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Stakeholder Abuse of the Healthcare System


Looking For Alternatives To Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The dice have been loaded against the American people by the rules and regulations in Medicare and Obamacare.

Patients liked their doctors. Once they discovered that they could not keep their doctors under Obamacare they became angry at President Obama for lying to them. The soon to be released new payment rules will increase the anger.

Physicians have found it more difficult to run small private practices.  The complexities of compliance with the rules, regulations and the payment systems for both Medicare and Obamacare are forcing physicians to sell out to hospital systems.

These complexities are in effect ending independent medical practices. This has been intentional. The Obama administration doesn’t want to control 600,000 independent physicians. It wants to deal with the hospital systems the are involved with. The hospital systems can then deal with the doctors.

Republicans are looking for a compelling alternative to Obamacare.

Just as Obamacare was forced through congress, President Obama is trying to force how medicine is practiced in America down the throats of Americans.

It is consistent with Jonathan Gruber’s view that Americans are to stupid to understand what is going on. It follows that Americans are too stupid to be responsible for their own care.

Americans want freedom of choice. They do not want the government to tell them what to do.

Republicans are looking for an alternative to Obamacare. A viable alternative could be to save the private practice of medicine and not subject Americans to the inefficiencies of a government controlled bureaucracy.

 Physicians by nature and education are competitive. Competition leads to improvement of the delivery of medical care.

All medicine is local. The alternative to Obamacare is to have local completion among physicians and permit patients to choose their doctors.

The answer to the Republican’s dilemma is right in front of their eyes.

A real Republican alternative to Obamacare would support physician ownership of independent medical practices and preserve local competition between doctors and maintain choice for patients.

Obamacare’s promotion of large hospital systems with salaried physicians eliminates physicians competing for patients. The lack of physicians competing for patients destroys the physician/patient relationship.

Physicians listen to patients if patients have a choice. The interaction is a partnership called the patient /physician relationship.

This solves the problem of President Obama’s lie. “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor period.” Patients choose their doctors.

Dr. Donald Berwick and Jonathan Gruber’s view the consolidation of physicians and hospital systems as a necessary step to enable payment liability onto providers through hospital systems and away from government programs such as Medicare and Obamacare.

President Obama does not understand that doctors are not stupid either. At the moment physicians feel financially cornered by the government and the hospital systems and are joining hospital systems as a temporary means of surviving.

President Obama also does not realize that over the last 50 years there has been a build up of physician distrust for most hospital administrations.

Most administrators have tried to repair that mistrust but it has not been very successful. Hospital systems have been trying for years to own their physicians’ intellectual property and surgical skills for their hospital system’s profit. It is all about economics. Patient care is secondary.

As hospital systems consolidate competition will be eliminated.  Then hospital systems will realize they are losing money because of the risk they agreed to accept from the government. Hospital systems will demand more money from the government or consumers or go out of business.

Who loses? 

Patients lose, taxpayers lose, and the American healthcare system loses.

The abuses of the healthcare system by all the stakeholders must be fixed. It will never be fixed by forcing stakeholders to fix it. It will only be fixed by aligning incentives of all the stakeholders. Consumers must lead the way.

A recent Physicians Foundation survey of 20,000 U.S. doctors found that 35% described themselves as independent, down from 49% in 2012 and 62% in 2008.

It has also been reported that hospital systems are complaining that they are losing money on their physicians in these integrated systems.

Hospital systems are dropping out of the Obamacare Accountable Care Organization programs. There have been reports that salaried physicians are less productive that independent practicing physicians.

I believe in the team approach to the management of chronic disease. The patient must be at the center of the team with the physician being the head coach or manager and his team being an extension of the physician’s care.

Medical decision making entities must not be the insurance company or the government.

The idea that integrated systems with salaried physicians leads to increased economic efficiency, better quality of care and clinical outcomes than small independent private practices never made syllogistic sense to me.

Patient care becomes depersonalized in large hospital systems. Both patients and physicians become commodities in systems focused on the bottom line.

Small practices have the advantage of providing a personal style of care. Consumers want that comfort when they are sick. They want someone they know who is going to listen to them and talk to them.

In a private setting physicians can practice the way they want, without interference by a large, impersonal organization driving efficiency.

If a physician in private practice does not satisfy the consumer’s need the consumer can leave the practice and go somewhere else.

  "When you work closely with patients and empower them, they are going to make better choices," said Craig C. Koniver, MD, a solo family physician in North Charleston, South Carolina. He said a team of caregivers at a large practice will not have the same impact, because none of them are as close to the patient as he is.”

Health Affairs published a study in August 2014 looking at primary care physicians in small practices and “ambulatory care sensitive” admission rates. The study included such conditions as congestive heart failure in which admission to the hospital can be preventive by high quality primary care. The patient relates positively to the physician and the physician relates positively to the patient (positive patient/physician relationship).

“The study found that practices with 1 to 2 physicians had ambulatory care-sensitive admission rates fully 33% lower than practices with 10 to 19 physicians.”

This is not the only study that shows that small independent private practices can deliver just as high or higher quality of care than large integrated hospital systems with salaried physicans.

“ A 2013 study[2] showed that small practices in general had slightly lower hospital readmission rates than large practices.”

Additionally, “a 2012 study[3] looking at practices ranging from 5 to 750 physicians found that the smaller ones had fewer ambulatory care-sensitive admissions and lower overall costs of care for diabetes.”

 All three studies turned a piece of conventional wisdom on its head; that large practices, with their care management teams and sophisticated clinical information systems, produce better clinical outcomes.

Republicans should start presenting alternatives to Obamacare. The alternative must provide consumers with what they want rather than systems that let the government to tell consumers what they are going to get.

The ideal medical savings account will let consumers choose and keep their doctor if they like their doctor.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deceptions Keep Coming

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama and CMS have been extremely quiet about Health Insurance Exchange enrollment since enrollment opened November 15,2014

President Obama reported that on  opening day the health insurance marketplace performed much better than last year. However, some consumers reported long, frustrating delays trying to buy insurance and gain access to their own accounts at

Consumers there were having a hard time logging into their accounts, retrieving old passwords and proving they were who they said they were — a process known as identity proofing, which also vexed many people last fall.

Some people did complete their applications, but it often took them 90 minutes. Some people were unable to finish what they started, so they left the clinic with plans to return at another time.

The insurance exchanges are supposed to be the centerpiece of Obamacare.

 Ms.Sylvia Burwell, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services said, “23,000 people had completed online applications in the first eight hours after, the federal website, opened on Saturday morning.”

Twenty three thousand is a low number for a 45-day enrollment period with four days each at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is only 1,035,000 enrollees (45 x 23,000). We do not know if they are new or old enrollees. 

Ms. Sylvia Burwell has given us signals previously that all is not well with Obamacare.

The estimate of total enrollees (old and new) for the end of the 2015 enrollment period was lowered from 13 million to 9 million. If 8 million were enrolled in 2014 this is only an increase of 1 million new enrollees.

There were clearly not 8 million valid enrollees when President Obama did his victory lap at the end of the extended enrollment period on March 31,2014.


It was later announced that 85% of enrollees were to receive subsidies (tax credit). The tax credits were to make the insurance premiums affordable to enrollees earning less than $50,000 a year.

It turned out that 65% of those approved for subsidies originally had the subsidy reduced when they could not verify their claimed income.

The American taxpayers, who are responsible for the subsidy (tax credit), were never told how the government was going to collect the government over payment. Taxpayers were never told the amount of  payment due from people who received the invalid subsidies.

 How many of those over subsidized people dropped out of Obamacare because they could not afford the premium or the deductible.

How many enrollees remained from the 8 million claimed to have enrolled?

 Somehow the published number of enrollees dropped to 7.3 million. Did the decrease from 8 million to 7.3 million include the over subsidized dropouts?  

I should think an inspector general or someone in congress would start connecting the dots.

I would think the CBO would recalculate their estimates.

I should think someone in the press would sense there was something fishy and start investigating.


Last week it was discovered that 400,000 people were counted in the total enrollment number that did not buy healthcare insurance. The 400,000 enrolled for low cost dental insurance.

 This new revelation lowered the total number of claimed enrollees to 6.9 million from the 7.3 million claimed enrollees.

Kathleen Sibelius declared over a year ago that Obamacare would have to have over seven million enrollees to be viable and declared successful.

In a previous blog my estimate of valid enrollees for 2014 was 3 million. I have also pointed out that the healthcare insurance industry is not worried about the number of enrollees because if they lose money the government would bale them out and subsidized the difference.

The loser is the taxpayer. We have been paying a tax increase of more than 10% for Obamacare since 2010.

The public has not yet seen any numbers proving Obamacare’ s viability or it’s bending of the cost curve.

 We have seen patients complaining that they cannot afford the 6-10 thousand dollar deductibles of the health insurance policies. People have realized that they are not covered by insurance until they reach their deductibles. People have been hesitant to get necessary medical care in order to avoid paying the deductibles.

The Obama administration claims to have reduced healthcare costs. The administration does not count the patient’s deductible costs (out of pocket costs) in their bogus calculation of costs to the healthcare system.

The avoidance of follow-up care by patients with pre-existing illnesses (chronic diseases) is only going to lead to complications of those chronic disease and higher societal healthcare costs.

Lowering the goal for the number of enrollees to 9 million if only there are only 3 million valid enrollees that stayed in the system is going to be a very difficult task.

The changing of the date to begin open enrollment from October 1 to November 15 for political reasons is not going to help achieve the goal.

President Obama will probably extend the enrollment period from December 15,2014.

The Obama administration already announced the 2016 open enrollment period. It starts October 1 2015 and ends December 15, 2015.

There is a great website that calculates the estimated weekly enrollment and actual enrollment. Enrollment is not going very well. President Obama and his administration are very quiet about the enrollment. The mainstream traditional media is also ignoring enrollment.    


The website is,

As of 11/21/2014 the website reports confirmed enrollees for 2015 QHPs: at least 39,215 have enrolled as of 11/21/14 as opposed to the government estimated enrollees for 2015 QHPs of at least 410,000 as of 11/21/14.

No one is paying attention to the website. The Obama administration is not providing the information necessary for consumers to judge how well Obamacare enrollment is doing.

Ms. Burwell said,

Ms. Burwell said that attention should be on all of the people who now have health insurance, rather than the miscalculation.

While we understand some will be skeptical, our clarity that this is mistake and the fact that we have quickly corrected the numbers should give people confidence,” she said. “It is important to continue to focus on the fact that millions of Americans are getting affordable health care.”

The Obama administration persists in trying to distract the American public.

I think the Obama administration continues to believe, as Jonathan Gruber believes, that Americans are too stupid to understand what the administration is doing.

The administration wants to prove that the free market and private insurance cannot provide healthcare coverage for all that only total government control of the healthcare system can work.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Deception Continues

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Open Enrollment for Obamacare started November 15th rather than October 1st. Open Enrollment for Health Insurance Exchanges was originally going start October 1,2014 to run until December 15,2014 for enrollees to have insurance on January 1,2015.

It think the open enrollment dates were delayed to prevent negative publicity for Democrats in the midterm elections. The date to close open enrollment has been moved to March 15th or March 31st2015 instead of December 31,2014.

President Obama is changing dates at will without congressional approval. It is creating confusion. Americans are giving up on following changes in the law.

President Obama probably believes, as Jonathon Gruber, that the American public is too stupid to follow all of his maneuvers.

It is impossible to know when open enrollment ends by following the mainstream media. I think it will end when the Obama administration has something to brag about despite what the law demands.

Early in 2014 it became clear to health insurance consultants that the healthcare insurance industry would raise Obamacare 2015 premiums by double digits (15-30%). The demographic of 2014 enrollees was actuarially unsound according to the healthcare insurance industry.

The Obama administration expressed fear that the healthcare insurance industry would not participate in the health insurance exchanges because they were destined to loss money.

The Obama administration is presently boasting that the average premiums are going to rise only slightly in 2015.  

Healthcare insurance companies are flocking to sell insurance in more markets rather than quitting the health insurance exchanges.

The Obama administration claims that Obamacare has created a competitive atmosphere for the healthcare insurance industry.

You bet it has. It has done the by creating subsidies for the healthcare insurance industry so it takes on no risk along with increased profit. This is the reason all the companies are fighting to get into the health insurance exchange market.

President Obama has offered to bail out the healthcare insurance companies if they do not make an adequate profit in the health insurance exchange.

The mainstream traditional media has not reported that Obamacare provided insurance company subsidies, nor have the subsidies been connected to the dampening of extreme increases predicted for premiums in 2015.

However, the decreases that are being reported by the Obama administration are deceptive.

Below is a CMS provided map of states and counties with either increases or decreases in premiums.


Prices as a jpeg 1

In about a fifth of the counties in states using the federal insurance exchange, premiums for the lowest-priced silver plans will increase by 10 percent or more. But rates for the same plans will decrease in all of Maine, Montana and New Hampshire, and most parts of Mississippi and South Dakota. NOV. 14, 2014

Largest decrease: -28.0%

Greatest increase: +29.5%

Minneapolis, Honolulu, Seattle, Phoenix, San Diego, St. Louis,  New Orleans , Dallas, Boston, Tampa, Philadelphia Detroit, Anchorage, San Francisco, Denver, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. New York all are experiencing increases in premiums.

 Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

A PricewaterhouseCoopers report on all individual market premiums — on and off Obamacare exchanges — found a large range of rate changes, from a drastic 35 percent hike in Colorado to a 22 percent cut, also in Colorado (the state’s Obamacare exchange changed the geographic rating areas this year to cut costs for ski resort towns). Overall, the average rate hike nationwide is 5.6 percent, according to PWC.

The published map belies the Obama administration’s claim that premiums have been, on the average, lowered. It does not take into account population density in counties where premiums are lowered or raised.

Eight states are facing double-digit premium hikes in 2015 while just four states have reported decreases according to the Daily Caller.

 The premiums in some states could be lowered. However, the high deductibles included in these health insurance plans have not been lowered. The high deductibles are out of pocket expenses. The high deductibles continue to be unaffordable to many even thought these enrollees might receive sizable “tax credits? subsidies?” to help them pay for the premiums.

In January 2014, I described the subsidies provided by the Obama administration to the healthcare insurance industry. The Obama administration guaranteed a profit for participating in the health insurance exchange at no risk through the Reinsurance program and the Risk Corridor program that is buried in Obamacare.

(Nancy Pelosi: “We will not know what is in the bill until we pass the bill.”)

 “This was one of President Obama’s deceptions.

It is similar to the deception “If you like your insurance you can keep it. If you like you doctor you can keep him/her.”

Last week we learned that the insurance company bailout was built into the original bill passed in 2010. The President knew about this bailout before Obamacare was passed.

Did the congressional members who passed the bill know about the built in bailout?

If they did they should all be voted out of office. If the Democrats needed to pass Obamacare did not know about the bailout they should have and they should all be voted out.

It should be recalled that this was a Democrat controlled House and Senate. There was not a single Republican vote included in the passage of Obamacare.

The American people did not know about the built in bailout at taxpayers’ expense.

Obamacare contains a "Reinsurance Program that caps big claim costs for insurers (individual plans only)." Robert Laszewski, a prominent consultant to health insurance companies, writes that in 2014, 80% of individual costs between $45,000 and $250,000 are paid by the government [read: by taxpayers], for example." 

Private insurance plans bought through the health insurance exchanges are not private health insurance plans. They are plans that are subsidized by the government if the insurance bill goes over $45,000.

Who pays this government subsidy?

The taxpayers, by having their taxes increased.

 Who makes the profit from this subsidy?

 The healthcare insurance industry makes the profit because the insurance policies have been priced at high risk (Increased deductibles, and increased premiums for consumers not eligible for government subsidies).

 "The reinsurance program has done and will continue to do what it was intended to do; help attract and keep more carriers in Obamacare than might have otherwise come."  Thus, Obamacare is being aided by having taxpayers subsidize big insurance companies' business expenses.”

Obamacare also provides the healthcare industry a greater subsidy. It is called the “Risk Corridor Program”. The “Risk Corridor Program” limits the overall losses of the healthcare insurance industry to 2.4%.

This is the way the “Risk Corridor Program” works. The healthcare insurance company submits its expected costs to the government for a particular year.

If the expected costs of the insurance exceed 102%, the government will pay the healthcare insurance company 80% of the difference above 102% at taxpayers’ expense.

 “Taxpayers' are unwitting generosity toward these "participating health plans" (plans sold through Obamacare's government-run exchanges):

 "If the health plan has costs at 110% of the medical cost target [the costs that the insurer expects to accrue], it will be responsible for only 102.4% of the target (a 2.4% shortfall)-only about a quarter of its losses.”

There is little risk to the healthcare insurance company for being involved in the healthcare insurance exchanges.

The key point is President Obama had this written into Obamacare without telling taxpayers about it. I wonder if the CBO knew about it and calculated it into the original cost estimates of Obamacare.

“In this way, and so many others, Obamacare takes a major step toward the government monopoly over American medicine ("single payer") that liberals drool about in their sleep.”

 There are many other deceptions that lie ahead. Now that the Jonathan Gruber controversy has increased the American public’s awareness of Obamacare deceptions Americans will begin to shout about the costs and rationing of care.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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The Significance Of The Jonathan Gruber Controversy

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Jonathan Gruber, a professor of Economics at MIT and one of the authors of Obamacare, made comments in 2013 about the trick plays the Obama administration used to pass the Affordable Care Act.

Jonathan Gruber’s comments serve to help Americans understand the mechanics of the passage of Obamacare. Hopefully it will serve as a wakeup call for the entire electorate.

Jonathon Gruber’s comments reflect the attitude of President Obama and his entire administration toward the electorate.

The cover-up always makes it worse.

Mr. Gruber admits what many of us have understood throughout President Obama’s years in office. President Obama’s attitude is reflected in all the trick plays he has pulled on congress and the American people during the passage and implementation of Obamacare.

Please look at all the articles covering President Obama’s trick plays since 2008 by clicking here.

The mainstream media has done President Obama’s bidding. It has not covered the meaning of Jonathan Gruber’s comments and the disrespect he and others have for the intelligence of the American public.

A reader sent me this comment before Jonathan Gruber’s comments were discovered.

“Dr. Feld,

There is some science behind the Progressive methodology that non-progressives need to learn.  The Progressive movement talks directly to the limbic portion of the brain while non-progressives tend to sort through facts in the neocortex.

Decisions are made in the emotional limbic portion of the brain, hence the reason and way marketers appeal to emotions versus your facts. 

The bottom line is this, non-progressives need to turn their facts into stories that are emotional or conservatives will always be out sold by those who’s arguments are devoid of facts (or outright lies) but full of emotion.

Have an awesome day.”

The Gruber controversy has given Americans a story that stimulates an emotional response. Americans are offended by being called stupid.

Jonathan Gruber did not make these statements in a void. It had to reflect the thinking of Obama administration. Even John Kerry gave him some help.



Published on Nov 12, 2014

Gruber explains how Senator John Kerry helped him fool stupid voters into accepting a tax hike.

 Mr. Gruber could not have made the decisions on his own to take the policy actions he described.

He never should have described the actions of those involved in public.

 The Obama administration also provided the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) with wrong information. The information led to wrong CBO’s conclusions regarding Obamacare’s real costs. The CBO crunches numbers fed to it by the Obama administration.

 The Obama administration used CBO’s false scoring to sell the CBO’s economic conclusions to the public through the mainstream media.  

It is clear that President Obama and his administration believe they are smarter than the American people. President Obama believes that his administration knows what is best for Americans.

The only reason the American people have not connected the dots is because they believe the president is an honorable man. The president is not expected to lie to the public.  

The progressive press is trying to divert attention from Jonathan Gruber’s comments. It is trying to get the public to ignore Mr. Gruber.

An initial diversion came from Paul Krugman in his Victory Lap article about Obamacare.

Paul Krugman said the health economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the principal architects of health reform  recently summed it up:

The Medicaid-rejection states “are willing to sacrifice billions of dollars of injections into their economy in order to punish poor people. It really is just almost awesome in its evilness.”

Paul Krugman did not provide any facts just an appeal to emotion.

 MSNBC used this emotional stimulation to get its followers to ignore Jonathan Gruber’s comments.

“Part of the problem with the Jonathan Gruber “stupid” story is that it’s a shiny object for the political world to stare at for a while. It offers more heat than light. It’s a bouncing ball for political insiders to chase after, despite its relative insignificance.”

“But since it’s likely to soon be the subject of congressional hearings, and since your crazy uncle who watches Fox News all day will be talking about nothing else at Thanksgiving, let’s grudgingly tackle this week’s Most Important Story Of All Time As Agreed Upon By Republicans And The Beltway Media.”

Please note the inference that Republicans and Fox News are stupid for making an issue out of Jon Gruber’s statements. The implication is MSNBC is smart.

Progressives need public support in order to maintain power.

The problem is the public is tired of progressives’ emotional appeals devoid of facts.

The progressive press including MSNBC and The New York Times need examine their premises. They are daily losing listeners and readers .

Nancy Pelosi is incredible.

She said,

“Let’s put Jonathan Gruber aside.”

 “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi responds to Jonathan Gruber’s comments on the Affordable Care Act, saying, “I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill. So with all due respect to your question, you had a person who wasn’t writing our bill commenting on what was going on when we were writing the bill who has withdrew some of the statements that he made. So let’s put him aside.”

It is almost as bad as "we will not know what is in the bill until we pass it."

President Obama and his administration are trying to prevent public understanding of his current tricks plays. He continues to try to divert American from the truth about Obamacare.

President Obama needs to explain the truth to regain his credibility with the American people.

He must address these unanswered issues if he wants to maintain his promise of transparency.

  1. Why the open enrollment period was delayed until November 15th.
  2. What is the actual number of valid enrollees in Obamacare in 2014? Is it 8 million, 7 million, 5.6 million or 3 million? I thought Obamacare and its mandate would be in effect for small businesses and corporations in 2015.
  3. Why has the estimate of total enrollment for 2015 been reduced from 13 million to 9 million? I thought 2015 Obamacare would be fully implemented and many more people would sign up as they lost employer sponsored insurance.
  4. How many people who received government subsidies last year lied on their application?
  5. Why weren’t the rules for subsidies enforce?
  6. How many people lost their subsidy?
  7. How are you going to collect the subsidy from people that lied?
  8. How many people have claimed they are not going to re-enroll in Obamacare this year and why are they not going to enroll?
  9. How does a person receive a tax credit when he has no taxable income to apply that tax credit to?  

     10. Explain the status of the open enrollment and the mandate for small businesses and large corporations.

      11. What is the status of waivers that companies and unions received from Obamacare for 2015?

      12. Why does the state of Massachusetts have a failed State Health Insurance Exchange that     required  $400 million dollars in federal  supplements each year if Romneycare is so successful?

      13. Why would the government subsidize healthcare insurance companies to participate in Obamacare?

     14. Why is the public being told that healthcare exchanges premiums are going down when in reality they are going up?

     15. What is happening with the Minimed Insurance policies that were supposed to expire in 2015?

     16. What does Obamacare cost the federal government? Is it budget neutral?

     17. What is the exact amount of increased taxes used to fund Obamacare?

     18. What percentage of the increased taxes are collected from each income group?

These are just a few of the questions President Obama and his administration have not provided the answer to.

 The answers to these questions would permit the public to understand Obamacare’s sustainability.

 The Jonathan Gruber incident has made it clear how President Obama and his administration operates as well as its lack of respect for the intelligence of the American public.

 Americans are not dumb. They want to believe their leaders. Their leaders have lied to them. Americans recognize that. President Obama and his administration have little credibility with the American public. President Obama promised a transparent government. There is not any transparency.

The midterm elections proved Americans are aware. It is a good first step.  Now we have to see what the Republicans will do with this leadership opportunity. 



An explanation of Obamacare.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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A Bureaucratic Thinking Disorder

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The Hospital Readmissions Reductions Program (HRRP) is an attempt to decrease healthcare costs by curbing hospital readmissions rates. The program was launched in October 2012.

Hospital reimbursement by Medicare could decreased the following year by 1-3% because of hospital readmission   

It is another alphabet soup program that was not well thought out. It cannot work as envisioned because of the many unintended consequences.

Hospital readmissions are very costly. If patients are readmitted within 30 days after discharge the assumption is patients were not treated effectively as an inpatient so that they could stay out of the hospital.  

Therefore hospitals should be penalized until their treatment improves.

There are other reasons for patient readmissions within thirty days of discharge.

  • Patients might be too sick to be completely healed at discharge from the hospital. If a patient remains in the hospital too long for his diagnosis the hospital is also penalized.
  • Patients did not pay attention to the outpatient treatment regime they were given.
  • Patients did not take the medication they were prescribed.
  • Patients were too depressed from their illness to take the medication and comply with follow-up treatment.
  • Patients were not smart enough to understand the instructions given at discharge.

The measurement of all these metrics would be very complicated even though I think patient adherence to treatment regime is the most significant cause of readmission.

The sicker patients are the more likely adherence to outpatient treatment  is a problem.

The Obama administration chose the easiest measurement to make to this complex problem. CMS would withhold 1% of reimbursements in 2012 and 2% in 2013 to hospitals that have too many patient readmissions within 30 days of discharge for three conditions: heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia.

This is foolish thinking.

One cannot measure a outcome using one variable when you have so many confounding variables that are not evaluated.

The results will also yield unintended consequences. One such consequence is the increase in outpatient observational admissions for 48-72 hours.

Medicare will not cover the outpatient observation admission.

In May 2014 I wrote “Seniors Should Be Madder Than Hell About Obamacare And Not Take It Anymore.”

 “It is all about money. It is about the government spending less, the hospital collecting more and the patients getting stuck with the bill.

Government officials realize that Medicare costs are unsustainable. CMS creates rules and regulations to expose Medicare to less liability.

Unfortunately the unintended consequence is that CMS exposes Medicare patients to more liability in the process.”

Once more President Obama lied to seniors.

“People are shocked when they receive the bill. Nobody is required to tell them they’re outpatients.”  

Those patients who have been outpatient observation admissions do not qualify for the rehabilitation benefits.

Patients can be responsible for many thousands of dollars for the first 20 days of rehab (nursing home) services.

 “I just found myself in the middle of a medical situation that made it very clear that "the affordable care act" is neither affordable, nor do they care.” 

In 2014 CMS has increased the maximum fine to 3% and added chronic lung problems and elective hip and knee surgery to the list of conditions.

Hospitals are not taking any chances. They are putting everyone they can on outpatient observation status.

Hospitals are also having problems collecting these non-Medicare covered bills from seniors.

Most seniors simply cannot afford to pay and the stress created is not good for their medical condition either which could result in re-hospitalization.

Seniors are increasingly distrusting the government and President Obama about Medicare changes.

President Obama promised them that Obamacare would not affect Medicare or harm one single senior.

Despite hospitals gaming the system with outpatient observational admissions 2,610 hospitals are facing readmission penalties in 2015.

The 2015 fines and penalties affected about three-quarters of the hospitals subject to the programs. The number of hospitals receiving penalties has increased each year from 2,217 in 2013, 2,225 in 2014 to 2,610 in 2015.

CMS also exempted 1800 hospitals from these penalties.

As more conditions are added more hospitals will be receiving penalties. Hospitals will adjust or go bankrupt. The result will be increased cost, a shortage of hospital beds and a weakened and less effective healthcare system.

Many of these readmissions are not the hospitals’ fault. They are the patients’ and their diseases fault.

These policies are just a fraction of the policies that are creating chaos and havoc in America’s healthcare system. They will lead to the demise of, not the improvement in, a cost effect healthcare system.

President Obama’s policy makers have a bureaucratic thinking disorder.

Part of the reason for this disorder is they do not understand problems in the healthcare systems. Their policies are also getting the healthcare system further and further away from creating a cost effective solution to the healthcare system’s problems.

A market driven system along with a consumer driven system can drive down costs down and create happiness for all the stakeholders involved in the healthcare system except the healthcare insurance industry.

I have presented the steps necessary in this slide presentation entitled The Ideal Future State of the Healthcare system.

Obamacare is forcing the healthcare system to turn into not out of the skid.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Democrats and Ayn Rand

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I have never understood why Democrats have always belittled Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged is reported to be the best selling book in history aside from the Bible.

I first read it in 1959, two years after it was published. It is a weak love story but a powerful critique of government policy and the effect of expanding government control over society.

I did not think about it much during medical school. I thought about it when the government started to control my medical practice.

In 1984 my son, Brad, insisted I read Atlas Shrugged again. It describes exactly the effect the government was having on the practice of medicine. 

I did not understand why Democrats in congress and the Democratic Party members become were so angry with Ayn Rand and her philosophy. I thought Democrats were problem solvers for the benefit of the people. 

I finally realized that Ayn Rand’s writings are a dangerous threat to the Democrats’ progressive agenda. The agenda is the government’s control over society turning free citizens into clients of big government. 

In this election year the Democrats have decided to combine their anti-Rand rhetoric with a Saul Alinsky tactic.

The Democrats are trying to immobilize Republicans’ replies through a replay of their anti-Rand sound bites. They are using the traditional mainstream media to spread their disinformation.

If a reader wants to know what Ayn Rand’s philosophy is read Atlas Shrugged. I suspect most critics have not read the book.

Democrats attack Ayn Rand by misrepresenting her philosophy as evil.

This year the Democrats’ attack dog is House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).

He accused Republicans of following author Ayn Rand’s advice that “compromise is always evil,” and warned that letting Republicans take over Congress would only lead to more gridlock and partisanship.” 

In reality comprise is usually evil. If a policy or law is wrong, compromising will not fix the problem that policy or law set out to fix. According to Ayn Rand there are issues in which compromise is evil. If a law or policy does not work compromise can be evil is if is not modified by compromise.

Steny Hoyer’s warning Republicans taking over congress would only lead to more gridlock and partisanship does not  logically follow the first part of his sentence.  

The House of Representatives have passed about 350 bills. A 98% of the House passed bills were with  bipartisan.

Harry Reid, chairman of the senate, has created the gridlock by not permitting these bills to be brought to committee or the senate floor for debate.

Harry Reid has been President Obama’s inarticulate creator of gridlock.

“Compromise is not evil,” Hoyer said. “It is the necessary and noble pursuit of those who govern responsibly in a democracy. We listen to one another. We come to an agreement.”

Harry Reid has not compromised on anything. Neither has President Obama.

How does Steny Hoyer have the chutzpah to make such a statement?

Why doesn’t the traditional media react to this ridiculous statement.

Steny Hoyer’s statement is the typical Saul Alinsky lie crafted to immobilize the enemy’s ability to have a strong reply.

If a policy is wrong and is not working or has not been working reasonable men should debate the issue and change the policy so it works to the benefit of the people.

The policy must be changed. It is the responsibility of both parties to change it to something that can work for the benefit of all the people.

Obamacare is a law forced through congress by a Democratic majority that is not working. Compromise can only make it worse.

Who is to blame for congressional gridlock?

Is it the Republicans or Democrats?

If there were a Republican majority in the Senate and bills passed both houses President Obama has threatened to veto the bills. He would then be responsible for his errors not Harry Reid. 

Hoyer accused House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and others as following Rand’s teachings when it comes to operating Congress. 

The implication is Paul Ryan is evil.

The message is President Obama knows what is good for the people. Therefore. elect Democrats to congress this fall.  

Which of President Obama and the Democrat’s policies have worked? All are failing at the expense of the middle class taxpayer.

President Obama’s policy decisions have been proven wrong daily.

  • He has created chaos in the healthcare system with Obamacare.
  • He has increased the costs of unsustainable entitlements programs.
  • Obamacare is another unsustainable entitlement program.
  • He has increased the deficit from $11 trillion dollars to $17 trillion dollars.
  • America’s foreign policy is chaotic.
  • America’s economy is still a mess and getting worse even though the President claims it is better.
  • People are more dependent on government.
  • Individual privacy had been violated.
  • Independence has been discouraged.
  • Individual responsibility has been discouraged.
  • Cronyism has been promoted..

President Obama wants to do away with racism yet makes every issue a racist issue and blames it on Republicans.

I think before Steny Hoyer and the Democrats start attacking Republicans who might have been influenced by Any Rand, he should read Atlas Shrugged or at least watch the three-part movie.

“He should reexamine his premises.”  (A John Galt quote).

President Obama’s own party members are running away from his concepts of big government and central control in order to be elected. 

They are sounding like Republicans.

The people are realizing that “Big Government” has had difficulty in doing anything efficiently.

These days government competence is all too often exposed as a fragile veneer. When an elite corps like the Secret Service can’t remember to lock the White House’s front door and alleged health technocrats can’t build a working Obamacare website for less than $2 billion, a sense of low-level worry about Ebola seems more than reasonable.”

 President Obama is always blaming his failures on President George W. Bush or his advisors.

Many of President Obama’s advisors are now blaming Republicans for their agencys’ shortcomings. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Health Infectious Disease division, is implying Republicans are to blame for the agencey’s lack of efficient response to the Ebola virus epidemic.   

“Nor does it inspire confidence that the head of infectious diseases for the CDC is resorting to that promiscuous federal excuse—budget cuts.

Anthony Fauci recently told Congress that sequestration “has, both in an acute and in a chronic insidious way, eroded our ability to respond in the way that I and my colleagues would like to see us be able to respond to these emerging threats.”

Is this a joke? There are many other examples of shifting blame such as our foreign policy crisis in the middle east, the crisis with ISIS, nuclear Iran, Israel/Hamas and the Arab spring to name a few.

All these excuses remind me of the excuses that characters in Atlas Shrugged used when the world was falling apart.

As I listened to President Obama’s repeated statements that government was going to somehow fix what Obama calls “income inequality” it brought to mind several of the more depressing chapters of Any Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, which you recall envisioned a dystopian world in which government “looters” stripped society’s producers, thinkers and creators of the fruits of their labor in the name of equalizing society.”

“The looting of the fruit of their labor provoked the producers to withdraw from society. Without producers, thinkers and creators there was an economic implosion and society rapidly declined and fell into chaos.” 

Every time President Obama mentions government enforced income equality or government-led opportunity I think of the villains in Atlas Shrugged such as the politician Wesley Mouch (New York Senator Chuck Schumer) or crony capitalist Orren Boyle (various green energy vampires) to name only two.

In the words of Yogi Berra, “It feels like Da Ja Vu all over again.”

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.  

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Creating Confusion And Blame

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama is in the midst of a leadership crisis on many fronts. A large number of voters have no idea of the details of each crisis or scandal.

They figure they elected a President who will not only take care of a crisis when it develops but he will look after America’s best interests.

There are other voters who have become news junkies. They are interested in each crisis. The source of their information is the traditional media.  The traditional media provides filtered sound bites that lead them to erroneous conclusions.

People are mistrusting the administration and the traditional media because they are realizing that are being fed disinformation. They realize they are being manipulated. It is becoming clear that the administration is not defending the constitution and the people’s freedoms.

The defects in Obamacare are affecting people directly. All of a sudden seniors cannot find a physician who will take Medicare.

If they sign up with a concierge physician they receive no reimbursement from the government for Medicare premiums they have paid.

People with employer sponsored healthcare insurance are having difficulty finding a physician unless they pay a fee to a concierge physician.

Their portion of the healthcare insurance premium has increased with a threat of higher premiums next year. A 15-50% increase is expected. Their copays and deductibles have also increased.

The employer sponsored healthcare insurance plans are going to be available to only full time employees.

Last month there was an increase in employment of 288,000. However there was a decrease in 708,000 fulltime jobs and an increase in 1,115,00 part time jobs because of Obamacare and its mandate to provide healthcare coverage for people who work more than 35 hours a week or face a penalty.

 Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Mortimer Zuckerman — real estate developer and editor in chief of U.S. News & World Report — says yes. Some data seem convincing. In June, part-time jobs (defined as less than 35 hours a week) increased by 1,115,000, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS); full-time jobs fell by 708,000.”

Just think of all those Americans working part time, no doubt glad to have the work but also contending with lower pay, diminished benefits and little job security,” wrote Zuckerman.”

The New York Times and Paul Krugman keep telling us Obamacare is a success. They ignore the facts.

 A few weeks ago a study showed that 85% of the people who signed up for Obamacare on the individual market received subsidies from the government.

It turns out many people lied on their enrollment applications and they will not receive the subsidy. The Obama administration took their enrollee's word because it did not have the infrastructure to check the applications. These people cannot afford the premium now much less after the subsidy is removed and back payment to the government is made.

This will reduce the 8 million claimed valid enrollees to below 5 million enrollees.

The execution and implementation of Obamacare is a great setup for fraud and abuse. It is described in the following You Tube.

I do not think President Obama is going to demand back payment. This is not the first time President Obama has changed the law without consulting congress.  

The law states that people can qualify for tax credits. A tax credit is defined as a deduction off the income tax due. People making under $40,000 do not pay income tax. Some receive a check from the government.

How was a tax credit changed to a subsidy?

The law specifically states that the state health exchanges and not the federal health insurance exchanges can provide the tax credits. Thirty-six states have not set up state health exchanges. 

 Those thirty-six states predicted that the exchanges would be a failure and a tax burden to its citizens.

 Many of the remaining states that set up health insurance exchanges are failing.

The federal government set up health insurance exchanges in those thirty-six states instead. The federal health insurance exchanges have not been a  success despite the statements by the New York Times and Paul Krugman to the contrary.   

President Obama’s pledge to bail out the healthcare insurance industry if the industry does not make as much money as they expected to make because of the demographic profile of the people who sign up is another sign of failure. It points out how dependent the Obama administration is on the participation of the healthcare insurance industry.

Where is President Obama going to get the money to pay for all the pledges? The CBO now predicts Obamacare create a 1 trillion dollar deficit rather than an excess over the next decade. This is after collecting increased taxes for 6 years before full implementation of Obamacare.  

There are many other defects in Obamacare. It is a failure.

The Obama administration with the help of the traditional media is trying to distract the public from the facts by withholding facts and feeding the media confusing facts, disinformation and lies about Obamacare’s success.

The administration blames Obamacare’s difficulties on the Republicans using non-facts.

The Obama administration can get away with this for only so long. The middle class is realizing the economic burden Obamacare has created for the middle class and the economy.

The middle class is realizing this because the facts are affecting them directly.

With the atmosphere of mistrust, and distrust created by the economy, the decrease in the value of the dollar, the lies and withholding of information about Bengasi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the Ukraine, Syria, Iraqi, Afghanistan, Iran debacles, and the VA scandals it is going to take a lot for the people to regain its trust in President Obama.

Alinsky’s methods of lies, obfuscation of the truth and blame are running out of steam.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Seniors Should Be Madder Than Hell About Obamacare And Not Take It Anymore

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama promised seniors on Medicare that Medicare would not be affected by Obamacare. He has also told us Obamacare is a success.  

President Obama lied to seniors.

One way to stop the lies is to vote against all the Democrats up for reelection in both houses of congress. The Democrats were the only ones who voted for Obamacare. Both representatives and senators rely on the senior vote to be elected or re-elected. Democrats in congress are terrified by the threat of losing the senior vote.

Many of my friends read the New York Times and listen to network news. These people believe they are well informed. They are constantly arguing with me about what they think President Obama has accomplished with Obamacare.

They believe President Obama’s sound bites about Obamacare.

Many seniors trust President Obama. They believe he would not deceive them about Medicare. Seniors have held on to their beliefs about Obamacare until it affects them personally.  

 In November 2013 I wrote a blog entitled “Medicare’s Perverse Incentive Against Seniors.”

Many seniors did not believe my post until they or a friend personally experienced the perverse incentive Obamacare had on Medicare.

A senior named Evelyn, who sometimes publishes my blog, received a letter about Medicare from a gentleman and sent it to her contacts.   

This letter was about the perverse incentives Obamacare has imposed on hospitals. Seniors are being penalized by not receiving Medicare coverage and having to pay out of pocket expenses.

The new Medicare rules were intended to decrease the number of re-hospitalizations within 30 days of discharge. Many seniors are admitted to the hospital in congestive heart failure. Many of those seniors have difficulty staying out of congestive heart failure. They have to be readmitted in 30 days.

If a senior is readmitted in 30 days after discharge from the hospital, Medicare does not cover the hospital bill. The senior is not responsible for the bill. The hospital system takes the financial hit.

The implication of the readmission is the hospital system did not do a good job in treating the patient.

It could be that the patient did not do a good job taking care of himself and staying out of congestive heart failure. It could also be that the patient is too sick to stay out of congestive heart failure.

Hospitals can avoid being penalized by admitting seniors for outpatient observation.

This is a glaring defect in government rules created by bureaucrats who have little clinic experience.   

Hospitals can admit patients to observation and send them home in less than 48 hours. If they are readmitted within 30 days it does not count as a re-hospitalization. Medicare would cover the bill for the seniors’ readmission. The hospital will get paid.

Medicare will not cover the outpatient observation admission bill.

I wrote:

 “It is all about money. It is about the government spending less, the hospital collecting more and the patients getting stuck with the bill.

Government officials realize that Medicare costs are unsustainable. CMS creates rules and regulations to expose Medicare to less liability.

Unfortunately the unintended consequence is that CMS exposes Medicare patients to more liability in the process.”

Once more President Obama lied to us.

“People are shocked when they receive the bill. Nobody is required to tell them they’re outpatients.”

Those patients who have been outpatient observation admissions do not qualify for the rehabilitation benefits. Patients can be responsible for many thousands of dollars for the first 20 days of rehab (nursing home) services

 Evelyn’s friend writes about his experience with a recurring urinary tract infection that has been easily treated of the years:

 “I just found myself in the middle of a medical situation that made it very clear that "the affordable care act" is neither affordable, nor do they care.”

 This is where Evelyn’s friend’s story gets interesting.

 He said he was diagnosed as having of prostate cancer diagnosed by needle biopsy in 2007. He had a “radical prostatectomy.”  The final pathology report of the tumor turned out to be benign.

Since surgery he has had numerous “urinary tract infections (UTIs).” He assumed the UTIs were a side effect of the surgery since he never had a UTI pre surgery. His Family Physician confirmed his assumption.

In March 2014 he developed a UTI. He went to an Urgent Care Center (Doc In The Box) to get his usual urine culture and an appropriate antibiotic.

After a forty-five minute wait for a physician he had to urinate. He also became nauseous and light headed. The receptionist told him he should not to go to the bathroom until after he saw the doctor and he (the patient) provided a urine specimen.

He then passed out. This can happen with a full, irritated and distended bladder. Hypotension (low blood pressure) can occur and cause a patient to faint.

He woke up with dry heaves and was confused. He tried to stand but was still hypotensive.

He was told by the Urgent Care Center that an ambulance was called to bring him to the nearest hospital emergency room for evaluation.

The cause of the hypotensive episode was clear. However because of  malpractice concerns the Urgent Care Center staff was required to send him to the nearest hospital emergency room for complete evaluation.

If an emergency room physician could have used his clinical judgment (not the dictated care rules) the physician would have concluded, after work-up, past history, and clinical evaluation of the work-up, that the patient could get necessary treatment as an outpatient at home.

The patient wrote;  

 “Now, "the rest of the story", and the reason for sending this to so many of you.”

 “I finally got to see a Doctor.   I asked "what is going on." I'm just having a UTI, just get me the proper medication and let me go home.” 

The Emergency Room Physician told him;

“That his symptoms presented the possibility of sepsis, a potentially deadly migration of toxins, and that they needed to run several tests to determine how far the infection had migrated.”

The appropriate studies were done over the next three hours. At about 7:30 pm the nurse came back to his room to tell him that one of the tests takes 1- 2 days to complete.

He asked if the hospital could email the (the results) to him. I assume the missing test were a urine culture and a blood culture.

The nurse informed him that he wouldn't need the tests emailed because he wasn't going anywhere. 

He told her he had no intention of staying overnight. He wanted to see the doctor. He asked the physician if he was going to be admitted for treatment or admitted for outpatient observation.

“He told me that I would be admitted for observation.   I said Doctor, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you admit me for observation Medicare will not pay anything.  The non Medicare coverage was due to the affordable care act ( An Obamacare regulation). The doctor said that's right, it won't.”

Another physician came into the room as he was getting dressed to leave the hospital ER against doctor’s orders. The next physician confirmed the patient’s interpretation of Medicare rules.

After the last physician prepared his discharge papers, the discharge nurse came into the room for him to sign the papers in order to relieve the hospital of any liability.

The patient told her; “ I wasn't trying to be obstinate, but I wasn't going to be burdened with the full (financial) responsibility for my hospital stay.”

 After making sure the door was closed, she said, "I don't blame you at all, I would do the same thing."  

 She went on to say, "You wouldn't believe the people who elect to leave for the same reasons, people who are deathly sick, people who have to be wheeled out on a gurney." 

 She further said, "The 'Affordable Care Act' is going to be a disaster for seniors. 

Yet, if you are in this country illegally, and have no coverage, you will be covered in full."

The patient went for a follow up appointment with to his Family Practitioner since his white blood count was pretty high. 

“During the visit I shared the experience at emergency, and that I had refused to be admitted. “

“His response was "I don't blame you at all, I would have done the same thing".  

 “He went on to say that the colonoscopy and other procedures are probably going to be dropped from coverage for those over 70.”

 “I told him that I had heard that the affordable care act (Obamacare) would no longer pay for cancer treatment for those 76 and older, is that true?

“His understanding is that it is true.”

 “The more I hear, and experience the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the more I'm beginning to see that we seniors are nothing more than an inconvenience, and the sooner they can get rid of us the better off they'll be.”

Evelyn is doing a great service by publishing this man’s letter. I hope it makes seniors aware of what is happening to Medicare coverage.

I am repeating a lot of this letter to re-emphasize, to followers of my blog, much of what I have said in the past. It is important to point out that all of Obamacare’s defects are becoming a reality to patients.

The defects are directly affecting seniors and their access to healthcare coverage.

Seniors must become “professors of their diseases” and control  their health and healthcare dollars.

Remember, politicians are supposed to be working for seniors, not controlling them.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Who Can You Trust?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

On April 16th President Obama declared that Obamacare is a success. He said over 8 million people had enrolled through the health insurance exchanges.

He did not know how many had paid the first month’s premium or how many enrollees would be subsidized by the government.

He did not know how many had a chronic illness or pre-existing conditions. He said that 35% of the enrollees were under 34 years of age. This is short of the 37% needed to make Obamacare financially viable but he said it was close enough.

 It turns out that only 66% of the enrollees paid their first month’s premium by the April 15th.  This was the deadline set by the administration. Republican lawmakers issued a report last week using healthcare insurers data.

If the insurers knew the numbers the Obama administration and President Obama certainly knew the numbers.

My guess is less than 2 million people who were previously uninsured obtained insurance. The administration is withholding the figures to avoid protest about its failure to provide insurance for the uninsured.

In his press conference he declared Obamacare is a success and Republicans and the media should stop talking about Obamacare’s failure

“Mr. Obama pointed to the number to declare the law a success and that Republicans should stop trying to overturn it.”

"The point is, the repeal debate is and should be over," the president said. "The Affordable Care Act is working and I know the American people don't want us spending the next 2½ years refighting the settled political battles of the last five years."

It turns out President Obama’s success numbers of 8 million enrollees contradicts all the healthcare insurance companies’ tallies of insurance holders.

Why did President Obama lie? President Obama’s goal is to manipulate the media and fulfill his agenda.

The mainstream media does not believe him or his administration any more. This mistrust has been accentuated by the recent Benghazi information that the administration had tried so desperately to withhold.

I do not want to talk about these lies.

I want to talk about other promises about Obamacare that are turning out to be lies and deceptions.

In a recent report a New York woman suffering from a neurological disease that has required four brain surgeries has been dropped by all of her doctors and denied medications due to her Obamacare plan.

She suffers from a disease known as Arnold Chiara Malformation and Syringomyelia.

This 49-year-old woman said, "I've been vomiting. I lost 22 pounds. The pain is unbearable.”  "My medication helps me function during the day."

The Obamacare plan she purchased assured her that she was covered for her medications and her disease.

Nevertheless her insurance card was denied when she went to fill her prescriptions. None of her doctors have accepted her Obamacare plan.

In all of Staten Island there are only six doctors who accept her plan. She has been unable to get an appointment with any of them.

This is one of many complaints that patients are making to their congressmen who face the same problem with Obamacare’s narrow networks and the extreme restrictions of Obamacare to physicians and hospitals.

 "Even though the insurance company cashed your check, it doesn't mean it (the policy) has been implemented."  

These stories are just beginning since most of the people who have signed up have pre-existing illnesses. Obamacare is already making people furious. The fury might be disguised by the traditional media’s ignoring the fury or downplaying it. The complaints might be further diluted by the fact that President Obama has given waivers to the majority of people covered by their employers or unions.

This strategy is clever. After people in the individual market get tired of complaining Obamacare will be so rooted that the rest of the populations will find it unproductive to complain.

I think President Obama is miscalculating the American peoples’ resolve. The strategy will not work.

Obamacare’s narrow networks are limiting specialty centers. The Associated Press says just 4 of 19 nationally recognized comprehensive cancer centers offer Obamacare access through all insurance plans in their state Obamacare exchanges.

President Obama’s promise of access to care and the lack of rationing of care is turning out not to be true.

All one has to remember is that President Obama ridiculed the Republican’s suggestions that Obamacare was going to create “death panels.”

He said it would never happen. It looks like it is happening.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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