Do You Think Politicians Want To Hear From You?
Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
The answer is “NO”. Cecelia and I wanted to contact John Cornyn and Kay Baily Hutchison about their vote on HR 6331. Their two votes defeated the House of Representatives proposal to cancel the Medicare cuts.
It is an impossible task to send them an email. Just try to find an email address. We have concluded the best way to contact a congressperson is to send him or her a fax. Actually, many fax’s and break their fax machine. Maybe then you will get their attention.
The next time I hear that a politician wants to hear from his/her constituents, I know he/her wants to seduce us to vote for him/her. He/her has no intention of listening to us.
Daniel • July 8, 2008
Found a way to contact them for you. Both require you fill out online forms to send a message.
Here’s Senator Hutchinson’s
And here’s Senator Cornyn’s
Daniel • July 8, 2008
Found a way to contact them for you. Both require you fill out an online form to send a message.
Here’s Senator Hutchinson’s
And here’s Senator Cornyn’s
Mark • July 24, 2008
I think you are right . . . they tell how much they want to do for us and then they pretty much do what they REALLY wanted to do all along.
We need to pray for all of them because I believe that the Lord can get through to them better than we can.
Sandra Smith • March 19, 2010
Dear U.S. Senator John Cornyn,
I am writing to you because I am very fed up with Washington right now. I have spoken to many people in my area that feel the same way that I do. I have not spoken to anyone that is in favor of this health care bill.
1. Where did the money come from for the bank bailouts???
2. Where did the money come from for the auto bailouts???
3. Where did the money come from for the aid to Haiti???
4. Where did the money come from for the aid to Chile???
5. Where is the money supposed to come from for the health care bill???
I am (along with many people in my area) totally opposed to the health care bill. I hope you strongly oppose this bill. I also hope that you get as many congress people to also oppose this bill. Only our representatives can do as their constituent’s want, so I am counting on you and others to fight this bill every way that you can.