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Politicians,Healthcare and Vested Interests


Republican Healthcare Proposal Executive Summary : Part 1


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACE,MACE

It is not fair to criticize the Republican Party’s healthcare proposal without providing the reader with the source material. The source material comes from Senator Tom Coburn’s web site. My negative comments should be judged in light of the original proposal. The executive summary follows.

Preventing Disease and Promoting Healthier Lifestyles

· Critical investments in public health and disease prevention will go a long way in restraining

health care costs and improving the quality of Americans’ lives. The Patient’s Choice Act of 2009 would:

Encourage increased coordination of federal prevention efforts and bring long‐overdue accountability to these programs

Require CDC to undertake a national campaign highlighting science‐based health promotion strategies

Equip recipients of Supplemental Nutritional Benefits with easily understandable information about nutritious food options and target the use of food stamps to healthy food choices

Invest $50 million annually for increased vaccine availability and bonus grants to states that achieve 90 percent or greater coverage of CDC‐recommended vaccines

Provide incentives for states to reduce rates of chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes

All of the above proposals should be executed. How will they be implemented? The Republicans do not have a plan but not having a plan does not make the Democrat’s plan a good one.

Creating Affordable and Accessible Health Insurance Options

Our health care system should be easier to navigate and provide integrated care in a more equitable manner. A vibrant market for health insurance that is consistent and fair will allow all Americans access to health coverage.

How will Republicans make a vibrant market for healthcare insurance? How will people who cannot afford healthcare insurance pay for it? The tax credits might help a little. However, if you do not have the cash you cannot pay for the insurance.

The Patient’s Choice Act of 2009 would encourage states to establish rational and reasonable consumer protections, including the following:

Creates State Health Insurance Exchanges to give Americans a one‐stop marketplace to compare different health insurance policies and select the one that meets their unique needs

Gives Americans the same standard health benefits as Members of Congress, so all Americans have a wide range of choices

Protects the most vulnerable Americans to ensure that no individual would be turned down by a participating Exchange insurers based on age or health

What will the premium be for those with preexisting illnesses? Will the premiums be higher for patients with preexisting illnesses? The high risk pool premiums have been very expensive.

Creates a non‐profit, independent board to risk adjust among participating insurance companies to penalize companies that “cherry pick” health patients and reward insurers that encourage prevention/wellness and cover patients with pre‐existing conditions.

Expands coverage through auto‐enrollment at state and medical points of service, for individuals who do not select a plan at the beginning of the year

This is an empty statement. How will this be administered? The devil is in the details and there are no details presented.

Gives states the ability to band together in regional pooling arrangements, as well as the creation of robust high risk pools, reinsurance markets, or risk adjustment mechanisms to cover those deemed ‘uninsurable’

Risk pooling has been tried and has been unsuccessful. It has been an excuse to allow the insurance industry to spread the risk. The proposal also implies variable premiums.

Equalizes the Tax Treatment of Health Care, Empowering All Americans with Real Access to Coverage

Economic analysts across the political divide agree that the tax code is stacked in favor of the wealthy and those who get their health coverage through their employers, discriminating against the self‐employed, the unemployed, and small businesses. The Patients’ Choice Act of 2009 would restore fairness in the tax code and give every American, regardless of employment status, the ability to purchase health insurance by:

Providing an advanceable and refundable tax credit of $2,300 per individual or $5,700 per family

Improving the operation of Health Savings Accounts [HSAs] by allowing health insurance premiums to be paid with HSAs without a tax penalty

Allowing preventative services to be covered by High Deductible Health Plans

Increasing the amount of money an HSA owner may annually contribute to their account

Healthcare insurance premiums are $14,000.00 a year for a family. A $5,700.00 tax credit does not cover it. It also assumes the consumer has enough income to have a $5,700.00 be tax liability. Citizens are not subject to income tax if they make up to $38,000.00 year. HSA’s retain the healthcare dollar to be used for future spending on healthcare. The healthcare insurance industry retains control over the premium and the healthcare dollars. It is not a pro consumer proposal. It does not offer financial incentives to consumers .

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Matt

    Aren’t refundable tax credits for situations in which an individual might NOT have a tax liability? For example, if one makes under $38,000, as you say, they would not be liable for federal income tax. In this situation, then, the “refundable” tax credit as the Republicans propose would be administered to our hypothetical individual without respect to their income. Would he not simply get a check for $2,300 (as an individual)?

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Republican Healthcare Plan Unveiled.


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP.MACE


Republicans in Congress have introduced their health care reform plan. "The Patients’ Choice Act of 2009," has been introduced by U.S. Senators Tom Coburn, (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and U.S. Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA).

The proposal that relies heavily on private mechanisms does not contain an individual mandate to have healthcare insurance, It offers insufficient tax credits for families and individuals previously insured and not in a group insurance plan. It must be noted that people who make less than $38,000 per year pay no income tax. A tax credit is meaningless to them. These are the people who are uninsured.

Individuals not in a group insurance plan pay retail for healthcare insurance premiums with after tax dollars. Employers that have group healthcare insurance for employees, pay the insurance premiums with pretax dollars.

The new Republican healthcare plan would eliminate employers tax deductible benefit. This would discourage employers from providing healthcare insurance to employees. The plan is not dissimilar to the proposal championed by John McCain during the presidential campaign. His proposal was considered inadequate.

“The focus of the proposal is to push for a "guaranteed choice of coverage" in the private market through federal-state partnerships know as State Health Insurance Exchanges.

Individuals will have a "one-stop marketplace" to choose plans in the exchange, including the option of keeping their employer coverage and/or existing insurer.

The plan eliminates pre-tax dollar deduction for employers who provide health coverage to their employees. It provides a $5,710 tax credit to families and a $2,290 tax credit to individuals toward the purchase of health insurance coverage.

This is not enough of a tax credit to be effective for those who can afford to buy healthcare insurance. In reality it will save the government money. It would eliminate employer tax deduction. An unintended consequence will be an increase in thenumber of uninsured.

Healthcare insurance premiums average $14,000 per family and $7,000 per individual. The healthcare insurance industry cherry picks patients. It eliminates the sick and over 55 year olds with a high potential for illness. If its ability to cherry pick is eliminated the healthcare insurance premiums will be even higher.

The Republican healthcare plan does not state if the non insurable sick will be subject to the same or higher premiums.

"Participating insurers," meanwhile, would be required to "offer coverage to any individual — regardless of patient age or health history" though there is no mandate for an individual to purchase that insurance”.

Many things are wrong with the Republican party’s proposal. I am disappointed in Senator Tom Coburn. He is a “practicing M.D” he should know the real problems in the healthcare system..” The proposal has some good ideas but no suggestions on how to implement those ideas.

His plan ignores the real problems. The uninsured cannot afford to purchase healthcare insurance. Some young healthy people do not want spend the money for healthcare insurance. Many people are underinsured. Illegal immigrants are uninsured. They show up for care in our safety net hospitals. Our safety net hospitals are underfunded. The plan does not contain incentives for patients to work hard to remain healthy.

The reasons healthcare costs are so high are many. Price Waterhouse has calculated 1.1 trillion dollars is wasted dollars between defensive medicine and unnecessary administrative cost.

Medical care for the complications of chronic diseases absorbs 80% of the healthcare dollars. The complication rate can be reduced by at least 50% if patients became “professors of their disease” and they themselves prevented the complications. This can only be accomplished through education and financial incentives.

The proposal does not repair any of the abuses of the healthcare insurance industry, the government, the hospital systems or physicians.

The proposal gives employers a perfect excuse to drop insuring employees by the removal of their tax exemption for premiums. President Bush tried very hard to accomplish this and failed. .

The Republican plan would leave a greater number of Americans uninsured with no improvement in the health of the nation.

The Patients’ Choice Act contains many of the popular sound bites. It does not have a plan to achieve change. The only way change will occur is by leveling the playing field and providing incentives for patients. The plan keeps the healthcare insurance industry in control of the healthcare dollars.

It states; “ the Act transforms health care in America: strengthening the relationship between the

patient and the doctor; using the forces of choice and competition rather than rationing and restrictions to contain costs; and ensuring universal, affordable health care for all Americans.”

I am disappointed in the Republican proposal. It is a proposal of empty words. The public will not be fooled. The public wants change. I will publish the executive summary so readers can judge for themselves.

Under the Republican plan, instead of a competitive marketplace for healthcare coverage I can visualize a market place dominated by a few healthcare insurance companies. The result will be further increase in cost of premiums. The healthcare insurance industry would continue to own the healthcare dollar and be non transparent.

The healthcare insurance industry would continue to abuse patients, physicians, hospitals and the government.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Doc DeVore

    This is disappointing news, but not surprising. Obama’s plans have many problems, but the Republic proposal does nothing to actually fix the problems we have.

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“Rope A Dope”


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


There are many issues involved in healthcare reform. The major issues to decrease defensive medicine with malpractice reform, rapid affordable installation of electronic health records, control of the obesity epidemic, effective chronic disease management and a change in the healthcare insurance model are not on the radar screen of the President or Congress.

The issue with effective healthcare reform is about money. In order to save a significant amount of money the above problems must be solved. As President Obama plan progresses in the congress the battle is all about political tactics and positioning for the midterm elections in 201

On the one hand, President Obama and his party say they’re hoping to strike a good-faith compromise on health care. On the other, they’re threatening this "budget reconciliation" maneuver to coerce Republicans into rubber-stamping liberal policy.”

The Democrats want to get a handful of GOP Senators to support the bill before in gets to the floor. The goal is to short circuit a bloody debate before it begins. The Democrats are to join their fold. Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe voted for expanding the state children’s insurance program (Schip).

SCHIP was a compassionate bill and logical. However it is a bill that does not create patient incentives. It is difficult to imagine Republicans defecting to the poorly constructed bill that will created greater costs and more dysfunction to the healthcare system.

“This new entitlement — like Medicare but open to all ages and all incomes — would quickly crowd out private insurance as people gravitated to heavily subsidized policies, eventually leading to a single-payer system. So Democrats are trying to seduce diffident Republicans with a Potemkin compromise.”

All the the Democrat’s rhetoric in nonsense. Without a change healthcare insurance healthcare costs will continue to rise . We need only to look at the Massachusetts experience.

The administration is prepared to make promises to Republican such as the government healthcare plan would only be sold to the uninsured and small businesses that can not afford to provide employees with healthcare insurance because of the costs. Once the Republicans on on board and the bill is past the administration could modify this proposal and make it all inclusive.

“ The White House strategy is to dilute the healthcare plans proposal just enough to win over credulous Republicans. That is what has always happened with government health programs:”

President Obama is playing a game of got uh. Some one wrote to me and called it Rope A Dope.

“When Medicare was created in 1965, benefits were relatively limited and retirees paid a substantial percentage of the costs of their own care. But the clout of retirees has always led to expanding benefits for seniors while raising taxes on younger workers”.

Medicare’s cost to seniors has also risen with a base month cost of $99 per month per person or $2400 per year per couple. The catch is the deductible are $999 for hospital admission and and 80/20 deductible. The monthly payment per person is means tested and can go to $275 per month per person with after tax dollars. The a senior has to by Medicare Part F for deductible coverage. Its cost is 170 per month per person. Medicare Part D at it least expensive is $47 per month per person with high deductible.

In order to get full coverage the cost can be as high as $15,000 per year in after tax dollars.

Congressional actuaries expected Medicare to cost $3.1 billion by 1970. Medicare today costs $455 billion and rising.

Medicaid was intended as a last resort for the poor. It now covers one-third of all long-term care expenses in the U.S.. Its annual bill is $227 billion, and so far this fiscal year is rising by 17%.

Over time end stage renal disease and disabled person have been added to the Medicaid roles Other person also have been included.

“SCHIP was pitched a decade ago as a safety net for poor kids, and some Republicans helped sell it as a free-market reform. But Schip is now open to families that earn up to 300% of the poverty level, or $63,081 for a family of four. In New York, you can qualify at 400% of poverty.”

A common denominator to all of this unsustainable increases is the way the healthcare insurance industry controls the healthcare dollars. This leads to abuse by other stakeholders. Incentives must be aligned with the consumer controlling their healthcare dollars.

The Lewin group estimates that 119 million more persons with private insurance could be added to the 90 million already on Medicare and Medicaid. Health habits must be changed to combat obesity. The only way it will be changed is a change in farm policy and the consumers owning their healthcare dollars. Otherwise we are doomed to every increasing premiums and overuse of the healthcare system.

Any new federal health plan will inevitably follow the same trajectory, no matter how much Republican Senators might claim they’ve guaranteed otherwise.

President Obama is going to mount a public opinion campaign for his plan. The Republicans are going to cave in. They are trapped

Republicans would spend the rest of their days deciding whether to vote for tax increases to finance this, or stand accused of denying health care to the middle class.

President Obama will have successfully “Roped A Dope” Who is the Dope? All of us unless we get wise quickly.

The only way to Repair the Healthcare System is to enable consumers to own their healthcare dollars and to provide incentives to consumers to be responsible for their health. The government should make the rules to level the playing field and empower consumers to drive the healthcare system to their benefit.

These actions allow healthcare affordable to all including the government.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Nari Kannan

    You raise a very important point that has in fact proven success stories around the world. Singapore makes healthcare consumers directly responsible for their healthcare dollars, although the Government and Employers chip in also. But eventually YOU are responsible for your own healthcare dollars there and it seems to be successful.
    Read “The Singapore Model”

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What Is Reality?: America Is Heading Toward Financial Disaster

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The United States cannot afford to provide universal healthcare coverage under a single party payer. The country is in financial difficulty without expanding Medicare.

“Bernie Madoff is small-time compared to the federal government. Really. You want Ponzi schemes? The new Obama-Democrat budget deficit is $1.8 trillion, four times larger than it was only last year. The national public debt has increased by more than 10 percent since Inauguration Day.”

Social Security and Medicare are underfunded entitlement programs. Medicare for the entire country is not viable.

These are the published numbers for 2008.

  • Social Security’s unfunded liabilities stood at $13.6 trillion.
  • Medicare’s unfunded liabilities are more than $30 trillion.
  • Medicaid, another severely underfunded and politically untouchable entitlement program, only adds to the total.
  • The federal government’s current entitlement bill, including future obligations-based only on promises it has made in the past — is greater than $57 trillion.”

The first Baby Boomers started drawing early retirement benefits from Social Security last year.”

78 million people are going to stop working, stop paying taxes, stop paying into retirement programs and start drawing Social Security and Medicare benefits. The federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of retiring citizens. It does not have the funds to keep those promises without a big hike in taxes.

“According to a recent forecast by the Congressional Budget Office shows that Medicare and Medicaid alone are going to crowd out everything else the federal government is doing by mid-century”

In order to get close to funding our current obligations it is estimated that the income tax rate will have to increase to 66%. With all the bailouts and economic stimulus packages the federal government’s debt can only get worse.

Yet the game of who can have better sound bites and who can win is the only thing that is important to President Obama, the healthcare insurance industry, and the Democratic congress.

Healthcare reform should not be about a National Healthcare Insurance Exchange or universal healthcare with a single party payer. This is not going to fix the healthcare system. It will make our financial problems worse. Our government officials should face reality. It should do what all physicians know needs to be done.

It should be passing legislation to create a less polluted environment. It should revise the Farm Bill. It should eliminate the use of corn syrup. It should fight obesity with public service educational campaigns. It should create an insurance product that provides consumers with financial incentives to stay healthy. It should eliminate the causes of administrative waste and defensive medicine. These should be the areas of discussion in order to repair the healthcare system. These bold topics threaten powerful vested interests and are politically explosive.

America should set up a healthcare insurance system that provides incentives consumers to demand better foodstuff and a healthier environment. Consumers should own their healthcare dollars and be able to save what they do not use. (ideal medical savings account).

The federal government should make the conversion to functional electronic medical records easier and less costly to physicians (ideal electronic medical record). We should have major tort reform to decrease the intolerable cost of defensive medical.

These are areas in which the healthcare reform debate should be focused. If the Republican Party wants to seize the initiative from the Democratic Party and excite the citizens of our country they need to act .

Instead, we have a silly debate pitting the new media (Democratic Party) against the old media (Republican Party) over systems we cannot afford. The new media will win. Americans lose no matter which side wins.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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How To Neutralize The Healthcare Insurance Industry’s Attack. Part 1

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Yesterday Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina started rolling out the healthcare insurance industry’s attack on President Obama’s National Health Insurance Exchange. The 1993 Harry and Louise attack campaign will not work in 2009. Consumers do not trust the healthcare insurance industry to look after their needs. President Obama is playing off this mistrust and counter attacking. He sent an email to 20 million consumers asking them to join his call. He wants us ask congress to pass real healthcare reform in 2009. He asked us to join and donate money. After we join his cause we could then tell our story about the dysfunction in the healthcare system. He said your voice will make a difference. He says nothing in specific terms about how he will Repair the Healthcare System.

“Stanley –

You will note every email is personalized.

“The chance to finally reform our nation’s health care system is here. While Congress moves rapidly to produce a detailed plan, I have made it clear that real reform must uphold three core principles — it must reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure quality care for every American.”

Healthcare insurance premiums are constantly increasing while coverage is decreasing. Most healthcare insurance policies do not have a choice of physicians (physician networks). Quality healthcare (undefined) is not available for every American (universal healthcare). The healthcare insurance industry’s control of the healthcare system is responsible for most of these defects.

“As we know, challenging the status quo will not be easy. Its defenders will claim our goals are too big, that we should once again settle for half measures and empty talk. Left unanswered, these voices of doubt might yet again derail the comprehensive reform we so badly need. That’s where you come in.”

President Obama invites us to fight those who would derail the comprehensive reform we so badly need. He does not define the reform (Hillary Clinton’s 1993 reform?). He does not describe the route to reform. It sounds good is meaningless.

When our opponents spread fear and confusion about the changes we seek, your support for these core principles will show clarity and resolve. When the lobbyists for the status quo tell Congress to hold back, your personal story will give them the courage to press forward.

President Obama’s message is clear. The call to action is to neutralize the healthcare insurance industry’s attack.

Join my call: Ask Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009.

“After adding your name, please consider sharing your personal story about the importance of health care reform in your life and the lives of those you love.”
“I will be personally reviewing many of these signatures and stories. If you speak up now, your voice will make a difference.”

When I tried to tell my story there was only one place to tell my story to President Obama. The space was to donate and join the call to action. He promises to personally review my story yet he has not listened to my call for a system of patient responsibility or patient reward. He has not listened to the plea for major tort reform. He has not listened to the need for a free electronic medical record in the cloud paid for by physicians by the click. President Obama does not have a clear the way to achieve his goals. He is going to get a bill passed that is worse than the Massachusetts plan.

In our sound bite society one, he wins using the new media. The healthcare insurance industry does not get it.

“Last November, the American people sent Washington a clear mandate for change. But when the polls close, the true work of citizenship begins. That’s what Organizing for America is all about. Now, in these crucial moments, your voice once again has extraordinary power. I’m counting on you to use it.”

Thank you,
President Barack Obama


President Obama followed up with another email call to action. He is organizing People Power, one block at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one city at a time. His costs are minimal.

President Obama, using the new media, has the healthcare insurance industry on its heels. He used the old media to declare that the healthcare insurance industry made a commitment to reduce healthcare costs by 2 trillion dollars in the next 10 years. His sound bite is “ you’ve made a commitment; we expect you to keep it.” Now the healthcare insurance industry has backed down. Implied is how can it be trusted?

Patient power and the new media will not let this happen. When our opponents spread fear and confusion about the changes we seek, your support for these core principles will show clarity and resolve.”

“On June 6th, in thousands of homes across the country, we’ll gather to launch our grassroots campaign for health care. We’ll watch a special message from the President. We’ll build the teams and draw up the plans for winning health care reform the same way we won the election: Building support one block, one neighbor, one conversation at a time. And we’ll put those plans into action.”Please sign up today to host or attend a kickoff near you.

This time the healthcare insurance industry must do better than Harry and Louise.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Harry and Louise Are Coming Back: Insurers Planning on Double-Crossing Obama

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 One week after President Obama announced that the nation's health insurance
lobby pledged to reduce healthcare costs by $2 trillion in ten years, Blue
Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is putting the finishing touches on a public
message campaign aimed at killing a key plank in the Presidents reform

Obama had told the health care executives, “you’ve made a commitment; we expect
you to keep it.”

When the healthcare insurance lobby realized the trap it fell into it
immediately went to work to defend its control over the healthcare dollar. It is
going to roll out Harry and Louise as it did in 1993. I do not think it will
work. We are living in different times with different media tools.

From a distance
everything Barack Obama says sounds great
. The events of the last eight
years have created cynicism and despair. We are a nation thirsty for hope to
solve our many problems.”

The healthcare insurance industry is going to try to destroy President
Obama’s “National Health Insurance Exchange”. If congress
passes the National Health Insurance Exchange it will lead to a single party
payer system. The government as the single party payer is unsustainable.

“As part of what it calls an "informational website," the company has
hired an outside PR company to make a series of videos sounding the alarm about
a government-sponsored health insurance option, known as the public

The industry argues that creating a public insurance program will undermine
the marketplace and eventually lead to a single-payer style system.

Somehow, this isn't surprising. The health insurance industry has showed it
is not serious about controlling costs by
backing away from the promise they made to President Obama

Now, it wants to eliminate the public health insurance option. The
public insurance option would provide an option for people who cannot afford buy
private insurance because of the healthcare insurance industry’s

The public
health insurance option is a key provision in President Obama's plan to help
cover all of us
. It would finally give everyone the choice between
keeping our current insurance or switching to a new, high-quality public
. And under a public health insurance plan our premiums wouldn't
subsidize CEO salaries or stockholder profits
we'd all save a lot on
health care costs

There are basic problems with private healthcare insurance. Its premiums are
a very rough calculation with large profits built in. The industry has reduced
provider reimbursement and restricted access to care while raising premium and
maintaining grotesque administrative fees. The process is opaque to all.

government will do the same as a single party payer because it cannot afford the

Obama’s thinking on cost savings is defective
. The government outsources the
administrative services of its present government healthcare programs Medicare
and Medicaid to these very same healthcare insurance companies. The healthcare
insurance companies do the same thing to the government. Its providers
(physicians and hospitals) and consumers (patients) will experience the same
reductions and rationing of care. The program will fail just as the
Massachusetts program has failed to be affordable to the state. A systemic
change in the healthcare systems payment structure must occur in favor of
patients and physicians.

“If we had the choice of a public plan, private insurers would have to
lower rates and improve quality to compete
, so they're dead set
against it.”

The crafting of a campaign by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is the
first of many campaigns we will see in the coming months in an attempt to turn
public sentiment against the “National
Health Insurance Exchange.”

President Obama’s insurance exchange is another way of expanding the Medicare
program. His plan is to arrive at a single party payer through the back door
while promising to maintain the private insurance option. It is Hillary
Clinton’s healthcare plan of 1993 all over again. Nobody asked the practicing
physicians for solutions. Physicians’ representing associations have not done of
very good job of articulating solutions.

healthcare insurance industry is not looking to protect its customers
(consumers). It is looking to control the healthcare dollars and protect its
profits. However they have cooked the goose that laid their golden eggs by
abusing consumers, employers and physicians. Harry and Louise will not

Consumers are frustrated and angry. They do not trust government or the
healthcare insurance industry. They are looking for a creative solution.

The new media, the internet and blogs provide a chance for consumers to
express themselves.

“ Obama
will backtrack on this one, too! I don't have any hope that America will join
the 20th century to become a "progressive" democracy. We are an oligarchy and it
will stay that way. Just look how we elect people for office. Millions raised,
millions disappearing in someone's pocket. Money rules! ”

Consumers, it is time we drove the healthcare system because our surrogates
have let us down.  

“Not surprised at all by this. The health insurance companies have had an
unbelievable advantage, they can do anything they want. The only thing they need
to do is keep Congress happy with lobbyists because Congress is not their
customer, they have their own insurance paid by you and I. It's gloves off time
on health reform. These guys will pull no punches, they are fighting for their
yachts. While we lose insurance if we file a claim.”

It is time for consumers to demand control of their healthcare dollar. It is
time they have incentives to be responsible for their own health and be rewarded
for staying healthy. My
ideal medical savings account either funded by employers if the consumer is
employed or funded by the government with insurance for all is the solution that
must be demanded.

The opinions expressed in the blog
“Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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President Obama’s Healthcare Reform: A Slam Dunk: No Defense

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


After a White House meeting with healthcare leaders, President Obama pronounced that is was “a historic day, a watershed event,”. He brought doctors, hospitals, drug makers and insurance companies voluntarily together and they offered $2 trillion in cost reductions over 10 years.

“The savings, he said, “will help us take the next and most important step — comprehensive health care reform.” The meeting’s results were announced as if President Obama engineering a political coup bringing leaders of the health care industry to the White House and built momentum for his ambitious health care agenda.”

All the proposals from the meeting are vague and unenforceable. None of the proposals guarantee cost savings to the healthcare system. It is another trick play to break down the defense of the major stakeholders in the healthcare system. It represents an attempt at consensus building.

Mr. Obama had told the health care executives, you’ve made a commitment; we expect you to keep it.”

The healthcare insurance executives and the hospital system did not realize what the President was doing. The healthcare insurance industry says nice things in order to have a seat at the table. It knows it is the real villain. The President is saying nice things in order to avoid confrontation, “build consensus ” and impress the media with a sense of agreement among stakeholders for his healthcare reform package.

“The consensus-building approach has already yielded some results. Insurance executives have offered to end certain underwriting practices, like refusing to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions or charging women higher rates than men, and they have invited Congress to impose stringent, uniform federal regulation on their industry.”

The healthcare insurance industry has made promises without realizing what it has done.

“ But even as insurers and health care providers stand shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Obama in vowing to slow the growth of health spending, they oppose him on other fronts.”

“For example, insurance companies are opposed to a new government-sponsored health plan, which Mr. Obama supports but insurers fear could drive them out of business.”


The next day the healthcare insurance industry and the hospital systems realized the impact of the President’s coup. They realized he was wooing them but not talking about the same thing they were. President Obama’s noose is tightening around the healthcare insurance industry’s neck.

Health care leaders who attended the meeting have a different interpretation. They say they agreed to slow health spending in a more gradual way and did not pledge specific year-by-year cuts.”

In separate press releases the American Hospital Association and the American Association of Healthcare Insurers clarified their positions. The American Medical Association seems to have bitten President Obama’s hook. It has not protested President Obama’s healthcare plan nor has it offered effective executable reform measures. It has offered high level goal without a path to achieving the goals.

“There’s been a lot of misunderstanding that has caused a lot of consternation among our members,” said Richard J. Umbdenstock, the president of the American Hospital Association. ”

“The A.H.A. did not commit to support the ‘Obama health plan’ or budget. No such reform plan exists at this time.”

It sounded like President Obama faked out the AHA. They came back strong and denied agreement with the form that was presented by the President.

“Moreover, Mr. Pollack EVP of AHA wrote, “The groups did not support reducing the rate of health spending by 1.5 percentage points annually.” They had agreed to squeeze health spending so the annual rate of growth would eventually be 1.5 percentage points lower.”

The America’s Health Insurance Plans had the same reaction.

“Karen M. Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, said the savings would “ramp up” gradually as the growth of health spending slowed.”

Nancy-Ann DeParle reply tried to appease these two powerful vested interests. Her reply and correction of her reply made things worse.

Nancy-Ann DeParle, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, said “the president misspoke”. After providing that account, Ms. DeParle called back about an hour later on Thursday and said: “I don’t think the president misspoke. His remarks correctly and accurately described the industry’s commitment.”

Few speak of the details of President Obama’s healthcare reform plan. President Obama is going to slam dunk his healthcare reform. Congress and the stakeholders will be defenseless. Everyone will be caught flat footed.

Congressional Democrats are starting to complain about the process being secretive. Only a select group is writing the legislation. Republicans are lost. They are not offering insight or executable alternatives. If they have alternatives have not told stakeholders or the public. Before Americans know it a disastrous healthcare reform plan will pass by 51 votes in the senate.

Americans: Please wake up.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Trick Play


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Healthcare policy definitions are easy to confuse. I am an advocate for universal healthcare coverage. I am not an advocate for a single party payer. I believe the only way to be successful in repairing the healthcare system is to remove control of the healthcare dollar from the healthcare insurance industry. Consumers must be in control of their health care dollars. The ideal Medical Savings account can motivate patients to be responsible for their health.

Patients with chronic disease must be motivated to control their chronic disease. If they are motivated to control their disease healthcare costs would decrease. Using the ideal medical savings account a patient with diabetes for example would be expected to spend $4000 dollars a year. It they controlled their disease well and avoided hospitalization their employer or the government could afford to provide a bonus. If they controlled their disease and avoided hospitalization they would have $2000 to put in a retirement account. They could be eligible for an additional $2000 bonus. The result is a savings of $4000 into their retirement account. Patient responsibility and motivation are the only way we have a chance to Repair the Healthcare System.

President Obama healthcare plan is going to make patients more dependent on government and less responsible for their care and choices. In fact choice will be rationed. His allies in the single party payer camp are complaining that he has “caved” in to hospitals and healthcare insurance companies.

They claim he was elected to install a single party payer system. They ignore the point that the government cannot afford to pay for the Medicare single party payer system much less universal coverage for the entire population as the single party payer.

The function of the government should be to make appropriate rules to align the incentives of all the stakeholders in the healthcare system. President Obama is confusing everyone with his position on healthcare reform in order to decrease resistance to his plan. My guess is he is doing it intentionally.

“Although Barack Obama was elected on a health care reform platform, his version ignores single payer. Nor is single payer advocated by his allies in the well-funded coalition called Health Care for America Now, composed of MoveOn, USAction, ACORN, Americans United for Change, the unions SEIU and UFCW and other liberal heavy hitters.”

President Obama is a clever politician. He understands that it would be political suicide to directly advocate a single party payer system. The American public wants choice. They do not want to have healthcare rationed. The American public understands the government cannot afford a single party payer system for all. The public outrage would dominate the debate. His healthcare plan is designed to arrive at a single party payer system by default.

The advocates of a single party payer do not understand the subtlety of President Obama’s positioning in the healthcare reform debate. .

“Journalist Russell Mokhiber, founder of the new group Single Payer Action, notes that no advocate of a single payer system was invited to the recent White House summit on health care reform. Only protests by Progressive Democrats of America and others won an invitation for Congressman John Conyers, sponsor of the United States National Health Care Act: H.R.676.”

The advocates of single party payer system are now attacking President Obama. They are accusing him of caving in to the demand of powerful vested interests.

“Mokhiber quotes Dr. David Himmelstein of Physicians for a National Health Program: “The President once acknowledged that single payer reform was the best option, but now he’s caving in to corporate health care interests and completely shutting out advocates of single payer reform," even though "the majority of Americans favor single payer, and it’s the most popular reform option among doctors and health economists."

This is political spin. President Obama is not caving into anyone. The majority of Americans are do not want rationing of health care that usually follows the high cost of a single party payer by government that exists in other western countries.

The President knows the best way to achieve a single party payer system. His plan is to get there by default.

The Obama healthcare reform plan is create a National Health Insurance Exchange to help individuals who wish to purchase a private insurance plan. The Exchange will act as a watchdog group and help reform the private insurance market by creating rules and standards for participating insurance plans to ensure fairness and to make individual coverage more affordable and accessible.

I believe his National Health Insurance Exchange will drive the private insurance companies out of the healthcare insurance business. This might not be a half bad idea since the healthcare insurance industry controls healthcare cost and earns a grotesque amount of money.

It could change the healthcare insurance industry but I doubt it. It should become a 6% broker as the administrative service organization instead of 15% broker in a private insurance system. However there is no price transparency. In reality the government pays 18% for Medicare administrative services. President Obama healthcare reform proposals will not repair this abuse. Nothing will change. The government will restrict access and ration healthcare.

Watch out.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Stimulus Fiasco: Part 2

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama is counting on electronic health records (EMR) to help modernize the nation’s dysfunctional health care system, improve the quality of care and reduce its cost. He should understand the real costs of an EMR. The cost of disruption of the work flow, the issue of incompatibility and connectivity with other EMRs, and the costs of maintenance, service and software upgrades are all important barriers not taken into account in his stimulus package. If President Obama must think that throwing money at the conversion to electronic medical records (EMR) is going to work, he is wrong. He is using the wrong route.

“His stimulus package will provide $19 billion over the next two years to promote the adoption and use of health information technology, and he has pledged to spend some $50 billion in all over five years.”

Both hospitals and physicians offices have been slow to adopt EMR’s. Most physicians would love to have EMR’s to decrease paperwork and medical errors. However, many practices have legacy EMR systems that do not provide functionality necessary. These practices are struggling with the notion to reinvest in a new EMR as their reimbursement is decreasing, cost flow is ebbing, and physician income is decreasing

“PwC estimates that the average three-physician practice can expect to invest between $173,750 and $296,000 over two years to purchase and maintain an EHR system. “

A three man ophthalmology practice was quoted $65,000 per physician plus service and maintenance. The final figure was $95,000 per physician. The EMR is fairly functional. It would not qualify for a rebate from the stimulus package.

The physicians initially complained about the disruption in their work flow. After three months they started to accommodate to the change in work flow. Now they feel they need an upgrade to add functionality. The physicians are now concerned about the maintenance and service charge per year.

“Individual physicians, not practices, can receive up to a total of $44,000 each for adopting certified EHRs.”

President Obama’s subsidy is helpful but many physicians still cannot afford the upfront cost.

“Hospital systems main impediment is money. Many hospitals simply do not have the capital to buy systems that can cost $20 million to $200 million, especially when so many are struggling to remain solvent. Hospitals also worry about high maintenance costs, an uncertain payoff on their investment, and a lack of staff with adequate technical expertise.”

There is a perverse outcome to installation of an EMR. Physicians and hospital systems may realize some return on their EHR investment. The primary returns on the physicians’ and hospital systems’ investment is expected to mostly accrue to private and public payers.

“The federal government estimates that the conversion to digital records will save $12 billion in healthcare spending over 10 years.”

The federal government saving twelve billion dollars over 10 years is a small return on a $50 billion dollar investment. The investment risk is compounded by the uncertainty of implementation of a fully functional EMR.

The survey also found that:

  • 82% of hospital CIOs have already cut IT spending budgets in 2009 by an average of 10%, with one in 10 making more drastic cuts of greater than 30%.
  • 66% of CIOs say they expect to be asked to make further cuts in IT spending before the end of 2009.

It is not difficult to understand that hospitals want to cut costs. They are reporting cash flow and profit margin problems. The government cannot afford Medicare and Medicaid in its present form. President Obama’s plan is to expand both Medicare and Medicaid while decreasing patient coverage and provider reimbursement. Premiums for Medicare and deductibles have been increasing steadily.

  • 64% of CIOs agreed that it is impossible to balance demand with the need to cut costs.
  • One-half of CIOs with more than 500 beds say that federal funding is "crucial" to their ability to implement EHRs.

The stimulus formula for subsidizing hospital systems is a function of the hospital system’s volume of Medicare and Medicaid patients. With government reimbursement decreasing, hospital systems are reinventing themselves to attract paying customers. They are developing high productivity profit centers such as back centers, cardiovascular centers, and gastric bypass centers. Hospital systems “lose money” on acute illnesses. Hospital systems are trying to move away from their dependence of Medicare and Medicaid patients.

It should be obvious that President Obama’s EMR stimulus plan has not been well thought out.

The American Medical Association seems to be on the right track. It is clear to me that someone is listening to me.

“The American Medical Association is developing a Web-based service offering doctors electronic prescribing, up-to-date reference material and other resources.

The idea is to make it easier for physicians to adopt technology President Obama is promoting for health care reform, to streamline their workload, and improve patient care.”

“Doctors will be able to use it to access numerous electronic medical services, including the latest science on diseases, and electronic health records, said Dr. Joseph Heyman, chairman of the AMA’s board.”

There are no details available yet. It is encouraging that the AMA is trying to be proactive.

President Obama, this is not rocket science. If you put a totally functioning electronic medical record in the cloud in the next few months, the most it should cost the government (taxpayer) is about 5 billion dollars.

The software could be serviced and upgraded at no cost to the providers of healthcare services. The taxpayers return on the dollar would be at least three times that amount in the first year if the providers paid by the click. Payment by the click would not be a burden to physicians or hospital systems.

Physicians and hospital systems would instantly have a fully functioning EMR. The government could use the same business plan credit card companies use. It could even set up an auto pay system.

President Obama, I hope you read this and arrive at an "ah ha" moment and change the route you are taking to convert medicine to an electronic information system.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Electronic Medical Records

    patients should keep copies of their electronic medical records thorugh services like ours.
    This way, they will be in control and it could actually reduce their health care bills.

  • Stephen Holland, MD

    Those two comments look like paid advertisements. I encourage my patients to put their records on a usb thumb drive and take it with them. This is great for college kids. BTW, all my records are kept as PDF’s. so it is trivial to put the records on the patient’s thumb drive.

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