbying campaign to intimidate the High Court into disregarding the law to rescue the political project of Obamacare. If the Justices must do so, we hope they find a better reason than the health industry’s self-interest.

The lobbying groups must not influence the Supreme Court’s decision. It would be wrong.

 Obamacare is bad law that has been subjected to unconstitutional executive orders.

Two wrongs do not make a right!


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Kicking The Sleeping Dog

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

 Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a reasonable cost.

The benefits to the nation are not at a reasonable cost. The waste imposed on to the healthcare system is escalating daily. The cost healthcare coverage provided to the Harvard faculty by the Harvard administration has escalated significantly since Obamacare was enacted into law.

The Harvard administration has absorbed the increased cost of Obamacare for the faculty. The Harvard faculty continued to believe President Obama and the Obama administration were doing a noble deed for the nation until the costs affected them directly.

Now the Harvard administration has shifted some of the increased costs on to the faculty in the form of higher deductibles and direct costs. Corporations have been doing this since Obamacare was passed.

“ The Harvard faculty, and the professors are in an uproar”

I have touched on Harvard’s faculty outrage lightly while others felt this was a huge story pointing out Harvard’s faculty’s liberal hypocrisy.

It proves the point of an old Texas saying, “you shouldn’t kick a sleeping dog because if you do he will awaken and come back to bite you.”

The more important issue that the Harvard faculty should wake up to is the yearly  tax increases that Obamacare has imposed on both the taxpaying and non taxpaying members of our society.

 A big question is, are Americans getting their money’s worth?

The Harvard faculty outrage should be about the Obamacare tax increases.

“Cost of ObamaCare"

 $1.4 Trillion ($1,383,000,000,000) *

ObamaCare's coverage provisions will cost the federal government $1.4 trillion (net) over the next 10 fiscal years, according to the CBO.

That is the net cost to the federal government of the provisions to expand and subsidize health insurance coverage over the fiscal 2015-2024 period.

 The gross cost of the coverage provisions – before individuals and employers have paid their penalties and insurers have paid their excise taxes on "Cadillac" plans – stands at more than $1.8 trillion over the same period.

 Since some will pay large penalties and some will pay none, this taxpayer calculator analysis doesn't attempt to distribute the $456 billion in coverage spending that is expected to be offset by penalties, excise taxes, and some other tax revenues.

*Congressional Budget Office”

We all know how wrong the CBO can be. The CBO is totally dependent on the data given to it. If there is bad data in bad data comes out. We can all recall the CBO publishing a surplus from Obamacare at the end of ten years before the bill was passed.

It is important for everyone to recognize the increased taxes that have been imposed with little evidence for significant payback. Below is my second printing of an article I wrote in March 2014.

 "Obamacare's New Taxes And The Middle Class"

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

“It is important to review all the taxes written into the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Americans are recognizing that those tax increases are being passed on to all consumers.  The middle class was not supposed to experience tax increases. The middle class is realizing it has less disposable income because of these new taxes.

Since 65% (sixty-five percent) of America’s economy is dependent on consumers discretionary spending, America is destined to further economic difficulty.

These new tax increases are timed in the hope that no one would notice them.

The increased taxes are supposed to fund Obamacare. The taxes continue to be collected even though much of the law’s implementation is delayed.

The increases in Obamacare taxes arearranged by their respective effective dates. Below is the total list of all $500 billion-plus in tax hikes (over the next ten years) in Obamacare, where to find them in the bill, and how much your taxes are scheduled to go up as of today: 


Taxes that took effect in 2010:

1. Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals (Min$/immediate): $50,000 per hospital if they fail to meet new "community health assessment needs," "financial assistance," and "billing and collection" rules set by HHS. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,961-1,971.

2. Codification of the “economic substance doctrine” (Tax hike of $4.5 billion). This provision allows the IRS to disallow completely-legal tax deductions and other legal tax-minimizing plans just because the IRS deems that the action lacks “substance” and is merely intended to reduce taxes owed. Bill: Reconciliation Act; Page: 108-113.

3. “Black liquor” tax hike (Tax hike of $23.6 billion). This is a tax increase on a type of bio-fuel. Bill: Reconciliation Act; Page: 105.

4. Tax on Innovator Drug Companies ($22.2 bil/Jan 2010): $2.3 billion annual tax on the industry imposed relative to share of sales made that year. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,971-1,980.

5. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike ($0.4 bil/Jan 2010): The special tax deduction in current law for Blue Cross/Blue Shield companies would only be allowed if 85 percent or more of premium revenues are spent on clinical services. Bill: PPACA; Page: 2,004.

6. Tax on Indoor Tanning Services ($2.7 billion/July 1, 2010): New 10 percent excise tax on Americans using indoor tanning salons. Bill: PPACA; Page: 2,397-2,399.

Taxes that took effect in 2011:

7. Medicine Cabinet Tax ($5 bil/Jan 2011): Americans no longer able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin). Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,957-1,959.

8. HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike ($1.4 bil/Jan 2011): Increases additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,959.

Taxes that took effect in 2012:

9. Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2 (Min$/Jan 2012): Preamble to taxing health benefits on individual tax returns. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,957.

Taxes that took effect in 2013:

10. Surtax on Investment Income ($123 billion/Jan. 2013): Creation of a new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single). This would result in the following top tax rates on investment income: Bill: Reconciliation Act; Page: 87-93.


Capital Gains











*Other unearned income includes (for surtax purposes) gross income from interest, annuities, royalties, net rents, and passive income in partnerships and Subchapter-S corporations. It does not include municipal bond interest or life insurance proceeds, since those do not add to gross income. It does not include active trade or business income, fair market value sales of ownership in pass-through entities, or distributions from retirement plans. The 3.8% surtax does not apply to non-resident aliens.

11. Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax ($86.8 bil/Jan 2013): Current law and changes:


First $200,000
($250,000 Married)

All Remaining Wages

Current Law

2.9% self-employed

2.9% self-employed

Obamacare Tax Hike

2.9% self-employed

3.8% self-employed

Bill: PPACA, Reconciliation Act; Page: 2000-2003; 87-93

12. Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers ($20 bil/Jan 2013): Medical device manufacturers employ 360,000 people in 6000 plants across the country. This law imposes a new 2.3% excise tax. Exempts items retailing for <$100. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,980-1,986

13. Raise "Haircut" for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI($15.2 bil/Jan 2013): Currently, those facing high medical expenses are allowed a deduction for medical expenses to the extent that those expenses exceed 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI). The new provision imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI. Waived for 65+ taxpayers in 2013-2016 only. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,994-1,995

14. Flexible Spending Account Cap – aka “Special Needs Kids Tax” ($13 bil/Jan 2013): Imposes cap on FSAs of $2500 (now unlimited). Indexed to inflation after 2013. There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children. There are thousands of families with special needs children in the United States, and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education. Bill: PPACA; Page: 2,388-2,389

15. Elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D ($4.5 bil/Jan 2013) Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,994

16. $500,000 Annual Executive Compensation Limit for Health Insurance Executives ($0.6 bil/Jan 2013). Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,995-2,000

Taxes that take effect in 2014:

17. Individual Mandate Excise Tax (Jan 2014): Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the higher of the following


1 Adult

2 Adults

3+ Adults


1% AGI/$95

1% AGI/$190

1% AGI/$285


2% AGI/$325

2% AGI/$650

2% AGI/$975

2016 +

2.5% AGI/$695

2.5% AGI/$1390

2.5% AGI/$2085

 Exemptions for religious objectors, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, those earning less than the poverty line, members of Indian tribes, and hardship cases (determined by HHS).Bill: PPACA; Page: 317-337

18. Employer Mandate Tax (Jan 2014): If an employer does not offer health coverage, and at least one employee qualifies for a health tax credit, the employer must pay an additional non-deductible tax of $2000 for all full-time employees. Applies to all employers with 50 or more employees. If any employee actually receives coverage through the exchange, the penalty on the employer for that employee rises to $3000. If the employer requires a waiting period to enroll in coverage of 30-60 days, there is a $400 tax per employee ($600 if the period is 60 days or longer).Bill: PPACA; Page: 345-346

 Combined score of individual and employer mandate tax penalty: $65 billion/10 years

19. Tax on Health Insurers ($60.1 bil/Jan 2014): Annual tax on the industry imposed relative to health insurance premiums collected that year. Phases in gradually until 2018. Fully-imposed on firms with $50 million in profits. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,986-1,993

Taxes that take effect in 2018:

20. Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans ($32 bil/Jan 2018): Starting in 2018, new 40 percent excise tax on “Cadillac” health insurance plans ($10,200 single/$27,500 family). Higher threshold ($11,500 single/$29,450 family) for early retirees and high-risk professions. CPI +1 percentage point indexed. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,941-1,956

This “tax” is under everyone’s radar. It has never been mentioned in the traditional mainstream media. It is the tax on Seniors who are on Medicare.

"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present
 Monthly Fee of $96.40, rising to:

$104.20 in 2012

$120.20 in 2013

$247.00 in 2014."

All seniors are means tested. This means the greater your income from any source including work income, pension income, capital gains and interest or dividend income the higher the baseline premiums become.

This “tax” had been decided by a Democratic controlled congress that had not read the bill or understood all of its consequences.

These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to anger seniors during President Obama’s 2012 Re-Election Campaign.

Please send this blog to everyone you know and their children. It is important for them to know that President Obama is throwing seniors under the bus.  Obamacare must be repealed.

Everyone must stay focused. President Obama is going to try to change the conversation and create a diversion to the facts.

Some of these taxes have already gone into effect. If the Republicans win the House and the Senate as well as the Presidency, Obamacare must be repealed.   

Everyone interested in America’s economic future must tell a friend to repeal these crippling taxes. President Obama has deceived Americans with Obamacare and its new taxes.  

It is time for everyone to get angry and give control of the House and Senate to the Republicans in November.”

It is difficult for Americans to comprehend all of these taxes. It is important for our surrogates that begged us to elect them to understand these taxes and act on our behalf.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Why Not Avoid The Financial Problems?

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

It is
very clear to me that neither the Obama administration nor the senate wants to
solve the root causes of the federal deficit problem.

sequestration debates are not getting to the root causes of the deficit. Eighty
five billion dollars will not make a dent in America’s 16 trillion dollar
budget deficit.

Obama is running around the country scaring everyone with the notion that vital
services must be cut or else the country will be paralyzed.

the congress and the President appropriated $60.2 billion dollars for aid to
Sandy victims. This is almost as much as the sequestration is going to

The Senate voted
Monday to provide $50.5 billion in aid for victims of Superstorm Sandy
. The
vote means Congress has approved a total of $60.2 billion in aid for Sandy

big deficit problem is created by out of control entitlement programs. Obamacare
is adding to entitlement spending. It will only increase the deficit.  

politicians’ should be working hard to figure out a solution to increasing entitlement
spending. Yet the Obama administration has refused to consider entitlement

two largest entitlements are Medicare and Social Security. Food stamps, and unemployment
insurance, among others has some impact on the deficit.

reforms and a decrease in waste could solve the problem.

following two articles summarize the illusion of the existence of Social
Security and Medicare Trust Funds

reality the money goes into these trust funds from payroll withholdings. The
government then borrows the money to pay general expenses. It provides an IOU
to the trust funds. In essence the trust funds are broke and the IOUs are an
unfunded liability of the federal government..

“And since the
federal government borrows the surplus from both funds (Social Security and
Medicare) to pay other expenses, the only thing in those trust funds own
special, non-negotiable, interest-bearing IOUs.”

In order
to pay Social Security and Medicare obligations the government shifts revenue
of current accounts into the trust fund accounts.

paying into Social Security and Medicare all those years thought they were
paying for a retirement annuity. The assumption was the money would grow with
wise government investments and those funds would be able to pay their promised
liability to seniors.

payments were really a disguised tax. As baby boomers become eligible for
Medicare and Social Security the obligation is increasing.

is reaching the point where more people are receiving these entitlement
benefits than the younger people who are funding them.

The logical result is the premium price for
Medicare coverage is scheduled to double in 2014. The deductibles for services are
scheduled to increase. The age requirement for eligibility is about to rise.  Access to care is decreasing as physicians
refuse to take Medicare. Rationing of care is increasing as hospitals are being
forced to assume risk. No one wants to assume the risk of taking care of sick
people. Especially when they are not very good at evaluating the risk.

knows all of this. Nevertheless they turn away as the government either borrows
more or prints more money.

have been told by multiple administrations that citizens could not handle their
own Social Security or Medicare annuity very well. Therefore the government
must do it for them.

government has done an awful job managing our retirement annuities.

Security and Medicare Trust Funds must become real trust funds that grow in
value in the future or the government should hand control over to the people.

The Obama
administration refuses to believe the significance of defensive medicine.
Defensive medicine’s cost to the healthcare system is somewhere between 300 to
700 billion dollars a year.

The Obama
administration’s estimate is it costs 3 billion dollars a year. They are wrong. Ask any physician.

should physicians or hospital systems assume the risk of missing a diagnosis by
not doing a test?

emotional and financial consequences of a frivolous lawsuit can be devastating.

and fair tort reform will save the healthcare system around 500 billion dollars
a year.  The 500 billion dollars is more
than 5 times the cost of the 85 billion dollar sequestration. The administration
is wasting 500 million dollars to protect the business of malpractice trial

administration claims its overhead for Medicare is only 2 ½ %.
This represents
the cost to pick an insurance company to adjudicate insurance claims. The true
cost is not clear. However, it is somewhere between 40-60% of every Medicare
dollar spent.

insurance company is permitted by the government to pack many expenses into the
direct patient care column and avoid going over the 15% medical loss ratio

The ten
hidden taxes written into Obamacare are now starting to be felt
. The Obamacare taxes
are going to increase the cost of medical care not decrease the cost as the
affordable care act promises. 

are directly responsible for many of their own medical outcomes
.  If patients had skin in the game and
financial incentives they would pay attention to their self -care and their
physicians’ recommendations. 

There are
no incentives in Obamacare for patients to manage their care effectively.
Financial gain would get their attention.

These are
just a few of the solutions to the real problems in healthcare. There is much
more waste in federal spending than $85 billion dollars a year.

All you
have to do is look at the list of extraordinary waste
that Senator Tom Coburn
has compiled

Rand Paul
did a clever thing. He sent $600,000 of his senate office budget back to the
U.S. Treasury
after carefully trying to save money. The 49 other senators and
over 400 congressperson ought to do the same. It would set an example for all
of the bureaucracy to do the same. In fact President Obama ought to demand it.

Kentucky Republican returned $600,000 in funds he saved from his Senate office
budget in the last year, the 
Louisville Courier-Journal reported.

the only budget I control,”
Paul said at a news conference in Louisville. “It’s
not enough, but it’s a start.”

If every
congressperson saved 600,000 a year as Rand Paul did the deficit would be
reduced by $321 million dollars more a year. If all the cabinet positions and
their agencies tried to save money and were rewarded for saving money we would
start to make some progress in decreasing the deficit.

The Simpson
Bowles Report commissioned by President Obama would be helpful in eliminating
unnecessary agencies and duplication.
Their report has been ignored by the
Obama administration.

Why has
President Obama refused to listen to people who have exposed the many areas of
government waste? It is incomprehensible.  

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

If you have enjoyed it please have a friend subscribe







It Is All About Trust


voted for President Obama in 2008 because he promised us hope and change. I
knew little of his past or present ideology. He was an attractive candidate and
promised hope.  The New York Times never
went into depth about his past, past interests or past performances.

trusted him and voted for him. He looked like and acted like the candidate of
hope. I trusted him to lead America on the right path.

Obama has done so many things wrong in the last 4 years that it is amazing to
me that anyone trusts him today.

he even said in one of his stump speeches “you
know me and you know you can trust me.”

after his inauguration America was confronted with an $800 billion dollar
stimulus package that promised to produce millions of shovel ready jobs. 

weren’t many shovel ready jobs. He baled out some companies and not others. All
the bale outs were at taxpayer expense.

stimulus package provided lots of money to increase the size of government. In
fact, President Obama used a sizable about of this money to build a government
bureaucracy for a healthcare bill that was yet to be written.

few things developed that made me suspicious of President Obama’s ideology.  President Obama is dedicated to big
government and big spending even though it is inefficient and not directed
toward its original goal.

have not been a fan of John Maynard Keynes since I read Fredrick Hayek ‘s “Road to

did not spend his way out of the depression. World War II got us out of the

economic has not worked. President Obama was clearly putting us on a “Road to
Serfdom” with his out of control spending and increased national debt by over
$4 trillion dollars.

Obama has made many annoying moves in the last four years to fake out the
American public

denominators have been a lack of transparency, a disregard for the legislative
branch of government and an overuse of executive orders.

lack of transparency is illustrated by Fast and Furious and the tragic Benghazi

mainstream media’s coverage has been disgraceful.

annoying actions have been the transfer of power from the congress to the
executive branch and the intimidation of the Supreme Court.

seems that he either ignores the constitution or gets around its meaning in
some way. The notion that the constitution is an antiquated document is
offensive and appalling.

media as been manipulated by the way events and facts are presented.  November 2nd unemployment results are an
outstanding example.

have been conditioned over the years to get their news from sound bites and not
detailed facts. Whichever sound bite is present the most times becomes the

economy is not doing well. It is growing at a very slow pace. Job growth is
slow. The presentation of the monthly data is confusing.

The November 2 unemployment
headline was; “Latest Jobs Report Shows Persistent Economic

 The first sentence was there were 171,000 new
jobs in October
. The economy needs 500,000 new jobs per month for a normal recovery.

still cannot get jobs, credit or loans from banks.

last sentence in the press release stated that unemployment rate rose from 7.8%
to 7.9%
. No one remembers the last sentence

the media is the message and 171,000 new jobs sounds like a big number that is
better than expected. It gives the illusion that the economy is improving on
President Obama’s watch.

Americans are not
stupid. The New York Times is trying much too hard to get President Obama re-elected.

Obama has generated mistrust by Americans for the promises he made about Medicare
and Obamacare. The amount of money spent, so far, by the President Obama on
Obamacare is not available to the public.

analysis of the increase in middle class taxes already in place as a result of
Obamacare are not discussed by the main stream media nor by President Obama.  

are 10 hidden taxes on citizens making less than $250,000 a year i.e. the
Medicare payroll tax. This tax is going up from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent. There is an additional 3.8
percent Medicare tax added to investment income. Together, this will cost
taxpayers $318 billion from 2013 to 2022. These taxes were not obvious to the
great majority.

impact of future Obamacare taxes on the middle class is going to be
overwhelming. The new taxes were written into Obamacare but not presented to
the public. This serves to increase the mistrust for President Obama and his
promise for transparency.

one thing I learned from Hayek is that you cannot manipulate the economy by
edict or force without limiting freedom. In a “free” society “ the unintended
consequences and costs are certain to get out of control.

can be controlled in a level playing field competitive free market. The
consumer driven market is non-existent. Consumers must start to understand
their power in society.

should make rules that level the paying field for all and then get out of the
way. No spinning the facts and no non-transparent activities. No favoritism to
lobbyists, associations or unions.

should be made for the benefit of the people in a competitive environment.

premiums and deductible expenses for senior will raise not decrease as promised
by President Obama. Out of pocket expenses will rise.

Seniors’ standard Medicare
Part B monthly premiums will jump
from $99.90 to $128.20 at the low end of the
means testing while their Part B deductibles will rise from $140 to $180. Seniors’ Medicare hospital deductible on admission will
increase from $1,156 to $1,336, while their daily hospital
coinsurance will climb from $289 to $334 in out of pocket expenses.

have pointed out that Obama care’s main feature, ACO’s, will be impossible to
execute and will subsequently fail. This will lead to greater distortions of
the healthcare system.

result will be a decrease in choice, a decrease in the freedom to choose your
physicians or recommended care, a decrease in access to care and rationing of
care once the government has total control.

does not included increases in costs to seniors and the middle class that has
been scheduled by Obamacare.   

the stakeholders have taken advantage of the healthcare system in its present
form. The stakeholders are the healthcare insurance industry, the hospital
systems, the government, the patients and the physicians.

healthcare system needs a new business model in order to survive. President
Obama’s business model is not the one. The public does not trust it.

actions of the stakeholders are natural as these stakeholders try to survive.

 It is government’s job to make the rules so
these dysfunctional survival methods cannot flourish.  

Obama cannot be an effective leader in the future. The public does not trust
him any more.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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A New York Times Article Misleads Americans Part 1

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP ,MACE

On 12/7/2019 the Times published an article by Anu Partanen and Trevor Corson

 entitled “Finland is a Capitalist Paradise.”

The media is the message. The article will resonate with many young couples trying to live a happy life in New York City.

The article also resonates with Bernie Sanders’ primary message.

Bernie: “Take a look at what Finland, the happiest country in the world, is doing. If Finland can provide everyone with health care, send everyone to college for free and provide affordable childcare, why can’t the US?”

The problem is the message is false.  

 “Two years ago, we were living in a pleasant neighborhood in Brooklyn. We were experienced professionals, enjoying a privileged life.

 We’d just had a baby. She was our first, and much wanted. We were United States citizens and our future as a family should have seemed bright. But we felt deeply insecure and anxious.”

There is no dispute with that statement. The college debt burden could be added to that feeling of insecurity.

“Our income was trickling in unreliably from temporary gigs as independent contractors. Our access to health insurance was a constant source of anxiety, as we scrambled year after year among private employer plans, exorbitant plans for freelancers, and complicated and expensive Obamacare plans.

Obamacare was supposed to solve the healthcare insurance problem for this young couple. Obamacare hasn’t solved the problem because of its faulty construction, its top-heavy government bureaucracy and its inefficient administration.

 “With a child, we’d soon face overwhelming day-care costs. Never mind the bankruptcy-sized bills for education ahead, whether for housing in a good public-school district or for private-school tuition. And then there’d be college. In other words, we suffered from the same stressors that are swamping more and more of Americans, even the relatively privileged.

“As we contemplated all this, one of us, Anu, was offered a job back in her hometown: Helsinki, Finland.”

As usual, the New York Times could not help taking a shot at President Trump’s philosophy when they said,

“Finland, of course, is one of those Nordic countries that we hear some Americans, including President Trump, describe as unsustainable and oppressive — “socialist nanny states.”

It turns out President Trump is right.

The couple moved to Finland from Brooklyn. The evidence they used to make their decision was all hearsay from friends and family living in the United States.

Their impression, after living in Helsinki for over a year, sounds like Utopia.

“We’ve now been living in Finland for more than a year. The difference between our lives here and in the States has been tremendous, but perhaps not in the way many Americans might imagine.” 

“What we’ve experienced is an increase in personal freedom. Our lives are just much more manageable. To be sure, our days are still full of challenges — raising a child, helping elderly parents, juggling the demands of daily logistics and work.”

The authors do not describe the meaning of personal freedom.

“But in Finland, we are automatically covered, no matter what, by taxpayer-funded universal health care that equals the United States’ in quality (despite the misleading claims you hear to the contrary), all without piles of confusing paperwork or haggling over huge bills.

This assertion has been disputed by many physicians and people living in Finland.—katso-oman-kuntasi-tilanne

Is this true? What is really happening in Finland?

If you are not sick and do not need the Finnish healthcare system, you will feel very secure. However, if you need to use the healthcare system it is not so good.

Why the New York Times, along with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, does not tell us the truth about Finland is obvious. The truth does not fit their agenda.

Finland has more doctors per capita than the UK but, at the level of primary care, a far higher proportion of these physicians are in private practice than is the case in Britain.

Seventeen percent (17%) of Finnish doctors work solely in the private sector. Most of these physicians are general practitioners. This is twice the percentage of physicians that were in the private sector twenty years ago.

An additional twenty percent of physicians work in both the private sector as well as the public sector. 

The bizarre thing is most employers in Finland pay for their workers to have private primary healthcare. Employers do not pay for their employees’ families. The families remain in the public sector.

The public sector is far from free. A visit to a family practitioner cost 16.10 euros. However, patients only pay for the first three visits and then it is free.

According to a Dr. Saarinen of Ula “the more experienced and “better” doctors end up in the private sector, leaving the “inexperienced” and “inefficient” doctors running the health centers.”

 Private practitioners are better paid and work under less pressure than public practitioners.

“A hospital consultation in the public sector costs patients about €38, and you pay for each night that you spend in hospital, up to a maximum of €679.”

The free healthcare service in Finland is not really free. Municipalities pay for the free service. The result is service in poorer areas of the country tend to have bad health service and limited access to medical care.

Private GPs usually set up practices in more affluent areas where they are more likely to get paid.

It looks like a grim socialized medical system. No wonder Finns deny the finding they are the happiest people in the world.

In Helsinki there are reports of huge queues at health centres (GP surgeries), waits for appointments of many weeks, and greater and greater demands with less and less funding. In south-eastern Finland it takes about a month to see a GP. Back in December 2013, it was reported that Finns were increasingly using private doctors in neighbouring Estonia to save time and money.”

Dr. Saarinen explains that the system essentially forces people to go private or rely on friends who are doctors.

Finland’s healthcare system has been a mess for at least two decades.

The couple writing this article are ignoring the facts. They said:

“Our child attends a fabulous, highly professional and ethnically diverse public day-care center that amazes us with its enrichment activities and professionalism. The price? About $300 a month — the maximum for public daycare, because in Finland day-care fees are subsidized for all families. 

And if we stay here, our daughter will be able to attend one of the world’s best K-12 education systems at no cost to us, regardless of the neighborhood we live in. The college would also be tuition-free. If we have another child, we will automatically get paid parental leave, funded largely through taxes, for nearly a year, which can be shared between parents. Annual paid vacations here of four, five or even six weeks are also the norm.”

Nothing is free!

The New York Times reported on a UN study proving Finland is the happiest country in the world. The problem is the Finns do not think the study is accurate. The Finns claim that the study was poorly designed and inaccurate.

The New York Times has once again printed fake news story to influence readers to believe in the wisdom of “Medicare for All.”

Bernie Sanders, has long been touting Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway as the shining examples of socialism and socialized medicine.

Bernie says:

“Take a look at what Finland, the happiest country in the world, is doing. If Finland can provide everyone with health care, send everyone to college for free and provide affordable child care, why can’t the US?”

Carl Sandberg said, in “The Prairie Years”, “If you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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