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Politicians,Healthcare and Vested Interests


The Role Of Government In Healthcare


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I believe in the power of the free market if the rules are fair to all.  Logic and common sense should determine healthcare policy. I am suspicious of the validity of pilot studies designed to test healthcare policy initiatives. The studies usually are defective in their design. 

The rules of the free market in healthcare should be in favor of the consumer driven healthcare model . Physicians will listen to patients if the patients control the healthcare dollar. The primary stakeholders (patients) should own their healthcare dollar and their employer should continue to pay for the healthcare benefit. The healthcare insurance industry should not be in control of the healthcare dollar.

The proposed healthcare reforms of both presidential candidates cannot work because the healthcare insurance industry  controls the healthcare dollar and therefore the healthcare system.

Neither Presidential candidate has a chance at constructive healthcare reform.

In order for America’s economy to grow and prosper, America must promote the growth of a strong working middle class. A nation without a strong middle class having an opportunity to enjoy upward mobility is a nation that is stagnating and on the way to bankruptcy. The middle class has experienced a lack of growth lately because they have been disadvantaged to the benefit of the wealthy. They have been disadvantaged in healthcare, housing, finance, education and other social systems that have been declared broken.  Our artificial free market economies have rules that promotes the growth of narrow vested interests and stimulates greed.

The middle class must have the opportunity be educated. It must be provided with incentives to be innovative. It must have affordable healthcare and housing. These incentives must be available for all Americans. Education and health are our most valuable assets. America must develop a cultural atmosphere to encouraged citizens to practice civic and self responsibility. The environment must be free of pollution to protect citizens from disease and illness. The air that we breathe and the food that we eat must not be influenced by the greed of special vested interests.

In recent weeks we have experienced bailout proposals for our financial system.  The proposal initially ignored the protection of the middle class. In my view the first draft of the Bush bailout proposal was an insult to America’s intelligence. It favored special vested interests and furthered citizen mistrust of the federal government. The terms of the initial bailout were for the protection of Wall Street and not the protection of Main Street. The protection of Wall Street was supposed to trickle down to Main Street. The final agreement will hopefully have protections for Main Street  as well as Wall Street with no pork. These dual protections should have been embodied in the initial proposal. We should not reward corporate executives’ failure.

I have written to both John McCain and Barack Obama about my thoughts on Repairing the Healthcare System. All I have gotten back is pleas from both campaigns requesting donations. My input has as many other citizens’ input been ignored by both campaigns.

The media has characterized the presidential campaign and debates as a boxing match. The media count who outscored who on points. I hear platitudes but no specific proposals on how to protect the middle class.

I hear John McCain say he is going to fight and fight hard for the middle class as he has done for 28 years. The few specific proposals he has presented protect wealthy vested interests.

Barack Obama says he is going to look after the middle class at the expense of the vested interested  high wage earners and investors. He does not tell us how he is going to go about it.

John McCain says he is opposed to regulations yet deregulation has gotten us in the position we are in. He reversed himself at twhen it was obvious our economy was about to collapse. A few days earlier he said our economy was basically sound. He did not project the perception of knowledge of economics to America. 

It sounds like Barack Obama wants to fix everything with regulations.  We have seen historically that regulating everything does not work. A simple example is the failure and perverse effects of price controls. A true market economy works if the correct rules are in place for the benefit of all. I am against government regulations that are oppressive to incentives and innovation.

Our legal system is also broken. It is not easy to enforce the law. Corporations, organizations, and citizens get around the law if they can afford the legal expense at the expense of the middle class. There is little penalty for misrepresentation. Congress is controlled by lobbying groups. Who are the peoples’ lobbying groups? The congress should be the lobbying group for the all citizens. Instead, Congress is lobbied and influenced by vested interests.

Government should make and enforce appropriate and fair rules. It should get out of the way and let consumers drive the system. Americans are smart enough to purchase the best products for themselves given the appropriate information. 

I have criticized the healthcare insurance industry. John McCain wants to give the control of the institutions of Medicare and Medicaid to the healthcare insurance industry in order to eliminate this entitlement. The healthcare insurance industry does nothing for the middle class and small businesses and everything for its own bottom line. Obscene healthcare insurance executives’ salaries and corrupt payoffs occur at the expense of ordinary people.

Once again, it is healthcare insurance contract time for hospital systems and employers paying for healthcare insurance. Again, there have been examples of difficulty between the healthcare insurance industry, hospitals physicians and employers. Once again Unitedhealthcare  is using the same tactics they used in the Denver market last year. Neither Congress nor the State Insurance Boards have taken action to protect the middle class.


The headline in the Kansas City Star reported that

“St. Luke’s Hospital system in Kansas City and UnitedHealthcare go their separate ways as the price of healthcare insurance goes up and the coverage goes down.”

“In July, after a year and a half of trying to come to agreement, the nonprofit St. Luke’s — which encompasses 11 hospitals and several physician practices in the region — said it was done negotiating and would stop accepting United benefits after Feb. 28, 2009”

“St. Luke’s perspective, negotiations had been going on for a year and a half without significant progress. It announced a firm split with United in July so patients and businesses would have ample time to find new coverage if they wanted to stay in St. Luke’s network

Bonner, who is senior vice president of business development for St. Luke’s, said the increase the hospital asked for would have brought reimbursement rates from United in line with other insurance carriers.”

I suspect both are wrong. I suspect the negotiating tactic UnitedHealthcare uses is the same used in Denver. They yield when they start losing subscribers.

United, which has 504,000 “members” in northwest Missouri and all of Kansas, would continue negotiating if St. Luke’s came back to the table, Tracy said, but he admitted reconciliation is highly unlikely.”

“United’s insurance-carrier competitors said they are seeing a windfall. Since St. Luke’s announcement this summer, Humana has been writing about 40 policies a month for companies leaving United, said David Miller, president of Humana in Kansas and Missouri.

The losers are the middle class who would buy insurance if they could afford the premiums. The State Insurance boards must develop and enforce real  transparency rules for the healthcare insurance industry. If the rules are not followed the healthcare insurance company should lose its license to sell insurance in the state.  The rules must be made and enforced by the insurance board and state hospital boards before negotiation comes to this point. Presently, there is no simple mechanism for adjudications. State boards of insurance and hospital systems’ mandates must have effective consumer protection.

Patients are not included in the free market determination of price. They are the victims of a market price controlled by the healthcare insurance industry (secondary stakeholders).

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Healthcare Disappears As An Election Issue


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


We have not heard much about the healthcare issue in the last three weeks. The 47 million uninsured have been ignored by both candidates. The upcoming 100 trillion dollar Medicare deficit has been ignored. I guess if politicians ignore a problem it goes away.

The present administration and congress is ignoring the middle class during this financial crisis. In Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine the basis premise is only a crisis actual or perceived produces a real changes. Klein credits the theory to Milton Friedman. This You Tube link is worth seeing.  She provides numerous examples of recent applications of the premise to advantage the rich at the expense of the middle class.

A crises permits unimagined change. It produces increased citizen dependency on government. The government officials can imposes policies to the advantage of the few in the guises of helping the many. These changes must be imposed before society recovers from the shock. The Republican administrations has declared goal is the elimination of entitlements and regulations. President Bush and potential President John McCain want to privatize Social Security and Medicare. The only way to do this is to create a crisis on Main street and shift the costs to Main Street for the advantage of a few. 

I believe this is what is happening right now with Secretary Paulsen’s proposal to bailout the financial system. His bailout package does not offer assistance  to people with mortgage problems that resulted from the banking systems irresponsible but profitable actions.

The financial community will get relief. The taxpayer will not get relief with his proposal. The taxpayer will foot the bill without any hope for payback or profit. This present crisis has not happened overnight. Yet neither Presidential candidate took the lead in exposing the problems. The problems have been common knowledge for a long time. Neither has either candidate taken the leadership to articulate the unfairness of the proposed bail out to the American people.

The healthcare systems problem have not happened over night either. The Shock Doctrine principles will rear its ugly head. When the healthcare system collapses the Shock Doctrine will result in a disaster in either direction. Either the new Republican administration will hand unregulated total control of the healthcare system to the healthcare insurance industry. or we will have socialized medicine with the Democratic administration.

Yet, No one is speaking about healthcare any more. The economy, price of gas, war in Iraq have surpassed the uninsured and healthcare insurance premiums as top election issue for candidates”

“Public opinion polls have shown that among the top issues of concern to Americans, health care is languishing far behind the economy, the war and the price of gas. One CBS poll from July put voter interest in health care at just 3 percent. In August, it was at 8 percent.”

How can this happen? It can happen very easily. The media is the message. Only 20% of the population uses the healthcare system at any one time. Healthcare is not the concern of 80% of the population at any one time. The bigger issue of Repairing the Healthcare System so Americans can receive the best care on the planet is not a vital issue to either candidate when Americans are preoccupied with the present shock. Barack Obama has tried to generate a conversation about healthcare but John McCain has no new healthcare plan or the interest in a  discussion about healthcare. He knows the Shock Doctrine will prevail when the healthcare system collapses. He will then be able to eliminate the entitlement he hates.

American’s most precious asset is health. A functional healthcare system is vital to our health as a nation.

For a lot of people who have health insurance, they are paying more for health care, but it may not show up as concretely as paying $70 to fill their gas tank,” said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster.”

The candidates do not seem to have an interest in healthcare because the majority of Americans are not affected. When we have a severe economic downturn the majority of Americans will be affected. However it will be after the election. It will be too late to deal with the healthcare issue rationally. Also the candidates must realize how shallow and uninformed their concepts of the problems of the healthcare system are.

“There were no conference calls to talk about health care. There were no television ads about health care”

Barack Obama’s campaign claims healthcare is a top issue but does not force it to be a top issue. His solution to the healthcare system is not a viable solution.


“Obama’s spokesman, Bill Burton, said the problem is the press, not the campaign.” 

The issue of health care may be getting less attention than it deserves from the media, but it’s still a top concern for voters and among the top issues that Sen. Obama talks about on the campaign trail,” said Burton.

Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for McCain, acknowledged that the issue has not been prominent so far but when pressed with why the conversation is not a priority he says,

“However,” he said, “There is a stark contrast in the way both candidates would address the issue. Because the views on providing affordability, accessibility and portability of health care are so divergent, it could hardly escape the conversation each candidate will have with voters.”

As usual Tucker Bounds  is making a  meaningless statement.

I believe more and more Americans are waking up to the existence of these  non-specific answers to specific problems. Americans will express themselves at the polls next month. The traditional politicians better wake up. They had better start expressing the will of Main Street and not the will of Wall Street or else they will be out of power.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Part 2 Health Costs: More Cost Burden on the Employee

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE  

Sound Bytes are deceiving. The Republican Party’s Presidential candidate, Republican Party politicians, and Republican policy wonks have often quoted reports that health care costs are expected to ease slightly for employers in 2009. There is deception in this fact. The overall decrease in healthcare costs for businesses is the result of its shifting the burden of costs to their employees. The result is a decrease in cost for the employers nationally. Therefore the sound byte is inaccurate. The cost of healthcare actually will rise 5.7% for the employers. This represents a decrease from last years rise of 6.1%. The direct costs to the consumer increases 29% next year. Once again, the devil is in the details. We can not rely on sound bytes.  The healthcare insurance industry triumphs again.  The result will be an increase in healthcare insurance industry net profits.   



What does all this mean in the present Presidential campaign?  Why are healthcare insurance premiums increasing when the provider reimbursement is decreasing? Why is the burden of the cost of healthcare insurance shifting to patients away from the government and the employers? President Bush and a McCain presidency’s goal is to shift the burden of healthcare costs to the employee. Is this going to improve the uninsured problem? No! It will make it worse.

It looks like the healthcare insurance industry is killing the goose that lays its golden egg. It looks like John McCain wants to help the healthcare insurance industry accomplish this feat without either of them realizing it.  It will happen at the expense of the consumer until the consumer cannot tolerate it any more.

It also looks like John McCain’s policy of more of the same is helping Barack Obama and the Democratic Party justify universal healthcare coverage by a single party payer. An equally disasterous strategy. Where are the principles that have made America great? All politicians should be forced to read Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations“.

Dick Swersy’s comment on my blog about the Nobel Prize winning technique to repair the healthcare system is noteworthy.   Mechanism Design to Repair the Healthcare  is the art and science of designing rules of a game to achieve a specific outcome, even though each participant may be self-interested. This is done by setting up a structure in which each player has an incentive to behave as the designer intends. The game will then implement the desired outcome. The strength of such a result depends on the solution concepts used in the game. 

Mechanism designers commonly try to achieve the following basic outcomes: truthfulness, individual rationality, budget balance, and social welfare. However, it is impossible to guarantee optimal results for all four outcomes simultaneously in many situations, particularly in markets where buyers can also be sellers. Significant research in mechanism design must decide on making trade-offs between these qualities and vested interests. The most desirable outcome in the healthcare system should be sustaining patients’ welfare and physicians’ incentives for innovations in care. These goals will strengthen our healthcare system not weaken it.

Our Presidential candidates are not thinking of these goal as they formulate programs to sustain the goals of the secondary stakeholders. How can you create affordable insurance when coverage decreases, deductibles increase, and the price decreases are defined by increasing the price 5.7% vs. 6.1% a year. It is a charade designed to fool Americans. The charade works because Americans are not paying attention to what is going on. We will complain when it is too late.

“America is at its most powerful and most influential when it is combing innovation and inspiration, wealth building and dignity building, the quest for big profits and the tackling of big problems. When we do just one, we are less than the sum of our parts. When we do both, we are greater than the sum of our parts- much greater” Thomas Friedman

  Our Presidential candidate are way off base. It is up to the people to pay attention and force  politicians to stop their Stinkin Thinkin.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare S
ystem” are, mine and mine alone.

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Stinkin Thinkin! Part 1


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


Unfortunately John McCain has misrepresented Barack Obama’s positions on many issues. John McCain has changed his own position on many issues. He seems to have a meager or shallow grasp of most issues. He claims he is going to fight for the middle class but he has not defined what he is going to fight or a strategy to fight it. He has chosen a Vice Presidential running mate who is being sold to the public as a champion of the middle class. I believe this has been her appeal. However, I have not hear her define any substantive issues or strategies. He is running a campaign of symbolism rather than substance.

He has not spoken substantially about most issues. He does not seem to understand the needs of the middle class. He said on many occasions that the economy is basically sound. On September 17 he said he is going to clean up the financial mess. His plan is to appoint a committee like the 9/11 committee. He has also has stated he does not understand the economy. His campaign chairwoman says he would not make a good corporate CEO.

John McCain’s sound bytes are not even good. He is an embarrassment to the Republican Party. Nevertheless the “polls’ say almost 50% of us will vote for him. How can this be? How is it possible that he can be pulling the wool over the eyes of the American public?

On the issue of healthcare he is way off the mark. His major proposal is his tax credit to consumers.

“Senator John McCain’s top domestic policy adviser, former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas J. Holtz-Eakin, recently said in a conference call with reporters that Mr. McCain’s health care proposal would “put 25 to 30 million individuals out of the ranks of the uninsured, into the ranks of the insured.”

In an article released Tuesday, a panel of prominent health economists concludes that Mr. Holtz-Eakin’s projection is off by, well, 25 to 30 million.

Simple logic tells us there is no way to decrease the number of uninsured by 25 to 30 million by creating a tax credit of $2,500 per individual and $5,000 per family to buy healthcare insurance. The tax credit is insufficient to have very much impact. It is not even a good sound byte because healthcare insurance costs $6,000 per individual and $12,000 per family. The families will still not be able to afford healthcare insurance.

However, the sound byte represents a major tenet of his healthcare plan. Even if he was correct the common man would still be at the mercy of the abusive healthcare insurance industry. He has said nothing about correcting healthcare insurance industry abuse and inefficiency. The abuse is directly related to how the healthcare insurance industry calculates the healthcare premiums.

“The article, published in the journal Health Affairs, argues that “initially there would be no real change in the number of people covered as a result of the McCain plan.” After a short-term reduction of 1 million in the number of people without coverage, the number of uninsured would increase by 5 million after five years, the authors predict. There are currently 45 million people without insurance, or 15 percent of the population, according to the Census Bureau.”

This misrepresentation of the true effect of his policy is pervasive in all of John McCain’s campaign assertions. His healthcare policy will not create more competition among insurance companies. It will give the healthcare insurance industry more control of the premiums charged and an opportunity for great net profits. Have media sound bytes become more influential in decision making than logic and facts? I believe Americans are smarter than that.

That, the McCain campaign asserts, would drive more people into the individual market, fomenting competition, reducing premiums and discouraging consumers from buying more coverage than they need or can afford. The economists wrote that many “people are likely to have far less generous policies than those they have today.”

The economists are from the University of Michigan, Columbia, Indiana University and Harvard. Their estimates of the effect of McCain’s healthcare tax credits are comparable to those made in July by the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. The Urban Institute and Brookings Institute projected that 1 million people would gain coverage after one year under Mr. McCain’s plan, that almost 5 million people would gain coverage after four years, and that the number of uninsured would then creep upward.

John McCain is obsessed with the growth of entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He is correct. They have gotten out of hand because of their defective structure. His goal is to shift these entitlements over to the private sector. The private sector loves his goal because it is an opportunity to increase profits.

John McCain should be asking why the entitlements are failing rather than giving them away to institutions that have abused systems such as the healthcare industry and the financial industry. These entitlements are failing because of their structure. These institutions will have to be restructured to correct their defects and inefficiencies. The current bureaucracies are incapable of creating initiatives linked to innovation and change.

Privatizing these institutions is not going to make things better for our middle class. John McCain’s plans will drive the middle class toward poverty for the benefit of big business. The pity is John McCain does not know the effect his plan is destined to have.

The strength of America is in a vibrant middle class with incentives to advance through education. It is in the creation of the desire and capability for upward mobility for the lower and middle class that will make us stronger. Government has to set rules that are fair to all and permit the lower class to rise to the middle class. People must have hope, security and goals. The middle class should not be conditioned to live in fear of war, economic collapse, and lack of adequate healthcare.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Elliott Klug

    Dr. Feld – I commend you and thank you for such a frank analysis. Sound Byte policy is scary and Mr. McCain’s fighter pilot approach is scarier.
    Will your fellow republicans take heed?
    An Independent.

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Is Barack Obama Any Different Than Other Politicians? Part 6


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE


Some of the ideas in Barack Obama’s healthcare plan are good. However, some of the ideas have defects. The defects will render execution of his healthcare plan impossible. The complexity of his bureaucratic machinery will make his plan inefficient and costly.

Quality and efficiency are important bullet points in Barack Obama’s healthcare plan

· Quality and Efficiency.

“ Participating insurance companies in the new public program will be required to report data to ensure that standards for quality, health information technology and administration are being met.”

I have stated that measuring quality medical care has not been accurately defined. Quality medical care should be measured by positive medical outcomes at the least cost. Successful medical outcomes have to be linked to successful financial outcomes.

Inaccurate quality measurements are presently being used to judge physician performance. The system is called Pay for Performance (P4P).

Hemoglobin A1c testing is an example of a presently used quality measure. Does the physician do four hemoglobin A1c’s per year in treating his diabetics? HbA1c is a measurement of glucose control over a 3 month period of time. The result is a valid measurement of glucose control.

The four measurements of HbA1c are in itself meaningless. The importance of the measurement is to track patients’ HbA1c improvement over the year? How much of the improvement was due to the physician’s treatment? How much of it was due to the patient’s effort to improve his HbA1c? Did the improvement in HbA1c prevent the patient from developing a complication of Diabetes Mellitus?


Did the improvement keep the patient out of the hospital? The results and cost savings from these results are the parameters that should be measured to make the judgment of the quality of care and not the measurement of HbA1c itself. The dual fulfillment of the responsibility of the physician and patient should be measured. None of these goals are included in the definition of quality measurements at this time. Until they are we do not have an accurate measurement of quality medical care.

Before the government can demand that participating insurance companies in the new public program can ensure that standards of quality are met quality has to be defined. If the healthcare insurance companies are determining quality the government is essentially putting the fox in the hen house to have a feast.

Lowering costs by modernizing the healthcare system is an essential idea. The responsibility for the cost of care should not be a burden of the government. It should not be a burden on the employer who is providing the benefit. It should be a burden of the consumer (patient). It should be the consumer’s responsibility to take care of him. The employer and government should aid the consumer in his ability to fulfill his responsibility for his wellness and effective and efficient care if he is sick.
Lower Costs by Modernizing The U.S. Health Care System
  • Reducing Costs of Catastrophic Illnesses for Employers and Their Employees:

Catastrophic health expenditures account for a high percentage of medical expenses for private insurers. The Obama plan would reimburse employer health plans for a portion of the catastrophic costs they incur above a threshold if they guarantee such savings are used to reduce the cost of workers’ premiums.

Many of the chronic diseases are the result of our social behavior and environment. Obesity, pollution, drug addiction, smoking, and public hygiene generate many chronic diseases. Who should be responsible for our social behavior and environment? Should it be the government, our employer, the state, or our neighbors?

I believe the government should be responsible for developing programs to eliminate pollution as it did in the past with smoking. Our government has dropped the ball with its public service campaign against smoking. It can be done if Congress and the President had the courage to do it.

The government could also do much to reduce obesity and drug addiction. However, it must be up to the consumer to be responsible for himself. Obesity and drug addiction are tinder box problems for our healthcare system. Coal burning electricity plants are another problem. It increases our carbon footprint but this impact is not even a required measurement for license. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics in cattle feed lots is another tinder box problem. The problem could be a mutation of an antibiotic resistant infectious disease epidemic. Barack Obama should be talking about solving these problems and not providing a rebate for employers who have employees with catastrophic illness.

  • Helping Patients:
    1. Support disease management programs. Seventy five percent of total health care dollars are spent on patients with one or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Obama will require that providers that participate in the new public plan, Medicare or the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) utilize proven disease management programs. This will improve quality of care, give doctors better information and lower costs.

This is a great idea. Presently these programs are not supported by the government or healthcare insurance companies.

Traditionally the government sets up pilot programs to test every concept. However, when the pilot study for the effect of managing chronic disease failed, it failed not because the concept of chronic disease management was wrong but because the design of the pilot was defective.


· Coordinate and Integrate care.

Over 133 million Americans have at least one chronic disease and these chronic conditions cost a staggering $1.7 trillion yearly. Obama will support implementation of programs and encourage team care that will improve coordination and integration of care of those with chronic conditions.

This is another great idea. The emphasis for reimbursement has to shift from procedural medicine to cognitive medicine. Since cognitive medicine has not been well supported with reimbursement, physician care has migrated to procedural medicine. Diabetes education is an essential element in teaching the patient how to become a “professor of their disease”. It is essential that patients know how to self manage their diabetes. Diabetes education program must be supported so that physicians can afford to develop diabetes education centers in their office. The diabetes education must be an extension of the physicians care. It does not work in a free standing clinic that is uncoordinated with the physician. It has to be a team management effort with the patient in the center of the team and the physician the captain of the team. It must be a team effort so the patient feels connected and cared for.

None of the infrastructure for chronic disease management is in place presently. I am happy that in Barack Obam
a’s healthcare plan there is awareness of this essential element to repair the healthcare system. However legislative regulation must occur for this to become a reality.

· Require full transparency about quality and costs.

“Obama will require hospitals and providers to collect and publicly report measures of health care costs and quality, including data on preventable medical errors, nurse staffing ratios, hospital-acquired infections, and disparities in care. Health plans will also be required to disclose the percentage of premiums that go to patient care as opposed to administrative costs.”

Real price transparency is another big idea.

It must occur if there is going to be any improvement in the costs of the healthcare system. However, if all we have is a single party payer (the government) with the administrative services outsourced to the healthcare insurance industry price transparency will not occur. There will be no competition for healthcare insurance coverage. The lack of competition means the lack of innovation.

Barack Obama has some good ideas.The ideas will fail because big government is king. It is big government’s role to control the lives of the people rather than creating programs which promote people to control their own lives? Most people can be trusted. If they can not control their own lives  under proper incentives and supervision they should be penalized. The government should not try to control the lives of the people.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Is Barack Obama Any Different Than Other Politicians? Part 5


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

From a distance everything Barack Obama says sounds great. The events of the last eight years have created cynicism and despair. We are a nation thirsty for hope to solve our many problems.

In healthcare the basic problem is not how we are going to pay for healthcare for all of our citizens but how to change the healthcare delivery system to create a healthier society and less chronic disease. Eighty percent of our healthcare dollars are spent on the treatment of chronic disease.

Barack Obama’s National Health Insurance Exchange does not address the basic problem in a meaningful way. It creates another bureaucracy that will drive competition out of the market place. It will result in socialized medicine with all of its bureaucratic and monetary problems.


“National Health Insurance Exchange:

The Obama plan will create a National Health Insurance Exchange to help individuals who wish to purchase a private insurance plan. The Exchange will act as a watchdog group and help reform the private insurance market by creating rules and standards for participating insurance plans to ensure fairness and to make individual coverage more affordable and accessible.

I believe his National Health Insurance Exchange will drive the private insurance companies out of the healthcare insurance business. This might not be a half bad idea since the healthcare insurance industry controls healthcare cost and earns a grotesque amount of money. Also the government outsources and will continue to outsource its Medicare administrative services to the healthcare insurance industry at an equally large profit.

“ Insurers would have to issue every applicant a policy, and charge fair and stable premiums that will not depend upon health status. The Exchange will require that all the plans offered are at least as generous as the new public plan and have the same standards for quality and efficiency. The Exchange would evaluate plans and make the differences among the plans, including cost of services, public.”

The only option remaining would be the new public plan similar to Medicare Part C the coverage that Senator Kennedy has. In recent years Medicare Part B has experienced increasing deficits. The increasing deficits have resulted in increasing costs to seniors and decreasing healthcare benefits. Increasing costs and deficits are inevitable in a single party payer system if the basic problems in the healthcare system are not addressed.

I believe the goal of the Democratic Party is to convert our healthcare system to a system of universal care with a single party payer. Hillary Clinton tried it in 1993 and Barack Obama will try in 2009 if elected.

It has been said that democratic countries in the west with single party payers do just fine. Canada and England have healthcare systems with universal care with a single party payer. All one has to do is look online at newspapers in Canada (National Post) and London ( Evening Star) to see how well these systems are really doing for their citizen. The following articles appeared in the National Post in Canada

1. Millions of Canadians lack family doctor

MD uses lottery to cull patients Not first such case as lack of doctors causes huge caseloads. In the latest jarring illustration of the country’s doctor shortage, a family physician in Northern Ontario has used a lottery to determine which patients would be ejected from his overloaded practice.


2. Let private sector into health care: CMA president Day

“We must not deny any patient access to essential health care based on ability to pay; nor should we deny access based on a shortage of doctors, hospital beds or operating time.

“Competition, consumer choice and market principles barely exist in our health system. The CMA President is asking for the basic principles that stimulate organizations to work properly

“Let’s note that three of the main Olympic values — excellence, universality, sustainability — are similar to our values and aspirations for a truly great health system. “And, of course, an integral part of the Olympics is competition. Without competition we cannot expect improvement, let alone excellence. “I believe that if we are to preserve universal health care for the next generation, we need to embrace similar principles.”

He clearly pointed out the problems with the Canadian system.

“And he bemoaned the fact that more than one million Canadians were on waiting lists for health care and that five million people did not have access to a family doctor. Yet neither the governing Conservatives nor the Liberal opposition seemed to care, he charged.”

This is what I worry about with Barack Obama’s healthcare plan.

“Individually, most [politicians] have a deep understanding of the plight of our health-care system.”Collectively, especially at the federal level, they are reluctant — even afraid — of engaging in a meaningful public policy discussion on health.

Claude Castonguay, a former health minister in Quebec summarized the findings of a report he submitted to the provincial government. He said that public health care system, as it now stood, was not financially sustainable.


The following articles appeared in the London Evening Star


1. Doctors call for ‘rationing’ of NHS services

“Rationing of services in the NHS is a ‘fact of life’, doctors insisted. The British Medical Association said a postcode lottery operates nationwide with some treatments denied to patients simply because of where they live.

It called for a charter that would tell patients exactly what ‘core’ services they are entitled to receive in England.

But in order to make the NHS work successfully, the BMA says the day-to-day running of the service must be wrested from politicians.

James Johnson, chairman of the BMA’s council, said there had to be an end to the ‘constant political dabbling’ and ‘micro-management’. “

2. London’s healthcare is lagging

3. Third of broken hip victims have to wait two days for surgery

“Thousands of elderly people with broken bones caused by falls are being betrayed by a postcode lottery in NHS care. A report says around one in three broken hip victims had to wait more than 48 hours for surgery – a delay that could have put their lives in danger. “

Enough said about the glories of socialized medicine in Canada or England. Is this what the American people want? Some say most people are satisfied with the healthcare service they receive in Canada and England. Only 20% of the population is sick at any one time. Therefore (most) have no idea what is going on in the healthcare system. It is easy to say they are satisfied with the system when they are not sick.

Rather than our next President creating another ineffective bureaucracy and costly entitlement program all he would have to do is

  1. level the tax playing field for the self employed to be able buy insurance with pre tax dollars
  2. permit the purchase of insurance across state lines
  3. produce purchasing power and negotiating power for consumers with hospitals and physicians and insurance companies in a real price transparent environment
  4. impose community rating with universal coverage regardless of pre-existing illness

  5. provide ownership of the first $6000 to the consumer

I would bet consumers would use their healthcare dollar wisely.

Barack Obama’s National Health Insurance Exchange is a bad idea. It will not work if passed. The fact is the plan is not hopeful. It is the opposite of Barack Obama’s message of hope. A message America dearly needs.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Is Barack Obama Any Different Than Other Politicians? Part 4


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I continue to look at Barack Obama’s statement puny statement on subsidies.


“Individuals and families who do not qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP but still need financial assistance will receive an income-related federal subsidy to buy into the new public plan or purchase a private health care plan.”

Is this a false hope? Another example of a deficient subsidy is Medicare Part D. Again, the intention was good but the construction of the subsidy resulted in subsidizing the healthcare insurance industry.

UnitedHealthcare paid AARP $4 billion dollars to be the only provider of AARP’s Medicare Part D plan. Would UnitedHealthcare do this if they thought they would lose money? No! Part D is supposed to be a plan subsiding drug benefits for seniors. The government is supposed to fix the premium for all seniors regardless of health risk.

Last year UnitedHealthcare’s net income from Medicare Part D was over $1 billion dollars. UnitedHealthcare expects this net income to increase in the future as more baby boomers qualify for coverage. Despite all the profit from Medicare Part D next year the premium for seniors is going to increase from $25 to $28 per month per senior in post tax dollars.

The government does not negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for drug prices as it does in the VA and Military healthcare systems. The healthcare insurance industry does the negotiating. The prices set are non transparent.

If the government wanted to be effective it would do its own negotiating. However, this does not seem to be the bureaucracy’s way. This is one of the reasons the government should not be a single party payer.

Medicare’s drug plans will cost beneficiaries an average of $28 a month in 2009, about $3 more monthly than this year, according to the U.S. health-care program for the elderly.”

This increase represents an 11.5% increase from the previous year monthly cost of $25. It brings up the question again as to whether we can trust our politicians to look after our welfare and not the welfare of a secondary stakeholder?

Premiums paid by beneficiaries for basic prescription plans cover about one-fourth of the program’s cost, with the government paying the remainder, according to Medicare. Medicare will spend about $36 billion this year to subsidize drug coverage.”

This is ridiculous. A generic drug estradiol cost $4 a month in Wal-Mart outside the Medicare Part D system. Inside the Medicare Part D system the patients benefit (“Doughnut”) is charged $20. The patient’s co-pay is $4 for the generic estradiol. Does anyone think Wal-Mart charged the healthcare insurance company $18 for this prescription? Does anyone think the Healthcare insurance company didn’t charge CMS (Medicare) $18 plus an additional administrative fee for this prescription? All we are told is Medicare will spend about $36 million this year to subsidize drug coverage.  

Who is benefiting from all this money? In reality the government is subsidizing the healthcare insurance industry at a sizable profit. One can blame it on the Republicans. However it was a bipartisan bill with politicians being influenced by the vested interests of the healthcare insurance industry.

I have received many complaints about Medicare Part D. An outstanding complaint of a patient reaching the $2500 drug subsidy limit was a patient with glaucoma. The drops the patient was prescribed was not generic. The patient had a $65 co-pay. She paid this amount without noting the amount charged to her. After she paid $65 a month for 5 months she was out of drug coverage and into her Medicare Part D doughnut hole. She was charged $500 for her sixth month prescription. This was an out of pocket expense.

She complained to her ophthalmologist. Her ophthalmologist discovered that the retail price on the glucoma eyes drops was $90 for a one month supply bottle rather than $500 charged Medicare by the pharmacy. Her Medicare Part D account was charged $500 each month. She tried to complain but got nowhere. She did not receive a response from the healthcare insurance carrier or the government. The pharmacy said this was the price. They could not tell her how much the healthcare insurance company paid the pharmacy.

“The new estimates for Medicare Part D were based on bids submitted by companies that receive government subsidies to offer the plans.” “About 25.4 million Americans have drug coverage through Medicare, 17.7 million of them in standalone plans and 7.7 million in Medicare Advantage plans that provide health care through private insurers.”

My guess is the healthcare insurance companies make a greater net profit from Medicare Advantage than Medicare Part D because the subsidy is greater.

The point of these examples is the government will overpay the healthcare insurance companies and undercover patients for care. It continuously cuts the reimbursement to physicians while a facilitator stakeholder increases its profit.

George Bush recently proposed consumers pay for Medicare Part D on a means tested bases. He did not demand price transparency or cut the profit from the subsidy to the healthcare insurance industry.

“Republican President George W. Bush proposed raising the premiums paid by individuals earning more than $82,000 a year and married couples making more than $164,000. Democrats in Congress have said the government should have to power to negotiate directly with drug makers to hold down prices.”

Barack Obama plan will simply extend the charade. The only way to fix it is to have the consumer control their healthcare dollar and motivate him to use is healthcare dollar wisely.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • MedMan

    I couldn’t agree more with your conclusion. The problem starts with the moral hazards of insurance and government subsidy; so any solution will require consumers to have an increased financial stake in the system. We are trying to help consumers know what healthcare should cost at the Healthcare Blue Book ( Would like to know what you think of this resource. Thanks

  • Tinman

    What changes will occur with Obama’s plans to eliminate subsidies to Insurance Company’s for Medicare coverage? I am concerned because I have a member of our family who has COPD and takes Oxygen on a daily basis. Will the changes he wants to make continue to cover the oxygen he needs? Thank you for your help with this question.

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Is Barack Obama Any Different Than Other Politicians? Part 3


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Barack Obama’s healthcare policy calls for subsidies.


“Individuals and families who do not qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP but still need financial assistance will receive an income-related federal subsidy to buy into the new public plan or purchase a private health care plan.”

Barack Obama should do some arithmetic. A minimum wage worker without a healthcare insurance benefit does not qualify for Medicaid coverage in most states.

Presently in Texas a family can not earn more than $800 a month in order to receive Medicaid. A family of four can not live on $10,000 a year and think of buying health insurance. Moises has a very difficult time supporting his family earning $22,000 a year. He worries about getting sick every day of his life but can not spare a penny of his income for healthcare coverage. .

Poverty today is defined by a 1955 definition. It is not adequate. President Bush rejected the SCHIP program twice because he sees the deficit writing on the wall. Republicans want to eliminate entitlement programs not add them. An additional entitlement will bankrupt the country at a faster rate than our present Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Maybe we could help the needy with a healthcare insurance program that would create incentives to be responsible for their health (exercise, lack of obesity and adherence to medication), and medical care? Maybe we could create programs to stimulate corporate America to promote wellness and exercise social responsibility to combat obesity? This would be a worthwhile investment for our government. It might even be a better investment that protecting corporations in search of increasing markets in the name of globalization.

Obesity, addiction, non-compliance with recommended medical treatment is a huge cost to our system. It must be dealt with. Only the consumer can deal with these issues on a personal level.

Some states like Indiana and New Jersey have tried to increase the income level for the eligibility for Medicaid. The federal government has refused to fund these new definitions because it does not have the money to pay for it.

States that are in worse shape financially than the federal government need to fund the difference. The only way it can be done is by raising taxes.

Michael Bloomberg seems to be the only politician with constructive ideas.

The “bipartisan Romney plan” of universal healthcare coverage in Massachusetts is shaping up to be another disaster of fuzzy thinking. The intention was good. The cost overrun this year is in the range of over $400 million dollars. The present Massachusetts administrators are hailing their universal healthcare plan as a success because more people are insured. The problem is the administrators have left the pricing and control of the healthcare insurance coverage in the hands of the healthcare insurance companies. The plan has not eliminated any of the administrative inefficiencies of the healthcare insurance industry or encourages medical practice efficiencies. It does not encourage patient responsibility nor chronic disease management incentives.

The Massachusetts plan is certainly going to result in an increase in state tax is Massachusetts.

Barack Obama’s policy statement on Subsides is naive. It presents a false hope without a plan. All government subsides so far have gone to the wrong stakeholder. The result of a policy executed with this open ended philosophy will result in increased government cost. In effect the government is providing an entitlement for the healthcare insurance industry. They are leaving control of pricing and administration in the healthcare insurance industry’s hands. An increase in government spending will result in a decrease in healthcare coverage for the average person as well.

How can I say that? Recent past history has demonstrated it. As long as the healthcare insurance industry is in control of the pricing, government bureaucracy is suppose to oversee that pricing. Historically the price has increased and healthcare coverage has decreased.

To paraphrase Yogi Berra “it is the $600 toilet seats all over again”.

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Is Barack Obama Any Different Than Other Politicians? Part 2


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Every week the words used to describe Barack Obama’s healthcare policy change. I am going to review his healthcare platform as described during the week of August 5-11th. Each platform revision has the same bottom line. The bottom line is universal coverage with the government being the single party payer.(socialized medicine with all its regulations and inefficiencies).

However, each week his words are refined to made them more palatable. It gets to the point where one could believe the words are something more significant than they are. Clearly Barack Obama’s platform is not a solution to our dysfunctional healthcare system. I will evaluate each of his heading separately.

Comprehensive benefits. “The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have. The plan will cover all essential medical services, including preventive, maternity and mental health care.”

This sounds perfect because 90% of the healthcare dollars is spent on the complications of chronic diseases. However, the restrictions to access to care and the availability of care have to be analyzed to be understood. Does anyone think Senator Kennedy suffered any of these restrictions for the treatment of his brain tumor?


When Senator Edward M. Kennedy disclosed on May 20 that he had brain cancer, three days after suffering a seizure, doctors did not list surgery as a possibility. A news release from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston left the impression that radiation and chemotherapy were the main options for his pernicious type of cancer.

Precisely why Mr. Kennedy’s treatment course changed is not known; he and his doctors are not talking to reporters.

What is known is that a few days after Mr. Kennedy learned he had a malignant brain tumor in the left parietal lobe, he invited a group of national experts to discuss his case.

The meeting on May 30 was extraordinary in at least two ways.

One was the ability of a powerful patient — in this case, a scion of a legendary political family and the chairman of the Senate’s health committee — to summon noted consultants to learn about the latest therapy and research findings.

The second was his efficiency in quickly convening more than a dozen experts from at least six academic centers. Some flew to Boston. Others participated by telephone after receiving pertinent test results and other medical records.

Is this what Senator Obama means by The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have.” Does anyone believe this policy would produce the care Senator Kennedy received? If it were true it would be great. However, this is an expansion of an entitlement America can not afford without improving the many inefficiencies and loopholes in the present healthcare system.

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