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Politicians,Healthcare and Vested Interests


What Is It All About?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

It is all about concentrating control over the healthcare system in the federal government. It is about increasing profits of the healthcare insurance industry. It is about decreasing consumers’ freedom to choose a physician. It is about inhibiting physicians’ freedom to use clinical judgment. 

It is designed to happen slowly and insidiously. The trick is to increase control and decrease freedom so that it is not noticed until after it has happened.

Obamacare will not collapse in the next day or two. It will take months to a few years before the major stakeholders (consumers/patients) realize what has happened to our healthcare system.

Only when every consumer is affected will there be a unified public community outcry to repeal Obamacare.  

It might be too late at that time. All the stakeholders will have adjusted to the new but unsuccessful healthcare system at the taxpayers’ expense.

Socialized medicine has not been cost effective anywhere in the free world.

Eighty percent of the people are not sick at any one time. The healthy think the socialized healthcare system in their society is fine until they get sick.

Most people do not realize that the bureaucratic costs and inefficiency in a socialized medicine system consume a high percentage of the GNP.

 Americans would not tolerate 50% of the GNP going to the healthcare system. Especially when the quality of care and access to care has diminished along with the rationing of care.

Medical care is personal. Commoditization of medical care is not personal. When consumers realize they do not have the freedom to choose there will be a reaction.

President Obama’s public relations machine is pumping out deceptions and half-truths right and left about the success of the web site in December without producing any facts except the number of people who visited the site. The implication is these consumers have signed up and received healthcare insurance.

The defects in the implementation are too numerous to count.  The New York Times is not deterred. It is regurgitating the Obama administrations press releases. The administration admits the rollout has had a lot of glitches. However, the administration as well as the New York Times has said that over time all Americans will all be happy with the results of Obamacare.

The mainstream media is spinning President Obama’s story.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post started off the New Year with the following statement.

“Now that the fight over ObamaCare is history, perhaps everyone can finally focus on making the program work the way it was designed. Or, preferably, better.”

It is no longer a matter of logic. It is no longer a question of what will work or what will not work. Obamacare is the law of the land. Therefore it is best to shut up and live with it.

No one is talking about Obamacare defects or its inevitable failure.

The fight is history, you realize. Done. Finito. Yesterday's news.

Any existential threat to the Affordable Care Act ended with the popping of champagne corks as the New Year arrived.

 “That was when an estimated 6 million uninsured Americans received coverage through expanded Medicaid eligibility or the federal and state health insurance exchanges.”

“ObamaCare is now a fait accompli; nobody is going to take this coverage away from the millions of uninsured”

 Let us keep half-truths in perspective. Where did Eugene Robinson get the fact that 6 million people got insurance coverage on the health insurance exchanges?

Over 6.5 million people lost their healthcare insurance already under Obamacare and 48 million people were said to be uninsured before Obamacare. President Obama promised that 30 million new people would receive insurance under Obamacare.

These calculations should give most thinking people a headache.

Carl Sandburg, in the Prairie Years ,said that a liar has to have a good memory. However, if you tell enough lies and cover them with enough distractions the audience experiences information overload and doesn’t remember the lies.

It seems to me that Obamacare does not solve any of the problems in the healthcare system.

It is going to make the healthcare insurance industry richer, the pharmaceutical industry richer and the middle class poorer as coverage is reduced, deductibles are increased, access to care is reduced and rationing of care is increased.

Access to medical care should be universal.

Obamacare changes the entire healthcare system. It permits 20% of the population to have access to healthcare insurance while destroying the present healthcare coverage system for 80% of the population. Most of that 80% claim they liked their insurance and their doctor.

President Obama lied to them when he told them they could keep their insurance and their doctor. He is now telling them Obamacare is for their own good.

Why should the government decide on our healthcare coverage?

Healthcare insurance never made people healthy. People help themselves stay healthy.

The main issue is the present healthcare system is unsustainable.

Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable.

The private employer sponsored healthcare system is unsustainable.

The Veterans Administration healthcare system is unsustainable.

The present and impending failures of Obamacare are unsustainable.   

What can America do?

The consumer’s responsibility is missing from the entire discussion. How do you create a system that lets consumers be responsible for their health and healthcare?

How do consumers stop healthcare insurance executives from making obscene salaries and drug companies obscene profits?

It is by consumers not buying their products.

There must be total transparency of healthcare products available to consumers. Consumers must be educated to evaluate these products. Only then can consumers choose the best healthcare and medical care value for them.

There must also be a financial incentive for consumers to be responsible for their own healthcare and medical care decisions.  

It is not by imposing an ideology that promotes central government control of the healthcare system.

It is not by creating more entitlements

Government bureaucracy is inefficient. It does not help the masses. It helps insiders. It leads to cost overruns.

 It stifles innovations.

 It is not by imposing a system of redistribution of wealth that is going to fix the healthcare system.

Politicians are forced to disguise the redistribution of wealth because it threatens their re-election prospects.  

Our elected officials passed the 10 hidden taxes that have been in force for four years going on five to finance Obamacare before it is fully implemented.

The costs of these taxes have been passed on to consumers. The majority of consumers are in the middle class. They are paying for these taxes indirectly.

In reality President Obama is taxing the working middle class and lower class as well as people making over $250,000 a year. Despite these increased in taxes Obamacare still in for more cost overruns.

The taxpayers’ problem is the administration is unwilling to reveal these cost overruns.

President Obama recently promised to bail out the healthcare insurance industry if they lose money on Obamacare.

This promise is almost as upsetting as providing a waiver to Congress from Obamacare.

Government’s role is to educate consumers.

It is not to create increasing entitlements to have more and more central control over the population.

Entitlements do not work!

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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  • Richard A Dickey,MD

    I agree with your assertion that the greed of the insurance and drug industry leaders are wrong and that Obama and Congress accepted feeding that greed to get the ACA passed. It is time to correct that but, on the whole, I support the ACA. Here is my recently submitted letter to the Editor of the NC Med Journal about this:
    To the Editor — The November/December NCMJ’s letter to the Editor, ‘Health Care Costs Must Come Down’ by Ron Howrigen, president of Fulcrum Strategies, Raleigh, NC, demands a response. This is mine.
    I heartily agree with the author that Health care costs must come down. This is inarguable and, in spite of the author’s pessimism, I note that the rate of rise of health care costs has already moderated since the Affordable Care Act ( ACA) was passed, even though it will cause a rise (estimated at 6%) as the millions of uninsured (at least double the 6%) are extended coverage by the ACA as it is fully implemented. However, the author totally avoided discussion of the ethical and moral issues the ACA sought to address, particularly the American public’s right to access and coverage of good health care. It has been our obligation, as fellow members of a wealthy nation, to provide that coverage after having failed to address it for over fifty years. Notably, the author, a consultant to physicians, is certainly not a disinterested party in the health care system and therefore his denial of any conflict of interest is hardly forthright. He actually admits his conflict in his statement of his ‘biggest concern,’ i.e. that the ACA will try to control costs by drastically reducing reimbursement to physicians. He and we must realize that our health care system is rapidly evolving to become not nearly as dependent on the physician as it has been in the past.
    When the ACA was being considered by the Congress, those whose corporate bottom lines might be significantly impacted by it and the lobbyists who represent those interests read and studied the ACA carefully. I too read it, all of it. Yet few physicians or patients to whom I spoke had actually read even a small portion of the ACA. As I discussed it with others, I shared my excitement about the significant amount of the ACA which was directed to research ways to assess and improve medical care and coverage. I believe these aspects of the ACA had been included with the expectation that, someday, the findings of the research funded by the ACA could and would be used to improve health care and save money through the implementation of evidence-based practices and payment policies identified by that research. I am not unaware of the considerable compromises and gifts our elected officials in Washington, including our President, had to accept to get the ACA through Congress. I hoped that, over time, the positive effects and benefits of the ACA, such as the coverage of the nearly 50 million Americans without insurance and the removal of the pre-existing condition clauses, would be appreciated by most Americans. While I was disappointed especially in the failure of our President to be successful in his quest to avoid many of those concessions in the final ACA, I hoped those gifts to some corporate interests, including hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical businesses, could be ameliorated or even reversed with time.
    While I am dismayed by the unrelenting efforts in Congress to undo or limit funds for the ACA, the deficiencies of which are remediable, I remain excited about the good things which have already come and will be coming from this act, one of the most courageous, morally right steps our nation has ever taken.
    Richard A Dickey, MD, FACP, FACE
    Retired endocrinologist
    51 Players Ridge Road
    Hickory, North Carolina 28601-8839
    (828) 495-1230

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Are Medicare Premiums Increasing In 2014

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

The other day a reader received the new notification of Social Security benefits for himself and his wife in 2014.

He wrote,

 Dr. Feld

I am 72 years old.

I am a person who earns a substantial amount of earned and unearned income.

I am also forced by law to take a portion of money out of my retirement plan. I have been confused by the disinformation, misinformation, false promises we have been given by President Obama and his administration.

In the past I had not been curious about my Social Security benefits. It had no impact on my way of life. I paid into Social Security all my life and figured I should get some benefit.

However, with all the talk about the redistribution of wealth and Dr. Donald Berwick saying the essential fabric of universal healthcare coverage is the redistribution of wealth, I have been paying a little more attention to the Social Security benefit in recent years.

The change in the amount taken out of my benefit next year seemed way out of proportion to the amount taken out this year. I believe I made the same amount of money in earned and unearned in 2012 as I did in 2011.

I tried to figure out why the difference and ran into a lot of disjointed and uninterpretable explanations for these increases. Attached are mycommunications from the Social Security Administration. I have redacted our names from the letters.

Can you please explain these increases?

 Thank you in advance. 


Dear Sir;

I will give it a try.  The Obama administration has not raised the premium rates on Medicare Part B for 2014. I guess the plan is not to agitate seniors as Obamacare has agitated people in the individual market.

Most people do not pay attention to laws and regulations until those laws affect them adversely.

 Most of our senators and representatives did not read the Obamacare law before they passed it. On realizing Obamacare’s impact on them Congress lobbied the President for a waiver. Congress received the waiver.

Nancy Pelosi said in all her brilliance,

 “We need to pass the law in order to find out what is in it.” printed this statement before the November elections in 2012.

"What you permit, you promote."

" The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: $104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; and $247.00 in 2014.

These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns."

 The delay of the increase was one of President Obama’s trick plays.

 The author asked us;

"Send this to all seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus. Obama knows this will kill his chances for a second term if enacted now, and he thinks that voters are stupid and won't know or care about anything that doesn't affect them now!


This is a list of the increases from 2009 through 2012.

You will notice the base price went up each year until the election year. In 2012 the prices were published before the presidential election. President Obama used Medicare’s base price reduction as an election asset.

The projected increases published in April 2012 are,

2013:   $109.10

2014:   $112.10

2015:   $117.00

2016:   $122.00

2017:   $128.20

2018:   $135.50

The new projected increase to be published in November 2014 after the election cycle is a jump to a base price of $247 dollars a month per person.

 The 2014 increase is from $99.90 to $104.90.

 The big increase seniors will experience is in the deductibles, allowed services, and a restricted drug formulary.

The means testing adjusted gross income fees have not changed for 2014 price increases for the means adjusted gross income.

Sir, your means adjusted gross income must have jumped from $214,000 range to over $428,000 on your 2012 tax return.

You might have had a large carried forward tax lose on your 2011 tax return if your income in 2011 and 2012 were the same.

The result was a MAGI adjustment to a $230.80 increase to the base premium from the adjustment of $42.00 for 2013.

The Obama administration did not increase the prices in means testing for 2014.

The total premium for complete Medicare A,B,D,F is not cheap.

The premium is $405 dollars a month for each of you or a total of $810 dollars.

This amount will be deducted from your monthly Social Security check or $9,720 dollars a year.

 This amount does not include the $170 per month for each of your Medicare Part F supplemental insurance. Medicare Part F pays all your physician and hospital deductibles. The total premium is $4,080 per year in after tax dollars. Medicare Part D premium cost about $57 dollar per month each or a total of $1368 in after tax dollars. 

 The total in addition to $9,720 in pre tax dollars is $4,080 in post tax dollars or $13,800.

 The $4,080 post tax dollar premium is equal to $6,800 pre-tax dollars. This premium is not deductible.

Therefore the total is $6,800 plus $9,720 or a grand total of $16,520 a year for Medicare Part B, Part D, and Part F premiums for both you and your wife in 2014.

This is excluding deductible cost for brand name drugs and full the cost for drugs not on the formulary. It also does not pay for physicians that do not participate in Medicare.

 The Part A deductible has increased in 2014 to $1,216.00 from $1,084.00 in 2013. Medicare also pays 80% of the hospitals allowable fee after the $1,216.00.

 The Medicare Part B deductible is unchanged at $147.00. However you will get one free physical examination each year.

 These premiums are an example of the redistribution of wealth in our healthcare system.

 The means testing formula serves to supplement seniors who live on Social Security.

 Many have lost retirement benefits in the last few years.  Medicare’s base premium is too expensive for those less fortunate. Many are struggling to survive even if they do not need medical care.

Raising taxes or lowering premiums by the government is not going to solve the problems.

A single party payer system is not going to solve the problems.

Medicare is already single party payer system!! Its structure is wrong and destined to failure.

A consumer driven system for seniors with financial incentives to stay healthy will go a long way to decreasing costs and save consumers money.  

It will also save the government a great deal of money.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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President Obama’s “Noble Lie”

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The Obama administration has been riddled with multiple scandals such as Fast and Furious, IRS, Benghazi, the red line on Syria, saying he is protecting Israel’s back, NSA and now the Obamacare roll out.

Bob Woodward on the Chris Wallace Show on November 18th said he was not impressed with President Obama’s lie about Americans keeping their own insurance and their doctor if they like him. 

To paraphrase Bob Woodward’s comment he said President Obama’s goal was to do something Noble for the American people. He wanted to provide insurance for the 30 million uninsured Americans.

My impression is Bob Woodward was forgiving President Obama’s  “Noble Lie.” He moved on to the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare  web site.

I was floored.

I thought about Bob Woodward’s statement for a long time. His statement reminded me of Plato’s Philosopher King.

My humanities teacher at Columbia College, Gilbert Highet ,was obsessed with Plato’s concept of the “Noble Lie.”

Gilbert Highet believed it is the duty of the intellectual to support freedom and defend pluralism.

He emphasized that the concept of the “Noble Lie” was exactly what the American founders rejected in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The very next day one of my readers sent me an article by historian and author Arthur Herman ("The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization) concerning Plato’s “Noble Lie.”


He wrote,

Thomas Jefferson once confessed to John Adams that he had been rereading Plato’s "Republic" and “laid it down often to ask myself how it could have been that the world should have so long consented to give reputation to such nonsense as this,” including the notion of the Noble Lie.

They knew rulers, no matter how well educated or experienced, actually have no superior knowledge to ordinary people, because they all understand and judge reality at the same level.

That’s why Noble Lies aren’t just wrong. They also don’t work very long because citizens can see what’s real and true just as clearly as any of Plato’s Philosopher Kings, and sooner or later will catch them out.

President Obama has a knack of moving the traditional media quickly off one “Noble Lie” on to another before the first lie and its consequences can be fully appreciated by the people.

George Will had a wonderful statement about this ability. He called it

Clunker progressivism.

“Barack Obama’s presidency has become a feast of failures whose proliferation protects their author from close scrutiny of any one of them.

Now, however, we can revisit one of the first and see it as a harbinger of progressivism’s downward stumble to”

The following quote of Plato by Arthur Herman sounds a little bit like Bob Woodward’s statement last Sunday.

 It is the business of the rulers of the city,” Plato wrote in his "Republic," “to tell lies, deceiving both its enemies and its own citizens for the benefit of the city…”  

In fact, the wise ruler — Plato’s Philosopher King — must be prepared to “administer a great many liesand falsehoods,” Plato went on, for the benefit of the masses.  

Plato goes on to justify the “Noble Lie.”

 “The Philosopher King knows that they are too ignorant to ever see the truth about their city’s problems and how to fix them.”

“And at times it’s only through telling what Plato called “a noble lie” that he or she can get the people’s cooperation in achieving it.” 

Mr. Obama, you are not Plato!

The traditional media and the Democratic Party promote these Noble Lies.

Arthur Herman goes on to say,

And every lie is planted for a single end: to justify increasing the power of the federal government, and with it the clout of its Number One champion, the Democrat Party.”

The Democrats who voted for Obamacare either knew or understood its provisions. If they did not understand the provisions because they did not read the bill before they voted for Obamacare they were not doing their job.

It was predictable that Obamacare would be a disaster for ten of millions of Americans already holding health insurance policies. 

Above all, they knew their president had deceived the American public into accepting this financial and moral disaster, in order to clear the way for a single payer, completely government-run health system”

In either case they should all be thrown out of office.

Americans have not seen anything yet!

Wait until they try to see a doctor or receive access to needed medical care once Obamacare get further on down the implementation road.

It is going to get worse!

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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What Is Going On With Obamacare?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama’s implementation of Obamacare is right on course to destroy the healthcare system and replace it with the federal government being the single party payer.

He is out to prove that the free market system does not work.

President Obama uses the strategies of Cloward and Pivan as well as Saul Alinsky to overwhelm the healthcare system. The goal is to create chaos in the system.

At the same time he attacks his enemies personally.

Cloward and Pivan said full enrollment of those eligible for welfare (entitlement/Obamacare) “would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would “deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city political parties and party coalitions.

The remaining white middle class, the working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor would be polarized. This would further weaken democratic institutions and existing political parties.

"In order to avoid the continuation of the chaos the federal government would step in and be obligated to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas.”[3]

Doesn’t this sound familiar? This week President Obama presented a non-fix to fix the problem of over five million people losing their insurance coverage. His move will only accelerate the chaos in the healthcare system he has already created.

Saul Alinsky said “do not let the enemy attack with a constructive solution. The enemy must be neutralized before its solution takes hold.”

The way to neutralize the enemy is by focusing on an individual you are going to attack. “Do not attack the constructive solution or the institution.”

Freeze the criticism on the individual; personalize the individual criticism and then polarize the populous against the individual and the constructive solution that individual represents. 

This is exactly what President Obama and the Democrats did to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. President Obama ignores the opposition’s constructive solutions.

An unidentified source sent me this comment. I am in total agreement

“Obamacare was designed to fail so that the unwashed masses, at the mercy of a cumbersome and unworkable system would look to Obama and the Feds for salvation in the form of single-payer medical care”. 

The only "incompetent and unknowledgeable" aspect of the situation is that Obama never, ever considered that the sycophantic Mainstream Media would ever call him out on this.

President Obama has never considered the wisdom of the American people.

In reality, government interference with the free market and its bureaucratic structure, inefficiencies and ill informed advisors have been the major cause of all the chaos.

Ben Carson quote

Barney Frank and John Kerry told President Obama that the only way Obamacare would work is with a strong public option and a single party payer system. President Obama’s response was don’t worry just pass the Affordable Care Act.

The creation of chaos in the healthcare system is the first step. Obamacare has succeed is creating chaos for people having their healthcare insurance coverage cancelled.

President Obama promised them that they could keep their insurance if they like their insurance. They could also keep their doctor if they liked their doctor.

He knew that this was not true in 2010. Nevertheless he promised it 23 more times since.

The New York Times reported,” A Contrite Obama Unveils a Health Fix

President Obama announced a fix to his signature health care law that will allow existing customers to keep their insurance plans.”

President Obama was far from contrite in my view. His non-fix fix will serve to accelerate the chaos in the marketplace.

His pronouncement is unconstitutional.

The insurance industry is not inclined to do things obviously against the “law of the land”. The main reason is the insurance industry has already purged the old insurance policies from their systems.

It will be impossible to reactivate them again in four weeks.

Increasing chaos is an important step in accelerating President Obama’s endgame to collapse the entire healthcare system.

Let us look at what he said during his “contrite” press conference.

"His announced fix is aimed at remedying the mass cancellation of individually purchased insurance plans by letting insurance companies re-offer non-compliant policies."

President Obama let slip that this is one big blame-shifting exercise. He announced that no one would be able to say Obamacare caused him or her to lose insurance.  

This is a Saul Alinsky tactic. The insurance industry has no inclination or ability to change its policies this late in the game. The industry can only lose money doing this.

President Obama has thus set up the healthcare insurance industry to take the blame for the before and after crisis in the healthcare system.

The fix undermines the essential premise of Obamacare. The young healthy people need to be forced into buying insurance through the health insurance exchanges. Insurance they do not want or need.

The President’s new fix will explicitly encourage many people to stay out of the exchange. The signal is clear that no one should sign up now because the entire program is in flux.  Young people do not trust President Obama anymore.

There were a series of incredible statements and lies made at the fix press conference.  Those paying close attention could hear them.

We fumbled the rollout on this health-care law.”

No kidding. Where is the lie about the promise you made after you knew this would happen with both the web site and the ability to keep your insurance.

“I completely get how upsetting this can be for a lot of Americans.”

Thank you Mr. President.

“It is a complex process.”

Therefore, no one in the administration is to be blamed for anything that went wrong because it is a complex process.

“I was not informed directly [How about indirectly?], that the Web site would not be working. . . .

I don’t think I’m stupid enough to go around saying this is going to be like shopping on Amazon or Travelocity, a week before the Web site opens, if I thought that it wasn’t going to work.”

This is either an intentional lie or he did not listen to people who were telling him the web site was not ready.

People were telling him for months that the web site was not ready, not secure and not tested.

It is time for President Obama take some personal responsibility.

“With respect to the pledge I made that if you like your plan you can keep it. . . that there is no doubt that the way I put that forward unequivocally ended up not being accurate.”

President Obama didn’t lie. He was just inaccurate. Hah!

“The Affordable Care Act is not going to be the reason why insurers have to cancel your plans.”

President Obama must be kidding. His administration’s regulations made the old insurance policies against the law of the land.

“The federal government does a lot of things really well. One of those things it does not do well is information technology procurement.”

Is it the federal government’s fault when President Obama awarded the non-bid contract to build the web site to Michelle Obama’s girlfriend?

“In terms of what happens on Nov. 30th or Dec. 1st, I think it’s fair to say that the improvement will be marked and noticeable.”

I thought we were promised that the web site would be fixed by November 30.

“What we are also discovering is insurance is complicated to buy.”

 Why make it more complicated with Obamacare? The process could and should be simplified.

“There is no doubt that our failure to roll out the ACA smoothly has put a burden on Democrats, whether they’re running or not.”

The burden is on the Democrats. They were fools to pass this un-executable law without reading it or understanding it.

Didn’t Nancy Pelosi tell fellow Democrats that they have to pass the bill in order to see what is in it?

Democrats were the only ones that voted yes for the bill. They are responsible for what is in it.

They all deserve to be kicked out of office in 2014.

“There have been times where I thought we were … slapped around a little bit unjustly. This one’s deserved, all right?”

Again Saul Alinsky comes up. In the last few days I have once again seen the race card come up in the traditional media and among celebrities. Alinsky said attack your enemy personally.

There is beginning to be outrage and fear among the people of all socioeconomic groups. Everyone is now getting President Obama number. No one trusts him anymore.

 Obamacare must be repealed. America must start all over again to reform the healthcare system.

A good place to start is with My Ideal Medical Savings Accounts and Tort Reform.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Additional Defects In Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I have been saying Obamacare is going to fail long before
the bill was passed into law. Obamacare will fail because of multiple system
design defects.

I would hate to believe these defects were built into the
system purposefully.

It was done to prove that free market forces do not work.
The Obama administration created a “not so free market”. These not so free
markets have been proven to fail over and over again.

It seems logical that given the $1 trillion dollar a year
deficits of the Obama administration, someone, somewhere would be interested in
decreasing the deficit spending.

None of the increased government spending has improved the
economy, decreased unemployment or decreased uncertainty.

The computer system defects in the health insurance
exchanges are much deeper than the sound bite treatment they getting from the
Obama administration.

The task of integrating 40-50 year old legacy computer
systems is an extremely difficult task using 50-year-old software.

Information technology experts have told me that the
health insurance exchange computer sign up system ( is months to
years away from getting the health insurance exchange information system fixed.

It should be destroyed after spending $634 million dollars
and redone using modern technology.               

The verification of people who qualify for government
subsidies is being dropped. The patient’s word about need is being accepted in
lieu of verification.

This is a tremendous glitch in the system, opening the
system to tremendous fraud and abuse. It is not a way to run a business.

John McAfee former CEO and founder of McAfee antivirus
said the health insurance exchange web site is a hacker's wet dream. The You
Tube explains why he came to this conclusion.

Poor patients who might qualify for the Obamacare tax
credits do not pay income tax. Therefore they have no income to apply a tax
credit against.

The administration has dropped word tax credit. It is now called
a subsidy. The law’s tax credit will be given to the healthcare insurance
company selling the insurance.

This is a “glitch.” The law was written to pay the states
for those who qualify for a tax credit. A Washington D.C. ruled that the case
by states against Obamacare has merit.

The states contend that persons’ insured through the
federal government exchanges do not qualify for federal tax credits.
states can receive and distribute the tax credits.

The law was reinterpreted by the Obama administration
without the consent of congress.

Another “glitch” is that the healthcare insurance industry
is given limitless power to collect money from the Treasury. The mechanics are not

Affordable Care Act may give health insurance companies a virtually limitless
power to tap the U.S. Treasury, thereby lifting insurers' profits to
undreamt-of heights. This power derives from the mathematical formula for
calculating individual subsidies.”

The mathematical formula for calculating the subsidies
will cause America’s deficit to skyrocket further each year.

President Obama told America that Obamacare would bend the
cost curve downward and provide an efficient cost effective healthcare system
for all.

Let us look at the payment formula. A family of four
earning $30,000 year will not pay more than 2% a year for healthcare insurance
($600/year). This makes the Accountable Care Act (Obamacare) affordable for the
poor (maybe).  

If the premium of the healthcare insurance policy obtained
by this poor family costs $10,000 a year through the health insurance exchange the
federal government will pay the remaining $9,400 in the form of a tax credit to
the insurance company.

Originally, it sounded like the family would get a tax
credit after the family paid $10,000. A family making up to $40,000 a year does
not pay any taxes and therefore a tax credit is worthless.

The wording was changed from a tax credit to a
subsidy.  The tax credit now goes to the
healthcare insurance company providing the insurance policy.

The tricky thing about all this is the insurance
industry’s tax credits  reduce the
governments tax receipts and increases the insurance companies net profit.

The net effect is an increase in tax-free income from the
federal treasury.

The government collects less income tax from the insurance

 The Obama
administration has given the healthcare insurance industry a huge tax break.
The tax break will increase the industry’s bottom line profits.

Obamacare has permitted the insurance company to have a
Medical/Loss ratio of 80/20. The Medical/Loss ratio means that the healthcare
industry must spend at least 80% of the insurance premiums collected on direct
medical care.

If it only spends 75% on direct medical care, the healthcare
company must give provide a 5% rebate.  

Here in lies the rub. The Obama administration has let the
healthcare insurance industry define direct medical care.

These are some of the services the Obama administration
has permitted the healthcare insurance industry to categorize as direct medical


  1. The cost of verifying the credentials
    of doctors in its networks.
  2. The cost of ferreting out fraud such as
    catching physicians over testing patients or doing unnecessary operations.
  3.  The cost of programs such as help desks
    that keep people who have
    out of emergency rooms.
  4.  Some insurers have insisted that
    typical business expenses are included — such as sales commissions for
    insurance agents and taxes paid on healthcare insurance companies investments

Each one of these "direct medical care expenses"
has an added on profit included in the direct medical care expense category.

This is the way the healthcare insurance industry takes
40-60% of each premium off the top and leaves only 40-60% of healthcare dollars
for direct medical care.

Next year the healthcare insurance company will be
permitted to raise the healthcare insurance premium of a poor family to
$12,000. Its excuse will be that it is losing money.

If the premium is not raised the healthcare insurer will
quit providing the insurance. The government is totally dependent on the
insurer whether the insurer provides insurance as it does in the health
insurance exchanges or for administrative services as it does for Medicare (a single
party payer).  

The poor family still makes $30,000 dollars a year and
still pays $600 dollar a year for the now $12,000 dollar premium.

The insurance company now keeps $2,400 vs. $2,000 for
overhead and profit plus all the profit they can get from the direct care
dollars that should really be overhead.

The federal government gives the healthcare insurer a tax
credit of $11,400 vs. $9,400.

 The poor insurance
enrollee doesn't pay a penny more for his healthcare insurance.

The only loser is the American taxpayer who will pay the
subsidy in the form of increased taxes.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare Drives Premiums Up In 45 Of 50 States

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

President Obama promised
during his campaign for passage of the Affordable Care Act that the Act would
cause premiums "for the typical family" to fall by $2500.

He also said it would bend
the healthcare cost curve and if you like your doctor you can keep him or her.
We all remember these sound bites. The sound bites are all turning out to be

Many intelligent people who
believe in Obamacare refuse to consider these facts. I can understand the

They will pay attention as
soon as it effects them.   

The added required benefits mandated
in insurance coverage in the law and the way the healthcare insurance industry
is permitted to calculate its Medical Loss Ratio makes President Obama’s
calculation impossible.

President Obama has been telling
the American public a lie all the while. People are starting to understand.  

The average one month premium
change from buying insurance in the non-group market in 2013 versus the
Obamacare exchanges in 2014 is not revealed in any government statistics. Two
studies were completed by private sources.

 Premium comparisons between
2013 and 2014 are not available from Health and Human Services (HHS).

The 2013 premiums increased
by double digits from the 2012 premiums because of Obamacare. The traditional
media has not pressed the government to provide these comparisons.

The media continues to quote
the administration press releases of lower premium prices.  The Obama administration uses CBO estimates
of premium prices calculated in 2010 for 2016 by data provided by the Obama
administration. The tradition media refuses to report reality.

A 50-state study has found
that insurance premiums will increase the first year of Obamacare in 45 of 50

Insurance cost under obamacare

Premiums paid outside the
health insurance exchange will increase the same percentage or more.

No one can
say the American public has not been warned.  

There is
going to be tremendous public outcry in the individual market for insurance
when the cost to individuals and the American taxpayers is realized.

1,2013 is open enrollment season for the individual and group insurance market.

Obama has exempted the group market from Obamacare until 2015.

One of the
reasons for the exemption for the group market is to try to mute the outcry by
splitting the non group insurance from the group insurance holders.

Some of the
premium increases have already been report in the traditional media.

 "Individuals in most states will end up
spending more on the exchanges," policy analyst Drew Gonshorowski writes”

The Department of Health and Human Services published a similar
report. The government’s report is incomprehensible to me.

It does not compare pre Obamacare premiums of 2013 to
Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange premiums of 2014.

are literally no comparisons to current rates. That is, [the Department of Health
and Human Services] has chosen to dodge the question of whose rates are going
up, and how much. Instead they try to distract with a comparison to a
hypothetical number that has nothing to do with the actual experience of real

President, American Action Forum[1]


The Department of Health and Human Services has
declared a 16% decrease in premium costs compared to the CBO’s 2010 estimate of
premiums for 2016.

It is important to remember the CBO’s
calculation was with faulty data provided by the administration.

Based on a Manhattan Institute analysis of the HHS numbers,
Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an
average of 97 to 99 percent, and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62
Worst off is North Carolina, which will see individual-market rates
triple for women, and quadruple for

The Obama
administration’s methods of deception are cunning, powerful and effective.

He always blames others and hides his ideology.

Obama continues to try to fool a majority of the people most of the time.

Americans will
get the point where the rubber meets the road. The public is going to
have to reach into their pockets and pay these enormous increases in premiums
or not buy healthcare insurance coverage.

Americans are also going to experience massive increases in taxes above and beyond those already experienced.

I predict the
public outcry will drown out the spin of the Obama administration. The
traditional media will not be able to ignore this public outcry.

People will
finally realize the enormous government grab of power and control of Obamacare at
taxpayers’ expense.

can’t complete applications or secure premium prices on the health insurance
exchanges because of technical problems resulting from ancient information technology
used by the government to construct the exchanges.

All of the
consumers’ demographics must be filled out before the government provides a
premium price. There is at tricky reason for this.

computer “glitch” solidifies my view that President Obama wants Obamacare to
fail in order to replace it with a single party payer system that America
cannot afford.

This last
statement is counterintuitive but I believe true.

Is it wise
for consumers to hand over all their medical decision making to a government
that has this much difficulty with executing a computer program and providing
healthcare insurance premiums?

must wake up soon. They have to insist on a consumer driven healthcare system
in which they have control over their healthcare and their healthcare dollars.

Americans have
to insist on having an Ideal Medical Saving Account healthcare system

I have described the Ideal Medical Saving Account System in great detail.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Pure Genius Or Pure Stupidity?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Obama’s actions as leader of this country have been either pure genius or purely

I think it
is pure genius. He promised Americans he was going to fundamentally change
America. He has!

have been under stress during the last few weeks. First it was the government
shutdown. Now it is the nation going into default. It is common knowledge the
shutdown and default is political theater.

Obama has run circles around Republican in the game of political theater.

traditional media has ignored the underlying causes of America’s problems.

We are increasing
debt to the point of unaffordability. The only way out is to increase taxes
further or decrease government spending while lowering taxes.

deficits are not good. Deficit increases devalues our currency. America’s currency
has already been devalued by the Federal Reserve increase in printing money.

taxes leads to decreased jobs creation. Decreased employment leads to decreased
discretionary spending. The result is decreased economic growth.

than trying to decrease spending rationally by increasing government
efficiency, President Obama has closed down silly things to make it most painful
and noticeable to the public. These noticeable services have little overhead.
These closures are not an example of reducing inefficient spending.

In the
meanwhile his administration has spent over $600 million dollars for a health
insurance exchange software program. The program is poorly designed and does
not have an integrated back end.

Even if
the software was great, the cost of healthcare insurance through the exchanges
is increased and out of reach of the individual buyers.

 The cost of insurance is cheap for the poor who
qualify for government subsidies. The poor will receive a tax credit which will
be credited to the insurance company whose policy the poor person buys.

The math
is grotesque. If a healthcare policy costs $10,000 and a patient makes $30,000
dollars a year, he pays only 2% of his net income for the policy or $600 per
year. The taxpayer pays $9,400 a year for that policy.

This is
an example of hidden “redistribution of
” and another entitlement.

Obama administration has waived the verification requirement for receiving a health
insurance exchange subsidy. Verification of need does not have to be fulfilled
by the health insurance exchanges. Anyone can lie and receive a subsidy to
purchase healthcare insurance threw an exchange.

big mistake was the design of the roll out to promote electronic medical
records. After 4 years only 11% of these records are functional. Physicians have
spent money for EMRs they could not afford. Hospital systems spent money they
could not afford. The government wasted $30 -60 million dollars of taxpayers
money in the unsuccessful effort to implement EMRs.

is a long way away from being computerized with a functional EMR.

care organizations (ACO) are another important cog in Obamacare’s success or
failure. The administration brags about the fact that 250 ACOs are in

are over 5,000 ACOs that need to be developed. A premier organization such as
the Cleveland Clinic had to drop out of the program because of the cost to the
institution. The Mayo Clinic refused to participate.

At the
same time ACO’s are turning out not to be cheaper or have better outcomes than
traditional medical care.

were supposed to improve quality. ACOs were supposed to be a free market
solution to the dysfunctional healthcare system.

administration has been bragging about the greatness of the VA system. The
bragging stopped when the system’s poor quality of care was exposed. Veterans
are receiving poor treatment.

would certainly have to admit Obamacare has been disruptive to the delivery of healthcare
in America.

months of healthcare insurance open enrollment for people is starting. People
are starting to see massive increases in their healthcare premiums. In order to
avoid these premium increases and the Obamacare penalties, large organization
such as Home Depot are hiring only part time workers.

Obama administration has developed a low cost insurance plan for the McDonalds
of the world. These health insurance policies cost little a cover less.

Obama has also provided waivers for congress and its employees. He is at
present trying to sneak in waivers from Obamacare to unions.

First, there was the delay of
 Medicare cuts until
after the election. Then there was the delay of the law’s employer mandate. Then there was the announcement,
buried in the
Federal Register, that the administration would delay
enforcement of a number of key eligibility requirements for the law’s health
insurance subsidies, relying on the “honor system” instead. Now comes word that another
costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance
costs—will be delayed for one more year.”

Obama administration has issued a blizzard of mandates and regulations. These
regulations have increased the cost of health insurance.

The caps
on out-of-pocket insurance costs, such as co-pays and deductibles have not been
publicized. On January 1, 2014, deductibles were supposed to be limited to $2,000 per year for
individual plans, and $4,000 per year for family plans.

February 2014, the Department of Labor published a little-noticed rule delaying
the cap until 2015. The costs of these deductible limits were already built into
the 2014 healthcare insurance premiums and were not removed.

government did nothing to reduce the increased healthcare premiums after the
limits did not apply.

 “Federal officials said that many insurers and
employers needed more time to comply because they used separate companies
help administer major medical coverage and drug benefits, with separate limits
on out-of-pocket costs. In many cases, the companies have separate computer
systems that cannot communicate with one another.”

had to balance the interests of consumers with the concerns of health plan
sponsors and carriers.”

How is it in the consumers’ interests to pay far
more for health insurance than they do already?

I have a theory.

President Obama’s ultimate goal is to have a complete
government takeover of the healthcare system. A takeover the government cannot

He figures by creating as much chaos as possible
now in the “not so free market healthcare system”, he can declare the free
market healthcare system has failed.   

There will be a resulting public outcry for the
government to help and take over the system.

The takeover will be with a single party payer

What are the chances a government takeover will
result in an efficient, cost effective system that will provide access to care
without rationing of care while being affordable?

With all the delays, exemptions and regulations,
it looks as if Obamacare is destined to fail. Obamacare is going to be
impossible to execute effectively.

Obamacare’s ultimate failure is playing right
into President Obama’s     ideological goal
of a single party payer system.

President Obama is not stupid. He is a genius.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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A Disaster, Not A Glitch




There is an important
lesson in the recent Healthcare Insurance Exchange computer program “glitches”.

Once more the Obama
administration only presents a fragment of the truth. Unfortunately, the
traditional media accepts President Obama’s explanation and that is the news.

The online
health insurance exchange program should be very easy to execute. All of the
major healthcare insurance companies have an online presence. People can go
online, put in simple demographics, and in a matter of seconds they can have at
least 100 healthcare insurance products to choose from. 

The Obama administration told the media that the software
developed for the web site, by CGI a Canadian company with offices in
Washington D.C., had an estimated cost of $93 million. said it cost the government $634 million dollars. The site calculated the cost from grants paid to CGI. This is seven times the
estimate published by the administration.

“Not only was the site still experiencing
substantial problems a week after launching, but the White House had reportedly
been aware for months that the website had flaws and might not be
ready to launch. Yet officials insisted on the Oct. 1 roll out anyway.”

The problems experienced by people trying to use the user
interface was something that was tested least or not done right — or both.'

– James
Turner, a member of the technical staff at software firm Beeonics, Inc

The healthcare industry,
participating in the new exchange, complained “loudly” that the site had
experienced problems before the launch.  

Speaker of the
House John Boehner asked, "How can we tax people for not
buying a product from a website that doesn't work?"

The front end user experience is only a fraction
of the problem with the federal health insurance exchange site.
A front end user’s
experience typically means there is something wrong with the basic construction
of the software.

monumental issue of the site involves interfacing seamlessly the multiple
government agencies (IRS, HSS, CMS, Welfare, Food Stamps and others) and
private insurers legacy’ computer networks. Each agency and organization has a
myriad of computer networks that must interface with the health insurance
exchange web site.

It is
reality easy to have a pretty front end interface with the user. If the
software program is poor the interface is a disaster.

computer networks must be integrated into what appears to be a fancy front end.
It looks as if this software is incapable of this very complex integration.

It is
one of the reasons that verifying patient for subsides has been dropped and the
government is going to take the patient’s word.

problems were published in blogs for months. The software  failed initial testing.

Obama administration did not delay the launch despite these warnings.

Now President Obama has
told us that this is a small “glitch.” He compare it a glitch Apple had with
its launch and it did not put them out of business.

away the volume and it works," President Barack Obama's chief technology
adviser, Todd Park, 
USA Today. 

President Obama does not know what is going on or he is not telling the truth to
the American people.

administration has blamed the glitch on the high volume of people trying to
access the site. This is partially true.  

The prediction by experts is it will likely take
months to get it running properly. The rollout was disastrous.  There were 8.6 million unique visitors in the
first 3 days hoping to apply and enroll in a healthcare
insurance plan.  Instead they experienced
an online nightmare, with websites crashing, refusing to load, and failing to
offer comprehensive choices.

 The demographics of the 8.6 million are
unknown. They may all have been high risk uninsured people.

The Daily Mail is reporting that
sources within HHS are saying only 51,000 people signed up for insurance via
the government run website in the first 12 days,

Two HHS career civil servants told
the Daily Mail that only 6200 people signed up on the first day. “

White House and administration officials continue to insist they
have no idea how many people have signed up but will release the numbers
monthly after November 1.

Is the administration trying
to hide something?

“If the state-run
exchanges were to have a similar response rate for six months, the national
enrollment total would be approximately 2 million in six months."

That number is less than
29 per cent of the 7 million the Obama administration would need, according to
the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, in order to balance the new health
insurance system's books and keep it from financial collapse.”

The White
House’s published goal is to enroll at least 2.7 million young, healthy people
between the ages of 18 and 35 in 6 months.

The monthly
premiums of healthy, low risk people are needed to offset the cost
of health care for older, sicker Americans who will certainly try

The CGI website states;

must provide many different functions, the soundest approaches bring together
expertise and best practices in federal and state health programs, commercial
insurance, data exchange, portals, e-commerce over the cloud, and financial

brings all of this expertise to the table, along with direct experience in
developing sustainable HIX programs. We also have a dedicated group of subject
matter experts tracking best practices for state HIX and
eligibility systems
across the United States.”

CGI knows
what to say. It has not shown that they know what to do.

The Obama
administration may have wasted $634 million taxpayer dollars on software that
does not work.

This is
more than a glitch. This is a disaster.

Just wait
and see the prices for a Bronze level healthcare insurance plan once people can
negotiate the site.

No one is
going to be able to afford the insurance in the Affordable Care Act

disaster will be coming your way complements of Obamacare.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Don’t Confuse Me With Facts


in order to believe a certain ideology, some smart people take the position of
not wanting to be to be confused by facts.  

with socialized medicine have said their citizens are happy with their care.
Therefore, this is the evidence that the U.S. should have a socialized medicine

than 20% of a nation’s population experiences the healthcare system at a moment
in time
. The 80% who are not sick are happy because they feel secure. If they
got sick they believe they would receive free medical care. The result is the
majority of the population under a socialized medical system likes the system.


Donald Berwick former acting head of CMS and author of Obamacare wrote, in a
personal letter to “Senior Government Officials and Senior Executives of the National
Health Service in England after doing a review of the NHS.”

“You are stewards of a
globally important treasure:
the NHS. In its form and mission, guided by the
unwavering charter of universal care, accessible to all, and free at the point
of service, the NHS is a unique example for all to learn from and emulate.”

Donald Berwick added, “redistribution of
wealth is the very essence of a compassionate healthcare system for all.”

disagreed with Dr. Berwick in an earlier blog. I said citizens responsible for
their own health, healthcare and healthcare dollars are essential ingredients
for a cost efficient healthcare system.

are the primary stakeholders. Patients must be actively responsible for their
health. They must have a moral and intellectual responsibility for their own
health as well as a financial incentive to be responsible for themselves.

must have own their healthcare dollars, have the freedom to make their own
healthcare choices and have access to care.

government must create educational vehicles to help patients make the correct

 The government must provide financial
incentives for people to make those choices.

care and medical decisions made for patients by a bureaucracy has historically
failed to control costs or provide efficient and compassionate medical care.

medicine run by bureaucrats has failed in England. Medical care consumes more
than 50% of England’s GDP.

Is A Fact (TIAF)

is wonderful for people over 65 years old. Seniors could not buy healthcare
insurance from a healthcare insurance company. The healthcare industry had not
figured out how to make money from these people so they disqualified them.

the government got rid of the $250 billion dollars in administrative waste and
inefficiencies each year, Medicare and Medicaid would become sustainable.

Is A Fact (TIAF)

and Medicaid provide no incentives for patients to take care of their health.

diseases are ineffectively managed. The complications of chronic diseases
consume 80% o
f Medicare’s healthcare dollars. If chronic diseases were managed
properly the complication rate from chronic diseases could be decreased by at
least 50%.

Is A Fact (TIAF)

patients do not have the incentive to take care of themselves
. They leave it up
to the system to take care of them.

it has be demonstrated that a government controlled system creates ever
increasing bureaucracies and cost inflation.

Is Fact. (TIAF)

all of the nation’s attempts to control healthcare costs in the past 50 years
have failed. (Price control of the 70’s, HMO’s, Managed Care, PPOs.)

systems had to be abandoned. Nevertheless, healthcare policy wonks continue to
give the same advice and make the same mistakes. The policy wonks’ advice is to
institute greater government controls over medical care.  

Is A Fact (TIAF)

 A recent report about England’s hospital
conditions in Mid Staffordshire has emphasized the defects in England’s 60 year
socialized medicine experiment.

report only covers hospital inpatient defects. It does not cover the many
defects in outpatient services. 

 The report is “Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust
Public Inquiry

February 2013 to the Secretary of State.”

report stated that;

1. For
many patients the most basic elements of care were neglected.

2. Calls
for help to use the bathroom were ignored and patients were left lying in
soiled sheeting and sitting on commodes for hours.

Patients felt afraid and disenfranchised.

4. Patients
were left unwashed, at times for up to a month.

Food and drinks were left out of the reach of patients and many were forced to
rely on family members for help with feeding.

6. Staff
failed to make basic observations and pain relief was provided late or in some
cases not at all.

7. Patients
were too often discharged before it was appropriate, only to have to be
re-admitted shortly afterwards.

The standards of hygiene were at times awful, with families forced to remove
used bandages and dressings from public areas and clean toilets themselves for
fear of spreading infections.

9. These
healthcare conditions caused the deaths of an unknown number of patients.  

Robert Francis QC Inquiry Chairman who wrote
the report covered a wide range of system failures. I will only highlight the
key failures contained in the 500-page report. This report was mandated by the House of Commons.

These defect are occurring throughout the
entire NHS system. The NHS is not as glorious as the Obama administration or
Dr. Berwick’s has idealization the NHS to be.

story the report tells is first and foremost of appalling suffering of many
patients. This was primarily caused by a serious failure on the part of a
provider Trust Board. (Bureaucracy)"

 "The trust board did not listen
sufficiently to its patients and staff or ensure the correction of deficiencies
brought to the Trust’s attention."

The NHS bureaucracy did not put patients
first. It put the various levels of bureaucracy in charge. Bureaucracies deaden
incentives and lose focus on who is the main stakeholder in the healthcare system.

trust failed to tackle an insidious negative culture involving a tolerance of
poor standards and a disengagement from managerial and leadership

failure was in part the consequence of
allowing a focus on reaching national access targets; achieving financial
balance and seeking foundation trust status to be at the cost of delivering
acceptable standards of care."

statistical reports and collection of reports are more important that
appropriate patient care.

Francis goes on to outline how the bureaucracy puts measurements first, not

of the bureaucrats want to take responsibility for what is going wrong. Finger
pointing and blame shifting is an occupation in the British healthcare system.

NHS system includes many checks and balances. These checks and balances should
have prevented serious systemic failure of this sort."

were and are a plethora of agencies, scrutiny groups, commissioners, regulators
and professional bodies, all of whom might have been expected by patients and
the public to detect and do something effective to remedy non-compliance with
acceptable standards of care.

years that did not occur."

Watch out America!

We are falling into the same trap with Obamacare.
It might sound good to some. It will not work judging by the experience of

the Obamacare’s model is the British healthcare system. I do not think the
traditional media should praise it. The traditional media should publish the
facts of history.

traditional media should call for the repeal of Obamacare.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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