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Disinformation and the healthcare system


Consumers Are Becoming Terrified Of Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Congress has finally figured out Obamacare’s financial burden to them
personally and their staff. They want out and are trying to sneak in a waiver for

Millions of Americans are going to pay more for their healthcare
insurance and get less coverage and a higher deductible cost.

Can ordinary American get the same waiver as government workers?

Actuary consultants
from Oliver Wyman in an article published in the journal of the American
Academy of Actuaries, found that "around six million of the 19
million people with individual health policies are going to have to pay
more—and this even after accounting for the government subsidies offered under
the law."

 "For example, single adults age 21-29 earning
300% to 400% of the federal poverty level will be hit with an increase of 46%
even after premium assistance from tax credits."

The number of people seeking individual healthcare insurance
will be even higher when it becomes clear that employers presently providing
healthcare insurance to employees will drop the coverage and elect to pay the

The present estimate is that 65% of employers are either
definitely going to drop healthcare coverage or are seriously considering
dropping coverage.

healthcare insurance industry claims the reason for the increases in premiums
is the Obama administration’s regulatory policies for participating in health
insurance exchanges.

 Obamacare's community-rating regulations, which
require insurers to accept everyone but limit or ban them from varying premiums
based on age or health.

  1.  The law
    also mandates "essential" benefits that are far more generous than
    those currently offered and thus raise the premiums.
  2. The healthcare insurance industry will be
    required to pay a tax on every healthcare insurance policy sold through the
    health insurance exchange. The industry is anticipating the tax and passing it
    on the anticipated cost to the consumer.
  3. Employers with over 50 employees are decreasing the
    number of employees to less than 50 employees so as not to pay a penalty for
    not providing insurance.
  4. Employers are not required to
    provide insurance for employees working less that 30 hours a week and so
    employers are decreasing employee work hours.

 The Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported on a category of workers who will almost surely be
involuntarily under-employed as a result of health reform.

“The present
estimate is that 10 million part-timers now working 30-34 hours per week will
have their work week decreased to under 30 hours a week.”

to Congressional Budget Office projections in July and September 2012, three
million people will lose their insurance altogether in 2014 due to Obamacare.

million will have to pay the individual-mandate tax penalty in 2016 because
they don't want or won't be able to afford coverage, even with the government subsidies.

It is anybody’s guess how many people will be uninsured. The more
uninsured people that are eliminated from the insurance pool the higher the
insurance premium for those insured.

Rather than providing universal affordable care the Obama
administration has created a system that will result in more uninsured consumers and faced with unaffordable costs.

Are all these people going to qualify for Medicaid? I do not believe so.
They will earn too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little money to afford
the upcoming premiums.

It is estimated that 30 to 40 million American families’ will
experience an adverse affect in healthcare coverage as a result of Obamacare.

Americans are becoming concerned as the reality of the negative effects
of Obamacare become clear.

Even the traditional mainstream media is starting to report those
concerns as Obamacare’s negative effects are being felt.

Theoretically Obamacare sounds good. Practically it will collapse
the healthcare system.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who told a
gathering a few weeks ago at the Harvard School of Public Health that she has
been "surprised" by the political wrangling caused so far by Obamacare,
there are likely to be plenty of surprises ahead.”

What are the other surprises? What is going to happen to all the
uninsured and underinsured?

It looks like the outcomes are going to be the opposite of the goal of

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Why Does Congress Want to Exempt Itself from Obamacare?

 Stanley Feld

In mid-April
Max Baucus one of the authors of Obamacare and a major proponent of the law
made the following statement to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen
Sibelius at a Senate hearing.



Unfortunately only 11,723 people watched this 29 second You Tube.  The traditional media gave his statement
sound bite coverage without explaining the reasons for him saying Obamacare is
going to be a "train wreck."

West Virginia Senator Jay Rockerfeller said Obamacare is beyond


Only 157 people looked at this You Tube whick has been up for 3 weeks.

It would have
been a good idea for congress to have read and understood the bill.

Meanwhile, congressional leaders in both
parties have been engaged for months  now in high-level, secretive confidential
talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from Obamacare’s  health insurance exchanges that they are
mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul,
sources in both parties said.

These talks involve the Obama administration,
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner
(R-Ohio), along with other top lawmakers.

“These talks are extraordinarily sensitive,
with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout in the
2014 mid term elections from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial
law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides.

along with other Internet news agencies has been the only news agency to have
in depth coverage of this attempt to exempt congress and its aids from
Obamacare and its health insurance exchanges.

Henry Chao, the Administration’s chief
technical official in charge of  the
implementation of the Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges
, “just hopes that Americans can avoid a “third-world experience.”

Why would both
Democrats in congress want to avoid participating in Obamacare and its health
insurance exchanges?

We need to
be reminded that the Democrats had overwhelming majorities in both houses of
congress at the time of passage of the law in 2009 without a single Republican

I am
reminded of Nancy Pelosi’s argument for Obamacare's passage.

 Now that
congress knows what is in Obamacare they want to be exempt.

Congress is content to let the rest
of us suffer.

What is
congress afraid of?


  1. Higher
    healthcare costs for themselves, their families and their aides.
  2. Being
    mandated into Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges will result in  them not qualifying for government subsidy.
  3. Congresspersons and their aids could
    also lose their employer-based coverage.
  4. This is also true for millions of
    ordinary Americans.
  5. They would also face higher costs of
    insurance through health insurance exchange.
  6. Every policy the healthcare insurance
    industry sells will be taxed. It will result in passing the tax on to the
    policy holders.
  7. Contrary to the President’s promises, independent analysts expect health insurance premiums to
    rise sharply, particularly for younger workers and their families.       

members have other fears if they fail to create an exemption for themselves and
their aides. These fears are:

1. They fear the
impact on Capitol Hill employment.

2. The increase in healthcare insurance
costs “could lead to a ‘brain drain’ on
Capitol Hill, as several sources close to the talks put it.”

3. Ordinary Americans who run businesses
are also faced with the same problem. President Obama and Democratic
congressmen have refused to be responsive to the dilemma faced by ordinary

4. American business owner fear they will not
be able to hire or retain valued employees.

5. These businessmen are presently
reducing full-time workers to part-time employees in order to avoid Obamacare’s
mandatory insurance coverage or penalty.

6. This will have the consequence of
increasing the unemployment rate and decreasing consumer spending.

7. In turn it will create an unending
spiral which will seriously impact economic growth.

8. The question Americans must ask is “what about me.”


The Obama
administration and congress have done similar things before in their effort to
passing Obamacare.

was passed using backroom dealings such as the “Cornhusker Kickback,” the
“Louisiana Purchase,” and the threats to political careers.

This congressional
exemption also brings back memories of (more than
1,200 waivers
) to favored
businesses and unions who received special exemptions from Obamacare’s
insurance rules.

“If Congress quietly wants
to exempt itself from Obamacare, that’s great—so long as it includes the rest
of us in that midnight amendment.”

If you are "mad as hell and do not want to take this anymore" 
sign this petition.




click on this link to sign up and send the link on to your friends.

This is the petition


Senator Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader 

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader 

You told me we had to pass
Obamacare to find out what was in it. Now your gold-standard health insurance
is on the chopping block as Obamacare is implemented. 

If the tin-plated plan is good enough for me, my family, and my friends, it is
good enough for you and your staff. 

You passed the law — now live with it like the rest of us. Or overturn the whole
rotten thing!

Stop the effort by liberal Democrats to seek an exemption from Obamacare for
Members of Congress and their staff.


[Your name]

Some of us will remember
Walter Cronkite’s signature was ending
each newscast with the phrase, "And that's the way it is".

 I am adding this “it is now up to you ladies and gentlemen.”


Please sign
the petition. Thank you.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The False Promise of Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

 Stanley Feld M.D. FACP,MACE

promise of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is fading for physicians and
patients. The EMR was supposed to reduce the cost of medical care, improve
quality of care, improve physician communications, reduce duplicate testing and
improve efficiency of care.

believe EMRs can accomplish all of the above goals but not with their present
rollout format.

2009 President Obama declared that EMRs,

save some $80 billion a year, safeguard against medical errors, reduce
malpractice lawsuits, and greatly facilitate both preventive care and ongoing
therapy of the chronically ill.

President Obama's estimate is a little higher than that of the Rand Corp. study on the same issue.

EMR’s have
not accomplished its goals. EMRs have been a money-loser for most physicians.

predicted that fully functioning EMRs were too expensive for most practicing
physicians. In addition to the initial expense there are very high maintenance costs.

bought by physicians and hospital systems in the past are not fully functional.
 Less than 20% of hospital systems and
physicians practices that have fully functional EMRs

and hospital systems that already have EMRs will have to purchase new fully
functional EMRs.

historically know that all data collected, whether accurate or not, has been
used against them in the past.

are hesitant to provide more data at their own expense that compromise the
privacy of their patients and potentially harm their own reputation.

would be happy to participate in EMR implementation if the EMR improved their
ability to serve their patients without a potential penalty.

is clear the government and healthcare insurance industry want to control the
healthcare system. The stakeholder who controls the data controls the
healthcare system.

recent survey from
forty-nine community practices in a large EMR pilot study by the Massachusetts
Collaborative studied the projected five-year financial returns on
investment to physicians’ practices. It was published in Health Affairs.

survey concluded,

"We found that the average
physician would lose $43,743 over five years; just 27 percent of practices
would have achieved a positive return on investment; and only an additional
14 percent of practices would have come out ahead had they received the
$44,000 federal meaningful-use incentive

Only a few practices would
have had EMR’s that qualified for the Obama administrations meaningful –use
The Obama administration’s criteria for meaningful-use are too strict
and complex for EMR software that physicians can afford.

More amazing is that the
only way for a practice to have a positive cash return on investment for their
EMR is to game the healthcare system using their EMR. The resulting cost of
medical care would rise.

largest difference between practices with a positive return on investment and
those with a negative return was the extent to which they used their EHRs to
increase revenue, primarily by seeing more patients per day or by improved
billing that resulted in fewer rejected claims and more accurate coding.”

This does not constitute an improvement in medical care. It also
contradicts the idealistic advantages of the Electronic Medical Record.

The survey concludes that current meaningful-use incentives
alone may not ensure a positive return on investment from EMR adoption.

The survey’s authors suggest,

that provide additional support, such as expanding the regional extension
center program, could help ensure that practices make the changes required to
realize a positive return on investment from EHRs.”

 The government and
healthcare insurance industry’s goal is to reduce physicians’ reimbursement to
those physicians that do not meet Obamacare’s imposed criteria for quality
medical care. The controversial Independent Physician Advisory Board (IPAB)
will set these criteria.

Many physicians in practice object to converting medical care
into a commodity. Medical care is a very personal and complex interaction not
taken into account by the rigid criteria.

I have said previously that about 50% of the therapeutic index
(therapeutic effect) of a physician’s treatment is determined by the patient
physician relationship.

 "We need to move to EHR for a number of
reasons, but if I am a small practice I am going to really think about a few
things," she says. "One is how to decrease the cost of adoption and
the cost of the system itself.

“ To the extent you can reduce the upfront
cost that is going to help bring down the amount you have to figure out how to
make up elsewhere.

Increasingly there are new models taking this
into account for small practices to decrease the big upfront costs

There are two basic issues, the cost of a fully functional EMR and
the real purpose of EMRs. I believe both can be remedied.

The costs of an EMR to a medical practice can be paid for by the
click. The data would be fully secured. The data would be available only to
patients and their physicians.

Physicians would pay for the EMR by the click. The EMRs would be
maintained and updated for free in the cloud.

The EMRs could not be used for penalizing physicians. It would
be used for educating patients and physicians thereby improving the quality of

If there is a bad physician in the community, a way needs to be
found to deal with that physician within his community. All medicine is local.

This is where a consumer driven healthcare system with public
critique of physicians would be an effective deterrent to bad physicians.

The current healthcare system is defective. It has to be
changed. Obamacare is making the business plan worse.

America cannot afford it becoming worse.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Perception Is Reality


I mentioned Joe Klein’s criticism of the VA
healthcare system in my last blog
. I promised to cover some of the problems veterans
are having in the VA healthcare system.

I cannot believe the VA healthcare system is as
bad as illustrated by the following examples.

However, perception is

I believe if the government completely takes
over the healthcare systems and creates a single party payer system, Americans
will have the same perceptions that these veterans have had about the VA
healthcare system.

I have read some of the government’s official reviews
of complaints by veterans. The VA Office of Inspector General Office of
Healthcare Inspections writes the government’s official reviews.

The typical conclusion of the Inspection General
for the VA was that the overwhelming majority of the complaints in various VA
hospitals are unwarranted or insignificant.

“The VA Office of Inspector General Office of
Healthcare Inspections
conducted an inspection in response to allegations of
misdiagnosis and other care issues at the Atlanta VA Medical Center (the
facility) in Atlanta, GA, and two community based outpatient clinics (CBOCs) in
Veterans Integrated Service Network 7.”


"The purpose of this
inspection was to determine the validity of the allegations. We did not
substantiate that a facility emergency department physician misdiagnosed a
stroke as vertigo (a feeling of motion while one is stationary) in September
2010. We determined that the facility emergency department physician’s evaluation
and management of the patient’s complaints and hyperglycemia were appropriate."

"We did not substantiate that the patient received
deficient care o
r that facility and CBOC providers failed to appropriately meet
the patient’s vision, hearing, and stroke rehabilitation needs."

This is the typical
verbage of many reports written
by the VA’s Inspector General. Unfortunately,
these conclusions do not foot with veterans’ complaints.

general characteristics of most of the complaints fall into specific

One universal
characteristic of each complaint is the lack of development of a positive doctor patient relationship

An Army
Major with a combat brain injury felt he had never been treated so poorly in
his life. A VA physician reviewing his condition did not even look at his
record. The physicians showed no compassion when the patient needed compassion the

I have such a low regard for the
VA. I have never been treated in my life as poorly as I had with the VA.”

perception was that “everyone
in the system blames others or passes the buck to someone else.”

physician simply wrote a prescription for some medication.”

The physician
showed no interest in the patient or his disease. He showed no empathy for the

former Marine, Mike Ligurri, who has written the book, 
. He was
diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ligurri also expressed the lack of personal contact with him by the VA physician.
He was given medication to take without explanation of the medication.

 “My attitude was I don’t want to take pills
just because you tell me I will feel better.’  

He felt
the physician he dealt with was cold hearted and not involved.  

There is
no incentive for VA physicians to become involved with patients in the VA
system. The patients are not their patients. At
each clinic patients usually see a different physician.

perception of patients is that the VA physicians and the VA system do not
connect with them.

Patients are treated as commodities.  

I can
relate to that feeling. When I was in training at a charity hospital I was
never able to form a relationship with patients. I did not even see the
patients I admitted to and discharged from the hospital.

There was
little continuation of care or follow-up by me.

When I went
into practice the patient was my patient and I was his doctor. The positive
patient physician relationship made the visit more satisfying to me and more
therapeutic for the patient.

If I
didn’t relate to my patient while in private practice, my patient had the
option of leaving my practice and finding another physician.

I, as
other physicians in private practice, made it my business to relate to my patients.
My incentive was to build my practice and reputation. I was a consultant to
other physicians as a clinical endocrinologist.

In order
words, I had incentive to treat my patients well and my patients and referring
physicians had freedom of choice of any other physician.

experience patients have at the VA is reflected in the following comment,

“They made
me feel like they had no time for me.
All they did was to take notes, never
engaging with me, and after ten minutes decided to write me a pill
prescription. I was never told about alternate forms of therapy.”

want to know about their disease. They want to learn the reasoning for their
treatment. They are not stupid. They want to know what to expect from their
disease and their treatment.

They want
to have a caring and comforting physician because they are frightened about
their disease.

education and a positive patient physician relationship are essential for good
therapeutic outcomes.

A few
weeks ago at medical grand rounds I sat next to a fellow physician and good
friend who was cured of testicular cancer 30 years ago at age 32.

At that
time he was frightened out of his mind because he had no experience with
testicular cancer. He was sent to a radiation oncologist who explained his
disease, his prognosis and what to expect throughout the course of therapy.
This relationship was a total comfort to him.

mentioned this to me during our conversation. He said that he felt very bad
because he had not appropriately thanked the radiation oncologist for the
fantastic physician patient relationship. The relationship permitted him to
tolerate his therapy well. He said he been given hope of surviving and a
positive feeling about his outcome.

I told
this physician I was going to have lunch with that radiation oncologist the next
week. He asked me to be sure to tell the oncologist that he thinks of him all
the time.

He has
been so thankful for his help. He added that post testicular cancer therapy he
enjoyed a fantastic marriage and has been blessed with two wonderful sons.

Now that defines a wonderful physician patient relationship! 

Another complaint of
VA system patients is the long wait time for appointments and the mountain of
paper work that has to be completed in order to make each appointment.

If a patient misses
an appointment because of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances you have to
start the process all over again.

It must be maddening
for VA patients. A Veterans’ study committee has reported an average wait time
has been quoted as 50 day to 273 days.

Recently an older
veteran told me that he had a cataract that was progressing yearly. He was at
the point that he needed cataract surgery to be able to see.

He was told that the
wait and backup was one year.

He made enough of a
stink about the delay in his surgery that the VA healthcare system sent him to
a private practicing ophthalmologist. The private ophthalmologist did the cataract
surgery in one week.

He was thrilled
because he could see clearly again.

I am compelled to
tell some of these stories not to point out the solutions to the problems with
the VA system.

The VA system is run by
long term employees entrenched in their jobs without a threat of either losing
their patients or their jobs.

These employees have
little accountability; they create reports and publish meaningless evaluations.
These reports are of little value in fixing a healthcare system that works
poorly for patients but looks good on paper.

 “Even Jon Stewart is blasting the
handling of Veterans’ benefits, “That is f—- criminal. The VA has a backlog
of 900,000 people. McDonalds handles ten times that many customers in an hour,
and may I remind you they are run by a clown.”

The point is that Obamacare with its ever increasing
bureaucracy, agencies, and regulations is going to lead the entire population
into this trap by decreasing incentives and limiting choice.   

It Is “Coming Our Way with Obamacare.”


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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The Traditional Mainstream Media Is Waking Up To Obamacare’s Defects

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


Klein is TIME's political columnist
and author of six books, most recently “Politics
.” His weekly TIME column, "In the Arena," covers national
and international affairs. In 2004 he won the National Headliner Award for best
magazine column.

is a Democrat and a big supporter of President Obama.

Klein is a major liberal leaning reporter within the traditional mainstream media.
His last two articles in TIME magazine are finally starting to show
understanding of the problem with Obamacare. Here are some of these articles
more important statements.

starts one article with,

me try to understand this: the key incentive for small businesses to support
Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care
superstores — called exchanges.

 "The Administration has had three years to set
up these exchanges. It has 
failed to do so."

 "This is a really bad sign.”

administration continuously claims it is not its fault programs are failing. It
is always the other guy’s fault.

other “guys fault” was the main
strategy of President Obama’s reelection campaign. He needs more time to make
things work.

There will be those who argue that
it’s not the Administration’s fault
. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have
refused to set up their own exchanges. Nonsense. Where was the contingency

Obama administration just announced it couldn’t have the health insurance
exchanges program ready by January 2014.

is refreshing to read a liberal mainstream media writer saying what I have said
all along.

Obama administration’s trick here was to stick the states with the costs of the

states that have thought out the consequences have refused to accept
responsibility for the health insurance exchange.

Obama administration has also demanded that states follow the administration’s
conditions and rules. The states have viewed this as a threat to states rights.

Supreme Court sided with the states’ rights argument.


"The Obama Administration has announced
that it won’t have the exchanges ready in time, that small businesses will be
offered one choice for the
time being — for a year, at least."

A hidden story is the administration does not have the funding
to pay the states for the health insurance exchanges for three years.

This is one of the reasons President Obama is again demanding
the ability to raise taxes in a budget agreement. Republicans are saying he has
received his tax increases January 1, 2013.

“No doubt, small-business owners will be skeptical of the Obama
Administration’s belief in the efficacy of the market system to produce lower
prices through competition. That was supposed to be the point of this plan.”

Joe Klein goes on to say,

“We are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s
inability to govern.
Just a few weeks ago, I 
reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and Veterans
Affairs to come up with a unified electronic health care records system.”

We have been told that the VA had an excellent electronic health
record. The VA advertises that every physician can download it and use it free.
I downloaded it.

The VA EHR is very difficult to use.

 Joe Klein had sharp
criticism for the “Head Start Program”,

 "There have been the
oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a
study conducted by its own bureaucracy — the Department of Health and Human
Services — has found nearly worthless." 

list of Obama administration failures is indeed endless. It is the work of a
community organizer trying to run a big business.

Obama is not a “how” President.
Oh, he pays lip service to government reform.
His people can tell you the number of unnecessary regulations they’ve

It barely scratches the surface of what needs to be done—there is no creative
destruction in government, regulations pile up on top of each other like silt,
generation after generation.”

next statements confirm Joe Klein’s liberal leanings.

 “One thing is clear:
Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of

 “But, as a Democrat — as
someone who believes in activist government
— he has a vested interest in
seeing that federal programs actually work efficiently. I don’t see much
evidence that this is anywhere near the top of his priorities.”

 “And, in a larger sense,
the notion of activist government will be in peril — “  

The problem is not, as the Republicans
claim, big government. It’s bad government.”

last the traditional mainstream media is starting to get it. There is starting
to be recognition of the problem with government controlled and operated

have explained many times that the mess in the healthcare system is not a
liberal or conservative problem

is a problem in creating a healthcare system that aligns all the stakeholder
incentives and works for every consumer of healthcare.

consumer driven healthcare system with appropriate tort reform will have to be developed
by the government.

healthcare system must be constructed that allows consumers to own their
healthcare dollars and be responsible for their health and healthcare.

government could provide the subsidy to the needy. The result would be a
healthcare system that would be more efficient and less costly.

responsibility and freedom to choose is essential for a successful healthcare


 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Reality Vs. Fantasy

Feld M.D., FACP, MACE.

I’m Busted” ,my last blog, generated
several interesting comments.

The comment below was a
standout. It represents a total disregard for historical understanding of what
made the healthcare system totally dysfunctional.

It is obvious from the
comment that this individual has not gone to any of my links in the blog nor
has he been a long time reader. I suggest he read the letters I sent to
President Obama at the time after his first election.

“We’ve been through
this before Dr. Feld.  While your generation was/is in charge of the U.S.
Healthcare System our Quality has Sunk and the Costs have Risen
Dramatically.  ( )” 

Physicians are not in charge of the healthcare
system.The government and the healthcare insurance industry is in charge.

I could not open the link this reader sent. He goes on to say,

 “ Take Some Responsibility for this Healthcare
Mess.  Stop Crying and Placing Blame on those searching for Workable
Options to Fix What You Proudly Created.  Please share this with your
readers.  Stop being so one-sided. 



I have stated innumerable times that all stakeholders including
physicians are responsible for the dysfunction in the healthcare system.

Key to the understanding of the healthcare system's dysfunction
is the need to understand the evolution of the dysfunction
. I cover the history
in my summary blogs. 

The dysfunction in the healthcare system started in 1965 with
the passage of Medicare.

Every subsequent government regulation was followed by a more
expensive reaction to the regulation by the stakeholders.

Life was simple pre
1965. The healthcare social contract was between the patient and the physician.


  •  Personal Care – The Physician Knew Me And
    My Family
  •  The Healthcare System Was Efficient – Consumer
  •   It Was Adequate for 90% of Medical Problems
  •   It Was Democratic
    – Rich & Poor


  •  Lifespan / Expectancy – Short
  • Lived
    Unhealthy Lives
  • Misdiagnosed
    Many Illnesses- Lack of Technology
  • Limited
    Body of Knowledge- Limited Treatments And Drugs


Patients made their own healthcare decisions. Patients and
physicians had positive relationships.

This positive patient/physicians relationship is 50% of the therapeutic

As the medical knowledge base increased more money was pumped
into the healthcare system thanks to Medicare. Secondary stakeholders were
needed to deal with the increase in money and complexity. Soon these secondary
stakeholders began to dominate the healthcare system.

 Secondary stakeholders have disrupted Patient/physician
relationships. These stakeholders have created large barriers between
physicians and patients.



Both patients and physicians have become commodities. In its
present form, the healthcare system, as it has grown in complexity and expense
has precipitously diminished physicians’ control over his medical care and his
ability to apply his medical judgment.

Obamacare is adding more layers of complexity to the healthcare system
to an already dysfunctional healthcare system.

Obamacare will be difficult to execute and impossible to

When the reader says, “Stop Crying and
Placing Blame on those searching for Workable Options to Fix What You Proudly

 I am not crying. I am sad for patients and their
future medical care within the Obamacare healthcare system.

I am trying to get consumers to see the inevitable.

Past evidence has proven that when government
controls and operates any systems the actions proposed are unworkable and unenforceable.
The result is great costs and more inefficiency.

 The healthcare system’s incentives will only be aligned
when the system is consumer driven
. The government must support but not control
the healthcare system.

The government should set the rules to align
incentives and then get out of the way.

I have made a strong case for consumer driven

The healthcare system model the government brags
about is the VA Hospital System model.

Recently the VA has received bad press in the traditional
mainstream media.  VA public relations
department has tried to marginalize the criticism.

It has also tried to compensate for the criticism
by outsourcing medical and surgical care to the private sector with success.

 Elise Cooper’s article in the American Thinker:
VA: a Culture of Disconnect”
says it all. I will add to her title “Coming Our
Way” with Obamacare.


  • "Many veterans feel disconnected with the VA.
    They regard it as a huge bureaucracy that is very impersonal
    and unhelpful. The vets get frustrated because they do not know where to
    turn for help.”

veterans and others involved with the VA to reveal some personal examples and
to see if the complaints are justified

I will discuss in detail these interviews shortly.
I will say the complaints are justified.  

America is running out of time to repeal Obamacare.
Consumers have to wake up now and see what it is doing to their healthcare
system, their taxes and their economy.

  The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Obamacare’s Deception

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

all remember Nancy Pelosi’s famous declaration when she said “we will not know
what is in the bill until we pass it.”

could remember asking to myself how stupid can Americans be to listen to this

are going to be shocked to learn the extent to which they have been deceived by
Obamacare. The legislation neither protects patients nor makes  the Health Insurance Exchange plans affordable.

details of Obamacare have been anything but transparent. New details are
appearing every day in the form of new regulations by new agencies.

believe it would be impossible for someone without an intense interest in
Obamacare to understand it.

have been over 20,000 new regulations from 300 new agencies so far. Mass
confusion has been generated as regulations from one agency contradict  regulations from other agencies.

Obama administrated has said recently that the public should not expect cost
saving from Obamacare.

 The Obama administration has also asked for an
additional $1 trillion dollars over the next ten years in order to fulfill
Obamacare’s promise to the American people.

looks as if none of the administration’s advisors or the administration had
considered the unintended consequences.

works for the insurance companies but not for Americans.

slogans such as “shared responsibility,” “no free riders” and “ownership
society.” dress the insurance industry’s raid on public resources in the cloak
of a “free market” health care system

Obamacare neither protects patients nor are the healthcare
insurance plans to be offered by the health insurance exchanges affordable.

Americans with incomes between 133% and 400% of the Federal
Poverty Level (Income above 133% of the federal poverty level = $31,322/yr. or $2,610/mo.
Income above 400% of the federal poverty level= $94,200/yr. or $7850/mo.) will
pay for the least expensive   subsidized policies from 2% to 9.5% of Modified
Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) from their IRS reported income.

Americans with the least income are faced with a substantial yearly
and monthly after tax salary reductions even though their healthcare insurance
policy is subsidized by the government.

On January 1,2014 they are mandated to have healthcare coverage.

A person with a Modified Adjusted Gross Income receiving $27,925
from all sources of revenue will pay $187.33 per family member per month.

The total price for a family of four is ($2,247.96 per year times
4)  $8991.84 in after tax dollars. This
pays for a Silver level plan that is next to the least expensive plan to be
offered by the health insurance exchanges.

If a person who has this plan goes to a physician or a hospital  the patient’s deductible will be sizable
despite the government subsidy.

Even if the family has subsidized healthcare insurance these
families might not be able to afford to use the insurance.

The quality of life of a low earner will be compromised. He must
buy the subsided healthcare insurance. The result will be he will have to make
cuts in buying food and adequate housing in order to pay for the healthcare

We have not heard much about this problem from the Obama

As the insurance industry raises premiums on private insurance
they are also going to raise the prices in the Health Insurance Exchanges.

If the family opts out of buying the insurance they will have to
pay a penalty.

It is actually better to pay the penalty and then sign up for
insurance if you or a member of your family gets sick.

 The fee paid for
insurance in 2014 will varying according to 2012 income. If a family income
rose in 2012 and the breadwinners lost their jobs in 2013 and 2014 the family
could not afford the MAGI healthcare insurance premium they would be required
to pay.

If income increased in 2013 they would be liable for the
increase the next year.

stress alone from such a regressive scheme is, without a doubt, not conducive
to good health and well-being.”

On January 1, 2014 everyone is required to buy healthcare
insurance or
else pay a penalty. Even with the government’s subsidy a low income
earner could be forced out of the market.

In the meantime, states such as California are decreasing
reimbursement for physicians. Physicians are choosing not to participate in
both Medicare and Medicaid. This will increase the physician shortage.

The only choice states have left is to tie medical license
renewal to physicians accepting Medicare and Medicaid.

At the same time states and the federal government are
decreasing funding to already financially stressed charity safety net hospital
systems. Many of these institutions have closed. Most of them are failing.

The decrease in safety net hospital systems will further
decrease the options for low-income earners to receive medical care.

Obamacare is turning out to be a not well thought out plan. It
is a series of Catch 22s.

The only winner is the healthcare insurance industry which will
provide the administrative services to the government to adjudicate claims. It
will receive both the government subsidy and the payment made by the low-income

Obamacare has deceived the public.  As I have stated in the past Obamacare has
some good ideas but the structure, regulations and execution are terrible.

Obamacare sounds good when President Obama talks about it but it
is an impending disaster medically and financially for Americans.

Only a consumer driven healthcare system with the bullet-proof
ideal medical savings account will align all the stakeholders’ incentives.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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I Can Hear The Train A Comin’

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP MACE

It is almost past the time for physicians to
listen to that train whistle coming down the line.

A reader wrote


blog Dr. Feld.

your Physician friends this question:

and how will you feel when your license to practice medicine is no longer
sanctioned at the state level, rather it is issued by the Federal Government
and tied directly to your willingness to see a certain percentage of
Medicare/Medicaid patients?”

where this train is headed, most physicians are simply too blind it to see it or too deaf the hear it.

M "


M., I have tried to warn my physician
friends that the train is coming. Physicians’ freedoms and the patient-physician
relationship are circling the drain.

The only option they will have will be
to practice medicine without a license. This is a ridiculous thought.

Where is the silent physician majority?
I have only heard from Dr. Ben Carson. I have a feeling the press is going to
start calling him a lunatic very shortly. The goal will be to marginalize and silence


Where are the organizations that are
supposed to represent physicians and their patients?

If you ignore the pain you do not know
the cancer is growing. If you do not feel the pain you do not know if it is
growing either.

The cancer cannot be cured if it is

Physicians cannot ignore this problem
any longer. Neither can consumers. Entitlement spending run wild will drive
America into bankruptcy.

Cancer is comparable to the national debt.
It will not be cured if it is recklessly ignored. The end result will be

President Obama has
demonstrated an apparent disregard for the literal interpretation of the constitution’s
First, Second, Fourth and Twelfth Amendments during his term in office.

States rights seem
meaningless. The Democratic congress has empowered President Obama to do anything
he wants to do to the healthcare system.

Congress has transferred all
decision making to the executive branch of government.

Congress is supposed to
represent the people. Most consumers do not know what is going on. The
information is not readily available.  If
they do not know what is going on will not mount a protest.

Consumers who enjoy the
benefits of the entitlements are not likely to be willing to give them up. It
is not as much a matter of entitlements as it is a matter of waste and
inefficiency resulting from complex government bureaucracies.

President Obama has told us
that Medicare and Medicaid are very efficient. Yet he has not provided proof.
The administrations claim is the waste is the result of fraud and abuse. My
question is by whom?

Public opinion cannot be
expressed if the public does not understand the issues.

The traditional media has
ignored most of the important issues; it has not published the possible
consequences of the administrations rules, regulations and actions.

If congressmen express an
opinion contrary to the party line of the establishment they are called a Wacko

The press will jump all over
this because it might sell newspapers or magazines. The public accepts the
catchy phrase as the truth.

I have outlined and
described in detail the logical solutions to Repairing The Healthcare System.

With the 20,000 new
regulations and 300 new agencies the Obama administration has tightened the box.
They have disabled the physicians’ ability to practice medicine unless they
comply with government dictates.

This is called government
control and takeover of the healthcare system.

Many physicians think they
can finesse this imprisonment. These physicians are wrong. Many think they will
be able to stop accepting Medicare and Medicaid and continue to practice
medicine. They are wrong.

Physicians’ ability to use their
medical judgment is being taken away.

The Obama administration’s
response would obviously be that is silly. They are not trying to control
medical judgment.

However the government
continues to proceed in commoditizing medical care. 

Physicians are going to
scream when they wake up and realize what is happening to medicine and medical

Some physicians say they are
powerless to do anything. These physicians are wrong.

All they have to do is learn
the details of the real issues. Then they have to explain it to every patient.
Patients are not going to like what is happening.

Physicians can provide their
patients with talking points or an already written letter to send to congress
and President Obama.

Remember this is a
government by the people for the people. We hire these guys. Our vote provides
these politicians with their job. Congress and the President are scared stiff
to have our disapproval.

The government runs like
Franz Kafka’s bureaucracy in his book “the Castle.” No one has authority to
make a decision and no one takes responsibility for the consequences.

Who took responsibility for
the Benghazi disaster? The press ignored it. The facts were not forthcoming and
no one took responsibility.

Americans’ health is too
precious to ignore the impending disaster.

Who is going to take
responsibility for the disaster?


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Obamacare’s Actions To Destroy The Healthcare System


The Obama administration is doing
everything it can to destroy the healthcare system. President Obama continues
to campaign that he is going to save Medicare and Medicaid and provide
universal care while saving $4.25 trillion dollars.

It does not add up.  The Obama administration keeps raising taxes,
decreasing benefits and increasing deductibles on Medicare and Medicaid
premiums. The administration is decreasing the work force by regulation and
executive order.

Everything that is being done increases
the burden on seniors and insured workers.

To my amazement no one in organized
medicine except the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has

I applaud Jane Orient M.D. executive
director of AAPS and her Board of Directors for stepping forward and trying to
defend the rights of patients and their physicians.

At stake are patients’ ability to
choose their physicians and physicians’ ability to practice medicine as they

Where are the AMA and all the specialty
organizations in the federation medical organizations?  It is little wonder these organizations are
losing members.

All medical organizations should join
with Jane Orient M.D. and her Board of Directors lawsuit against the government.

AAPS filed suit
against PPACA
 three days after it was signed into law, but the National
Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and 26 states stayed the case pending
a Supreme Court decision in the case brought.

All of us know that the Supreme Court
upheld the Obamacare law. It was deemed by Chief Justice Robert that the
executive branch has the power to levy a tax. It is not within the power of the
executive branch to create a mandate. President Obama insisted throughout the
legal process that this was a mandate and not a tax.


In my opinion this decision by Justice
Roberts was a big mistake. Obamacare is a terrible law that will not create
universal healthcare. It will be ineffective and inefficient. It will destroy
the healthcare system. Obamacare cannot possible work.

I think this is President Obama’s goal.

The Supreme Court in its decision acknowledged,
"any tax must still comply with other requirements in the

No one except the AAPS has challenge
this point.

“The motion filed by AAPS is the first to ask an appellate
court to rule on whether PPACA
violated the Origination Clause of the U.S.
Constitution, which requires that all "bills for raising revenue"
originate in the House of Representatives.”

More and more physicians are not participating
in Medicare. Physicians still have the ability to choose to participate in
Medicare and Medicaid.

At the beginning of 2013 a new
regulation went into effect. Previously, if a physician did not participate in
Medicare the patient had to pay the physician his fee. The patient could then
bill Medicare and collect 70% of Medicare’s allowable fee.  Medicare does not pay the patient after
January 1st,2013.

Non-participating physicians may use
laboratory, x-ray departments or consultants that participate in Medicare. The
participating consultants, labs and x-ray departments can bill Medicare
directly and receive their usual and customary fee from Medicare. 

Effective May 1, 2013 (a new regulation
issued March 1, 2013 by HHS
) the Department of Health and Human Services will
deprive patients of benefits for blood tests, x-rays, and specialist
consultations—benefits for which they were forced to pay all their working
lives, and which would be covered if ordered or referred by a non participating
Medicare physician.

I believe the Obama administration’s
goal is to force physicians to participate in Medicare.

"Because of Medicare's increasingly costly and
restrictive rules placed on doctors
, many Medicare-eligible patients are
receiving medical care from physicians not enrolled in the program,"
states Jane M. Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

AAPS filed an
emergency motion for injunctive relief
  in the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Founding Fathers fought for independence largely because of excessive taxation
without representation. When the Constitution was drafted, the founders
insisted that taxes originate in the House, the legislative body closest to the
people, both in representation and in election cycles.

originated in Senator Reid's 2000-page
amendment to a 6-page House bill about
tax credits for members of the armed forces who are called into overseas
assignments. AAPS has raised several arguments why ObamaCare constitutes an
illegal tax, including violation
of the constitutions Origination Clause.”

This new executive order disregards the
constitution’s “Origination Clause” to try to stop physicians from not
participating in Medicare

the AAPS had the guts to speech out against this executive branch breech of its
power and defend patients and physicians rights as granted by the constitution.

for the AAPS.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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