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Stakeholder Abuse of the Healthcare System


“Rope A Dope”


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


There are many issues involved in healthcare reform. The major issues to decrease defensive medicine with malpractice reform, rapid affordable installation of electronic health records, control of the obesity epidemic, effective chronic disease management and a change in the healthcare insurance model are not on the radar screen of the President or Congress.

The issue with effective healthcare reform is about money. In order to save a significant amount of money the above problems must be solved. As President Obama plan progresses in the congress the battle is all about political tactics and positioning for the midterm elections in 201

On the one hand, President Obama and his party say they’re hoping to strike a good-faith compromise on health care. On the other, they’re threatening this "budget reconciliation" maneuver to coerce Republicans into rubber-stamping liberal policy.”

The Democrats want to get a handful of GOP Senators to support the bill before in gets to the floor. The goal is to short circuit a bloody debate before it begins. The Democrats are to join their fold. Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe voted for expanding the state children’s insurance program (Schip).

SCHIP was a compassionate bill and logical. However it is a bill that does not create patient incentives. It is difficult to imagine Republicans defecting to the poorly constructed bill that will created greater costs and more dysfunction to the healthcare system.

“This new entitlement — like Medicare but open to all ages and all incomes — would quickly crowd out private insurance as people gravitated to heavily subsidized policies, eventually leading to a single-payer system. So Democrats are trying to seduce diffident Republicans with a Potemkin compromise.”

All the the Democrat’s rhetoric in nonsense. Without a change healthcare insurance healthcare costs will continue to rise . We need only to look at the Massachusetts experience.

The administration is prepared to make promises to Republican such as the government healthcare plan would only be sold to the uninsured and small businesses that can not afford to provide employees with healthcare insurance because of the costs. Once the Republicans on on board and the bill is past the administration could modify this proposal and make it all inclusive.

“ The White House strategy is to dilute the healthcare plans proposal just enough to win over credulous Republicans. That is what has always happened with government health programs:”

President Obama is playing a game of got uh. Some one wrote to me and called it Rope A Dope.

“When Medicare was created in 1965, benefits were relatively limited and retirees paid a substantial percentage of the costs of their own care. But the clout of retirees has always led to expanding benefits for seniors while raising taxes on younger workers”.

Medicare’s cost to seniors has also risen with a base month cost of $99 per month per person or $2400 per year per couple. The catch is the deductible are $999 for hospital admission and and 80/20 deductible. The monthly payment per person is means tested and can go to $275 per month per person with after tax dollars. The a senior has to by Medicare Part F for deductible coverage. Its cost is 170 per month per person. Medicare Part D at it least expensive is $47 per month per person with high deductible.

In order to get full coverage the cost can be as high as $15,000 per year in after tax dollars.

Congressional actuaries expected Medicare to cost $3.1 billion by 1970. Medicare today costs $455 billion and rising.

Medicaid was intended as a last resort for the poor. It now covers one-third of all long-term care expenses in the U.S.. Its annual bill is $227 billion, and so far this fiscal year is rising by 17%.

Over time end stage renal disease and disabled person have been added to the Medicaid roles Other person also have been included.

“SCHIP was pitched a decade ago as a safety net for poor kids, and some Republicans helped sell it as a free-market reform. But Schip is now open to families that earn up to 300% of the poverty level, or $63,081 for a family of four. In New York, you can qualify at 400% of poverty.”

A common denominator to all of this unsustainable increases is the way the healthcare insurance industry controls the healthcare dollars. This leads to abuse by other stakeholders. Incentives must be aligned with the consumer controlling their healthcare dollars.

The Lewin group estimates that 119 million more persons with private insurance could be added to the 90 million already on Medicare and Medicaid. Health habits must be changed to combat obesity. The only way it will be changed is a change in farm policy and the consumers owning their healthcare dollars. Otherwise we are doomed to every increasing premiums and overuse of the healthcare system.

Any new federal health plan will inevitably follow the same trajectory, no matter how much Republican Senators might claim they’ve guaranteed otherwise.

President Obama is going to mount a public opinion campaign for his plan. The Republicans are going to cave in. They are trapped

Republicans would spend the rest of their days deciding whether to vote for tax increases to finance this, or stand accused of denying health care to the middle class.

President Obama will have successfully “Roped A Dope” Who is the Dope? All of us unless we get wise quickly.

The only way to Repair the Healthcare System is to enable consumers to own their healthcare dollars and to provide incentives to consumers to be responsible for their health. The government should make the rules to level the playing field and empower consumers to drive the healthcare system to their benefit.

These actions allow healthcare affordable to all including the government.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Nari Kannan

    You raise a very important point that has in fact proven success stories around the world. Singapore makes healthcare consumers directly responsible for their healthcare dollars, although the Government and Employers chip in also. But eventually YOU are responsible for your own healthcare dollars there and it seems to be successful.
    Read “The Singapore Model”

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What Is Reality?: America Is Heading Toward Financial Disaster

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The United States cannot afford to provide universal healthcare coverage under a single party payer. The country is in financial difficulty without expanding Medicare.

“Bernie Madoff is small-time compared to the federal government. Really. You want Ponzi schemes? The new Obama-Democrat budget deficit is $1.8 trillion, four times larger than it was only last year. The national public debt has increased by more than 10 percent since Inauguration Day.”

Social Security and Medicare are underfunded entitlement programs. Medicare for the entire country is not viable.

These are the published numbers for 2008.

  • Social Security’s unfunded liabilities stood at $13.6 trillion.
  • Medicare’s unfunded liabilities are more than $30 trillion.
  • Medicaid, another severely underfunded and politically untouchable entitlement program, only adds to the total.
  • The federal government’s current entitlement bill, including future obligations-based only on promises it has made in the past — is greater than $57 trillion.”

The first Baby Boomers started drawing early retirement benefits from Social Security last year.”

78 million people are going to stop working, stop paying taxes, stop paying into retirement programs and start drawing Social Security and Medicare benefits. The federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of retiring citizens. It does not have the funds to keep those promises without a big hike in taxes.

“According to a recent forecast by the Congressional Budget Office shows that Medicare and Medicaid alone are going to crowd out everything else the federal government is doing by mid-century”

In order to get close to funding our current obligations it is estimated that the income tax rate will have to increase to 66%. With all the bailouts and economic stimulus packages the federal government’s debt can only get worse.

Yet the game of who can have better sound bites and who can win is the only thing that is important to President Obama, the healthcare insurance industry, and the Democratic congress.

Healthcare reform should not be about a National Healthcare Insurance Exchange or universal healthcare with a single party payer. This is not going to fix the healthcare system. It will make our financial problems worse. Our government officials should face reality. It should do what all physicians know needs to be done.

It should be passing legislation to create a less polluted environment. It should revise the Farm Bill. It should eliminate the use of corn syrup. It should fight obesity with public service educational campaigns. It should create an insurance product that provides consumers with financial incentives to stay healthy. It should eliminate the causes of administrative waste and defensive medicine. These should be the areas of discussion in order to repair the healthcare system. These bold topics threaten powerful vested interests and are politically explosive.

America should set up a healthcare insurance system that provides incentives consumers to demand better foodstuff and a healthier environment. Consumers should own their healthcare dollars and be able to save what they do not use. (ideal medical savings account).

The federal government should make the conversion to functional electronic medical records easier and less costly to physicians (ideal electronic medical record). We should have major tort reform to decrease the intolerable cost of defensive medical.

These are areas in which the healthcare reform debate should be focused. If the Republican Party wants to seize the initiative from the Democratic Party and excite the citizens of our country they need to act .

Instead, we have a silly debate pitting the new media (Democratic Party) against the old media (Republican Party) over systems we cannot afford. The new media will win. Americans lose no matter which side wins.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Consumers’ Anger Toward The Healthcare Insurance Industry Mounts


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama is utilizing the well earned anger consumers have for the healthcare industry in order to promote his healthcare reform plan. Eighty percent of consumers are not sick. Those 80% think their healthcare insurance policy is great. The 20% of the population that is sick is very unhappy with the healthcare insurance industry.

The internet and the blogosphere have enabled those 20% to express their anger. In less than 5 hours there were 177 negative comments to the article describing how the healthcare insurance industry double crossed President Obama. This anger has been ignored in the past. The new media has created an environment in which the anger cannot be ignored. The healthcare insurance industry has killed the goose that laid its golden eggs.

President Obama has made the internet his town hall to permit consumers to express their discontent for the healthcare system. I suspect President Obama will receive more than 5 million complaints in his campaign to expose the abuse of patients by the healthcare insurance industry.

It will not bring us closer to having an affordable healthcare system. If the complications of chronic diseases were prevented, defensive medicine eliminated by effective malpractice reform, and healthcare insurance companies’ administrative waste stopped, America would have an affordable healthcare system.

Consumers need to control their healthcare dollars, receive incentives and be responsible for their own health and healthcare. ( ideal medical savings accounts).

The following are a few consumer comments

“Not surprised at all by this. The health insurance companies have had an unbelievable advantage, they can do anything they want. The only thing they need to do is keep Congress happy with lobbyists because Congress is not their customer, they have their own insurance paid by you and I. It’s gloves off time on health reform. These guys will pull no punches, they are fighting for their yachts. While we lose insurance if we file a claim.”

A consumer terminated from his job.

“I am a 56 year old professional with master degrees and many years of experience in my industry & for 19 years plus I worked for the same large corporation that just terminated me from employment because I was diagnosed with a blood cancer.
My family and I have lost medical coverage because of this and at a time when I need it the most. I would like to continue buying the same insurance even with the termination but I can not do so because I am excluded from group employment. I have lost all my rights to buy insurance like everyone else and with pre-existing medical problems nobody will insure me (or my family which depended on me).
At the very least, because I worked all my life and have never been unemployed, I should have been allowed to keep my insurance that I had while I was healthy. When I tell my friends overseas what my employer, Sun Chemical Corporation has done with me, they all say it is illegal in their country and it is a total horror that our society has chosen to discriminate so savagely against the sick and those unfortunate to lose their employment.
It is a travesty that corporations and health insurance companies collude to cleanse their ranks of those that are sick and those that are getting old as it has happened at Sun Chemical Corporation a multinational division of Dainippon Ink & Chemicals a Japanese conglomerate. “
An abused person”

This man’s corporation dropped him. He should be able to get COBRA insurance but the COBRA premium is at least 150% more than the employer paid premium. The premiums must be paid with after tax dollars. This increases the real cost of the COBRA premiums by an additional 35%.Corporate self insured plan’s can avoid the COBRA coverage requirement.

This consumer is 9 years away from being eligible for Medicare coverage. He cannot qualify for private insurance because of his age and his preexisting illness. The rest of his family might not qualify for more expensive individual healthcare insurance policies.

A byproduct of the new media is others can be made aware of the healthcare systems inequities.

“I am so sorry and hope there is some sort of alternative for you found very soon – for you and your family’s sake. This is why we have to hang solidly behind healthcare reform. Personally, I would prefer single payer because these guys do not want to reform, they want to continue holding everyone’s health hostage. What you’re going through is awful. Please take care…so sorry.”

+ I’m a fan of this user

There are pleas for people to exercise our People Power.

Dear J,

“It’s exactly stories like you that need to get out in front of this thing and bury Blue Cross in their hypocritical "we provide better service" grave.
Just like so many scare-tactic politicking, these ads are nothing more than a mirror aimed outward. The private insurance industry is broken because there are really no better options.
If they want to survive, they’re just going to have to do better…

As far as I’m concerned, no one will be upset if they don’t survive.”

There are even comments containing color words.

Blue Cross Blue Shield s@#%&–they have raised my rates every year for the past three years, even though they have not had to pay ANY medical charges for me. What do you expect these insurance guys to do? They don’t want to lower costs. No doubt, if there were a cure found for cancer, there would be some idiots, like insurance companies and republicans, rushing to undermine the cure and bury it because it hurt the chemotherapy industry. That’s the way they think. They have NO interest in making health care more affordable, more efficient, and less necessary. Don’t threaten the system that helps the fat cats.

The negative comments are endless. President Obama will receive lots of documentation. Documentation he will use against the healthcare insurance industry. He will win. Unfortunately, he will not solve any of the problems in the healthcare system.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Harry and Louise Are Coming Back: Insurers Planning on Double-Crossing Obama

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 One week after President Obama announced that the nation's health insurance
lobby pledged to reduce healthcare costs by $2 trillion in ten years, Blue
Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is putting the finishing touches on a public
message campaign aimed at killing a key plank in the Presidents reform

Obama had told the health care executives, “you’ve made a commitment; we expect
you to keep it.”

When the healthcare insurance lobby realized the trap it fell into it
immediately went to work to defend its control over the healthcare dollar. It is
going to roll out Harry and Louise as it did in 1993. I do not think it will
work. We are living in different times with different media tools.

From a distance
everything Barack Obama says sounds great
. The events of the last eight
years have created cynicism and despair. We are a nation thirsty for hope to
solve our many problems.”

The healthcare insurance industry is going to try to destroy President
Obama’s “National Health Insurance Exchange”. If congress
passes the National Health Insurance Exchange it will lead to a single party
payer system. The government as the single party payer is unsustainable.

“As part of what it calls an "informational website," the company has
hired an outside PR company to make a series of videos sounding the alarm about
a government-sponsored health insurance option, known as the public

The industry argues that creating a public insurance program will undermine
the marketplace and eventually lead to a single-payer style system.

Somehow, this isn't surprising. The health insurance industry has showed it
is not serious about controlling costs by
backing away from the promise they made to President Obama

Now, it wants to eliminate the public health insurance option. The
public insurance option would provide an option for people who cannot afford buy
private insurance because of the healthcare insurance industry’s

The public
health insurance option is a key provision in President Obama's plan to help
cover all of us
. It would finally give everyone the choice between
keeping our current insurance or switching to a new, high-quality public
. And under a public health insurance plan our premiums wouldn't
subsidize CEO salaries or stockholder profits
we'd all save a lot on
health care costs

There are basic problems with private healthcare insurance. Its premiums are
a very rough calculation with large profits built in. The industry has reduced
provider reimbursement and restricted access to care while raising premium and
maintaining grotesque administrative fees. The process is opaque to all.

government will do the same as a single party payer because it cannot afford the

Obama’s thinking on cost savings is defective
. The government outsources the
administrative services of its present government healthcare programs Medicare
and Medicaid to these very same healthcare insurance companies. The healthcare
insurance companies do the same thing to the government. Its providers
(physicians and hospitals) and consumers (patients) will experience the same
reductions and rationing of care. The program will fail just as the
Massachusetts program has failed to be affordable to the state. A systemic
change in the healthcare systems payment structure must occur in favor of
patients and physicians.

“If we had the choice of a public plan, private insurers would have to
lower rates and improve quality to compete
, so they're dead set
against it.”

The crafting of a campaign by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is the
first of many campaigns we will see in the coming months in an attempt to turn
public sentiment against the “National
Health Insurance Exchange.”

President Obama’s insurance exchange is another way of expanding the Medicare
program. His plan is to arrive at a single party payer through the back door
while promising to maintain the private insurance option. It is Hillary
Clinton’s healthcare plan of 1993 all over again. Nobody asked the practicing
physicians for solutions. Physicians’ representing associations have not done of
very good job of articulating solutions.

healthcare insurance industry is not looking to protect its customers
(consumers). It is looking to control the healthcare dollars and protect its
profits. However they have cooked the goose that laid their golden eggs by
abusing consumers, employers and physicians. Harry and Louise will not

Consumers are frustrated and angry. They do not trust government or the
healthcare insurance industry. They are looking for a creative solution.

The new media, the internet and blogs provide a chance for consumers to
express themselves.

“ Obama
will backtrack on this one, too! I don't have any hope that America will join
the 20th century to become a "progressive" democracy. We are an oligarchy and it
will stay that way. Just look how we elect people for office. Millions raised,
millions disappearing in someone's pocket. Money rules! ”

Consumers, it is time we drove the healthcare system because our surrogates
have let us down.  

“Not surprised at all by this. The health insurance companies have had an
unbelievable advantage, they can do anything they want. The only thing they need
to do is keep Congress happy with lobbyists because Congress is not their
customer, they have their own insurance paid by you and I. It's gloves off time
on health reform. These guys will pull no punches, they are fighting for their
yachts. While we lose insurance if we file a claim.”

It is time for consumers to demand control of their healthcare dollar. It is
time they have incentives to be responsible for their own health and be rewarded
for staying healthy. My
ideal medical savings account either funded by employers if the consumer is
employed or funded by the government with insurance for all is the solution that
must be demanded.

The opinions expressed in the blog
“Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Consumer Driven Healthcare Plans Trickle


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


As the healthcare debate heats up the meaning of consumer driven healthcare (CDHC) needs repeating. The true meaning of CDHC has been bastardized by the healthcare insurance industry as represented by Health Savings Accounts (HSA).

The healthcare insurance industry feared that if Medical Savings Accounts dominated it would lose control of the initial healthcare premium dollars. The result would be a decrease in profit and an increase in price competition and real price transparency.

The reality would be America would have universal healthcare in a more efficient healthcare system. The system would be more efficient because it would be driven by the consumer for their benefit and not a third party payer. A more efficient system will maintain healthcare insurance industry’s profit while permitting a decrease in healthcare system costs.

“A lack of consumer understanding has contributed to the glacial growth of consumer-driven plans. Can better information from health plans help CDHPs take hold?”

HSAs place limits on consumers’ incentives. All of the healthcare premium dollars are eventually paid to the healthcare insurance industry.

Our economic recession along with increasing unemployment have set the stage for consumers to accept any help government will provide. Enter a single party payer and all its problems. Since Medicare and Medicaid have proven to be unsustainable, it is foolish to throw money at a failing system. It is time to revitalize the system.

Just the opposite should be occurring. CDHC should be promoted and not be marginalized. President Obama’s universal healthcare with a single party payer system marginalizes CDHPs. The route he is taking to achieve everyone’s goals and will not repair the healthcare system.

“The idea behind consumer-driven health plans is to transform members into healthcare consumers through education and place more responsibility on the individual.”

Health Saving Accounts (HSA) do little to encourage patient responsibility or make patients informed consumers. HSA were a political compromise designed by the healthcare insurance industry. The resulting plan gutted the intent and effect of the CDHC movement.

“ Studies show that the percentage of Americans insured in CDHPs is still in the single digits, largely for two reasons: Consumers simply don’t understand the tax-free savings accounts that are connected to CDHPs, and few health plans are providing cost and quality information to allow consumers to compare doctors, hospitals, and treatment options.”


Consumers do not see a financial advantage of the HSA because there are none. The money has to be used to pay present deductibles and future deductibles. There is no reason the future deductable will not be increased reducing the present value of the money in their health savings account. The healthcare insurance industry wants health savings accounts to fail. It feels its margins are presently excellent and does not need a change.

“More than one-quarter those respondents said that HSAs are difficult to open/manage, or too complicated, or they simply didn’t understand the accounts.”

Consumer driven healthcare is the only thing that can repair the healthcare system. It would take control out of the healthcare insurance industry’s hands. The route to take is the ideal medical saving accounts.

Healthcare insurance would convert to real at risk insurance. Consumer would own and control their healthcare dollar. The government could teach the consumer to use the healthcare dollar wisely. The government could provide clear price and quality transparency. It would force all the secondary stakeholders to compete for the consumers’ healthcare dollar. This competition would force an increase in efficiency and decrease in administrative waste.

The government should act as the facilitator for the competition. The time has come for politicians to do something for consumers and not for secondary stakeholders.

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Obama Will Ration Health Care! Wake Up America: Part 3


Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE


Dr. Tom Price, a Republican member of Congress from Georgia, the new chairman of the Republican Study Committee wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal that mimics my proposal for repairing the healthcare system. Someone should start listening to physicians.

During the last eight years the Republican Party has had a great opportunity to repair the healthcare system. I believe many Republicans in the House and Senate know what needs to be done. No one has taken a leadership position to do.

Now we have leadership that wants to do the right thing. Unfortunately the present leadership does not know the right way to do the right thing.

Consumer driven healthcare with the consumers owning their healthcare dollar is the way to repair the healthcare system. Personal responsibility for one’s health has been labeled conservative idea.

The concept is neither right wing nor left wing. It is simply logical. Self responsibility is the engine of American progress. Very bright liberal thinkers have advocated self responsibility. President Obama strikes me as one who can solve problems using logic and not right or left wing ideology.

I have pointed out the therapeutic magic of positive physician patient relationships. The government’s goal should be to nurture these relationships. It should provide a system that allows access to affordable, quality health care for all Americans. It should not nurture government dependency. It should also ensure that medical decisions are made in doctors’ offices, not in Washington or some by “independent “board (Federal Health Advisory Board) removed from the bedside. It should help educate both patients and physicians about best practices of medicine. Patients should make the decisions for their healthcare.

Dr. Price points out; “Atop the list of worrisome ideas proposed by Mr. Daschle is the creation of an innocently termed "Federal Health Advisory Board." (FHAB)

“This board would offer recommendations to private insurers and create a single standard of care for all public programs, including which procedures doctors may perform, which drugs patients may take, and how many diagnostic machines hospitals really need. As with Medicare, for any care provided outside the board’s guidelines, patients and physicians would not be reimbursed.”

All the stakeholders have been villains in the never ending escalation of costs to the healthcare system. I have blamed the healthcare insurance industry for being the worst villain. Its administrative service cost and waste as well as inflated overhead and excess executive compensation add 150 billion dollars to the healthcare system. It has lead to unaffordable premium costs, increased deductibles and co-pays, decreased patient access to care as well decreased reimbursement to physicians and hospitals. The reason everyone is “gaming” the system is the system reimburses waste and penalizes best practices. .

As Winston Churchill once said; “ Never has so much been paid to so many for so little” in the way of value added service to patient care.

I am presently reading John Bogles book “Enough”. In his book he describes the reason for rise and the fall of the financial sector. He could easily substitute the healthcare sector for the financial sector.

“That any endeavor that extract value from its clients may, in times more troubled than these, find that it has been hoist by its own petard”- proved not only eerily prophetic, but surprisingly timely. The industry has been blown up by its own dynamite.”

I said it less well when I said the healthcare insurance industry is killing the goose that laid its golden egg.

Tom Daschle has stated that the FHAB’s standards would serve only as a suggestion to the private market. Dr. Price points out the impeding results of Tom Daschle’s proposal.

“He has proposed making the employer tax deduction for providing health insurance dependent on compliance with the board’s standards.

In an overtly political ruse, Democrats will claim they are dictating nothing to private providers, while whipping noncompliant insurers in place through the tax code.”

“To be sure, this strategy seeks to eliminate private providers completely. Forced into accepting rigid Washington rules and unsustainable financing mechanisms under Mr. Daschle’s plan, most private insurers would be quickly eradicated.”

I believe the healthcare insurance industry has resigned itself to this faith. It is focusing on generating its income as an outsourced administrative service provider for the government’s massive new healthcare federal bureaucracy. The healthcare insurance industry has done very well with the Medicare Advantage programs and Medicare Part D. They have also done very well in the state of Massachusetts. It is making excess amounts of money under government sanction by controlling the healthcare dollar.

Who losses? The primary stakeholders lose (Patients and Physicians). The government also loses because it has formed another inefficient bureaucracy. America cannot afford Medicare in its present form much less expand it.

Dr. Price goes on to say; “This patient-centered approach must be built upon two pillars: access to coverage for all Americans and coverage that is truly owned by patients.”

“Through positive changes in the tax code we can make health-care cost effective and create incentives so there is no reason to be uninsured. This way, care is purchased without government interference between you and your doctor.”

Consumer driven healthcare using an ideal Medical Savings Account is a healthcare system that will be able to align all the stakeholders’ vested interests.

I expect a great debate to start shortly.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Health Insurers Will Accept Universal Coverage! On Condition!

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

A few weeks ago in a speech in Detroit the CEO
of Aetna Healthcare Urged Mandatory Health Care Coverage

said it would lower costs
healthcare insurance

Of course the CEO of Aetna would want mandatory healthcare coverage with the
government providing a subsidy to consumers who could not afford to buy
healthcare insurance. The
more lives insured the more profit his healthcare insurance company would
Aetna CEO’s statement is clearly self serving.

The cost of healthcare insurance could decrease or stay the same.

If the government subsidizes the premiums of all Americans the price of the
premium might also go up. The
Massachusetts mandate has experienced cost overruns
for a very simple reason
Premiums have gone up in Massachusetts and the government has paid the
difference. Premiums are put out for bids and the healthcare industry is in
control of determining the bid.

health insurance industry said Wednesday that it would support a health care
overhaul requiring insurers to accept all customers, regardless of illness or
disability. But in return, the industry said, Congress should require all
Americans to have coverage.”

Consumers should have freedom of choice of physicians. If they want
healthcare insurance they should be able to buy it. If they qualify for
government assistance they should be able to buy it under the same conditions a
consumer not qualifying for government assistance buys insurance. The government
should not mandate consumers to buy healthcare insurance.

The healthcare insurance industry claims “In the absence of such a
mandate, insurers said, many people will wait until they become sick before they
buy insurance.”

If the consumer got sick and did not have healthcare insurance the financial
penalty for buying insurance after they got sick would be higher than before
they got sick. This would be a deterrent to consumers’ gaming the system and not
becoming covered by insurance. Healthcare insurance at an affordable price
should be available to all.

“The proposals, put forward by the insurers’ two main trade associations,
have the potential to reshape and advance the debate over universal health
insurance just as President-elect
prepares to take office.

The problem is there is no transparency in the pricing of healthcare
insurance nor is there an effective system of competitive pricing. There is also
no deterrent to overuse of the healthcare system by consumers. Consumers have no
incentive to keep the price down for their care. There is no price transparency
or pricing competition among hospital systems. Hospital systems have inflated
fees. Their actual costs of services are not transparent to the government or
the healthcare insurance industry.

Physicians can be patient advocates. The public must be empowered to make
physicians competitive.

Finally, pharmaceutical prices are random and in most causes not justified.
There are at least five different prices for pharmaceuticals. The prices vary
from a retail price, an average wholesale price and a wholesale price.

The temptation by healthcare policy wonks is to regulate the pharmaceutical
industry by imposing price controls. Price controls never work. They only make
things worse. Real price transparency and competitive pricing of drugs is
essential. It is also essential to make physicians aware of the prices of drugs
they prescribe. If the brand name drug is ten times the price of a generic drug
both the patients and physicians should know it and be aware of the difference.
If physicians feel the drug effect of the brand does not justify the price
difference. Physicians will order the generic drugs.

“Research suggests that some insurers turn down 10 percent or more of
applicants for individual coverage because of their pre-existing medical

55-65 year old male with mild obesity (BMI=28), mild hypertension and an LDL of
105 (normal is less than 100) would be rejected by a healthcare insurance
company. If he was in a group insurance plan he would be accepted.
to his employer the premium the employer pays for all his employees would be
increased. Medicare will automatically accept this person at age 65.

“Mr. Obama said he wanted to be certain that insurance was affordable and
available to all before considering such a broad requirement”

This is very wise on Mr. Obama’s part because the insurance industry is going
to control the premium. He needs to guarantee affordability.

“In the individual market, people can choose whether or not to apply for
coverage,” Mr. Hamm said in an interview. “If they know they can obtain coverage
at any time, many will wait until they get sick to apply for it. That increases
the price for everyone.”

The insurance industry wants to be assured that the market is expanded. They
are killing the goose that laid their golden egg because they can be cut out of
the picture entirely.

“The new policy statements are silent on two important issues: how to enforce
an individual mandate and how to regulate insurance prices, or premiums. While
insurers would be required to sell insurance to any applicant, nothing would
guarantee that consumers could afford it. Rate regulation promises to be a
highly contentious issue, since it pits the financial interests of insurers
against those of consumers.”

Medicare has guaranteed rates and insurability regardless of the severity of
the illness. The government subsides the shortfall. The insurance industry’s
only interest is net profit without price transparency.

Alissa Fox, a vice president of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association,
said the individual mandate was an indispensable corollary of any approach
forbidding insurers to reject applicants because of health status.

If the healthcare insurance industry continues to make demands that guarantee
excess profits the government will impose universal coverage with a single party
payer (socialized medicine) and all
the problems that will bring


opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and
mine alone.


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Is Medical Care a Right or a Responsibility?


Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

During the debate on October 7 the presidential candidates were asked if healthcare was a right or a responsibility. In my view neither candidate answered correctly. It demonstrated each candidate’s lack of understanding of the issue.

McCain said:

I think it’s a responsibility, in this respect, in that we should have available and affordable health care to every American citizen, to every family member. … But government mandates I — I’m always a little nervous about. But it is certainly my responsibility.”

John McCain’s answer is  incomprehensible. He is desperately trying to stay on message. He wants to transfer all entitlements including Medicare, and Social Security to the private sector. One has the think of the disaster the privatization of Social Society would have been during this economic meltdown. I think John McCain understands the weakness of his position on entitlements. He weakened himself even further with unconnected gibberish.

Obama said:

“I think it should be a right for every American. … for my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they’re saying that this may be a pre-existing condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that”

Barack Obama’s answer does not prove it should be a right. It shows the power and callousness of the healthcare insurance industry. I have said over and over again that the healthcare insurance industry is not the solution, it is the problem

Both candidates’ get a poor grade for their answer. Their answers indicate neither one has an understanding of the healthcare problem. If you do not understand a problem you can not develop a viable solution to fix the problem. The solution has to be fair to all stakeholders.

The correct answer is the individual’s healthcare should be both a right and a responsibility. Healthcare coverage should be the right of every citizen regardless of age, preexisting illness or income. If citizens choose not to be responsible for their health they should suffer a penalty. If a person is ill he should be responsible for adhering to the medical treatment and follow up or suffer a penalty.

If a citizen suffers a random non-curable illness it is an actuarial hazard that insurance should protect against. If a citizen takes care of his chronic disease to avoid complications he should receive a reward. The process will stimulate responsible behavior for the person’s well being.

Obesity should be discouraged. It is a self inflicted major risk for chronic disease. Nothing is being done to reduce its’ incidence.

Affordable availability of healthcare should be a right of every citizen. At the far end we have  viable safety net hospitals. It seem the present administration is doing everything in it power to eliminate these facilities. John McCain’s thinking implies he will do the same.

Citizens should own their healthcare dollar as outlined in my ideal medical savings account. Employer based healthcare insurance has been the foundation of our healthcare system. In recent years employers have been ripped off by the healthcare industry. If the first $6000 of healthcare coverage was the responsibility of the employee and the employee could keep any money not spent for retirement, the employee would have the incentive to shop for the best medical care at the best price. A communications system could be set up to direct patients to this best care model. This system would provide incentives for caregivers to provide better care.

If a person was self employed or unemployed, means testing would determine the subsidy or payment on a fair basis.

Educational programs for avoiding chronic diseases must be set up or supported through grants by the government to encourage citizens to be responsible for their right.

The government must be responsible for passing legislation to promote environment reforms. Dirty coal plans should be banned. We could prevent at least 21,850 hospital admissions per year nationally. There were 26,000 Emergency room visits for asthma alone last year. Asthma is the No. 1 cause of kids ending up in the Emergency Room. Dirty coal burning power plants cause 554,000 asthmatic attacks, 16,200 attacks of chronic bronchitis, 38,200 heart attacks and 23,600 deaths per year.

I have emphasized that preventing chronic disease and its complications is the key to reducing our healthcare costs. Eighty percent of our healthcare dollar is spent on the complications of chronic disease. Ninety percent of the Medicare dollars are spent on the complication of chronic disease.


The narcotics industry is another big problem ”The cost to society of illicit drug abuse alone is $181 billion annually.”

Societal costs combined with alcohol and tobacco costs, exceed $500 billion including healthcare, criminal justice, and lost productivity.

The cost of drug addiction is a tremendous burden to the healthcare system. Yet we are supporting a government in Afghanistan where both the enemy and the government profit from narcotics without the United States doing anything about it. There is no sign that the next administration will do differently.

Americans must wake up. The Presidential candidates must wake up. We need universal healthcare. It is a right and responsibility of every citizen. It is the responsibility of the government to promote a healthy environment so we can exercise our responsibility to remain healthy.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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  • rocky

    this is a nice post

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