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Disinformation and the healthcare system


I Gave President Obama An Alternative To Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

I formulated an alternative to Obamacare in 2006, long before Obamacare existed.  President Obama has ignored a plan that will work and align every stakeholder’s incentive.

Obamacare is failing because President Obama does not know who the customer is in the healthcare system. He is blinded by ideology and the belief that government knows what consumers need.

The consumer is the customer. Without consumers of medical care and physicians to provide medical care we would not need a healthcare system.

Consumers and physicians are the primary stakeholders. All the others are secondary stakeholders.

However, physicians receive between 15-20% of the healthcare dollars. Hospitals receive 25% of the healthcare dollars.

Where does the remaining 60% of the healthcare dollars go?

The insurance industry takes at least 40% off the top. The pharmaceutical industry receives 10% and the government wastes 10%.

It is a pity that only 40% of our healthcare dollars is spent on direct medical care. There is much waste and inefficiency built into that direct medical care.

 There is also much waste included in the 60% the secondary stakeholder take off the top.

How else would UnitedHealth’s CEO get paid $1.8 billion dollars in cash and stock options from 1998 to 2006? 

 The excessive insurance industry profits are the direct result of ineffective regulatory agencies controlling insurance pricing.

In 2006 consumer power was demonstrated when UnitedHealth tried to decrease reimbursement to Hospital Corporations of America. HCA protested and threated to quit participation in United Health. Consumer protests followed.

UnitedHealth was the main insurance carrier in the Denver Area. Consumers threated to boycott buying insurance from UnitedHealth. UnitedHealth backed off.

The HCA/United pushback is the first big step. It represents how “Patient Power” should work. Patients should be madder than hell and not want to take it any more.”

In 2006, many of the uninsured were self employed consumers who cannot qualify for insurance because they have a preexisting illness or they are at risk for illness.

The insurance companies refused to sell them insurance. The same consumer in a group insurance plan by law would receive insurance from the same insurance company that turned down the individual.

A self-employed individual can only buy insurance with after tax dollars. A corporate employee receives healthcare insurance coverage with pre-tax dollars.

The same applies for the individual insurance market post Obamacare.

The price of insurance is very high for small businesses. The small business owners do not have the negotiating power of the large corporations.

This results in both the individual and small business not being covered by healthcare insurance. All of the above can be easily fixed.

The problem with Obamacare is the insurance premiums are higher than they were pre- Obamacare. The reasons are obvious.

The only winner is the individual who makes a low enough income to receive a federal subsidy. The loser is the taxpayer.

Obamacare also creates a perverse incentive resulting in people not striving to get ahead.  

In 2006 I wrote:

Patients drive the healthcare system. Patients have tremendous power. They must be taught to use that power in order to Repair the Healthcare System.

Patients must use their  “Patient Power” to take control of their healthcare dollars and their health. They should be provided with financial incentives to save the money they spend on medical care.

Neither the healthcare insurance industry nor the government should determine the consumers’ access to care. Patients’ freedom of choice and self- responsibility is the key to Repairing the Healthcare System.

If there are financial incentives consumers will learn to become informed consumers of healthcare. Reliable education must be provided to give consumers the opportunity to become informed consumers.

There are preconditions.

 Prices must be transparent so consumers know what they are buying. The insurance industry should negotiate the price with the physicians and the hospitals. The industry can remain the surrogate broker for the payment of money belonging to the consumer. Consumers’ who overspend will not receive the financial incentive. They will lose their medical saving account money. Patients who have an expensive illness, like diabetes, can be rewarded for spending money if they keep themselves in good health and prevent complications of disease.

The consumers are then the responsible party purchasing their medical care. It is not the healthcare insurance industry or the government.

The healthcare insurance industry or any financial industry with an adequate computer system can be the administrator and adjudicator of payment.

Medicare director Mark McClellan M.D. said that 90% of the healthcare dollar of a specific disease (Diabetes) is spent on the complications of disease. If we reduce the complications of a disease we could save at least 45% of the current healthcare expenditure for that disease.

Obamacare gives this vital fact lip service. It puts the responsibility of outcomes on physicians’ shoulders. If physicians have poor outcomes they get penalized.

The medical outcome is a dual responsibility of both consumers and physicians. Consumers should be made aware of physicians’ outcomes. Some of the poor outcomes are the result of consumers not taking the responsibility to learn about their disease, prevent the complications of their disease, or comply with the treatment recommended. The result is a poor outcome.

Consumer overspending is another important aspect of increasing healthcare costs. Consumers do not have incentive to be cautious with their healthcare dollars because they have been given first dollar coverage. They do not have financial incentives to save money on medical care.

Consumer overspending was best described by Victor Fuchs an economist from Stanford.

He made the case for a Consumer Driven Health Care System.

The Health Saving Accounts that congress has approved in my opinion is impotent. It does not provide a strong enough financial incentive for consumers to want to save money.

The trust account of $1,000 per year is too low to motivate consumers to become wise shoppers. A Medical Savings Account of $6,000 per year begins to represent financial motivation.

 HSA’s represent the same false hope HMO’s and managed care represented in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

 Dr. Fuchs calls it “The Restaurant Check Problem.”

“You go out to a restaurant with a bunch of friends and you sort of understand that you will split the check,” he said.

 “The waiter comes along and says, ‘the lobster looks very good, and how about a soufflé for dessert?’

The restaurant check balloons, but you are not so careful because you figure everyone is splitting it.

“That’s the way medical care gets paid for,” he said.

 Dr. Fuchs added, “We want to spend our money on the things that will bring the most value for the dollar.

When we are spending collective money as we are in health care, then it becomes much more difficult.”

We want Diabetics to spend money for good medical care in order to prevent complications. Prevention of complications will keep Diabetics out of the hospital and out of the emergency room. The result will be a decrease in medical costs.

The consumer driven healthcare plans can be set up to give provide Diabetic consumer the financial motivation to take care of himself. This reward is much cheaper than paying for a hospitalization or emergency room visit.

 If an insurance product is overloaded with salaries, waste, overhead and unnecessary benefits patients will not buy the product.

The insurance product would have to be modified. It would become more cost efficient.

Patients have it in their power to remove the waste and inefficiency in the system.

Some very clever entrepreneur will realize the consumer is the customer. He will develop an insurance product that everyone wants. State governments have the power to encourage development of this product.

The examples in industry in America are numerous. Sam Walton revolutionized retailing in America with Wal-Mart and Sam’s. Michael Dell almost brought IBM to its knees and revolutionized the distribution of information technology.

 My goal is to describe the necessary components of a healthcare insurance product that does not offer another and false hope.

I hope to show the way to develop an insurance product that can work for patients first and then all the other stakeholders.

There is no reason we cannot provide excellent affordable insurance coverage to all including the corporate employed, the small business employed, the self employed, the unemployed, and the Medicare covered seniors, with all the stakeholders making a reasonable profit in a simplified system.

President Obama, I have provided a viable alternative long before you became President.

I also provided this alternative to you when you became President in the letters I wrote to you.

For you to say no one has come up with a better alternative than Obamacare is disingenuous on your part.

I hope you are listening now.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Where’s The Money Going To Come From?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Where is the money coming from to pay for Obamacare? Enrollment has been terrible from October 1st 2013 to December 31st 2013. 

The Obama administration has been bragging that 2.1 million consumers who have signed up for Obamacare.

The Obama administration originally estimated Obamacare needed 7.2 million consumers to sign up on the health insurance exchanges to make Obamacare viable. Of the 7.2 million people, the administration needs at least 2.7 million people to be young and healthy 18-34 year olds. These young, healthy people are needed to pay for the sicker, older people who are likely to use the healthcare dollars.

I believe 7.2 million is a low estimate of the necessary participants to make Obamacare viable. 

As a result of Obamacare, employers have been converting many employees to part time workers. The employers’ goal is to avoid paying for healthcare insurance while avoiding Obamacare penalties. This has resulted in an undisclosed number of uninsured people.

The cancelation of 6.5 million healthcare policies in the individual marketplace due to non-compliant Obamacare mandated coverage will further increase the number of uninsured.

The Obama administration has spun the numbers to look favorable even though they are terrible.

Kathleen Sebelius released the Obamacare participation numbers for the first two month last week.

 “Key findings from today’s report include:

  • Nearly 2.2 million (2,153,421) people selected Marketplace plans from Oct. 1 through Dec. 28, 2013
  • These signups in the state and federal marketplaces represent a nearly five-fold increase from October-November, including nearly 1.8 million (1,788,739) people who selected a plan in December (compared with the previous two-month cumulative total of 364,682 through Nov. 30, 2013).
  • Of the almost 2.2. million:
    • 54 percent are female and 46 percent are male;
    • 30 percent are age 34 and under;
    • 24 percent are between the ages of 18 and 34, and;
    • 60 percent selected a Silver plan, while 20 percent selected a Bronze plan; and
    • 79 percent selected a plan with Financial Assistance.”
  • Today’s report also details state-by-state information where available.  In some cases, only partial datasets were available for state marketplaces. 
  • The report features cumulative data for the three-month period because some people apply, shop, and select a plan across monthly reporting periods.  Enrollment is measured as those who selected a plan.

To read the complete report visit:

There are several problems not emphasized by the report.

How many of the 2.1 million applied and were approved and receive insurance?

How many actually received an insurance card?

How many paid the first month’s premium?

How many applying for insurance lost their insurance as a result of the Obamacare change in insurance requirements?

How many of these people have a pre-existing illness and are an expensive health risk?

What is the average amount of financial assistance the 79% will receive?

The young healthy people have not applied because most are facing at least a 50% increase in the cost of insurance premiums along with higher deductibles.

They feel they are being ripped off by Obamacare and refuse to join. Many simply cannot afford it.

No group has been hit as hard by the Obama economy and Obamacare as America’s young people. After seeing massive premium increases and failed bureaucracy in the Obama administration, it’s no wonder they are staying away,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

House Speaker John Boehner’s office said the figures prove the health law has been “a bust so far.” “When they see that Obamacare offers high costs for limited access to doctors — if the enrollment goes through at all — it’s no surprise that young people aren’t rushing to sign up,” said Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck.

 How many have tried to apply for healthcare insurance only to have their application kicked back without explanation?

Moises is a case in point. He is a U.S. citizen with a wife and two kids. His kids have SCHIP. He and his wife do not have Medicaid or other insurance.

I volunteered to fill out his application for him. He said he did not want to bother me. He has a friend who knows someone who will complete the application for free.

He friend works for an insurance company. The company has navigators that will complete the application for free for him.

It took 3 weeks to complete the application. How many hours was the government billed to complete his application at $48 an hour?

The October 31st deadline passed for Moises and his wife to have insurance November 1St.

He and his wife contracted what sounded like a viral illness on October 30th. They went to the doctor on November 2nd. They had some lab tests done and were given a “real expensive antibiotic.”

The encounter cost him $200 that he could not afford. I would guess the same transaction would have cost the insurance company $50.

The navigator promised him she would have the application in by November 15th so that he would have insurance on December 1st. On November 21st the application has yet to be accepted by

There has been no explanation by the navigator as to why his application did not go through. He has called the navigator at least 15 times. She says she will keep trying.How many more people has this happened to as they have tried to apply for Obamacare? 

Last week the Washington Examiner said that the IRS has started bullying young people to sign up.

President Obama is in the midst of multimillion dollar spending public relations campaign to convince young people to sign up for Obamacare.

This bizarre commercial to "Get Covered" by Obamacare received 72,000 hits on You Tube. How many of those 72,000 applied for Obamacare? We will never know.

 Other “Get Covered” bizarre commercials can be seen at the completion of the above video.

 Is this a good use of taxpayers’ dollars?

 President Obama is spending money like a “drunken sailor.”

 After receiving the Obama administration’s original numbers, the CBO’s estimate predicted Obamacare would save $114 billion dollars over the next 10 years.

In May 2013 the CBO revised its estimate of the Obamacare costs. The graph below shows that Obamacare will cost over $140 billion dollars per year over the next 10 years. The net budgetary impact will be $1.4 trillion dollars. The deficit represents an increase more than $1.54 trillion dollars over the cost savings of  $114 billion dollars in the original estimate.

  Cbo budget projections

This estimate is not even close to what the eventual net budgetary impact will be.

The real cost will skyrocket because of all the defects in the law, terrible implementation of the law, the fraud and abuse that will occur because of implementation of the law and the entire skewed enrollment that is going to take place.

America ought to face reality and ignore President Obama’s rhetoric now before disaster occurs and America is bankrupt.

Americans should insist that Obamacare be repealed now before it is too late!

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Beware Of Disinformation and Punishment

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

The gigantic error President Obama is making is trying to force Americans to do something they do not want to do.

It took a little while for Americans to realize the trap they were getting themselves into by supporting Obamacare.

Now that 2014 has arrived Americans are feeling the punitive effects of Obamacare. The consumer outrage is beginning.

We must realize that the healthcare system was unsustainable before Obamacare was passed. Having Obamacare passed by a totally partisan vote by a left leaning Democrats and left leaning President was another mistake.

Obamacare has accelerated the unsustainability of the current healthcare system.

Group and individual insurance policies have skyrocketed in price. Healthcare insurance deductibles have also increased.

Consumers of medical care previously covered by their company’s healthcare plan have had their work hours reduced to less than 30 hours so their company can discontinue their healthcare insurance coverage and avoid government penalty.

The majority of people were not aware of the 10 hidden taxes collected since 2009 for Obamacare.

Since the disaster of the website rollout more people are becoming aware of the potential impending disaster of Obamacare.

In addition to the 48 million people who were uninsured pre Obamacare at least 6.5 million have lost their insurance in the individual insurance market.

President Obama has provided waivers for the group healthcare insurance market for a year. This was done to avoid a much bigger public outcry for the lose of healthcare insurance they liked than what has resulted from the 6.5 million people that lost their healthcare insurance in the individual market.

The Obama administration is spending $600 million dollars to try to convince millions of uninterested and reluctant 18 to 35 year olds to buy healthcare insurance from the Obamacare health insurance exchanges.

So far less the government reports that only 24% of the risk pool population are healthy young people. This is well below the 40% that are needed to pay for the sick and elderly that have already applied. The young are suppose to pay for the older sick patients.

“The heart of Obamacare is coercion. If Americans fail do what the law's Democratic authors believe is best, the federal government will punish them, through the progressively higher penalties of the individual mandate, until it hurts more not to buy coverage than it does to give up and purchase it.”

Incentives work! Punishment does not!

It looks as if these young Americans are rebelling. They mistrust the government and feel they are being used. They feel they are being misled into buying healthcare insurance that might not meet their needs even if the government is telling them it does meet their needs.

What if they continue to refuse to buy the insurance the government is trying to force them to buy at prices they do not want or cannot afford to pay?

Obamacare has a mandate provision. The Obama administration still calls it a mandate even though the Supreme Court called it a penalty tax.

The Obama administration also calls it by a nicer name. It is called The Shared Responsibility Provision.”

Everyone believes a mandate is a mandate.

 Bob Laszewski, a respected health care analyst said it.

 "How the hell are you going to enforce a mandate to buy something that people don't think is valuable enough to buy? If the uninsured don't start to see value in Obamacare and buy it, is the Democratic solution to fine the heck out of them until it hurts so much they have to buy it? That is great political strategy!"

The mandate, penalty, tax in the first year is meaningless. It is $95. Neither President Obama nor the traditional media have emphasized the more significant part of the penalty. The actual penalty is $95 dollars or 1% of the mean adjusted income whichever is greater.

The mean adjusted income includes capital gains, dividends, interest and royalties. A young healthy person making $50,000 would be penalized $500 dollars the first year, $1,000 the second year and $1,250 the third year. If they had income from inheritance or other sources the penalty would be higher.

“Your tax penalty (shared responsibility fee) for not having insurance is paid on your taxes at the end of the year. If your taxable income is below 133% of the FPL you are exempt from this tax.”

2014 = $95 per person per year or 1% of your Income
2015 = $325 per person per year or 2% of your Income
2016 = $695 per person per year or 2.5% of your Income
2017 = Tax Penalty will increase by the rate of inflation going forward, or 2.5% of your Income

• The penalty is based on modified adjusted gross income.

• The total penalty for the taxable year cannot exceed the national average of the annual premiums of a bronze-level health insurance plan offered through the health insurance marketplaces.

How is the government going to collect the penalty? The present plan is for the IRS to deduct the money from a tax refund. 

Democrats in Congress who passed the bill feared public reaction and political fallout to forcing Americans to write a check to the government to cover the penalty. Therefore this method of collection by the IRS is barred.

If the penalized person is not due a refund the IRS has no legal way of collecting the money.

 Obamacare has some good ideas that need to be incorporated into the healthcare system. However their format and implementation are horrible.

The goal of Obamacare is central government control and implementation of the healthcare system.

Community organizers, lawmakers, and bureaucrats designed the bill. The ideology was socialistic. The designers do not believe in the free market. They were influenced and manipulation of lobbyists.

Obamacare is not consumer driven healthcare system law.

If Obamacare had been designed by businesspeople, it might have had many more features that appeal to customers.

Bon Laszewski said "The problem with Obamacare is it’s product driven and not market driven,".

 "They didn’t ask the customer what they wanted. And I think that’s the fundamental problem with Obamacare.

It meets the needs of very poor people because you’re giving them health insurance for free. But it doesn’t really meet the needs of healthy people and middle-class people."

I believe it could have been designed to be cheaper and more effective to meet the needs of the poor people without destroying the ability to meet the needs of the middle class.

A government can try to force people to do buy something they do not want. However, throughout history this method has not worked.

Should Americans continue to travel down the proven path of failure at great financial, economic and political cost?

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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President Obama Got The Subject Changed

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP, MACE

I do not know if anyone has noticed that Obamacare has not been discussed in the mainstream media since January 1st.

Obamacare affects consumers negatively. The anger and resistance will not go away by changing the subject.

Obamacare's problems remain.

Many physicians are running for the exits.

Many insurance companies are trying to figure out their next step. Many hospital systems have not been successful in developing of their accountable care organizations.

Hospital systems have not developed functionally adequate electronic medical records.

Hospital systems have not adjusted to the ICM-10 coding system.

There are still delays in signing up for healthcare insurance on the health exchanges.

People do not know if their applications have been accepted and they actually have insurance.   

The minimal numbers of applicants and consumers who actually received insurance is not clear.

The level of mistrust by consumers for the Obama administration continues to escalate.

It is interesting to note the scarcity of articles published about the healthcare system since January 1st.

The mainstream media is not reflecting the chaos created by Obamacare on the healthcare system.

No matter what the Obama administration does to distract people from healthcare it will remain a main issue. Obamacare is not an abstraction any more. It is an unpleasant reality that is affecting consumers directly. It is having a widespread negative effect on healthcare and medical care delivery. Obamacare is also having a negative affect on economic growth and stability.

Headlines about Obamacare are few and far between. Below are some of the few topics published.

New Health Law Frustrates Many in Middle Class

The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before.

Even more striking, for the Chapman’s, is this fact: If they made just a few thousand dollars less a year — below $94,200 — their costs would be cut in half, because a family like theirs could qualify for federal subsidies.

The Chapman’s are caught in the uncomfortable middle: not poor enough for help, but not rich enough to be indifferent to cost.

Most healthcare experts consider health insurance unaffordable if premiums exceed 10 percent of annual income. Lower income families not qualified for Medicaid (>$21,000 per year) have to pay 10% of their income for subsidized healthcare insurance. This amount could be unaffordable to them.

Obamacare is only affordable for the very poor.

More trouble for CGI, Obamacare website designer

CGI Group is being denied payment by Massachusetts and Vermont as a result of dysfunctional state exchange websites that have yet to be fixed.

Massachusetts (Romneycare) is supposed to be doing great according to the traditional media.  Why is Massachusetts switching to Obamacare?

The state is probably getting a bigger subsidy from the federal government by being under federal control. Federal control doesn’t seem to trouble the government officials in Massachusetts.

I was under the impression the Massachusetts web site was working splendidly. The CGI contract for Massachusetts and Vermont cost $69 million dollars.

 Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals

In an attempt to make as much money as possible the outsourced administrative services providers are holding onto money as long as possible.

The report appeared only on a local TV station in Houston, Texas. I suspect it is happening all over the country.

“The contractor building the financial management system for is being blamed by a Houston hospital for delayed Medicare reimbursements that have caused the hospital to miss payrolls for weeks."

" Novitas Solutions is the federal government's new Medicare payment processor for the south-central region of the country hired by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a division of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS.)  ABC-KTRK in Houston reports:"

"According to the CEO Jason Leday, more than 150 employees haven't been paid in nearly a month."

"I understand that they have children and a house payment, bills. Not getting paid is wow," nearby resident Theresa Gutierrez said.” 

 The public can only know about these occurrences, if the mainstream media reports it.

Insurance Customers Still Having Problems With MNsure

A local Minneapolis TV station had this story.

"As the New Year began at midnight, so did benefits for thousands of Minnesotans who signed up for MNsure.

It left some people unsure if they completed the process in time. MNsure has had several problems with it’s website from the start this fall.

Late last week, 50,000 people had completed applications to buy private health plans but hadn’t completed enrollment because of website problems or if they just didn’t continue on in the process. Close to 20,000 people had completed enrollment as of Dec. 27, 2013."

This is not a very good showing for Minnesotans. We were told the state exchanges were doing great.

The Obama administration has not verified any actual enrollment in insurance coverage to date. We have been told that things are looking good.

Lousy results are portrayed as good results.

It’s official: Obamacare debuts with more canceled plans than enrollments

Obamacare may have promised health insurance for the masses. But on its first day, it’s left more Americans without coverage than before the law was passed.

More than 4.7 million Americans had their health insurance canceled as a result of any of the thousand-plus-page law’s new rules, The Associated Press reports, but the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed Tuesday that between federal and state exchanges, just two million Americans have signed up for Obamacare coverage. 

 'They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!'

"Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment."

The Mail Online published this story for the American public. It did not appear in the American traditional main media.

 MailOnline spoke with patients who were told they would have to pay their bills in full if they couldn't prove they had insurance

  • One was faced with a $3,000 hospital room charge and opted to leave the hospital after experiencing chest pains
  • 'Should I be in the hospital? Probably,' she said
  • Another, coughing in the cold, walked out without receiving a needed chest x-ray
  • Consumers face sticker-shock from medical costs under the new Obamacare system, made worse if they can't prove they're insured
  • As many as one-third of new enrollees' applications have seen problems when the government transmits them to insurance companies

The group market, the union insurance market, Medicare, the low paid wagers market (MacDonald’s and other fast food chain market) all received waivers from Obamacare for one year. Only the individual healthcare market was not exempt from Obamacare.

The recent Obamacare headlines have not been popularized. Most Americans can conclude that nothing in healthcare has changed.

Americans should be made aware of the things going on in healthcare under Obamacare. They will be shortly. Obamacare is going to affect all Americans directly.

Obamacare is only affecting 5% of the population today. However the public needs to be made aware of what is going to happen to everyone because his or her waivers will expire shortly.

The Obama administration has not been transparent about anything including costs and cost overruns.

The lack of transparency has made everyone suspicious and mistrustful of President Obama and his administration.

It is going to be a rocky year for both healthcare and medical care.

Obamacare is facing headwinds that the Obama administration will not be able to hide from the public.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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What Is It All About?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

It is all about concentrating control over the healthcare system in the federal government. It is about increasing profits of the healthcare insurance industry. It is about decreasing consumers’ freedom to choose a physician. It is about inhibiting physicians’ freedom to use clinical judgment. 

It is designed to happen slowly and insidiously. The trick is to increase control and decrease freedom so that it is not noticed until after it has happened.

Obamacare will not collapse in the next day or two. It will take months to a few years before the major stakeholders (consumers/patients) realize what has happened to our healthcare system.

Only when every consumer is affected will there be a unified public community outcry to repeal Obamacare.  

It might be too late at that time. All the stakeholders will have adjusted to the new but unsuccessful healthcare system at the taxpayers’ expense.

Socialized medicine has not been cost effective anywhere in the free world.

Eighty percent of the people are not sick at any one time. The healthy think the socialized healthcare system in their society is fine until they get sick.

Most people do not realize that the bureaucratic costs and inefficiency in a socialized medicine system consume a high percentage of the GNP.

 Americans would not tolerate 50% of the GNP going to the healthcare system. Especially when the quality of care and access to care has diminished along with the rationing of care.

Medical care is personal. Commoditization of medical care is not personal. When consumers realize they do not have the freedom to choose there will be a reaction.

President Obama’s public relations machine is pumping out deceptions and half-truths right and left about the success of the web site in December without producing any facts except the number of people who visited the site. The implication is these consumers have signed up and received healthcare insurance.

The defects in the implementation are too numerous to count.  The New York Times is not deterred. It is regurgitating the Obama administrations press releases. The administration admits the rollout has had a lot of glitches. However, the administration as well as the New York Times has said that over time all Americans will all be happy with the results of Obamacare.

The mainstream media is spinning President Obama’s story.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post started off the New Year with the following statement.

“Now that the fight over ObamaCare is history, perhaps everyone can finally focus on making the program work the way it was designed. Or, preferably, better.”

It is no longer a matter of logic. It is no longer a question of what will work or what will not work. Obamacare is the law of the land. Therefore it is best to shut up and live with it.

No one is talking about Obamacare defects or its inevitable failure.

The fight is history, you realize. Done. Finito. Yesterday's news.

Any existential threat to the Affordable Care Act ended with the popping of champagne corks as the New Year arrived.

 “That was when an estimated 6 million uninsured Americans received coverage through expanded Medicaid eligibility or the federal and state health insurance exchanges.”

“ObamaCare is now a fait accompli; nobody is going to take this coverage away from the millions of uninsured”

 Let us keep half-truths in perspective. Where did Eugene Robinson get the fact that 6 million people got insurance coverage on the health insurance exchanges?

Over 6.5 million people lost their healthcare insurance already under Obamacare and 48 million people were said to be uninsured before Obamacare. President Obama promised that 30 million new people would receive insurance under Obamacare.

These calculations should give most thinking people a headache.

Carl Sandburg, in the Prairie Years ,said that a liar has to have a good memory. However, if you tell enough lies and cover them with enough distractions the audience experiences information overload and doesn’t remember the lies.

It seems to me that Obamacare does not solve any of the problems in the healthcare system.

It is going to make the healthcare insurance industry richer, the pharmaceutical industry richer and the middle class poorer as coverage is reduced, deductibles are increased, access to care is reduced and rationing of care is increased.

Access to medical care should be universal.

Obamacare changes the entire healthcare system. It permits 20% of the population to have access to healthcare insurance while destroying the present healthcare coverage system for 80% of the population. Most of that 80% claim they liked their insurance and their doctor.

President Obama lied to them when he told them they could keep their insurance and their doctor. He is now telling them Obamacare is for their own good.

Why should the government decide on our healthcare coverage?

Healthcare insurance never made people healthy. People help themselves stay healthy.

The main issue is the present healthcare system is unsustainable.

Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable.

The private employer sponsored healthcare system is unsustainable.

The Veterans Administration healthcare system is unsustainable.

The present and impending failures of Obamacare are unsustainable.   

What can America do?

The consumer’s responsibility is missing from the entire discussion. How do you create a system that lets consumers be responsible for their health and healthcare?

How do consumers stop healthcare insurance executives from making obscene salaries and drug companies obscene profits?

It is by consumers not buying their products.

There must be total transparency of healthcare products available to consumers. Consumers must be educated to evaluate these products. Only then can consumers choose the best healthcare and medical care value for them.

There must also be a financial incentive for consumers to be responsible for their own healthcare and medical care decisions.  

It is not by imposing an ideology that promotes central government control of the healthcare system.

It is not by creating more entitlements

Government bureaucracy is inefficient. It does not help the masses. It helps insiders. It leads to cost overruns.

 It stifles innovations.

 It is not by imposing a system of redistribution of wealth that is going to fix the healthcare system.

Politicians are forced to disguise the redistribution of wealth because it threatens their re-election prospects.  

Our elected officials passed the 10 hidden taxes that have been in force for four years going on five to finance Obamacare before it is fully implemented.

The costs of these taxes have been passed on to consumers. The majority of consumers are in the middle class. They are paying for these taxes indirectly.

In reality President Obama is taxing the working middle class and lower class as well as people making over $250,000 a year. Despite these increased in taxes Obamacare still in for more cost overruns.

The taxpayers’ problem is the administration is unwilling to reveal these cost overruns.

President Obama recently promised to bail out the healthcare insurance industry if they lose money on Obamacare.

This promise is almost as upsetting as providing a waiver to Congress from Obamacare.

Government’s role is to educate consumers.

It is not to create increasing entitlements to have more and more central control over the population.

Entitlements do not work!

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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  • Richard A Dickey,MD

    I agree with your assertion that the greed of the insurance and drug industry leaders are wrong and that Obama and Congress accepted feeding that greed to get the ACA passed. It is time to correct that but, on the whole, I support the ACA. Here is my recently submitted letter to the Editor of the NC Med Journal about this:
    To the Editor — The November/December NCMJ’s letter to the Editor, ‘Health Care Costs Must Come Down’ by Ron Howrigen, president of Fulcrum Strategies, Raleigh, NC, demands a response. This is mine.
    I heartily agree with the author that Health care costs must come down. This is inarguable and, in spite of the author’s pessimism, I note that the rate of rise of health care costs has already moderated since the Affordable Care Act ( ACA) was passed, even though it will cause a rise (estimated at 6%) as the millions of uninsured (at least double the 6%) are extended coverage by the ACA as it is fully implemented. However, the author totally avoided discussion of the ethical and moral issues the ACA sought to address, particularly the American public’s right to access and coverage of good health care. It has been our obligation, as fellow members of a wealthy nation, to provide that coverage after having failed to address it for over fifty years. Notably, the author, a consultant to physicians, is certainly not a disinterested party in the health care system and therefore his denial of any conflict of interest is hardly forthright. He actually admits his conflict in his statement of his ‘biggest concern,’ i.e. that the ACA will try to control costs by drastically reducing reimbursement to physicians. He and we must realize that our health care system is rapidly evolving to become not nearly as dependent on the physician as it has been in the past.
    When the ACA was being considered by the Congress, those whose corporate bottom lines might be significantly impacted by it and the lobbyists who represent those interests read and studied the ACA carefully. I too read it, all of it. Yet few physicians or patients to whom I spoke had actually read even a small portion of the ACA. As I discussed it with others, I shared my excitement about the significant amount of the ACA which was directed to research ways to assess and improve medical care and coverage. I believe these aspects of the ACA had been included with the expectation that, someday, the findings of the research funded by the ACA could and would be used to improve health care and save money through the implementation of evidence-based practices and payment policies identified by that research. I am not unaware of the considerable compromises and gifts our elected officials in Washington, including our President, had to accept to get the ACA through Congress. I hoped that, over time, the positive effects and benefits of the ACA, such as the coverage of the nearly 50 million Americans without insurance and the removal of the pre-existing condition clauses, would be appreciated by most Americans. While I was disappointed especially in the failure of our President to be successful in his quest to avoid many of those concessions in the final ACA, I hoped those gifts to some corporate interests, including hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical businesses, could be ameliorated or even reversed with time.
    While I am dismayed by the unrelenting efforts in Congress to undo or limit funds for the ACA, the deficiencies of which are remediable, I remain excited about the good things which have already come and will be coming from this act, one of the most courageous, morally right steps our nation has ever taken.
    Richard A Dickey, MD, FACP, FACE
    Retired endocrinologist
    51 Players Ridge Road
    Hickory, North Carolina 28601-8839
    (828) 495-1230

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We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


Have a Happy and Healthy New Year Everyone!

I have received many incredible examples about the effect Obamacare has had on the loss of insurance and the increased cost of insurance through Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges.

President Obama has changed the Obamacare law ad lib for everyone except the 14 million people in the individual healthcare insurance market. He has granted waivers to favorites including the unions and the congress. He has delayed the employer mandate without congressional approval.

This was smart. Maintaining the employer mandate would have affected at least 100,000 families. Everyone would have lost their insurance at once.  

The outrage would have been intolerable.

America will wake up one day with a completely unaffordable healthcare system, with rationing of care and long delays in access to care.

This is reality and not naysayer talk. There are so many things wrong with Obamacare that Max Bacchus’s train wreck will be a reality before we know it.

PolitiFact called “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it.” the lie of the year.

Obamacare was supposed to be a refinement to the current healthcare system minus its waste and inefficiency.

It was going to increase access to healthcare care and make medical care affordable for all. It was going to force the healthcare insurance industry to provide affordable insurance.

It has already made insurance unaffordable to those middle class families who do not qualify for subsidies.

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun.

The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.

President Obama promised that the Affordable Care Act was not going to cost the federal government a dime.

It was going to decrease the federal deficit over ten years by over 1 trillion dollar.

The current CBO estimate is that it will increase the deficit by over 1 trillion dollars. The Affordable Care Act was misnamed. It should be the Unaffordable Care Act.

Obamacare was force down the throat of the American public by the Democratic majorities in both houses of congress. It did not get one Republican vote. Most of the Democrats have admitted they did not read the bill in its entirety.

Nancy Pelosi told America “we have to pass the bill to know what is in it.”

It is now obvious that President Obama was able to pass the bill by feeding everyone a pack of deceptions about the bill and its implications.

It was a magnificent con job.

The deceptions once discovered must not be tolerated by our congressional representatives and senators.

Government is supposed to be by the people, for the people. Consumers did not pay attention to the defects in Obamacare until it started to affect them directly.  

The mainstream media has been sympathetic to President Obama’s lies and deceptions. Now the people are discovering the deceptions and the media is starting to report them.

Now that over 6 million people have lost their insurance coverage, and premiums have skyrocketed Obamacare is affecting the consumers who make under $250,000 a year.

Obamacare has affected consumers financially. There have been significant Obamacare hidden taxes for four years. Obamacare officially starts January 1,2014.

President Obama or his administration has lost the public’s trust because of all the lies and deceptions.

My guess is the media does not know of all the lies and deceptions. The media also does not understand all the defects in Obamacare.

The Obama administration launched a $685 million dollar public relations campaign to disguise the impending Obamacare disaster.

The disastrous website ( is only the tip of the iceberg.

The web site is incomplete and not secure. It was written using obsolete code at a cost of $650 million dollars. The $650 million dollars is $649 million dollars over what it should have cost according to some sources.

 There remains much work to be done before it is fully functional.

The healthcare insurance industry is becoming fed up with all the constant changes in the rules the Obama administration is making.

 The healthcare insurance premiums on the health insurance exchanges are higher than last year’s commercial insurance. The patient deductibles for these policies put them out of affordable range for the middle class.

It will be a fair deal for consumers with families who earn up to $49,000 per year. This group will qualify for various levels of subsidy. It is a terrible deal for everyone making $50,000 to $250,000 dollars a year.

The 6 million people losing their insurance coverage started American’s wake up call. 

President Obama said their healthcare insurance coverage was defective and inadequate.

 The subtext is the government will decide what you need.

Those who expect better days ahead for the Affordable Care Act are in for a rude awakening. The shocks—economic and political—will get much worse next year and beyond.

In 2014, millions must choose among unfamiliar physicians and hospitals, or paying more for preferred providers who are not part of their insurance network. Some health outcomes will deteriorate from a less familiar doctor-patient relationship.

Those who expected better and more affordable medical care with the government as single party payer will experience tax increases both obvious and disguised and worse medical care.

 The government does not know how to run things efficiently.

The other defects in Obamacare that will shock the nation and hurt all consumers in the near future will be;

  1. The lack of functional electronic medical records and transportability of patient medical information.
  2. Increased paralyzing and incomprehensible regulations for physicians and hospitals leading to patient care delays.
  3. The lack of development of Accountable Care Organizations for integrated care with penalty. ACO’s were suppose to save money but are failing.
  4. The inability of Obamacare to facilitate timely and cost effective medical care.
  5. The decrease in physician practitioners signing up to accept Obamacare leading to an increased physician shortage and decrease in consumers’ access to care.
  6. The lack of tort reform will result in an increase in defensive medicine testing. Physicians and hospitals will refuse to participate in Obamacare. They will demand direct payment from the patients.
  7. The new ICM 10 coding system will drive physicians and hospital out of business and certainly out of participating in Obamacare.
  8. Lack of compelling chronic disease management initiatives will not increase quality of care or decrease the cost of care. The cost of treating chronic disease complications account for 80% of the cost of care.
  9. More Web Site and IT failures are likely. The application process is easier.The complex back-office side of the website—where the information in their application is checked against government databases to determine the premium subsidies and prices they will be charged, and where the applications are forwarded to insurance companies—is still under construction.
  10. Consumers will experience problems in eligibility, coverage, billing, claims, insurer payment and patient information-protection and security.
  11. Obamacare has taxpayer-funded "risk corridors." The risk corridors will bailout potential insurance company losses without bailing out consumers, physicians and hospitals. The bailout could result in an increase in taxes, collapse of the healthcare system, the medical care system and the economy.

The bailout will certainly result in a level of consumer anger worse that the anger caused by 5 million people losing their healthcare coverage.

 One hundred and eighty million people might loss their coverage within a year.

 Obamacare misses the entire point about the way to repair the healthcare system.

 The point is about giving consumers incentives to be responsible for themself and controlling their own healthcare decisions. Most consumers do not want to be dependent of the government.

Americans will take government handouts but as soon as they realize they are being dictated to and controlled by the government there will be a public outcry.

Consumers are much smarter than President Obama thinks.

Unfortunately there is much more money to be wasted and grief that the public is going to experience in the coming year. At that point America’s view of Obamacare will reach the boiling point.

Only then will we experience real healthcare reform.


The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Medicaid’s Problems And Obamacare

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP. MACE

Some of my reader’s read my article about Moises and Medicaid on December 30, 2007. This was before President Obama was elected President.

At that time I was unsuccessful in my attempt to help Moises receive Medicaid healthcare coverage for his family of 4 in the state of Texas. I was successful in getting his kids covered in SCHIP.

We have all experienced the frustrations of government bureaucracy. The actual government policy might be praiseworthy. The execution of the policy hardly ever reflects the purpose of the policy.

Moises and Medicaid is an example of a failure to implement a policy designed to help the poor circa 2007. The consequences of not getting Medicaid coverage were potentially grave to Moises and his family. It is no different in 2013.

Moises is a hard working law abiding American citizen born in El Salvador. He is presently going through a government certified navigator to optain Medicaid coverage or Obamacare coverage..

He application is stuck. He does not know what his final income will be in 2013. I told him I thought they meant his income on his April 2013 tax return.

He started this application two weeks ago. It will not be completed by the December 23th deadline for January 1 coverage.

The Obama administration’s policy is to provide healthcare coverage for all.  

The poverty level income number is outdated. It was written in 1955. The income levels are supposed to be defined by the states. There have been slight increases in income levels to qualify for assistance each year. Medicaid eligibility is based on the poverty level in each state.

The federal government defines Medicaid eligibility in 2013 as earning an income of 133% above the poverty level. The poverty level is $23,550 for a family of four. One hundred and thirty three percent of that is $31,321.50 per year or approximately $15 per hour in a forty-hour work week.

"For many eligibility groups, income is calculated in relation to a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For example, 100% of the FPL for a family of four is $23,550 in 2013. The Federal Poverty Level is updated annually."

In 2007 President Bush did not permit a realistic change in the definition of poverty. The title of the New York Times article was “U.S. Curtailing Bids to Expand Medicaid Rolls.”

An hourly rate of $8.75 equates to a weekly pay of $350, monthly pay of $1,517, and an annual salary of $18,200. An hourly rate of $15.00 equates to a weekly pay of $600, monthly pay of $2,600, and an annual salary of $31,200.

 On Dec. 20,2007 the Bush administration rejected a proposal by Ohio to expand its Medicaid program to cover 35,000 more children. Ohio now offers Medicaid to children with family incomes up to twice the poverty level, or about $41,000 a year for a family of four. The state had proposed increasing the limit to three times the poverty level, to about $62,000.”

Is it better not to work?  

The average national unemployment insurance benefit was about $300 per week in 2010, 2011, and 2012.  However, individual benefit levels vary greatly depending on the state and the worker’s previous earnings.  In addition, in several states, workers receive higher benefits if they have dependents. 

 The maximum state-provided benefit in 2012 ranged from $133 in Puerto Rico and $235 in Mississippi (the lowest for a state) to $653 ($979 with dependents) in Massachusetts.[11]  

A hard working laborer is probably better off on unemployment insurance than working especially if unemployment insurance is extended to 99 weeks.

The average national unemployment insurance benefit is equal to a little under $15 an hour.

Unemployment coverage is 99 weeks. These people are also eligible for Medicaid. If you earn one dollar over $15 an hour you are not eligible for Medicaid.

Do these numbers encourage people to work and be independent or dependent on government largess?

This is a disincentive for someone to be a productive worker and advance in an earning position.

Obamacare creates a disincentive to be independent and make more than $31,321.50 annually.

 The healthcare insurance subsidy is not readily available.  

Obamacare subsidies might be a good deal for the poor who work hard to increase their income. So far it looks like the premiums and the $5,000 dollar deductibles are unaffordable for working families.

The key to successful healthcare reform is to encourage consumers to take responsibility for their care through incentives. Healthcare reform must encourage independence, self-responsibility and not to be dependent on the government.

Medicaid has big problems.

Medicaid does not insure all eligible consumers.

Physician reimbursement is horrible.

Most physicians do not participate in Medicaid.

Why don’t eligible patients participate?

The Medicaid application is too complicated.

Many of these citizens are laborers with meager education and cannot understand the application.

Many come from countries where medical care is free. They feel intimidated by the lengthy application.

They are afraid of government questions because they have experienced government oppression in the past. They want to be independent of government.

They believe it is too difficult to see a doctor. They only go to doctors when they absolutely need to go to the doctor.

Obamacare does not deal with any of these issues.

 I became aware of another horrible truth about Medicaid this week.

 "MEDICAID COMMUNICATION NO. 10-08", PDF  on November 24, 2010 from the state of New Jersey updated guidelines that were issued in Medicaid Communication No. 00-16, dated August 10, 2000, governing the recovery of correctly paid Medicaid benefits from the estates of deceased Medicaid clients or former Medicaid clients.

 “Medicaid benefits received on or after age 55 are subject to estate recovery.

This is specifically stated and acknowledged on the authorization page of the

PA-1G Medicaid Application Form.”

“Estate recovery in New Jersey includes payments for ALL services, not merely

services for institutionalized clients. There is no limitation on the type of

service for which DMAHS can recover its payments from estates including managed care (HMO) capitation fees.”

Many other states are looking into enforcing the Medicaid mandate now that many sick older (greater than 55 years old) consumers are applying for Medicaid.

I believe in helping the less fortunate. I am not for increasing government waste and bureaucracy. I am not for the state taking away assets of the unfortunate family just because these consumers used Medicaid.

Who should you trust? Is it the government or yourself? The government’s job should be to level playing field for all the stakeholders. It is not to control the consumers and make them dependent on the government.

There are many things wrong with the Medicaid system. Rather than adding on to the complexity of the system and making it more inefficient, the Medicaid system must be revamped to encourage freedoms, independence, self responsibility, and incentives so that consumers can learn to become healthy, maintain their health and ultimately decrease the cost of healthcare.

A healthcare system that drives consumers into dependence on the state will diminish freedom, self-responsibility and incentives to stay healthy and diminish healthcare costs.  

It will ultimately fail.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Are Medicare Premiums Increasing In 2014

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE

The other day a reader received the new notification of Social Security benefits for himself and his wife in 2014.

He wrote,

 Dr. Feld

I am 72 years old.

I am a person who earns a substantial amount of earned and unearned income.

I am also forced by law to take a portion of money out of my retirement plan. I have been confused by the disinformation, misinformation, false promises we have been given by President Obama and his administration.

In the past I had not been curious about my Social Security benefits. It had no impact on my way of life. I paid into Social Security all my life and figured I should get some benefit.

However, with all the talk about the redistribution of wealth and Dr. Donald Berwick saying the essential fabric of universal healthcare coverage is the redistribution of wealth, I have been paying a little more attention to the Social Security benefit in recent years.

The change in the amount taken out of my benefit next year seemed way out of proportion to the amount taken out this year. I believe I made the same amount of money in earned and unearned in 2012 as I did in 2011.

I tried to figure out why the difference and ran into a lot of disjointed and uninterpretable explanations for these increases. Attached are mycommunications from the Social Security Administration. I have redacted our names from the letters.

Can you please explain these increases?

 Thank you in advance. 


Dear Sir;

I will give it a try.  The Obama administration has not raised the premium rates on Medicare Part B for 2014. I guess the plan is not to agitate seniors as Obamacare has agitated people in the individual market.

Most people do not pay attention to laws and regulations until those laws affect them adversely.

 Most of our senators and representatives did not read the Obamacare law before they passed it. On realizing Obamacare’s impact on them Congress lobbied the President for a waiver. Congress received the waiver.

Nancy Pelosi said in all her brilliance,

 “We need to pass the law in order to find out what is in it.” printed this statement before the November elections in 2012.

"What you permit, you promote."

" The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: $104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; and $247.00 in 2014.

These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns."

 The delay of the increase was one of President Obama’s trick plays.

 The author asked us;

"Send this to all seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus. Obama knows this will kill his chances for a second term if enacted now, and he thinks that voters are stupid and won't know or care about anything that doesn't affect them now!


This is a list of the increases from 2009 through 2012.

You will notice the base price went up each year until the election year. In 2012 the prices were published before the presidential election. President Obama used Medicare’s base price reduction as an election asset.

The projected increases published in April 2012 are,

2013:   $109.10

2014:   $112.10

2015:   $117.00

2016:   $122.00

2017:   $128.20

2018:   $135.50

The new projected increase to be published in November 2014 after the election cycle is a jump to a base price of $247 dollars a month per person.

 The 2014 increase is from $99.90 to $104.90.

 The big increase seniors will experience is in the deductibles, allowed services, and a restricted drug formulary.

The means testing adjusted gross income fees have not changed for 2014 price increases for the means adjusted gross income.

Sir, your means adjusted gross income must have jumped from $214,000 range to over $428,000 on your 2012 tax return.

You might have had a large carried forward tax lose on your 2011 tax return if your income in 2011 and 2012 were the same.

The result was a MAGI adjustment to a $230.80 increase to the base premium from the adjustment of $42.00 for 2013.

The Obama administration did not increase the prices in means testing for 2014.

The total premium for complete Medicare A,B,D,F is not cheap.

The premium is $405 dollars a month for each of you or a total of $810 dollars.

This amount will be deducted from your monthly Social Security check or $9,720 dollars a year.

 This amount does not include the $170 per month for each of your Medicare Part F supplemental insurance. Medicare Part F pays all your physician and hospital deductibles. The total premium is $4,080 per year in after tax dollars. Medicare Part D premium cost about $57 dollar per month each or a total of $1368 in after tax dollars. 

 The total in addition to $9,720 in pre tax dollars is $4,080 in post tax dollars or $13,800.

 The $4,080 post tax dollar premium is equal to $6,800 pre-tax dollars. This premium is not deductible.

Therefore the total is $6,800 plus $9,720 or a grand total of $16,520 a year for Medicare Part B, Part D, and Part F premiums for both you and your wife in 2014.

This is excluding deductible cost for brand name drugs and full the cost for drugs not on the formulary. It also does not pay for physicians that do not participate in Medicare.

 The Part A deductible has increased in 2014 to $1,216.00 from $1,084.00 in 2013. Medicare also pays 80% of the hospitals allowable fee after the $1,216.00.

 The Medicare Part B deductible is unchanged at $147.00. However you will get one free physical examination each year.

 These premiums are an example of the redistribution of wealth in our healthcare system.

 The means testing formula serves to supplement seniors who live on Social Security.

 Many have lost retirement benefits in the last few years.  Medicare’s base premium is too expensive for those less fortunate. Many are struggling to survive even if they do not need medical care.

Raising taxes or lowering premiums by the government is not going to solve the problems.

A single party payer system is not going to solve the problems.

Medicare is already single party payer system!! Its structure is wrong and destined to failure.

A consumer driven system for seniors with financial incentives to stay healthy will go a long way to decreasing costs and save consumers money.  

It will also save the government a great deal of money.

 The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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Is This A Lie?

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

In the last ten days before the November 30 deadline to fix President Obama dialed down his definition of fixing

President Obama knew at that time that the back end of  was not completed. He knew a security was not built into the system. Yet he is telling the people it would not work perfectly.

At the same time he made this promise he was fighting the reality. It looked like the traditional media was finally presenting reality and not President Obama campaign hype.

Obamacare is directly affecting them. Over 5 million people, in the individual market have lost a healthcare insurance policy.  They could not get on to buy insurance from the health insurance exchange.

I would expect at least 5 million more to lose their individual insurance. It is predicted that at least 80 million more will lose their group policy under Obamacare.

The premiums for new policies are skyrocketing because of the required Obamacare coverage mandate.

On Sunday, as a Nov. 30 deadline set by the administration for improvements to the web site had passed.

CMS issued a report concluding: "We believe we have met the goal of having a system that will work smoothly for the vast majority of users."

On October 5, we were told that would be completely operational by November 30th. Would that statement be considered a lie given the result?

Federal officials have acknowledged they had only begun to make headway on the biggest underlying problems: the system's ability to verify users' identities and accurately transmit enrollment data to insurers.

Insurers have complained they have not gotten accurate data to do their due diligence. There is no mechanism for payment of premiums or subsidies. The insurance companies have not issued insurance policies.

Many people think they have signed up for insurance. They do not have an insurance policy that covers their healthcare.

 They have not been issued insurance policies because of the lack of  the health insurance exchange transfer of accurate verified data nor have they paid the premium.

Once a person applies for insurance, income must be verified, subsidy calculated and a premium must be paid before insurance is in effect.

Much of this data collection and transfer has not been built into the system.

Many software programmers claim the software used by CGI makes the integration impossible to do effectively.

Insurers do not want to take the risk without verification of the criteria for qualifications or premium collection.

 Insurers and some states are continuing to look for ways to bypass the balky technology underpinning the health-care law despite the Obama administration's claim Sunday that it had made "dramatic progress" in fixing the federal insurance website.

The Obama administration has not released the number of people who have applied, been approved and have paid their premiums.

Only 26,000 people signed up and think they “got” insurance coverage by November 2 according to data released November 15th.

The November 30th numbers have not been officially released.

I do not blame the healthcare insurance industry for doing business in a business like way.

Obamacare is facing these and other giant issues.

Another big issue is the security of personal information issue an applicant enters on the web site. The security of information has not been addressed. In fact, hidden code in the web sites code releases from responsibility for maintaining privacy.

 The application process is still complex. This is a glimpse of the steps necessary to complete the application. Double click on the image to enlarge the image.

  Flow sheet Obamacare Nov 2

As far as President Obama is concerned he has delivered on his promise to make  functional by November 30 even if he modified his promise along the way.

The traditional media is cheering for him on his delivery of his promise.

Can anyone believe this?

After spending two months of defending and his ill advised promises about “keeping your healthcare insurance and doctor period”, President Obama figured it is time to change the subject and go on the offensive since he has delivered as promised on the web site.

President Obama, starting Tuesday, will hold an event a day that will emphasize a different benefit of the law and try to remind Americans why Democrats pushed the law through Congress in the first place, according a White House official.

The plan is to have an event-a-day push to extoll the virtues of Obamacare. It will continue through much of the holiday season until the Dec. 23 enrollment deadline for January coverage.

The Obama administration coordinated the promotional blitz with Democratic allies on Capitol Hill and the party's campaign committees, all of which will be involved in pitching the daily message through press events and social media.

The idea of this campaign is to refocus the media and citizens away from the upcoming problems with and emphasize the core principles of Obamacare.

President Obama has used the same strategy many times with healthcare, and his other scandals as he pursues his transformational agenda. It is called a diversion.

He plans to make clear the direct benefits Obamacare has provided to millions of Americans already.

Americans are starting realize Obamacare has meant more taxes,( to everyone including the poor, middleclass and wealthy), tremendous increases in healthcare insurance premiums, less full time jobs, less access to care and glimpses of the upcoming torrent of rationing of medical care.

 Democrats and consumers are realizing the sham of this promotional campaign.

 Many congressmen are running for the exits because they are up for reelection in 2014. They are trying to avoid the folly of President Obama’s promotional blitz.

The public relations ploy will further decrease President Obama’s credibility.

How can we trust the government with our healthcare decisions when it is having so much difficulty constructing a web site?

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

Please have a friend subscribe. 

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