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Medicine: Healthcare System


More Magic Of The Patient/Physicians Relationship

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The complications of chronic diseases account for 80% of the costs of those diseases for the healthcare system.

The role of patients with chronic diseases and their physicians must be clear to both patients and physicians.

President Obama wants to make physicians responsible for the outcome of their care for patients. Physicians have control of making the diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Physicians do not have control of patients’ adherence to therapy and control of patients’ behavior.

Only patients can be responsible for their behavior. Physicians are managers of a healthcare team. The healthcare team is composed of physician extenders (assistant coaches).

Patients are in the center of the team. Patients live with their disease 24 hours a day. Patients have to learn how to manage the day-to-day fluctuations in the control of their chronic disease.

If the disease is managed well both the acute complications (emergency room visits) and chronic complications (in Diabetes Mellitus heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure and strokes from hypertension) can be avoided.

The cost of care would be markedly reduced if these complications were avoided.

Patients with diabetes need to understand the disease use methods to control their blood sugar, blood pressure and lipid levels.

Patients have to become “professors of their disease” in order to control their disease.

Physician visits are only a snapshot of what is going on in that patient’s disease process. The information brought to physicians by patients can help physicians, using their clinical judgment, help patients control their disease.

Patients must to be inspired to manage their chronic disease. This requires patients having confidence in their physicians and his assistants.

A good patient/physician relationship can encourage patients to control their chronic disease.

It is hard work for patients to monitor their blood sugar, blood pressure and weight. It is also hard to learn the causes of the fluctuations in their blood sugars and blood pressure.

This idea of mutual trust and confidence between the manager and player are illustrated by something that happened between a teacher and me in high school.

This example is an example of a student/teacher relationship.

It is also an excellent example of the power of an effective patient/physician relationship.

It was a rainy day in the spring of 1953 during my junior year in high school. I was on the high school baseball team. The team could not practice that afternoon because of the weather. The team was sent to the Study Hall for the 8th period.

Ms. W. was one of the 8th period Study Hall teachers. She was my geometry teacher. I thought she was the greatest. I never missed a question in class or on a test. She came over to me that rainy spring day to say hello. She asked how I was doing in trigonometry.

I told her I was not doing well. I can not learn a thing from Mr. B. teaching.

Mr. B. was the chairman of the math department. He taught trig in a very dry way. He was detached. Trig had no meaning to me. He did not teach us to understand the logic of trigonometry and its practical use.

No matter how much I tried to derive meaning from the textbook by myself the material covered was not understandable.

 I felt my ability to learn and problem solve was suppressed. Mr. B’s goal was to have us memorize the material.

Mrs. W. asked me which period I had trigonometry and lunch. I told her trig 5th period and lunch 6th period. She said great she taught trig 6th period. She could get me transferred to her class. I could have lunch 5th period.

I was thrilled beyond belief. She also said she hoped I was aware of the departmental quiz being given the next day. I would be required to take the test.

Ms. W said the chances are I would do poorly on the test.  She encouraged me to study for it when I got home.

The most amazing thing happened that night when I started studying for the quiz.

All of a sudden I grasped the concepts I could not grasp in Mr. B’s class. Now that I was in Ms. W. class I solved problems I could not solve previously. A difficult textbook became easy to understand.

The next day I went into Ms. W’s trigonometry class, took the test, and got 100%.

I know this has happened to all of us at some time in our life. I know it was the result of my knowing that someone had respect for and confidence in me.  

The lesson of Mrs. W. is a powerful lesson. Mrs. W. did enable me to have confidence in my learning ability because of her confidence in me.  She empowered me to learn by myself.

If a relationship is positive, with mutual respect and commitment by both physician and patient, patients can learn to control their chronic disease properly.  

 Chronic diseases such as diabetes frighten patients. This fright makes it difficult to learn how to control their disease to avoid its complications.

Physicians must deal with this through a positive patient/physician relationship. A positive patient physician relationship can make it easier for patients to learn to control their disease.

In practicing endocrinology I developed a patient physician contract to define this physician/patient relationship.

My son Daniel wrote a letter to me about my patient-physician contract that brought tears to my eyes.  

Dear Dad;

I love you. I think everyone should know about your patient-physician contract.

I tell people all the time about your patient-physician contract.

The way you use it to have patients take responsibility for their health and healing.

I’ve adopted this myself in my own health and healing and believe it’s critical since we know ourselves better than anyone else.


The Physician Patient contract as it appeared in Endocrine Practice 2002:8 (Supp 1)

  1. a.    Sample Patient-Physician Contract


I understand that if I agree to participate in the System of Intensive Diabetes Self-Management, I will be expected to do 
the following:

1. Dedicate myself to getting my blood glucose level as close to normal as possible by following the instructions of the 
diabetes self-management team.

2. Regularly visit the clinic for a physical examination, laboratory tests, and nutrition counseling; follow-up visits will 
be scheduled every 3 months or more frequently if deemed necessary by my physician or other members of my 
health-care team.

3. Bring a detailed 1-day food record to each follow-up visit, provide necessary nutrition information for me and my 
dietitian, and adjust my eating habits to meet the nutrition goals established by my dietitian.

4. Use medications as prescribed by my health-care team

5. Monitor my blood glucose levels at home as instructed and brings the results to each follow-up visit.

6. Follow my prescribed exercise plan.

7. Obtain identification as a patient with diabetes, for prompt assistance in case of an emergency.

8. Ask my physician and other members of my health-care team to explain any aspect of my care that I do not entirely 

I understand that if I do not monitor myself carefully, there is a risk of hypoglycemia.

I also understand that if I do not strive to normalize my blood glucose, I am at increased risk of developing the 
complications of diabetes mellitus.

My signature indicates that I have read and understand the above agreement.



I agree to provide the leadership for the diabetes self-management team. Team members will be available to answer 
your questions and help you self-manage your diabetes. I will continue to encourage you to maintain the best possible 
control of your diabetes.



Obamacare in its attempt to standardize medical care is converting healthcare into a commodity and in the process destroying patient/physician relationships.

The healthcare system cannot be repaired without effective chronic disease management. Chronic disease management will not be effective without effective patient-physician relationships.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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The Therapeutic Magic Of The Physician Patient Relationship

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

A positive physician/patient relationship has magical therapeutic powers.

I believe I can best describe it with an outstanding personal experience.

It is reminiscence of an event that occurred long before I was a physician. It gave me incite into the power of a physician/patient relationship and stimulated my desire to become a doctor.  

During 30 years in private practice as a clinical endocrinologist I always tried to treat my patients remembering the therapeutic magic of that experience. The experience had magnificent healing powers for me.

The episode occurred when I was a first grader in the Bronx Public School System. The year was 1946. In those days being left handed was thought to be a curse. My first grade teacher forced me to write with my right hand to avoid the destiny of the curse. I remember the difficulty I had writing with my right hand. I was forced to persist. I made many mistakes in reading and arithmetic.

I also had difficulty learning new material. Nothing would stick. My father continually told me I was a smart kid. He said to not to believe my teacher’s impression of me.

I was never a difficult child at home. I always seemed to be agitated in school. I remember my teacher considered me a troublemaker.  

Finally, my teacher called my mother in for a conference. The teacher forced me to listen to the conference. She told my mother she was positive I was a disturbed child and needed psychiatric attention.

I was behind in reading, writing and arithmetic and was not adjusting socially. She told my mother she should act immediately before I was permanently damaged. She said if this continued I could be expelled from school.

My mother was beside herself. She did not know what to do. I felt her anxiety but did not know what to say. I did not know what a psychiatrist was. I was told we could not afford a psychiatrist.

I thought the solution to my problem was to be allowed to write with my left hand. No one would listen to me. Everyone, including my parents believed that left-handed people were cursed.

My father’s boss suggested we go to Dr. Schultz, a family practice doctor in the West Bronx. I remember the look of Dr. Schultz’s street. It was tree lined with two rows of attached single-family houses with concrete steps.

We lived in a four-room apartment in a walkup apartment building on Bristol Street across the street from the Boston Post Road movie theater. Dr. Schultz’s house was a mansion to me.

At six years old I was impressed, but terrified. My mother was anxious and terrified.

Dr. Shultz’s office had a desk, a few chairs and a mirror behind the desk. He asked my mother what was wrong. She repeated the teacher’s report almost verbatim. He asked some detailed medical history and took notes. When he finished he turned to me and asked me what I thought was wrong.

This is the first time anyone had asked me to express my opinion. He saw I was nervous and frightened. He calmed me down and told me usually the patient can tell him what is wrong if the patient is given a chance to express himself.

I told him that the teacher made me write with my right hand because left handed people were cursed. He said he heard that was a common superstition but there was no proof it was true. He then asked me to write my name and my brother’s name on a piece of paper with both my right and left hand. I did and he said “son, there is nothing wrong with you.”

My mother looked in disbelief. He then picked up the paper and showed it to her. She still did not understand. He then put the piece of paper in front of the mirror. My right-handed entry was legible now and the left handed writing which was legible at first was now backward. I was mirror writing.

He told my mother my problems were the result of the strain put on me being forced to write right handed. After I was permitted to write left handed for awhile my ability to write, read and do arithmetic would straighten out. My behavior problems would also vanish. He suggested that my mother listen to my complaints in the future. He wrote a note to the teacher telling her to let me write with my left hand.

Then he got up from his chair, came over to me and gave me a big hug. He also told me to show everyone they were wrong about me. I felt like a million bucks. All the tension left my body. I felt I could achieve anything.

There is no question in my mind that this approach to medical care and the therapeutic effect of the positive physician patient relationship saved my academic life.

The pressures on physicians today to see more patients, to test for everything so you do not miss a diagnosis to avoid malpractice suits, the lack of reimbursement for cognitive therapy, the use of interchangeable “providers”, the constant threat of financial penalties for undocumented care, and the continuous assault on physicians’ judgment has decreased the ability of physicians to relate in a human way.

“There is considerable healing power in the physician-patient alliance. A patient who entrusts himself to a physician's care creates ethical obligations that are definite and weighty. Working together, the potential exists to pursue interventions that can significantly improve the patient's quality of life and health status.”

Medical care has and is continuing to become commoditized by non-physicians.  The government and the insurance industry feel they own the healthcare system.  They have determined that through information technology and the evaluation of big data that they can improve healthcare.  They are dehumanizing healthcare delivery and medical care.

These actions are the common denominator to patients’ complaints about the medical care system. Patients feel this dehumanization. An important therapeutic effect of the lost human relationship will result in higher healthcare costs.

Our healthcare system has to change. It must support the humanizing elements of the patient/physician relationship. It has to nurture mutual trust rather than distrust between patients and physicians. A healthcare system that supports distrust, physician and patient penalties and adversarial relationships does not permit the kind of care physicians are capable of giving and patients need.

If information technology and the accumulation of big data are going to work it has to be as a physicians extender so that the physicians can best utilize the therapeutic magic of the physician patient relationship.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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  • Mary-Margaret Walker

    Thank you for this great post. I agree with you about the importance of the relationship between a physician and a patient. I still cherish my pediatrician from Fort Worth, Texas and the many wonderful doctors that I have known in my life. I shared this on my Facebook page because it also invokes, for me, the importance of the times and people in our lives who empower us to be ourselves.

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President Obama Ignores The Issue Of Malpractice Reform

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

President Obama, in his signature legislation Obamacare ignores the issue of the need for malpractice reform (tort reform).

The need for tort reform is vital if President Obama really wants to reduce the cost of healthcare due to over testing.

The influence of the disinformation by the administration and the traditional media is terrifying. Inaccurate opinions by influential people will never lead to a functional, affordable healthcare system. It will only lead to increased stakeholders’ distrust and greater dysfunction in the healthcare system.

An excellent example of this disinformation is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, claiming: "The whole premise of a medical malpractice 'crisis' is unfounded."

Harry Reed, as usual, offers no data or proof for his statement. It is his opinion based on no facts.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel expressed his opinion in 2011.

“Everyone — conservative and liberal — agrees that $2.6 trillion a year is too much to spend on health care, and that we have to cut costs. But they don’t agree on who is to blame or what is to be done.”

I agree with this opinion. Everyone reaches the conclusion they want to reach using whatever facts they want to use.

He proposes an artificial threshold of significant cost savings in order to form a policy.

 “ A useful threshold for savings is 1 percent of costs of healthcare, which comes to $26 billion a year. Anything less is simply not meaningful.”

One percent is arbitrary. It permits Dr. Emanuel to dismiss problems that cost the healthcare system less than $26 billion a year.

The validity of the data collection is of no concern to Dr. Emanuel. He says only $1.3 billion results in malpractice costs. He ignores over testing, and lawsuit costs.

He says,

“Health care spending in the United States typically increases by about $100 billion per year. Cutting a billion here or there from something that large is undetectable is meaningless. In health care, you have to be talking about tens of billions of dollars before you are talking about real money.

A study, closer to truth than just an opinion, disclosed:

The truth is a full accounting reveals that more than 10 percent of America's health expenditures per year are spend on tort liability and defensive medicine.

This study concludes that $242 billion a year extra spent because of the lack of tort reform.

The $242 billion is well above Dr. Emanuel’s fictitious threshold.

Physicians have admitted to over testing in the Massachusetts Medical Society survey for fear of having to defend themselves against frivolous malpractice suits for potentially missing a diagnosis.

Most physicians love practicing medicine but cannot understand the unbelievably wrong direction President Obama is taking to reform the healthcare system.

In fact, in a recent study by the Physicians Foundation, six out of ten physicians said they would quit medicine. Many physicians are looking for viable exit strategies to avoid quitting.

The Physicians Foundation commissioned an extensive survey of nearly 13,575 physicians. Meritt Hawkins, the physician search and consulting firm, conducted the survey. 

“The survey found that 60% of physicians would retire today, if given the opportunity—an increase from 45% in 2008. And it's not just disgruntled and tired Baby Boomers who want to abandon their healing work. At least 47% of physicians under 40 also said they would retire today, if given the opportunity.”

The survey pointed out many major problem areas.

Two specific issues consistently agreed on by physicians were malpractice concerns and the need for tort reform as well as the lack of cohesive leadership among all physician groups to represent the vested interests of physicians and their patients.

This survey is an excellent. It is a detailed survey that has heightened the awareness of physicians’ practice problems.

The percentage of healthcare costs is even greater when the Massachusetts Medical Society survey is taken into account. The amount spent for defensive medicine can be extrapolated to actual costs from this survey.  

I have written a series of blogs analyzing the impact of the Massachusetts Medical Society’s survey. The extrapolated costs turn out to be about $700 billion a year. The real cost of defensive medicine is somewhere between $242 and $700 billion dollars a year.

In 2003, Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Texas legislature unenthusiastically changed tort reform laws in Texas.

Rick Perry and the Texas legislature rewrote the medical malpractice laws, ending plaintiff attorneys’ practice of venue shopping for friendly judges. They also put a cap of $250,000 on noneconomic damages like pain and suffering.

These reforms have changed the malpractice legal climate in Texas. The reforms limited plaintiff’s attorneys’ profitability on frivolous liability claims.

Texans believe that because of these reforms and the lack of a state income tax, Texas is the country's best state for economic growth and job creation.

A Perryman group report concluded,

Perhaps the most visible economic impact of lawsuit reforms is the benefits experienced by Texans who have better access to high-quality healthcare.

Doctors and hospitals are using their liability insurance savings to expand services and initiate innovative programs; those savings have allowed Texas hospitals to expand charity care by 24%.

The medical malpractice business for plaintiff’s attorneys has dried up in Texas. They are moving to other states. Physicians are applying for licenses to move to Texas from high medical malpractice states. 

“In 2001, according to the American Medical Association, Texas’ ranking in physicians per capita was a dismal 48th out of 50.”

“Beginning in 2003, physicians started returning to Texas. The Texas Medical Board reports licensing 10,878 new physicians since 2003, up from 8,391 in the prior four years.”

 “Dr. Perryman, subsequent to the issuance of his Report, informed TLR Foundation that at least 1,887 of those physicians are specifically the result of lawsuit reform.”

 The Texas Hospital Association reported a 70% reduction in the number of lawsuits filed against the state’s hospitals.

Medical liability insurance rates declined. Many doctors saw average rates drop between 20% to 50%.

The Perryman Group during the course of this study suggests that premiums are declining even further in 2008.”

The American Medical Association removed Texas from its list of states experiencing a liability crisis; marking the first time it has removed any state from the list.

 A survey by the Texas Medical Association also found a dramatic increase in physicians’ willingness to resume certain procedures they had stopped performing, including obstetrics, neurosurgical, radiation and oncological procedures during the Texas malpractice crisis.

 Two simple changes in the tort laws made malpractice suits unprofitable for plaintiff attorneys.

Rick Perry has been so impressed with the results of his tort reforms that he now wants to extend his state's impressive tort reform record.

Mr. Perry is proposing a British-style "loser pays" rule, which would require plaintiffs to pick up the legal costs of their targets if they lose their suits.

Almost all of America's economic competitors in the world follow this standard. “Loser Pays” as a deterrent to law suits decreases the cost of doing business resulting in lower prices and a competitive advantage for business. “Loser Pays” would deter frivolous lawsuits.

If President Obama really wanted to do something sensible about lowering the cost of healthcare, Texas style tort reform should become the law of the land including loser pays all.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Another President Obama Lie

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 At the moment, ideology and political philosophy stands in the way of Repairing the Healthcare System.

President Obama believes in central control of the healthcare system. Central control of other healthcare systems has not worked to control healthcare costs while maintaining quality of care. The only possible exception is Switzerland’s healthcare system.

Each province in Canada spends at least 50% of its GDP on healthcare  according to the Frazier Report. The access to care is less than ideal. Healthcare spending is unsustainable in Canada

England is slowly switching to a private healthcare system.  

Obamacare has already demonstrated its inefficiencies and lack of cost control even though most of the population has received waivers from Obamacare for at least one year.

The trajectory of failure is not going to change until President Obama is out of office and the system changes to put the consumers in control of their health and healthcare dollars rather than having the government in control.

President Obama declared in 2010;

“Today, many insurance companies spend a substantial portion of consumers’ premium dollars on administrative costs and profits, including executive salaries, overhead, and marketing.  Thanks to the regulations, consumers will receive more value for their premium dollar because insurance companies will be required to spend 80 to 85 percent of premium dollars on medical care and health care quality improvement.   If they don’t, the insurance companies will be required to provide a rebate to their customers starting in 2012.”

Unfortunately, for Americans, President Obama tells us what we want to hear in a very seductive way and then does the opposite.

President Obama is always calling for someone to provide a new idea in order to fix Obamacare. His promise to the public is a good idea. However it is not reflected in the Obamacare regulations.

What is the meaning of Medical Loss Ratio?

The definition of medical loss ratio is the incurred claims received divided by premiums collected.

The healthcare insurance industry negotiated all the rules it wanted from President Obama and Kathleen Sebelius in defining incurred claims in the new Obamacare regulations. The rules contradict Mr. Obama’s promise to the American public.

The healthcare insurance industry is supposed to spend 85% of the premiums collected on direct medical care costs.

The remaining 15% of the premiums is for the insurance industry’s expenses and profit.  

The healthcare insurance industry claims it is lucky if it clears 3% profit under the Obamacare rules.

In order to encourage the healthcare industry to participate in Obamacare, President Obama pledged that the government would subsidize the healthcare insurance industry for any shortfall in profit.

A self-insured employer sponsored healthcare plan outsources the administrative services to the lowest bidding healthcare insurance company. The government outsources Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare (VA insurance) to the lowest bidding healthcare insurance company.

The Obama administration has included most of the healthcare insurance industry’s requests in the incurred claims (direct patient care) formula that is used to calculate the medical loss ratio.  

Inflating the incurred claims decreases the amount of money spent on direct patient care in order to maintain an eighty-five percent (85%) medical loss ratio.

If the incurred claims costs go up the medical loss ratio goes down. The potential increase in the medical loss ratio is the justification used by the insurance industries to increase premiums.

Obamacare requires insuring with a pre-existing condition. Insuring everyone with a pre-existing condition increases the insurance risk. Hence Americans experience double-digit increases in healthcare of insurance premiums.  

 The expenses the industry wanted included:  

1. The cost of verifying the credentials of doctors in its networks.

2. The cost of ferreting out fraud such as catching physicians over testing patients or doing unnecessary operations.

3. The cost of programs that keep people who have diabetes out of emergency rooms.

4. The sales commissions paid to insurance agents.

5. Taxes paid on investments.

6. Taxes paid on premium income.

7. Unpaid claim reserves associated with claims incurred.

8. Change in contract reserves.

9.  Claims-related portion of reserves for contingent benefit.

10. Lawsuits experience-rated refunds (exclude rebates based on issuers MLR.  

All these expenses are administrative expenses in my view. It is questionable that these should be included in direct patient care (incurred claims).

These expenses also increase a healthcare insurance company’s profit. Each incurred cost has a built in 15-20% profit.

As these expenses continue to be are permitted as incurred claims (direct medical care expenses), the resources available for direct medical care decrease from eighty-five cents to sixty cents on every premium-collected dollar.

At the same time people complain about the grotesque profits and salaries of those in the healthcare insurance industry.

Obamacare, contrary to President Obama’s promise, did nothing to solve this abuse.

It is almost as bad as the promise," If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan.

The closest I could get to transparency and the distribution of one healthcare dollar to direct medical care is the following. 

Slide medical loss ratio 2


Fifteen cents goes to the doctor and twenty-five cents to the hospital. The remaining sixty cents goes to the healthcare insurance companies.

What are we paying for?


The definition of direct medical care according to Obamacare is:

 Definition of Medical Claims By Obamacare

Incurred claims = direct claims incurred in MLR reporting year + unpaid claim reserves associated with claims incurred + change in contract reserves + claims-related portion of reserves for contingent benefits and lawsuits +

experience-rated refunds (exclude rebates based on issuers MLR

Medical Claims and Quality Improvement Expenditures

As illustrated in Figure 1, increases in either medical claims or quality improvement expenditures (holding other factors constant) will increase

the MLR and reduce the likelihood of premium rebates to policyholders. Conversely, reductions in medical claims and/or quality improvement

expenditures (holding other factors constant) will decrease the MLR and increase the likelihood that insurers will have to provide rebates to policyholders.

Medigap plans (Medicare Part F) have separate medical loss ratio requirements. The healthcare insurance industry has to meet a 65% level for individuals and a 75% level for groups. It means that for every dollar in premium the individual has 65 cents minus incurred expenses coverage for direct medical care and for groups 75 cents minus incurred expenses.

Medigap plans, which are supplemental policies that Medicare beneficiaries can purchase to fill gaps in Medicare coverage, are not covered by the ACA MLR provisions.

Medigap plans are subject to their own separate MLR requirements, found in Title 18 of the Social Security Act; the MLR requirements are 65% in the individual marketplace and 75% in the group market.

Finally, the ACA’s MLR requirements do not apply to long-term care, dental, vision or retiree healthcare plans.

President Obama promised to fix these problems. He said,

 “Today, many insurance companies spend a substantial portion of consumers’ premium dollars on administrative costs and profits, including executive salaries, overhead, and marketing.  Thanks to the regulations, consumers will receive more value for their premium dollar because insurance companies will be required to spend 80 to 85 percent of premium dollars on medical care and health care quality improvement.    

He didn’t. He won’t.

He knows the problem. Fix it.

 If he did he would save Obamacare and tax payers a great deal of money. 

I am confident this suggestion will be ignored and at election time more false promises will be made.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The VA Healthcare System-The Precursor Of Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The VA Healthcare System scandal has been in the headlines for a few weeks. The scandal has brought out the fact, once more, that President Obama lied to the American people.

His excuses are very thin. He knew about the VA problems in 2005. He pledged to fix the problems before he was elected President in 2008. In 2011 he repeated his pledge.

Now he has the gall to tell the American public in 2014 that he didn’t know anything about the problems until he read about them in the press.

President Obama addressed the Veterans Affairs scandal on Wednesday, saying he's waiting for an Inspector General "audit" of what went wrong.

How stupid does he think we are?

President Obama probably wishes he had control over You-Tube and the Internet. He could then eliminate his past statements and promises.

It looks like he is trying his best by attempting to defeat Net Neutrality.

Liberals have long hailed the VA Healthcare System as the model of government health care.  Liberals believe everything the government runs is the best thing for America.

Can you think of anything that the US government runs works really, really well? 

If so, please share that information with the rest of us. 

How can it run a healthcare system?

The government has systems problems in everything it tries to run. It can publish mountains of regulations. It cannot execute much because of the way the systems have been set up or not changed over time. There are multiple examples of such failures of execution.

None of these agencies seem to work including the Post Office, Amtrak, FEMA (Katrina rescue), Obamacare (website or the health insurance exchanges), and even the government itself.

 I believe it is because government has imbedded in it a deadening bureaucracy.

The bureaucracy suppresses innovation and the ability to repair defects quickly as they occur. This leads to cover ups that are eventually leaked.

The fact that no one is ever held responsible for errors of execution just adds to the awkwardness of the cover up.

The recent scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious and the reporting on Obamacare, are a few examples of this.

The press never shows us facts about the supposed “investigations” and who was responsible for the missteps. It only leads to more mistrust and suspicion.

The forced resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki will not serve as a distraction from the real problems in the VA.  Eric Shinseki’s firing is not going to fix the VA’s Healthcare System’s problems.

Liberals are blinded by their ideology. They have long hailed the VA as the model of government health care. They ignore the facts. The VA Healthcare System’s problems have been around for a long time.  

There is little evidence that President Obama has tried to do anything about the VA Healthcare System since he became President.

 All the public heard is how great the VA system of healthcare delivery is and how his administration is going to make it better.

Paul Krugman is the chief purveyor of the Obama administration’s progressive ideology. Mr. Krugman’s problem is he ignores facts as he formulates his “socialistic” beliefs.

It is almost as if he is saying, “don’t confuse me with facts.” Just believe that I know what I am talking about because I am a Nobel Prize winner.

The crazy thing is many very smart people believe him, just as they believe President Obama.

Paul Krugman praised the VA as a triumph of "socialized medicine."  He even listed what's behind this success.

“Crucially, the V.H.A. is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying for it.”

“So it's free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense."

The progressives ignore the government system’s own “perverse incentives.” The most important is as VA bureaucrats they must cover their own backside for non- performance.

It leads to long treatment delays and deaths that are preventable. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The rationing of care has been devastating for those veterans awaiting appointments.

 The bureaucracy is forced to cover up the errors. The problem the bureaucrats have is free speech in America. The morality of some is drives them to tell the rest of us about the problems.

“VA centers fudge their data.” The VA has consistently boasted in its performance reviews that more than 90% of patients receive appointments within 14 days of their "desired date."

The hidden waiting lines and treatment delays are not the only problems.

Infection rates and poor treatment outcomes have also been hidden from other bureaucrats in the system as well as the public. These problems are as important or more important than hiding appointment lists.

"The rate of potentially lethal bloodstream infections from central-intravenous lines was more than 11 times as high among patients at the Phoenix facility than it was at top VA hospitals, data from the year ended March 31, 2014, show," notes the Journal.

"Those infections, called sepsis, can quickly cause multiple organ failure and kill an otherwise relatively healthy patient within days or even hours. The data don't show what percentage of patients died as a result."

 The Journal also reports, "Among patients admitted to the hospital for acute care, the Phoenix VA Health Care System had a 32% higher 30-day death rate than did the top-performing VA hospitals, a finding flagged as statistically significant by the agency's medical analysts."

William E. Duncan, supervised publication of VA Healthcare Systems medical outcomes until his 2012 departure.

He said in an interview that he urged that more data be posted regardless of the impact," adds the Journal. But he tells the paper that he was forced out of the VA amid a dispute over the issue.”

President Obama has said all we need to do is throw more money at the problem.


President Obama needs to fix the defects in the VA Healthcare System’s business model.

Inherent in the present VA Healthcare System business model is a system of misallocation of resources and inefficiency. Resources are allocated by political force rather than individual consumer choices.

This is true in most socialistic systems.

It is all about who you know. It is not about who are the most innovative, creative or truthful people trying to execute a system for the consumers’ benefit.

Obamacare's ultimate destination is the same as the VA Healthcare System.

It is going to happen by President Obama’s design. The government will completely control America’s healthcare system. The transformation is happening slowing by design to avoid protest. President Obama doesn’t care about the cost or creating a more efficient system.

He is doing it the same way you cook a live frog. He is raising the temperature one degree at a time. The frog will never notice the heat until he is cooked.

It is time for America to wake up!

We cannot take it any more.

America must demand that we change the business model NOW!

Repeal Obamacare now. 

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Salary Difference between Hospital Administrators and Physicians Over Time

In response to my last pos "Doctors’ Salaries; The Media Is The Message" a reader pointed out that the differences in the increases in the salaries of hospital administrators and physicians over a 30 year period between 1970 and 2000.

I did make the point that physician salaries from reimbursement have not increased.

He said I did not make that difference clear in relationship to time and the increase in healthcare costs.

He asked me to include the below slide to emphasis the point of the disconnect.

Difference in payment
I felt to be complete I should publish this slide.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Doctors’ Salaries; The Media Is The Message

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE   

 Physicians’ salaries are not the cause of the escalating healthcare costs.

The economic factors involved are complex.  The escalating costs result from cost shifting, government regulations and the lack of tort reform. The result is each stakeholder tries to optimize his stake in the dysfunctional healthcare system.

Further dysfunction occurs in reaction to the individual stakeholder’s attempts at optimization. The costs escalate.

The government permits insurance companies and hospital systems to calculate expenses and profits in strange ways.

Physicians’ socio-economic interests have the weakest representation in the healthcare ecosystem.  The lack of representation allows physicians to be the easiest stakeholders to blame for healthcare’s rising costs.  

As always the media is the message. The traditional print media are desperate to print anything that will capture the attention of the public and sell newspapers.

The Dallas newspaper published a story a few weeks ago titled “North Texas Medicare Millionaire Doctors.” and asks the public,

Is your doctor one of the 340 in Texas to make more than $1 million from Medicare?”



"More than 340 doctors and other care providers in Texas received over $1 million each in 2012 under the government’s Medicare health insurance program, according to data released Wednesday that provides the public its first inside look at physician billing practices."

CMS released the Medicare database to inform the public what physicians and physician groups are charging Medicare.

Doctors over 1 million dollars

The data reflects payments made by Medicare.

The data does not

  • reflect whether one physician identifier number is included in the billing for multiple providers.
  • reflect the charges and payment for a service.
  • reflect if it was physically possible for the individual named to perform all the services implied.

It lets the reader imagine that the providers “physicians” are crooks as well as a millionaires.

It then follows that most physicians must be crooks.

There is nothing to be learned from the data as presented. This data must go through many layers of dissection in order to mean anything.

However, “the media is the message” and the point was made.

The bad thing is many of these articles with their imbedded implied conclusions are written from press release information provided by the government. This is called "government induced disinformation."

Reality is much different. Physicians are the most highly trained workers in the healthcare system. Without patients and physicians a healthcare system would not exist. What is the individual physician’s salary? What is he/she worth? These questions are the real questions.

Physicians have seen their incomes fall, their clout with insurers shrink, and their practices weighed down by a plethora of new requirements.

Physicians are starting to wake up and realize that all this is the direct result of them being exploited by payers, hospitals, policymakers, government and other groups that have become more powerful than the medical profession.

The example of the disinformation generated by the implications of the millionaire physicians ripping off the public is just one example of this exploitation of the medical profession.

The other stakeholders are doing this to deflect attention from how they are ripping off the healthcare system.

‘That is because the biggest bucks are currently earned not through the delivery of care, but from overseeing the business of medicine.”

“The base pay of insurance executives, hospital executives and even hospital administrators often far outstrips doctors’ salaries, according to an analysis performed for The New York Times by Compdata Surveys.”

The survey shows that the average salary for  

  • An insurance chief executive officer is $584,000
  • A hospital C.E.O. $386,000
  • A hospital administrator $237,000,
  • Compared to an surgeon  $306,000
  • And an average general doctor $185,000 .

  This is an interesting payment gap. These secondary stakeholders do not add value to direct patient care.

The salary gaps between secondary stakeholders get worse because these numbers represent only the average base salaries.

The basic question is what are these executives worth?

What encourages a board of directors of their organizations to award these high salaries?

What in the government tax structure and regulations encourage these high salaries?

“And those numbers almost certainly understate the payment gap, since top executives frequently earn the bulk of their income in non-salary compensation. 

Mark T. Bertolini, the chief executive of Aetna, earned a salary of about $977,000 in 2012 but a total compensation package of over $36 million, the bulk of it from stocks vested and options he exercised.

Ronald J. Del Mauro, a former president of Barnabas Health, a midsize health system in New Jersey, earned a salary of just $28,000 in 2012 the year he retired, but total compensation of $21.7 million.

 These two minor examples are appropriate. These are also low-end examples. There are many more.

 The Wellpoint and United examples are more stunning.

 Sources: Compdata Surveys (salaries); the Commonwealth Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (administrative costs)

Physicians are waking up. They are starting to step forward and are pointing out the real abuses in the healthcare system.  

“Doctors are beginning to push back: Last month, 75 doctors in northern Wisconsin took out an advertisement in The Wisconsin State Journal demanding widespread health reforms to lower prices, including penalizing hospitals for overbuilding and requiring that 95 percent of insurance premiums be used on medical care.

The movement was ignited when a surgeon, Dr. Hans Rechsteiner, discovered that a brief outpatient appendectomy he had performed for a fee of $1,700 generated over $12,000 in hospital bills, including $6,500 for operating room and recovery room charges.

Keith Smith M.D. in Oklahoma City has done it. His surgical center is doing surgery for 25-40% less than the typical hospital whose costs are bloated by administrator salaries and bureaucracy that add no value to direct patient care.

Somewhere there is a corporation that is self –insured and will set up an Ideal Medical Savings Account for its employees that will by-pass all the bloated bureaucracy and large salaries of the healthcare insurance industry.
It will result in a decrease in cost and a user-friendly healthcare system.

The generation of a consumer driven healthcare system will begin. All President Obama has to do is get out of the way.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Keeping Obamacare Out Of The News

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama has tried to keep the bad news about Obamacare from us.  The bad news concerning errors in design and execution are being recognized daily. The administration has not published the demographic figures of those who enrolled in Obamacare yet.

It is going to be impossible for the administration to keep Obamacare implementation errors out of the news. Even the traditional media, big Obamacare fans, are starting to realize the huge defects in Obamacare and the hardships it is about to bring.

The defects are becoming obvious because they are affecting the majority of the working middle class signed up through the health insurance exchanges. 

Bureaucracy has created evaluation of care panels. While the panel members, most of them clinicians, agreed that a study could be impressive in its implementation and results, they have concluded that some studies were not good enough to recommend a new coverage policy to the CMS.

The members of the committees are usually not the most expert in the field they are evaluating. Thus, access to care through government coverage is denied when it should not be.

I previously gave the example of Medicare’s discussion to not pay for lung cancer screening even though the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force made the following recommendation based on their review.

"Smoking-related lung cancer kills about 130,000 Americans each year. The five-year overall survival rate for lung cancer patients in the U.S. is 16.8%. That low rate has been attributed to the late stage of diagnosis for the disease. The Preventive Services Task Force estimated that as many as 20,000 lives could be saved each year if its recommendation was fully implemented."

The USPSTF is not the ultimate authority in my view, but even using it as the ultimate authority Medicare ignores its recommendation because of the cost burden.

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has touted Preventive Services.

What is the meaning of Preventative Services?

I guess it is to prevent diseases from occurring.

I believe if we could prevent obesity, stop cigarette smoking and alcoholism we could prevent a lot of diseases from occurring.

However, patients are the only ones' who can only prevent these diseases from occurring.

If we could genetically type diseases and alter those genes we could prevent the disease from occurring. This would relieve individuals of their own responsibilities.

The government defines Preventive Services as identifying disease by screening for disease in people who have no signs or symptoms of disease. 

The idea of screening patients for diseases is to make the diagnosis early enough in a disease process so that when treated early patients can be cured. 

In other words, a 40 year- old woman can have a free screening mammogram.

If the same woman notices a breast lump by self-examination and goes to her doctor to have it evaluated, she’ll pay for a diagnostic mammogram.

The mammogram can be as much as $300. With a high deductible Health Insurance Exchange plan she would pay out of her pocket because of the high deductible.

It means that a woman with no breast lump and at lower risk for cancer has incentive to be tested because it is free while the woman with a lump at higher risk of cancer faces financial disincentive to get a mammogram.

Isn’t that a little crazy? That’s the problem with giving patients things for free under different circumstances.

Subsequent interventions are an integral part of all screening. Were I a mammographer, I’d happily argue that additional mammographic views, ultrasounds, M.R.I.s and breast biopsies are all part of screening.”

This decision should not be made by the by a committee of non-experts. Individual patients should make these decisions after discussion with their physicians.

This is a defect in the bureaucratic definition of Preventative Services. Should the government provide the entire work up free?

A crazier example is a 50 year old undergoing a screening for colon cancer.

If a patient had a fecal test for occult blood for screening for colon cancer and it was positive, the patient would have to have a colonoscopy. Occult blood screening is inaccurate. It is cheap and free. It has a lot of false positives.

If the patient had an initial colonoscopy for screening it would also be free according to the Obamacare rules.

If during a colonoscopy a polyp were found the screening test would be reclassified as a diagnostic test. If it were a diagnostic test patients would have to pay for it. It would be an out of pocket expense for the patient on Obamacare making over $50,000 a year.

The outcry caused the government to change the rule. The polyp biopsy would be part of the colonoscopy and still be free to the patient. Do not forget someone is paying for it.

Medical decisions should not be made by government rules. Patients should make the medical decisions for themselves with the advice of their physicians.   

If patients had control of their health care dollars with the ideal medical savings account they would become true consumers of healthcare.

Patients would become responsible for making the decision on when to screen and what diagnosis to screen for and how often to screen for disease.

Patients would have to have the information to make those decisions. With the state of the information available and their physicians’ help responsible patients can make those judgments.

Patients have to drive the healthcare system. The government should be concentrating on setting up systems to teach patient how to be educated purchasers of healthcare.

The confusion created by confusing and ever-changing rules puts an emotional and a financial burden on all stakeholders.

Some use the argument that patients are not smart enough to be responsible for they health and healthcare dollars. It is their reason for totally free healthcare for all.

I believe this is disrespectful to our intelligence and our ability to learn to survive.

Paul Krugman a devoted liberal/progressive has shown little respect for the average Americans’ intelligence.

In my view Paul Krugman has been wrong about almost everything. He writes articles of opinion for the New York Times that are not based on any facts.

In 2011 he wrote an article  “The VA Is A Huge Policy Success Story’

Paul Krugman wrote;  “The V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform.”

And yes, this is “socialized medicine”.  But it works — and suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of U.S. health care more broadly.

Where is Paul Krugman’s evidence?  The VA healthcare system didn’t work in 2011 and it doesn’t work today. The VA produces nice reports that do not have anything to do with reality.

There is much to write about the recent VA problems.  I promise to get to these problems shortly.

The lessons to be learned from the VA’s problems are these problems a precursor to the Obamacare problems.

I fear this is what the American public is going to be facing as the Obama administration tries to implement Obamacare.

Obamacare is a terrible business model. America cannot afford this business model that is destined to failure.

A effective business model is needed which will be advantageous for all the stakeholders must replace it.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Another Obamacare Trick Exposed And Backfiring

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

The drug industry has been quiet during the Obamacare debate. However, the industry’s lobbying group worked with the Obama administration to get Obamacare.

Why would PhRMA do that when President Obama encouraged everyone to buy generic drugs in order to get full coverage for their drug costs?

It is because President Obama promised PhRMA huge concessions and windfall profits after the health insurance exchanges were successful.

PhRMA is not going to make those windfall profits. When Americans see that the health insurance exchanges are more expensive than the private plans. Only those who cannot buy private insurance because they have pre-existing illnesses will sign up for Obamacare.

This will drive the health insurance exchange premiums higher,cover less, restrict access to care and drugs and ration care.

President Obama provided waivers from the implementation of Obamacare to many special groups except the individual market. Those waivers delayed implementation of Obamacare for one to two years.

The administration was concerned that implementation of Obamacare to everyone would cause a storm of protest that the administration could not contain.

These special groups will lobby for the continuation of those waivers as they realize that premiums and deductibles will be higher in the health insurance exchange market than the private market. 

The profits PhRMA expected will evaporate.  

Consumers not subsidized by Obamacare who bought Silver plans in the individual market through the health insurance exchanges are cooked.

They will pay one and one half to two times the price for drugs next year than they are paying this year.

The government will be paying drug companies for the increased price of drugs for people whose Silver plans are subsidized.

The result will be an increased cost of Obamacare to the public as President Obama redistributes wealth on the backs of the middle class making $50,000.01 or more

How did PhRMA help President Obama get Obamacare passed?

PhRMA paid for the multimillion dollar Harry and Louise ad campaign on TV during the debate for passage of Obamacare.

It financed a false message that was in support of Obamacare as opposed to its original Harry and Louise message that sunk the passage of Hillarycare in 1993.

 “A new report by Milliman, Inc. finds that Silver plans with combined deductibles offered through the Health Insurance Exchanges may require patients to pay more than twice as much out of pocket for prescription medicines overall as they would under a typical employer plan.”

“This is a far larger increase in out-of-pocket costs than was found for other medical care.”

The cost of drugs to consumers buying a Silver plan through the Health Insurance exchange without government subsidy and high deductibles will cost twice as much as employer sponsored plans.

 “Americans participating in the Exchanges were promised coverage comparable to employer plans and yet the reality is that many new plans are failing to provide an appropriate level of access to quality, affordable health care,” said John Castellani, President and CEO of PhRMA.

Patients’ with high deductible Silver plans will have difficulty affording medicines necessary to manage their illnesses. Paying for medications will be especially difficult for consumers earning more than $50,000.00 who are not subsidized and have chronic diseases. These people need multiple medications to control their chronic disease in order to avoid complications of their disease.  

Eighty percent of the healthcare dollars are spent on treating the complications of chronic disease.

The unaffordability of medication to prevent acute and chronic complications of chronic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus results in an increase in hospitalizations and higher health care costs overall.

Conversely, programs that encourage better adherence have been shown to reduce emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and other preventable, costly care.

The Obamacare rules and regulations are going to encourage an increase, not a decrease, in healthcare costs for non-subsidized Americans.

This contradicts President Obama’s pledge to encourage prevention of illness.

However, it fulfills President Obama’s goal of redistribution of wealth. It could also be interpreted as increasing the tax on the middle class.

If the public realized this would happen with Obamacare it would have protested the passage of Obamacare.

A house panel uncovered the secret deal in an email between PhRMA and the Obama administration in 2012. It was not revealed to the public until recently.

Nancy Pelosi’s statement about not knowing what is in Obamacare until it is passed was an ominous signal that the public would be taken advantage of. No one picked up the signal.


President Obama’s signal legislation is leaving hard working Americans no option but to demand that Obamacare be repealed.

 It must be replaced by a healthcare plan that will work.

 It must be replaced by a plan that gives consumers the opportunity to be responsible for their health and their healthcare dollars.

It must be replaced by a plan where common sense prevails.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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