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The Ideal Electronic Health Record

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

I type ideas into my computer so I do not forget them. I do not know if the following is a quote from someone or something I simply wrote down. I apologize to the person if someone else said it.

A given: Free societies tend naturally toward a “Katrina mentality” of doing nothing until something happens. Have we done anything yet?

September 11 was less ‘a failure of imagination’ than an inability to see that America’s enemies were hiding in plain sight. They still are. Have we done anything yet?

The same mentality applies to developing the Ideal Electronic Health Record (EHR). The answer is in plain sight! The barriers are the vested interests that are benefiting from the present medical infrastructure. It is difficult to be innovative and imaginative when you are experiencing success. Many successful businesses feel anything innovative, imaginative or noble could decrease their present success. It is also difficult to express innovation and imagination in a hierarchical bureaucracy. Therefore “mature” businesses and organization become ossified.

The problem in a free society is you can only become chief of the bureaucracy (most of the time) if you do not use your imagination and do not make waves.

I believe the internet, and blogosphere are going to change all of the ossification of innovation and imagination our society has experienced recently. They are truly democratizing. The internet and blogosphere permit people to think, be imaginative and innovative through the ease of free expression offered by RSS.

The great power of a free society is individual freedom of speech, a free press and freedom of communication. We have lost some of these freedoms in the last 70 years with the development of hierarchical bureaucracy and consolidation of the press.

Robert Scobies’ book Naked Conversations is a must read. The subtitle is “How blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers.” We are in the midst of a revolution in how we do business. Most of us can not visualize it yet. In general, societies do not understand the paradigm shifts as they are in the process of occurring.

In the development of the ideal EHR the answer is hiding in plain sight. I believe I established the fact that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) should be broadened to an Electronic Health Record (EHR). I have also established the fact that the Health Savings Account (HSA) should be expanded to a Medical Saving Account (MSA)

In the Repair of the Healthcare System the key question is where does the healthcare system spend most of the money?

1.Eighty to ninety percent of the money is spent on the complications of chronic diseases. We all accumulate chronic disease as we go through life. As I said previously, medical physicians have become very expert at fixing things that are broken. The medical profession has just started to develop systems of care for chronic illnesses in order to prevent complications of chronic diseases. If we have systems of care for the treatment of chronic disease in place, and could execute the practice of evidence based medicine efficiently in a clinical setting, we could reduce the complication rates of diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, muscular skeletal disorders, hypertension and heart disease by at least 50%. If we were perfect we could probably reduce the complication rate by 80%

The math is simple. Diabetes Mellitus costs the healthcare system in direct cost $150 billion per year. The cost of complications is eighty percent (80%) of $150 billion, or $120 billion per year. A fifty percent reduction in cost means a $60 billion dollar savings to the healthcare system for diabetes. However, the disease management has to be done correctly.

Can a system of disease management be set up to reduce the complication rate of Diabetes Mellitus?

It has been by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist for Diabetes Mellitus. Any physician can execute this system of intensive diabetes self management in his office. The most important person in the system of care is the patient. It is a system that teaches the patient intensive diabetes self management. Intensive means the patient is taught how to normalize his or her own blood sugar. A normal blood sugar will avoid the complication of diabetes mellitus. The system of intensive diabetes self management teaches the patients to be the “Professor of Their Disease”.

Patients are responsible for their own care. The physician is the coach that helps fix some errors in patients self management. The care paradigm can be put in an Electronic Health Record (EHR). Both the patient and physician can share all the results including the blood sugar tests the patient does and the lab work the physician does with a web based EHR. If the banking system can do it with online banking, medicine can do it!

The interoperability of the EHR includes a pharmacy history of the patient’s compliance with medications that are ordered. The pharmacy must interact with the patient/physician electronic health record every time a refill is given. The physician can then through the EHR calculate the patient’s compliance with medication.

Compliance is a huge problem. If the patient does not take the medication the medication can not protect against the complications of disease. If the patient is educated (patient education is under compensated or not compensated presently by the insurance industry) and is responsible for their own healthcare dollar with a Medical Savings Account (MSA), the patient will become motivated to demand and will pay for education. It is easy for patients to understand that not only is their health at risk but their own money is also at risk.

An imaginative person in an unimaginative facilitator stakeholder industry can start seeing how this one element (Chronic Disease Management) is the one answer to the run away healthcare costs. The answer is in plain sight. The current information technology expertise is available. The EHR has to be created to add value to the patient/physician interaction for both the economic and quality care benefit of the both primary stakeholders. It is inappropriate and doomed to failure if it is formatted for the secondary stakeholders. It has to be driven by the patient. It has to have interoperability between medical and financial lines. The patient has to be given incentive to drive the system.

I will continue to expand on the ideal EHR.

I will continue to build on the ideal electronic medical record.


Would MSA Encourage Electronic Medical Records (EMR)? Part 1

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Physicians have been slow to adopt Electronic Medical Records (EMR) even though most physicians are computer savvy. There are reasons for physicians to be slow adoptors.

They are told that the EMR will increase their quality of care. However, quality of care has not been adequately defined by those who proclaim EMRs’ virtue. Physicians have negative experiences with information technology. The insurance industry and government have used IT against physicians to decrease the fees. Physicians know much of the data collected by the insurance industry and government has been formatted to answer the wrong questions. The potential of the EMR simply stimulates more mistrust and suspicion on the part of the physician against these entities.

Those knowledgeable about EMRs would say “Dr. Feld you have it completely backward.” Perhaps I do. I do not think so. I have expressed the perception of many physicians. Perception translates to the reality of resistance by physicians.

I understand the advantages of a functioning and effective EMR. If done correctly the physicians would flock to adopt the system. However, most demonstrations of EMRs are a disaster. The implementation of EMRs by most EMR companies has been worse. The purchase of an EMR to many physicians has simply been money down the drain. A few practices have been lucky and very successful.

The investment the physician must make is at minimum $50,000 per physician. In an environment of decreasing insurance and Medicare payments, $50,000 is a huge investment. In addition there is usually an annual maintenance fee as well as yearly service fee. Many software companies produce EMRs. Choosing the correct EMR seems impossible to most. Many physicians have been stung by the software company going out of business within two years, making their investment worthless.

In the January 2007 issue of Health Data Management there appeared a Newsline article “Hawaii Blues to Docs: We’ll Help with EMRs.

“A $50 million program from the Hawaii Medical Service Association, under which the Blues plan, would give providers substantial financial help to purchase electronic medical records systems, could wire up most physicians in the state.”

Why would the physicians want to be wired up? What does wired up mean?

“Honolulu-based HSMA also thinks the program will foster the longer-term goal of establishing regional health information organizations.”We’re making this investment to move the community along to wider adoption of I.T. so we can be ready for RHIO activity,” says Cliff Cisco, senior vice president. “There’s a lot of RHIO talk, but we’re a ways off from implementing a network. We want to prepare for that and give motivation.”

One should note that a RHIO is a network of information of all the patients’ charts in a regional and anyone can get patient information and physician care activity instantaneously with proper authorization. This would be great if we lived in an environment of total trust. It could work if everyone would keep this information private and would not use the data gathered against the patient or physician. Remember the social contract in medical care is between the patient and the physician.

“Under the three-year HMSA Initiative for Innovation and Quality the plan has committed $20 million toward the purchase of EMRs for physician practices. It will contribute up to half the cost of an EMR, capped at $20,000 per physician, for about 1,000 physicians.’

The physician would still have to pay $30,000 for something he does not want and he does not perceive will increase the quality of his care. It is viewed as a tool that will be used to punish him.

Cisco believes a “significant” amount of funds under the hospital program will go toward I.T., but the overall goal is to reduce practice variances and improve safety. Details of the program remain under development. “We’ve made the commitment and now are talking to hospitals,” he adds.”

Please notice the implication is the system is going to tell the physician what he should do to practice “good” medicine as defined by the insurance companies and hospital administrators. This seems like a way to generate more mistrust between physicians and the insurance industry.

“The program to help pay for EMRs is open to any physician who doesn’t have EMR software. But the focus will be on small and rural practices where adoption rates are low. HMSA hopes it will get most of these practices to take up its offer, Cisco says. “This is an effort to bring on slower adopters of the technology.”

My response is good luck!

The EMRs also will have to be certified by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology. HMSA is expected to have a list of acceptable EMRs available by the end of 2006.

If this program was perceived by the physicians as a good idea it would have to be a single uniform software program with measurable data points available to the physician for his proving an improvement in his quality of care to the patient. Multiple software vendors will increase the costs and decrease the mobility of the data collected. I will devote more time to describing the ideal EMR in the ideal MSA system. The system would greatly benefit the patient and the physician. The benefit to the facilitator stakeholders would be secondary and not punitive to the patient or the physician.

“Heavy penetration of EMRs in Hawaii could support more comprehensive pay-for-performance programs. HMSA for five years has had a pay-for-performance program that gives physicians and hospitals “modest” payments for meeting certain quality standards, Cisco says. The new initiative is much larger than existing P4P programs, he notes. “Our board thought we’d ramp this up a bit, put out this $50 million commitment and see what it achieved.”

Does anyone out there know the potential punishing effects to the healthcare system that pay for performance will inflict. In my view pay for performance is not well thought through presently. Many physicians are totally opposed to the notion because the decisions of performance are going to be made by the same insurance company administrators that used incorrect data to produce the failed punitive report card system.

This ambitious program is going in the opposite direction of the concept of the ideal Medical Saving Account. It is not empowering to the patient or physician. P4P in the present form does not provide incentive to the patients or the physicians to improve their performance. It is an administrative mechanism devised to dictate physician behavior, undo patient privacy and reduce payment.
It is sure to fail at best and generate more distrust and waste at worst. The healthcare system does not have three years to waste on this folly. The endeavor is bizarre to me. It is a waste of $50 million. I predict the $50 million loss will be passed on to the patients in the form of increased premiums
The $50 million could go a long way to create the ideal EMR in an ideal insurance system (MSA). Some smart entrepreneurial company will figure it out some day. I hope sooner rather than later.


Administrative Costs: Difference between the Medical Savings Account System and the Present System

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

In my view none of the published estimates of administrative costs to the healthcare system are correct. The latest estimate of administrative costs to the healthcare system was $150 billion dollars. I bet this estimate is only half of the administrative costs. The estimate represents only the costs the insurance companies add on to their insurance premium calculation. It does not represent the cost to the physicians to process each claim.

My estimate for the administrative cost to the physician for each office visit is $35- $40. The physicians’ administrative costs include the cost of physicians’ time to complete the paper work for each encounter as well as the cost of back office personnel for processing each claim to completion. Many claims are adjusted by the insurance company and disputed by the providers. The claims are then resubmitted for another round of non medical value added costs. The total cost to the system could represent $300 billion dollars. Three hundred billion dollar savings can go a long way to reducing insurance premiums to manageable and affordable levels. I could also go a long way toward increasing accessibility to care.

A few weeks ago I wrote about economists declaring that we can afford the cost of our excellent healthcare system. I blasted the concept as ridiculous. The economists ignore the inefficiencies and not medical value added cost to the system.

This week an article appeared titled “Running on Empty: Healthcare As the Engine of the Economy by Brian Kleeper and Alian Enthoven.
“Healthcare insiders know that the industry’s rosy prospects can continue only if its funding remains stable. Most also acknowledge that the dollars are not likely to flow as they have in the past.
The reality into the foreseeable future is that healthcare–at least beyond a narrow definition of “basic care”–will remain a voluntary buy. In fact, there’s every indication that group purchasers are quietly abandoning the market. A wealth of recent data shows that healthcare cost growth is pricing corporate and governmental purchasers out of the market for coverage.
Reports from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis show that, between 1999 and 2004, premiums–the point where costs converge from throughout the healthcare continuum–grew 5.5 times general inflation, 4.0 times workers earnings and 2.3 times the growth of business income.”

Please recall that much of the increase also results from a faulty DRG system. The present system reimburses on hospital charges and not hospital costs. The DRG system contributes to the engine of the inflationary medical costs.

“The numbers are spectacular. And purchasers are responding. In September 2006, another Kaiser report on employer health benefits showed that, between 2001 and 2006, the percentage of employers offering coverage plummeted from 68 percent to 61 percent, a 10.3 percent drop over five years or a 2.1 percent annual erosion rate. During the same period, the percentage of employees with coverage dropped from 65 percent to 59 percent. Data from other sources show that certain workers–those in the private sector, service workers, retail employees–were particularly vulnerable to losing coverage.
Meanwhile, Florida’s Office of Insurance Regulation released data showing that, between 1996 and 2004, 132,000 small employers (with 50 or fewer employees) stopped offering health coverage. This represents a 53 percent drop, while enrollees in small group plans fell by 760,000 individuals (42 percent, or 5.25 percent annually). The state’s population grew by three million during this period.”

As fewer and fewer people have health insurance coverage there is less and less premium dollars in the system. At present we have 46.7 million uninsured in America, 80% of whom would buy affordable insurance if they could.

Jon Lowder’s blog entry of November 10, 2006 nailed the problem. There are precipitous enrollment drops and an increasing uninsured population.

“These precipitous enrollment drops make sense, particularly when you compare the scale of healthcare cost to earnings. The actuarial firm Milliman calculated that the total coverage costs for a family of four averaged $12,214 in 2005. But one-quarter of the nation’s workers made less than $18,800, and one-third of its families made less than $35,000. How can mainstream Americans stay in a game that’s stacked like this?”

“Most people understand the healthcare crisis in terms of its human costs: more uninsured people and underinsured people and more frequent cases of personal bankruptcy. But an equally daunting problem is that losses in coverage translate to reductions in the system’s financial inputs. This means fewer dollars are available to buy healthcare services and products.”

The situation is ominous. Nonprofit hospitals may be able to finesse shrinking revenues through cutbacks in staff, equipment or programs. But for publicly traded companies like Pfizer, United Healthcare, Medtronic or HCA, the drops in funding must negatively impact margin, stock price, market capitalization and credit.”

Worse, healthcare is 1/7th of the economy and 1/11th of its job market. If this sector develops a large demand-resource mismatch and becomes financially unstable, the disruptions could cascade to and destabilize others sectors, threatening the national economic security.

Many people who follow the healthcare crisis know all of this. Unfortunately the public is not aware of much of it. We only realize that health insurance cost more and more. We have discussed much of this previously.
However, no leader has the courage to step forward and do something about it. I have emphasized much of the leadership can be exerted at the state level by state boards that license the insurance industry,hospitals and physicians. No one has organized the people to protest. The excuse is that the healthcare system can not be fixed. It is impossible to control physicians. I believe all these excuses are smoke to cloud the solution. The facilitator stakeholders are simply holding on to what they falsely perceive is their vested interest.

“A theory of limits applies here. In a voluntary market, healthcare purchasers–employers or taxpayers–will tolerate only so much cost growth. Then they’ll recede. It is preposterous to believe the well won’t run dry.”

All of these pricing mismatches and excess non medical value added costs can be eliminated by permitting the patient to be in control of their healthcare dollar and selling pure insurance that is fairly priced. The ideal Medical Saving Accounts system represent pure insurance in the form of high deducible health insurance and motivation for the patient to become an informed consumer.

The cost of processing claim could be eliminated completely. The service claims could be adjudicated instantly with a credit card. Thousands of diverse businesses adjudicate claims on purchases instantly daily at a low cost. The use of credit cards to pay for Medical Savings Accounts could provide an instant savings of 150 billion dollars to costs in the healthcare system. The losers will be the non competitive insurance company. The winner will be the bright flexible company that puts the system in place.


How Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Diamond Can Disrupt The Healthcare System

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Diamond should try this disruptive approach in their venture into healthcare reform.

All the other approaches that have been tried have not worked or have become unsustainable. Most of the approaches have been unfair to consumers and the majority of taxpaying Americans.

The only way to empower all the consumers in a healthcare system is to encourage them to become responsible for their health and healthcare dollars.

I believe it can only be accomplished by providing easily understandable financial incentives for consumers to save money for themselves.

Providing financial incentives to consumers to save money for themselves can be disruptive to the present models used to pay for medical services just as Amazon has been disruptive to retail sales.

The delivery of medical and surgical care has advanced tremendously in the last sixty years.

At the same time medical care has become unaffordable and the cost of healthcare has become unsustainable.

The incidence of obesity has risen every year. Over fifty percent of Americans are obese.

Obesity begets many chronic diseases and subsequently the complications of these diseases.

Physicians can treat these complications fairly well. However the treatment of chronic disease complications are costly.

How do you decrease the incidence of obesity in America?

Physicians must attack the core causes of obesity.

Among those causes are excess food intake, lack of daily exercise, mental depression, cultural milieu and/or a combination of all of the above.

The cure of obesity depends on the ability to eliminate these core drivers. Financial incentives can get patients involved in eliminating the core drivers of obesity.

The responsibility for obese patients’ healthcare depends on patients’ lifestyle, popular cultural milieu, and patient education.

In America, it is almost impossible to buy a meal in any level restaurant without excess calories.

How do you get people to be responsible for their health and healthcare dollars?

The one key element ignored by policy makers to decrease obesity is to give obese consumers of healthcare financial incentives to concentrate on trying to lose weight.

Obamacare went in the wrong direction. It limits personal liability for their obesity. It does not promote personal responsibility

The only incentive Obamacare provided was the incentive to overuse the healthcare system.

This was especially true for patients on Medicaid. They had zero premiums and deductibles. The only deterrent to accessing medical care was physician availability.

Physicians refused to participate in Medicaid because of low professional reimbursement. Low reimbursement by the government was necessary because of the decreases in funding and participant overuse of the system.

Obamacare planned to cure the shortage of “medical providers” by increasing the number of “valid medical providers” who could bill on their own, such as nurse practitioners and certified physician assistants.

However, the defect there is that patients were not under the supervision of physicians engaged in their care. It ignores the patient physician relationship that is so important to effective medical care.

If Jeff Bezo, Warren Buffet and Jamie Diamond (BBD group) are serious about Repairing the Healthcare System for their employees as a nonprofit organization, they should consider my Ideal Medical Savings Account.

The Ideal Medical Savings Accounts (MSA) are tax-sheltered accounts used to pay for non-catastrophic medical expenses. These non catastrophic medical expenses account for the bulk of the cost of medical care.

Money left from the Medical Savings Account at the end of the year is put into a consumer’s retirement account.

The MSA provides the financial incentive to not overuse the healthcare system.

Warren Buffet understands the money making potential of re-insurance. He is heavily invested in re-insurance companies.

If one of the BBD Groups employee’s gets sick and spends of all of his MSA money, reinsurance provides first dollar coverage for the illness.

The BBD Group could teach employees how to shop for price and value. Insurance companies are supposed to shop for value. However the shopping is never to the patient’s advantage. It is to the advantage of the insurance company.

 Critics always claim this is unrealistic:

  1. The claim is that patients are not smart enough to shop for price and value. 2. Are you supposed to shop around from the back of the ambulance?

 The critics’ use the ambulance argument to eliminate the possibility of consumers using their own judgment to make price decisions.

Patients are smart enough to figure out which hospital they want to go to before they get into the ambulance.

Emergency care represents only 6% of health care expenditures.

But emergency care represents only 6% of health expenditures.”

“For privately insured adults under 65, almost 60% of spending is on elective outpatient care. “


The critics argument is that consumers do not know how to shop prices. Consumers are smarter than the critics think. It would be easy to teach consumers to shop prices.”


“My Ideal Medical Saving Account provides that financial incentive to not overuse the healthcare system. All the articles about my ideal medical saving accounts are attached to this link.

 Likewise, nearly 60% of Medicaid money goes to outpatient care.”

 Medicaid patients also overuse the healthcare system.

Most Medicaid patients can understand the MSA’s financial incentive.

“ For the top 1% of spenders—a group responsible for more than a quarter of all health expenditures—a full 45% is outpatient.”

These patients can be identified as outliers and educational vehicles can be created to decrease this overuse of the system. It would save the re-insurance company a great deal of money.

In my opinion Medical Savings Account are better than Health Savings Accounts. Medical Savings Accounts take the money out of the healthcare insurance company’s hands and deliver it to consumers retirement accounts.

Both HSA’s and MSAs have the unique advantage of providing the financial incentive to for consumers to save money for themselves.

When people have savings to protect in HSAs, the cost of care drops without harmful effects on health. 

 The financial incentives decrease the overuse of the healthcare system.

According to a 2012 study in Health Affairs if even half of Americans with employer-sponsored insurance enrolled in this kind of coverage, U.S. health expenditures would fall by an estimated $57 billion a year.”

 My ideal Medical Savings Accounts provide an even a greater financial incentive and should decrease costs even further.

“ MSAs should be available to all Americans, including seniors on Medicare. Given that seniors use the most health care, motivating them to seek value is crucial to driving prices lower.”

MSAs should also apply to Medicaid recipients. The details for Medicaid recipients can be found in my article “My Ideal Medical Savings Accounts Is Democratic. “

The maximum contribution to MSAs should be raised to $6000 or $7000 dollars. If a consumer gets sick and experiences a cost of more that $6000 he should receive 100% (first dollar) coverage through the BBD group’s provided reinsurance policy. A reinsurance policy would cost the BBD Group less than $6000 a year.

The total insurance package to BBG Group employees should cost the BBD Group $12,000 rather than the present cost of $18,000.

BBD is a self insured association. The association has elimated the multiple middlemen in the present healthcare system.

 When a person with an MSA dies, the funds should be allowed to roll over tax-free to surviving family members.

This financial incentive should be included in My Ideal Medical Savings Account.

“The information that patients require to assess value must be made more transparent. 

2014 study on magnetic resonance imaging showed that price-transparency programs reduced costs by 18.7%.”

A consumer driven system would force providers to compete for patients. Information on price could easily be provided to consumers by the government and the healthcare insurance industry.

At present healthcare prices are not transparent. Consumers are not motivated to shop prices. The BBD Groups leverage with its employees would force transparency.

“The most compelling motivation for doctors and hospitals to post rates would be knowing that they are competing for price-conscious patients empowered with control of their own money.”

 In this age of technology and rapid communication telemedicine should be promoted and paid for. One way to do it is to permit physicians to practice telemedicine across state lines. It would supply instant access to expertize at an affordable cost.

Everything possible should be done to encourage consumer responsibility and provider competition.

The present tax code does the opposite. Consumers in-group plans provided by large and small corporations receive their healthcare insurance from the corporation with tax-free dollars.

The larger the corporation the more leverage the corporation has for negotiating the premiums with the healthcare insurance companies.

The BBD Groups volume of consumers would have tremendous leverage with providers.

The younger and healthier the corporate employees are the lower the premiums.

The formation of associations with large memberships of all ages would lower the cost of healthcare. Large associations would have great leverage in negotiating price with providers. They would also spread the risk.

Self- insured associations such as the BBD Group would also spread the risk and lower the cost.

Tax deductibility must be given to these “individual” insurance policy holders and association policy holders so they are, in reality, paying for healthcare insurance with pre-tax dollars the same as the corporate group plan policy holders.

These simple changes in the law would result in an affordable healthcare system that was market driven by consumers. The changes would force providers and the healthcare insurance industry to become competitive.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

 All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2018 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE



The Plan To Empower Consumers Of Healthcare

 Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

The only way to empower consumers of healthcare is to allow them be responsible for their health and healthcare dollars.

The delivery of medical and surgical care has progressed markedly in the last sixty years. Life expectancy has also increased.

At the same time medical care has become unaffordable and the cost of healthcare has become unsustainable.

The incidence of obesity has risen every year. Over fifty percent of Americans are obese. The percentage is rising yearly.

Obesity begets many chronic diseases and subsequently the complications of these diseases.

Physicians can treat these complications fairly well but the treatment of these complications comes at a high cost.

How do you decrease obesity in America?

How do you get people to be responsible for their health and healthcare dollars?

One of the key elements in decreasing obesity is to give consumers financial incentives to use the healthcare system efficiently.

ObamaCare went in the wrong direction. Its regulations—including required “essential benefits”—raised prices on these plans and limited their availability.”

The only incentive Obamacare provided was the incentive to overuse the system. This was especially true for patients on Medicaid. They had zero premiums and deductibles.

A second tool for motivating patients to consider price is large liberalized health savings accounts. These tax-sheltered accounts are generally used to pay for the noncatastrophic expenses that form the bulk of medical care.

First, equip consumers to consider prices.”

 Critics always claim this is unrealistic: Are you supposed to shop around from the back of the ambulance?

 The critics use the ambulance excuse argument to eliminate the possibility of consumers using their own judgment to make price decisions.

But emergency care represents only 6% of health expenditures.”

“For privately insured adults under 65, almost 60% of spending is on elective outpatient care. “

The critics argument is that consumers do not know how to shop prices. Consumers are smarter than the critics think. It would be easy to teach consumers to shop prices.”

“My ideal medical saving account provides that financial incentive to not overuse the healthcare system. The many articles about my ideal medical saving accounts are attached to this link.

Likewise, nearly 60% of Medicaid money goes to outpatient care.”

 Medicaid patients also overuse the healthcare system.

“ For the top 1% of spenders—a group responsible for more than a quarter of all health expenditures—a full 45% is outpatient.”

These patients can be identified as outliers and educational vehicles can be created to decrease this overuse of the system.

In my opinion Medical Savings Account are better than Health Savings Accounts. Medical Savings Accounts take the money out of the healthcare insurance company’s hands and delivers it to consumers.

Both HSA’s and MSAs have the unique advantage of providing and financial incentive to save.

When people have savings to protect in HSAs, the cost of care drops without harmful effects on health. 

 The financial incentive decreases the overuse of the healthcare system.

“ According to a 2012 study in Health Affairs if even half of Americans with employer-sponsored insurance enrolled in this kind of coverage, U.S. health expenditures would fall by an estimated $57 billion a year.”

My ideal Medical Savings Accounts provide an even a greater financial incentive and should decrease costs even further.

“ HSAs should be available to all Americans, including seniors on Medicare. Given that seniors use the most health care, motivating them to seek value is crucial to driving prices lower.”

Scott Atlas has publicized the obvious. This would apply to Medicaid recipient also. The details for Medicaid recipients can be found in my article “My Ideal Medical Savings Accounts Is Democratic. “

The maximum contribution to a MSAs should be raised to $6000 or $7000 dollars. If a consumer get sick and experiences a cost of $6000 he should receive 100% (first dollar) coverage through a reinsurance policy that would cost less than $6000.

There can be many variations on this theme for the consumers benefit.

 When a person with an HSA dies, the funds should be allowed to roll over tax-free to surviving family members.  

This financial incentive should be added to My ideal Medical Savings Account.

“The information that patients require to assess value must be made radically more visible. A 2014 study on magnetic resonance imaging showed that price-transparency programs reduced costs by 18.7%.”

A consumer driven system would force providers to compete for patients. Information on price could easily be provided to consumers by the government and the healthcare insurance industry.

“The most compelling motivation for doctors and hospitals to post rates would be knowing that they are competing for price-conscious patients empowered with control of their own money.”

 In his age of technology and rapid communication telemedicine should be promoted and paid for. One way to do it is to permit physicians to practice telemedicine across state lines.

It would supply instant access to expertize at an affordable cost.

Everything possible should be done to encourage consumer responsibility and provider competition.

The present tax code does the opposite. Consumers’ in-group plans provided by large and small corporations receive their healthcare insurance from the corporation with tax-free dollars.

The larger the corporation the more leverage the corporation has for negotiating the premiums with the healthcare insurance companies.

The younger and healthier the corporate employees are the lower the premiums.

This is where the formation of associations with larger memberships of all ages fits in to lowering the price of healthcare. Large associations would have great leverage in negotiating price with insurance companies. They would also spread the risk.

If financial incentive with my ideal medical saving account was added to the price the association negotiated and the consumer paid for the premium, usage would fall and the cost of insurance would decrease.

Tax deductibility must be given to these “individual” insurance policy holders and association policy holders so they are, in reality, paying for healthcare insurance with pre-tax dollars as the corporate group plan policy holders.

These simple changes in the law would result in an affordable healthcare system that was market driven by consumers. The changes would force providers and the healthcare insurance industry to become competitive.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

 All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2017 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

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The Failure Of The Republican Establishment To Repeal and Replace Obamacare

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A Single Party Payer System Will Not Work

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

Why am I opposed to a single party payer healthcare system?

I am concerned about America’s $20 trillion dollar deficit and $180 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

I am also concerned about China being a reliable buyer of American debt.

The deficit should be viewed as a house of cards that might crumble at any time.

Our country has suffered a massive increase in the deficit the last eight years under Barack Obama and Obamacare. The public knows the debt has increased at lease 1 trillion dollars a year.

No one has seen a good accounting the deficit increase. Everyone knows we have had massive inflation even though we have been told that inflation is only one percent.

The public knows Obamacare is imploding.

The public knows about the waste incurred during the Obamacare website roll out and the scandalous contracts to venders. The public knows about the massive increasing in insurance premiums and the massive subsides that were not anticipated.

The Democrats that the people have elected to congress do not seem to care about the deficits created. Now, we have finally realized that the Establishment Republicans do not seem to care about Obamacare failures either.

These officials do not care how much money the government wastes on bad deals at all levels of the economy. Obamacare has made terrible deals with the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry and hospital systems.

It has not made a good deal for the middle class or their primary providers namely physicians.

I do not think American healthcare policy makers or congress can afford to make another mistake.

Winston Churchill’s famous quote about Americans stands out here.

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they’ve tried everything else.”

America cannot try something that is destined to fail. Socialism, especially in healthcare, does not work. Our government officials refuse to believe this even though it is demonstrated by our own failed entitlements such as the VA Healthcare System, Medicare and Medicaid.

Government officials refuse to believe that the socialistic universal healthcare systems in the rest of the world are unsustainable.

Britain is the perfect example of this as the system is crumbling.

Socialism does work in the long term.

Winston Churchill said it again.

“Socialism does not work because it is not consistent with fundamental principles of human behavior. The failure of socialism in countries around the world can be traced to one critical defect: it is a system that ignores incentives.”

The key to the solution of the healthcare system problem is to provide incentives to all the stakeholders, especially the consumers.I believe “My Ideal Medical Saving Account” will work to provide universal coverage at an affordable cost.

America does not need a healthcare system that makes consumers dependent on government. It needs a system that makes them independent of government.

Butch Mazzuca is a local Vail Valley Resident who wrote this article about socialism and the healthcare system that appeared in the Vail

Valley News on July 9, 2017.

Mr. Mazzuca has given me permission to republish his article.

“When it comes to socialism, will they ever learn? 

Editor’s note: Find a cited version of this column at

“Several weeks ago on ABC’s Sunday morning talk show “This Week,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told host George Stephanopoulos, “The democrats need a strong, bold, sharp-edged and common-sense economic agenda. … That’s what’s been missing.”

So I find it a bit ironic that seven months after losing the 2016 presidential election, Schumer feels the Democratic Party is still struggling to articulate a coherent message. Meanwhile, the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren wing of the party delivers a very clear message. Unfortunately for their constituency, it’s about a failed ideology — socialism.

Sanders and Warren are advocates of redistributing wealthlax immigration rules, governmental intervention into health careenergy and business; and the acceptance that Washington should be the final arbiter of all problems.


While socialism is antithetical to the ideals of the Founding Fathers, it tends to gain its strongest support among the young and those who are uninformed. On the surface, socialism sounds great; it has always sounded great and will continue to sound great within certain precincts. The only problem with socialism is that history exposes it as a bankrupt ideology.

But rather than describing socialism’s failures tenet by tenet, the following apocryphal story illustrates socialism’s inherent defects in an easy-to-understand way.

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. The class insisted that wealth redistribution, aka socialism, worked because then no one would be poor and no one would be rich — a great equalizer.

The professor then said, “OK, let’s try an experiment.” Henceforth, all grades would be averaged; everyone would receive the same grade, and no one would fail.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone received a B. The students who studied hard were upset but the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who had studied little now studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride, too, so they too decided to study little. The second test average was a D.

Now no one was happy. When the third test rolled around, the class average was an F; and from that point forward, the scores never increased, as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings with the result that no one would study for the benefit of anyone else and the students all failed the class.

The professor then told them socialism as a form of government always fails because of human nature, i.e., when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes the rewards away, no one will try to succeed.


Similar to the aforementioned students, the far left consistently overlooks the fact that human nature is part of any ideological equation. They fail to understand that socialism has never and will never work because it’s based on a premise that’s inconsistent with human behavior.

When people work, they expect to be compensated commensurate with their effort and skill level. And capitalism does that more effectively than any economic system yet devised by man. Capitalism provides an incentive for people to achieve because they know their efforts will be rewarded.

Conversely, socialism is a disincentive to achievement because people also know their work is valued only collectively, rather than being valued individually.

Quote of the day: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill.”

Butch Mazzuca, of Edwards, writes regularly for the Vail Daily. He can be reached at

Our politicians should stop fooling around with America’s healthcare system, our fiscal viability, and the welfare of our citizen.

It is time to try something that will work, and not another thing that is doomed to failure.

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, you are both dead wrong.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” is, mine and mine alone.

All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2017 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

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The Republican Establishment’s Failure

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

I am coming to the conclusion that the Republican establishment does not want to Repair the Healthcare System.

The Republican establishment has the same goal as the Democratic establishment.

Recently the mainstream media is saying that a single party payer system is looking good.

Neither party has any interest is having consumers control their healthcare dollars. It looks as if both parties want the government to control the consumer’s healthcare dollars.

All the politicians ignore the fact that government control is unaffordable. It also ends up not working.

The best example is the bureaucratic VA Hospital System and its system wide corruption.

A reader wrote:

I have read your last blog post carefully and agree with many of the points put forward but there is a glaring omission.” 

 “How are patients supposed to be responsible for their healthcare dollars when there is absolutely no transparency and no consistency in pricing.”

The lack of transparency is a major defect in our present healthcare system.

Only 20% of consumers use the healthcare system at any one time. Eighty percent of the consumers have not run into the lack of transparency problem in the healthcare system.

Most consumers do not care about transparency because they have first dollar coverage provided by their employer. They think their medical care is free. They believe they have excellent healthcare insurance.

President Obama took care of that notion with Obamacare. The defective structure of Obamacare caused healthcare insurance premiums and deductibles to skyrocket. First dollar healthcare insurance became too expensive for most employers.

Employers stopped providing first dollar coverage. Middle class employees are now noticing that out of pocket expenses have made their healthcare insurance unaffordable. Consumers have tried to compare prices of competitive providers. They have discovered that it is impossible!

Consumers are becoming aware of the lack of transparency. They have been astonished by this lack of transparency.

There is nothing in the new Republican bill that addresses Republican politicians’ awareness that the lack of transparency is a major defect in the healthcare system.

The lack of transparency is only one of the major defects in our healthcare system.

There is nothing in the Republican bill that speaks to the consumers’ responsibility for their health and healthcare dollars. Consumer driven healthcare is completely ignored.

There is nothing in the bill that addresses effective tort reform. The Massachusetts Medical Society survey showed that defensive testing to avoid lawsuits costs the healthcare system between $250 billion to $700 billion dollars a year.

The lack of the development of systems of care for chronic diseases cost another $700 billion dollars a year that our healthcare system does not address. There is nothing in the bill that emphasizes this very important defect in the healthcare system.

The Republican establishment thinks consumers are too stupid to take care of themselves.

The mainstream media likes to tell us that people love entitlements. The public does not want to give up these entitlements.

My question is how come less than 9 million people signed up for Obamacare’s individual healthcare plans last year if they love entitlements?

It is because they cannot afford to buy the health exchange insurance even though 85% of the premiums of those 9 million consumers are subsided by the government. Their high deductibles are not subsidized.

The Republicans are going claim they are promoting health savings accounts. The public is not told the amount of money they can put into a health savings account or whether it will provide first dollar coverage over that amount if they get sick.

There is no financial incentive for consumers to be responsible for their healthcare or their healthcare dollars.

My Ideal Medical Saving Account is a much better idea.

These are only a few of the major defects in the Republican establishment’s concept to fix the healthcare system.

President Obama did some of the awful things to Obamacare through rules and regulations after certain vested interests complained about the law. Obamacare’s rules and regulations have to be eliminated

There were crony waivers that would make one’s blood boil. In fact, elected congressional members got the best exemptions.

It is becoming apparent that congress doesn’t want to fix the healthcare system for the majority of Americans. The congressional establishment wants to control consumers.

Socialism does not work!

Socialsim for blog

Our political establishment does not tell us about the economic result in other countrys’ single party payer universal healthcare systems.

We don’t have to go to other countries. We only have to go to the indigent areas in California were everyone is covered by Medicaid.

The Republican establishment needs to get off the stick before all of them are kicked out of congress.

Just imagine the healthcare systems savings if every consumer were empowered to shop for the best healthcare at the best price.

The result would be a free market healthcare system in which competition would cleanse the system and make it affordable to everyone.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” is, mine and mine alone.

All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2017 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

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How Can I Be So Misinterpreted?