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Hospital Readmission Penalties

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

 Obamacare has set up a system whereby if a patient is readmitted to a hospital 30 days after discharge the hospital will not be paid for the readmission and will incur a fine.

Hospitals are paid for admissions by diagnoses. The more diagnoses the more they get paid. The length of stay the government will pay for is also determined by the diagnosis.

The number of games played with the diagnosis of a patient is legendary. Hospitals are in the business of making money. The more money hospitals make the higher the administrator’s salary.

If patients have to be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days the patients are told to get readmitted to a different hospital to avoid government non-payment.

Bureaucrats who know nothing about patient care and the natural history of disease created this dumb readmission criteria.

The bureaucrats’ goal was to provide incentives by the threat of penalty for hospitals to improve quality of patient care.

I told my readers that the incentives were wrong. It would be to the disadvantage of patients. Hospitals would figure out how to get around the penalties.

Medicare does not pay for outpatient (observation) admissions. Hospitals can admit patients on observation (outpatients) for 48 hours.

I explained how hospitals could extend outpatient admissions (observations) 72 hours. Patients are responsible out of pocket for the admission bill.

Many of the readmissions are recurrent congestive heart failure. These patients can be treated and released from the hospital in less than 24 hours and at most 48 hours. Patients with congestive heart failure must become “Professors of the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure.” Patients must be responsible for their care. They must be provided with financial incentives to become “Professors” of their disease.

Most of the time readmission is not the result of poor quality hospital care. It is the result of patients not understanding the cause of the recurrence of their congestive heart failure.

Most of the time patients do not pay attention to what they are taught to abort an episode of congestive heart failure and subsequent readmission to the hospital.

Most of the time hospital call in help desks does not improve patient compliance with treatment.

Hospital readmissions that Medicare penalizes under the Affordable Care Act are largely driven by patient characteristics such as income and education rather than the quality of care they receive, according to a new study.”

“This finding suggests that Medicare is penalizing hospitals to a large extent based on the patients they serve,” the authors conclude.

Hospitals in poor areas and urban hospitals have been disproportionately penalized under the readmission program.

In fiscal 2016, about 1,600 hospitals will see their base operating DRG payments knocked down as much as 3%.

Medicare payments were decreased 1% in fiscal 2013 for readmission before 30 days. That number increased to 2% in fiscal 2014 and 3% in 2015.

Penalties and fines applied only for heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia until 2015. In 2015 readmission rates for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and total hip and total knee replacements have been added to the penalty list.

The addition of these diagnoses will result in additional fines to hospitals. Additional penalties will affect hospitals’ bottom line severely and not lead to increased quality care.

Only 769 of more than 3,370 hospitals have avoided fines. Some hospital might have to close because of the penalities.

I have said many times that policy wonks do not know how to measure quality.

Hospitals that are flourishing are paying the CEO and other administrators millions of dollars a year in salaries.

Hospitals avoiding penalties and fines are not necessarily providing better quality care. These hospitals might treat less sick patients or more intelligent patients,

The Obamacare incentives are upside down. Punishment hardly ever works to improve quality healthcare.

Has anyone ever thought about providing incentives to patients to learn how to improve their own compliance to medical care?

In an entitlement society patients are taught to expect (entitled) to be cured without applying much effort on their own.

They are taught to be dependent on physicians and hospitals to cure them of their chronic disease.

Physicians should be the coaches. Patients are the players in the treatment of their diseases.

Obamacare’s readmission policy is all wrong. Its goal is to keep patients in a passive dependent role.

Only when government healthcare policy wonks understand that consumers of healthcare must be provided with incentives to be responsible for their healthcare and medical care decisions will America be on the way to Repairing the Healthcare System.

No one in Washington is thinking this way.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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President Obama Keeps Doing It

Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE

President Obama is trying to avoid the press attention about  Obamacare’s continuing mess.

The insurance industry announced that insurance premiums in both the federal and state health insurance exchanges are going up to 50% in 2016. The group private markets will increase by the same percentages.

Insurance rates for 2015 were unaffordable for small businesses, and large corporations.

One church that buys insurance in the private healthcare insurance market had its rates increased 37%.

Instead of dropping insurance for their employees and paying the penalty, the church agreed to the pay the increased premiums. The church compensated for this increase in expenses by increasing church membership dues. Some members had to quit the church.

Eighty-five percent of members in Obamacare are receiving a government subsidy. A high percentage of that 85% are receiving higher subsidies than they are entitled to receive because of government lack of verification.

Eventually, when website connects with the IRS, the government will find out that people received higher subsidies than they are entitled to. The recipients will get a bill they cannot afford.

Obamacare’s reinsurance subsidies for the health insurance industries are expiring in 2016.

The insurance industry is raising insurance premiums to cover the revenue lost by not receiving the Obamacare insurance company subsidies in 2016.

President Obama opened the Obamacare reinsurance program when too few insurance companies signed up to sell insurance through the health insurance exchanges.

The reinsurance program was a subsidy to cover the healthcare insurance industry’s supposed loses.

Obamacare hoped that multiple insurance companies would sign up in order create price competition among the companies and result in lower consumer premiums.

The healthcare insurance industry did not want to sign up. The insurance companies knew there would be adverse selection for insurance consumers.

Sicker people would enroll in the federal or state Health Insurance Exchanges. These sicker people could not afford or were not eligible to buy private healthcare insurance. The participating insurance companies would be at risk to pick up these sicker and more expensive patients.

“After finding that new customers were sicker than expected, some health plans have sought increases of 10 percent to 40 percent or more.”

Obamacare healthcare insurance coverage requirements would also cause them to seek an increase in premiums.

None of these issues appear in news stories that are covering this aspect of the story.

The political spin by the Obama administration is that the Obama administration is trying to persuade states to cut back big rate increases requested by many health insurance companies for 2016.”

I predict if the insurance companies do not get their rate increases they will drop out of the healthcare insurance market.

This is exactly what the Obama administration wants. It is a de-facto victory for a single party payout system and all of its ramifications.

It will not work because the Obama administration still needs the healthcare insurance industry to process and pay the claim. The result will be a higher premium for the consumer and an increased payout to the healthcare insurance industry by the government.

The government will be required to raise taxes or increase the deficit.

Kevin J. Counihan, the chief executive of the federal insurance marketplace is trying to convenience the healthcare insurance industry to reconsider its decision.

The facts spin war is starting. Mr. Counihan said in a letter to state insurance commissioners “Recent claims data show healthier consumers.”

This is apparently not true.

Scott Keefer, a vice president of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, which requested rate increases averaging about 50 percent for 2016, said his company had not seen an improvement in the health status of new customers.

“Our claims experience has not slowed at all,” Mr. Keefer said. “The trend has gotten a little worse than we expected.”

I have recently shown that the Obama administration’s claim that it is bending the cost curve is fiction. The cost to the government and the direct out of pocket cost to the consumers has increased.

The government costs have not risen as quickly as predicted by some but they are rising even more now.

Another weak argument the Obama administration is using is the federal tax penalty is increasing in 2016.

The federal tax penalty for going without insurance will increase in 2016, he said, and this “should motivate a new segment of uninsured who may not have a high need for health care to enroll for coverage.”

Why should these people buy insurance when they cannot afford the premiums or the deductibles?

Two additional weak arguments are being used.

“Federal officials said, much of the pent-up demand for health care has been met because consumers who enrolled last year have received treatments they could not obtain when they were uninsured.”

There has not been a very large increase in those insured by the state and federal exchanges between 2013 and 2014 to eliminate the “pent up” demand.

“Federal officials have also told state regulators that medical inflation will be less than what many insurers assumed in calculating their rates for 2016.”

The Obama administration has told these lies over and over again.

Does the president really believe if you tell a lie over and over again it becomes the truth?

There is a much better way to deliver universal health care and spend less money.

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‘Chutzpah’- America Last Chance

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Chutzpah’s definition :shameless audacity; impudence.

synonyms: audacity, cheek, guts, nerve,boldness,temerity

President Obama has Chutzpah. Why don’t the American people have CHUTZPAH?

We have many smart people in the United States. Most are busy with their daily life at work and raising a family.

They do not have the time or bandwidth to focus on the problems in our country. People do not have the time to ask the important questions.

Why doesn’t the political establishment on both sides of the aisle represent us properly?

We continue to elect politicians that do not represent the will of the people and their welfare.

Healthcare is a big problem. Its costs are unsustainable. The bureaucratic inefficiencies result in a huge waste of resources.

President Obama is methodically transforming Healthcare by destroying it. He is destroying all the independence and innovation that has been in the hallmark of the healthcare system.

He is forcing it into a government controlled healthcare system. The result will eventually be a commoditized third world healthcare system.

President Obama knows exactly what he is doing. He is doing it well.

However, healthcare is not our country’s only problem.

We can easily open our eyes and scream, “What’s It All About Alfie?”

A reader wrote and said this is our last chance to elect people who represent America’s safety, economic growth, racial harmony and prosperity for all. We must elect people who replace lawlessness with sanity.

If our government officials do not act responsibly, how can we expect our citizens to act responsibly?

A reader sent this note to me. I think it is worth passing on.

The note starts connecting the dots of all the misuse of power.

It puts the past 6 years of President Obama’s administration in perspective.


Someone please tell me, what’s wrong with
all the people that run this country.!!!! 

Both Democrats and Republicans
They Say,”We’re broke”
And can’t help our own
Veterans, Seniors,
Orphans, Etc.,?????

But, over the last several years, THEY
have provided direct cash aid to…..

Hamas – $351 M,
Libya $1.45 Billion ,
Egypt – $397 M,
Mexico – $622 M,
Russia – $380 M,
Haiti – $1.4 Billion,
Jordan – $463 M,
Kenya – $816 M,
Sudan – $870 M,
Nigeria – $456 M,
Uganda – $451 M,
Congo – $359 M,
Ethiopia – $981 M,
Pakistan – $2 Billion ,
South Africa – $566 M,
Senegal – $698 M,
Mozambique – $404 M,
Zambia – $331 M,
Kazakhstan – $304 M,
Iraq – $1.08 Billion ,
Tanzania – $554 M,

A total of $14,933,000,000
that’s 14.933 BILLIONS, of Dollars
& they all still hate us.!!! 


But, on the other hand,


Our retired seniors,
living on ‘fixed incomes’, have their
taxes raised, to send to these countries,
& also, are having medical benefits cut. 

Our own citizens receive NO aid, unless they’re the ones who
refuse to work, & have babies
for welfare payments! 

Nor do the seniors & working public
get any breaks, 

while our government
& religious organizations will pour
Hundreds of Billions Of dollar’s,
& Tons of Food,
to Foreign Countries & the illegals,
& the leeches within our borders!

A country where we have
Our brave warriors, damaged for life,
waiting in year long lines for their due,( VA Hospital System)

the elderly going without needed medication,
& the mentally ill without treatment,
& for all of us, our safety is at risk,

& YET …….
They’ll have a “Benefit Show”
For the people of Haiti, on 12 TV Stations ;
with ships & planes lining up with food,
water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors
& medical supplies. 

Now Just Imagine, if
Our own * GOVERNMENT * gave ‘US’
the same support they give foreign countries.
Sad, isn’t it? 
Logic is dead.
Excellence is punished.
Mediocrity is rewarded.
And dependency is encouraged. 

99% of people won’t have the
‘chutzpah’ to forward this. 

WELL, I’m one of the 1% who just did .!!”

Americans are beginning to see how ineffective and screwed up our government and its bureaucracies are. We must elect a government that puts America’s priorities first.

A majority of the population is starting to see how wrong President Obama is. He has forced us to accept Obamacare. The majority of Americans neither want nor like Obamacare. The majority of Americans neither want  nor like central government control over healthcare.

President Obama is forcing us to accept a nuclear deal with Iran that is obviously not going to be honored by Iran yet they will receive billions of dollars to further their terrorist activities.

Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior if there are no deterrents

Our representatives in congress are not doing a thing about healthcare or the nuclear deal despite their promises to us at election time.

Iran has essentially told us they will not change. They have continued their military and ICBM buildup as the Obama administration dismantles America’s military.

When are Americans going to become angry enough to kick the bums out of office?

How can we force congress and the administration to express the will of the people?

President Obama knows exactly what he is doing it and how fast it should be done.

President Obama knows how to marginalize his critics with his Saul Alinsky tactics. He always comes out on top in battles that he should lose? He should lose these battles because they do not benefit the American people.

James Greene’s latest Jim’s Daily Rant is partially reproduced below with his permission.

The Rant offers a less vitriolic summary of our politicians’ (specifically President Obama) abuse of the American people and their freedoms.

The article defines TOTALITARIANISM.




Greene starts off with

American critic Irving Howe, in his essay on George Orwell’s 1984, “Orwell’s profoundest insight is that in a totalitarian world man’s life is shorn of dynamic possibilities. 

The end of life is completely predictable in its beginning, the beginning merely a manipulated preparation for the end.”

“Howe points out: “The totalitarian state assumes that—given modern technology, complete political control, the means of terror and rationalized contempt for moral tradition—anything is possible. 

Anything can be done with men, anything with their minds, with history and with words. 

Reality is no longer something to be acknowledged or experienced or even transformed; it is fabricated according to the need and will of the state…”

“Obama’s Insane Worldview”

“This is a perfect example of what Howe characterizes as totalitarianism’s “rationalized contempt for moral tradition.”

“Obama’s Black vs. White Divisiveness”

“When you ask why Obama is lashing out against U.S. police forces, you come up with the same answer as to why Obama is weakening U.S. defenses around the world: That’s his strategy.”

Where is President Obama’s instant outrage against police murders all over the country? He has been silent.  “It is because this does not fit into his strategy.”

“Obama: The Anti-Reagan”

“What President Obama wants is to impose his meaning of reality, which amounts to a reign of terror on America, resulting in worldwide and domestic chaos.”

Domestic and worldwide chaos is occurring. Terrorism is practiced on our street corners without consequences.

Americans are starting to notices despite the lack of this news in the traditional media.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, conservative or libertarian America is slowly becoming a TOTALITARIAN state with complete central government control.

President Obama promised transformation. He has kept his word. Unfortunately americans did not understand his meaning.

He is transforming America from a constitutional Republic that provides many freedoms. Americans should be independent, responsible and undivided despite, color or creed to a people dependent completely dependent on government.

All people should realize that our government is not working well and our freedoms are disappearing. The people are becoming enslaved by central government control.

“Has the American Voter Surrendered?”

“The Obama long-range strategy is that those that come after him can preside over a docile American population that will be glad to give up its individualism and Constitutional freedoms for obedience to government in exchange for government largesse.”

In short, it’s about power over people–instituting the reign of totalitarianism Orwell and many others predicted as a possibility.”

 “Therefore, the next presidential election will not be a contest between Democrats and Republicans; it will be a contest between increased individual freedom and increased government control.”

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ACOs Are Failing

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

A major component of Obamacare is the development of functioning Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). The theoretically the ACO concept is good. The practical execution of ACOs is very difficult.

The way the bureaucrats in the government wrote the rules and regulations for executing ACOs make them almost impossible to execute.

The inevitable failure of ACOs was further guaranteed by the complicated reimbursement rules created by Medicare’s bureaucrats.

The goal was to create integrated health care systems that would efficiently deliver quality medical care at a lower cost.

ACOs are one part of this Administration’s vision for improving the coordination and integration of care received by Medicare beneficiaries.

ACOs are groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers that work together to give Medicare beneficiaries in Original Medicare (fee-for-service) high quality, coordinated care.

ACOs can share in any savings they generate for Medicare, if they meet specified quality targets.”

Defining quality care is a problem. Another problem is designing systems to execute quality care. To date no one has defined quality medical care correctly.

I said from the onset of the development of ACO’s that the project would fail. Many experts criticized me. They called me  a dinosaur. They said I did not understand systems of medical care.

These people did not know that I was the guy that wrote the AACE guidelines for A System of Intensive Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

The way the Obama administration has designed ACOs, they are in reality HMOs on steroids.

They shift the responsibility of the cost of medical care to physicians and not the government.

In reality the cost of quality medical care should be the patient’s responsibility. Patients should be responsible for their care and their health care dollars.

I cannot understand why physicians do not protest.

I am a big believer in systems thinking. However, it has to be a system that is well thought out and well constructed. ACOs are neither.

It is clear to me that the bureaucrats do not know anything about medical practices or hospital politics.

The Obama administration originally picked 30 healthcare systems to be ACO Pioneers. They were called Pioneer Project Goups. Nineteen of the original Pioneer Groups remain.

The Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic were included in the original group of healthcare systems. These clinics were considered the most integrated health care clinics in the country.

The Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic turned down the Obama administration’s offer. They said they were happy with their system of care. The Mayo Clinic said they would not participate because they knew they would lose money participating in the ACO project.

I have written extensively on the reasons the ACOs would fail. I invite you to read or re-read these articles so as not to be puzzled by the upcoming outcomes of failures.

“Three out of four Medicare accountable care organizations did not slow health spending enough to earn bonuses last year.”

 In 2014 there were 353 accountable care organizations approved by Obamacare.  There are potentially 2700 hospital systems eligible to develop ACOs. The 353 accountable care organizations represent only 13% facilities available to participation rate.

The hospital systems not participating either fully understood why they could not form an effective or efficient ACO with the physicians on their staff or they did not have the money to execute the system and make a profit.

President Obama’s administration has bragged that the 353 participants represent a large number. The traditional mainstream media has parroted his assertion.

The mainstream media publishes this deception to the public as if It represents facts.  It is just one more deception by the Obama administration.

Private health insurance companys’ subsidiaries are in the process of setting up ACOs. They are trying to recruit physicians to shift the financial liability to physicians from insurance companies the same way unsuccessful HMO companies tried to shift financial liabilities onto physicians in the late eighties and early nineties.

The 353 participants include hospitals, physicians’ groups and healthcare insurance company ACOS. These groups have agreed to meet Obama administration targets for quality care and decreased costs.
In 2014 only 97 ACOs earned bonuses. The money these 97 ACOs saved was a total of $833 million. The 97 hospitals shared  $422 million dollars of that total.

Let us assume it was equally distributed among the 97 systems. Let us assume each of the 97 hospital systems has 1500 beds or 97 times 1500 for a total of 145,000 beds. Four hundred twenty two million dollars divided by 145,000 beds equals $2,910 dollars a year per bed or $7.91 dollars per bed per day.

A $7.91bonus per bed per day is an awful return on investment for the work and money necessary to develop an ACO.

What is more bizarre is there are only a few quality targets measured. Some of those measurements are not an accurate measurement of quality medical care.

It also means that the remaining 258 ACOs of the 353 ACOs either lost money because they did not reach targets or they came out even.

In 2013 hospital systems that lost money on certain targets had to pay the government back. The rule was dropped by the Obama administration after the bureaucracy figured out that this was not the way to promote the development of additional ACO’s.

I think I did the math correctly.

“Bonuses are awarded under formulas that account for hospital system performance on quality targets after the first year in the program.”

The results suggest that ACOs might not be the answers to bending the cost curve just as fudging the books is not an answer to delivering the quality healthcare improvement the Obama administration is seeking to have us believe.

The delivery of high quality coordinated care is very difficult to achieve in a government-regulated system of ACOs.

I believe the Obama administration’s plan for Obamacare has failed and has been very costly.

The government should develop a consumer driven healthcare system using my Ideal Medical Savings Account.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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Consumers must drive the healthcare system. Consumers have to be provided with the financial incentives to drive the system.


If America continues to go in the direction Obamacare is going, the cost will bankrupt the country.

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Lies About Government Spending

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama and the mainstream media have been bragging about how well Obamacare is working. They cite that Obamacare is bringing down government health-spending growth.

However they have not been telling the truth. They have taken numbers out of context and have spun a lie.

The evidence presented by federal actuaries is that health growth has been under 4% in the five years prior to 2014.

The Obama administration has made a big deal out of this finding. President Obama has bragged that he is bending the cost curve with Obamacare.

His statements are deceptive. It means government health spending growth has been just under 4%. It is still increasing by 4% year to year and not the usual 6%-10% increase.  

Obamacare spending for direct medical care did not go into effect until 2014. All that went into effect was increases in taxes from 2010 until 2014 and spending on the growth of the bureaucracy resulting in a 4% growth. The math had nothing to do with increased direct medical care.

According to federal actuaries, spending on all health care grew 5.5% in 2014. Actual enrollment was lower than expected enrollment in 2014.

2014 was the first year of spending on direct medical care. Healthcare spending will continue to increase in 2015 to 5.3%. The reason is spending for Obamacare took affect in 2014 and continued in 2015. The reason for the slight predicted percentage decrease for 2015 is at least two fold. Less people signed up for Obamacare in 2015 than predicted and reimbursement for physicians and hospitals decreased.

Other reasons for a government decrease in spending are consumers are paying a greater share of their medical bills and reining in their use of medical care services.

One in three Americans said they or a family member delayed medical care because of costs in 2014, according to a report late last year by survey company Gallup.”

President Obama and his administration are deceiving the American public about the success of Obamacare.

The cost to taxpayers and people who are insured has actually increased. President Obama continually tells us costs are decreasing.

The mainstream media, especially The New York Times and Paul Krugman, continually repeat the lie. If you repeat a lie enough times people begin to believe it is the truth.

A reader asked me where did the New York Times readers leave their thinking apparatus. Someone else pointed out that the New York Times readership is decreasing because the newspaper has lost its credibility.

The New York Times opinions seem to be presented without supporting evidence.

The truth is premiums are increasing, coverage is decreasing and insurance deductibles are increasing for everyone including the middle class. Access to medical treatment is decreasing. Out of pocket expenses are skyrocketing.

The deception continues unchallenged by Republicans. No one is talking about the fact that the Obama administration is lying about what is happening on the ground.

“According to a report from actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published in the journal Health Affairs. In the years through 2024, spending growth is expected to average 5.8%, peaking at 6.3% in 2020.”

The cost of healthcare to the government is going to increase further and faster than predicted by federal actuaries as a result of expanded government insurance coverage under the 2010 health law, and the ever expanding Medicare’s baby-boom beneficiaries entering Medicare age.

As technology increases and as the baby boomers enter Medicare and more expensive life-saving drugs are developed costs to the government are going to increase.

The cost of pharmaceuticals is reported to have increased by 12% last year. The deals the government makes with the pharmaceutical companies are pathetic. The prices continue to mount for the government as consumer out of pocket costs for drugs increase.

By 2024 healthcare costs to the government and consumers are projected to be over 20% of our GDP and rising at the present Obamacare rate.

Americans will be older and sicker.

There is little government focus on helping our population become motivated to become  healthier and more responsible for their health and their own healthcare as they age.

Obamacare is forcing Americans to become more dependent on the government for their healthcare needs.

Hopefully, people are noticing that government does not work and more government will be a disaster to our medical and financial health.

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Cecelia Feld: Colorful Abstract Collages

By Cassie Rief in Featured Artists   January 14, 2015

“Hi Cassie

 I have been married to Cecelia for 52 years. She is a great woman as well as a very talented artist.

 I fell in love with her 56 years ago because of her wonderful personality, great looks and exquisite sensitivity for the joy of life.

She has a phenomenal ability to express this joy of life through her abstract art.

Cassie, you picked that up in your excellent description of her work.

I was a pre-med student with a fine arts concentration at Columbia College in NYC.  I took all the courses related to abstract art from 1900 to 1959 offered at   Columbia College and audited courses given at Barnard College.  I was fascinated by abstract art. I graduated from Columbia College  in 1959.

I graduated with a good understanding of abstract art.

Many people do not understand abstract art. 

 I would like to publish excerpts of your article about Cecelia, with your permission, in my blog Repairing the Healthcare System, to give my readers an understanding of the meaning of Cecelia’s abstract work. 

Your analysis of her art is right on target.

On August 27, 2015 Cecelia is going to have an opening of an exhibit of some of her work on the Colorado University campus in conjunction with the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art.

 Your excellent article on  will be a good introduction to Cecelia’s exhibit.

 Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE”


“Hello, Stan!

I would be more than happy to give you the “go ahead” to publish whatever you’d like from my article as long as you would cite either myself or EmptyEasel as your source

 Thank you for being so kind as to ask first. I’m thrilled you enjoyed my article and interpretation of Cecelia’s art, which is wonderful. I hope your readers find a better appreciation and understanding of her art through the article.

Please take care!

Cassie Rief”

Cecelia Feld: Colorful Abstract Collages

By Cassie Rief in Featured Artists   January 14, 2015

 “Artist Cecelia Feld of Dallas, Texas, feels strongly about the art of conversation, especially when it’s her artwork telling the story!

Cecelia says that when color, line, shape and texture are in conversation with one another, it brings about a lively, energetic quality to the composition.

Her collages typically combine several repurposed prints (etchings, monotypes, and collagraphs) with found paper. She then often paints on the paper, using acrylics to anchor and frame each collage.

“Travel, near and far, has always provided inspiration for my art,” Cecelia said. “Through painting, printmaking, collage and photography, I interpret the world around me.”

 Let’s take a look, shall we?

In the collage below, yellow, green, and blue colors accent loose, squiggly paint smears that surround and incorporate a variety of images cut into several different geometric shapes.

Cecelia 1

As I look, I find myself trying to pick out individual elements of the collage before realizing the totality of the piece is what makes it so vibrant.

Being able to identify a stylish bracelet here, a chandelier there gives the collage a sense of avant-guardism, but the energy of the piece is at its best when enjoyed as a whole.

Cecelia definitely loves to incorporate half-circles into her work, and I think it’s particularly successful in Have Map, Will Travel because it draws the viewer in and out of the collage, shaking up the idea that artwork must fit within certain parameters.

Cecelia 2

The color combinations in this collage work especially well together, featuring spicy cinnamon hues, plum, and mint shades, all of which are soft, warm and inviting.

Lovely inklings of periwinkle are sprinkled deftly throughout the collage, while gentle curves mimic the slightest winding road, in essence, bringing a map to life.

Lastly, large brushstrokes swirl and arch in a flourish in Springtime Suite 3, where all the colors of spring have awoken from a winter’s dream and are bursting forth like a bouquet of daisies, tulips and baby’s breath.

Cecelia 3

Spearmint green abounds energetically throughout this collage, leaving a bright, playful trail that links everything together.

An angled box to the left of the painting is the focal point, where various items encircle a luxurious green and gold chalice found resting comfortably deep within the collage.

Of course, any review of Cecelia’s work wouldn’t be complete without a mention of her beautiful photographs, which touch the soul and tell of the widespread places she’s been and the unforgettable people she’s met along the way.

I encourage you to take a minute to view the rest of Cecelia’s work on her website.

I hope this short tutorial helps explain the joyful message in Cecelia’s Abstract Art.  

Cecelia combines color, form, line and texture into compositions to evoke joyful emotional responses.

I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Mackey Auditorium Gallery on the Boulder CU campus from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm Thursday August 27, 2015.

To those of you who cannot come go to Cecelia’s website and use Cassie Rief’s tutorial as a guide to heighten your enjoyment of Cecelia Feld’s work.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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A Small Glitch In Healthcare.Gov?

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

President Obama and his mainstream media shills such as Paul Krugman keep on insisting that Obamacare is working fine.

A recent “secret shopper” audit by the GAO (Government Accountability Office) has discovered  that the Obamacare website has exposure to fraud and abuses. Obamacare does not have a plan to prevent this kind of fraud and abuse.

The title of this blog should be, “How To Fake A  Application And Get A Healthcare Insurance Subsidy.”

 “Last year the Senate Finance Committee asked investigators at the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, to test the Affordable Care Act’s internal eligibility and enrollment controls. So they created a dozen fictitious identities and applied for insurance subsidies—and 11 fake claimants got them.” did not have a verification protocols operational.  This was supposed to be part of the non existent back end for 2014.

The GAO online and over the phone supplied invalid Social Security numbers, doctored citizenship status or misstated income on tax documents.

Eleven of the twelve phony applicants received up to $2500 per month in tax credits or $30,000 per year.

What is worse is that these 11 phony applicants re-enrolled in 2014 for 2015. Some of them received a larger tax credit without providing additional documentation for 2015. Some were renewed automatically.

How much did the taxpayer pay for this pathetic website?

The exact amount is not known because it is not transparent.

Which part of the federal budget was charged for the website?

Was the website an Obamacare expense?

How many people received large and fallacious subsidies by lying?

How much has the government spent and wasted on Obamacare so far?

How can President Obama tell us with a straight face that Obamacare is working well?

How can we tell President Obama we are sick and tired of his lies?

How can we prevent President Obama from getting away with these lies?

The health insurance exchanges are supposed to verify income and identities before approving subsidies. This was promised but could not happen in 2014. The back end of was not completed. The back end was supposed to be completed for 2015.

The GAO study was able to circumvent the initial identity proofing.

The exchanges are “required to seek post-approval documentation in the case of certain application ‘inconsistencies.’

The post-approval documentation was only requested if there were inconsistencies in the application. Some applications were automatically renewed.

The GAO also reports that the follow-up was often unclear or inaccurate and didn’t turn off the subsidies.”

The GAO concluded that the customer service representatives were clueless and incompetent.

No one in the Obama administration has been held accountable or fired.  The cover-up by the Obamacare administration is obvious.

Officials running ObamaCare told the GAO they possess “limited ability to respond to attempts at fraud” and that measures to ensure program integrity would undermine “consumers’ ability to ‘effectively and efficiently’ select Marketplace [ObamaCare] coverage.”

The explanation is an affront to logic and the taxpayer’s intelligence. This incompetence was not reported in the New York Times or the traditional media.

As President Obama was telling the American public that Obamacare is working fine and as Paul Krugman was backing him up with his Noble Prize T-Shirt on, the Obama administration was wasting probably wasting  billions of taxpayer dollars on a program that was not working.

When are the American people going to wake up and say this has to stop?

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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President Obama Says Medicare, Medicaid ‘Not In Crisis’

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

The media is the message. President Obama controls the media and his messages come out loud and clear even if they are lies.

On the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid President Obama said,Obamacare is “finishing the job” begun by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson”.

President Obama also claims that, the two federal health care programs are not in crisis, and those who say they’re in trouble are playing politic.”

This is the Saul Alinsky attack method to marginalize your enemies whether they are right or not.

According to Obama, those who say “Medicare and Medicaid are in crisis” are doing so as “a political excuse to cut their funding, privatize them, or phase them out entirely.”

President Obama was the one that cut Medicare funding not his political enemies.

 No one wants to phase out Medicare or Medicaid entirely.

Sensible critics know both programs are not economically sustainable in their present form.

They are suggesting making the recipients of Medicaid and Medicare more responsible for themselves and their care in order to convert each program to an economically sustainable one.

President Obama is the one playing politics. He is using the media via his bully pulpit to proclaim his indefensible message.

Even Medicare actuaries and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – say both programs are “unsustainable.”

Anyone on Medicaid would be surprised to learn they are receiving “efficient, high quality care” with their difficulties in seeing a doctor and their rapid non-communicative visits.

It is not “efficient high quality care.” Price constraints do not permit efficient high quality care.

President Obama prefers to live in his own fantasy world about this issue as he does with most issues including the Iran nuclear bomb deal.

The current supposed percentage decrease in spending is fiction as I explained in my last post. The decrease in the percentage of the budget deficit is the result of an increase in taxes.

The advantage of tax increases without service increases is about to disappear. Then the budget deficit resulting from Obamacare will skyrocket.

Additionally there will be a doubling of the Medicare population as a result of the aging baby boomers. This increase will require combinations of benefit cuts, eligibility changes and cost-share increases.

All of these changes are occurring right now. Seniors who are aware of the changes only because they are presently receiving care are feeling it and are complaining. Soon a great percentage of seniors will begin complaining.

President Obama will have no hesitation to increase taxes and decrease payment to providers even further.

As baby boomers age into Medicare eligibility, a significant and growing proportion of doctors don’t accept Medicare patients. Many primary care physicians are becoming concierge doctors. They will only accept Medicare patients if the patients pays $2,000 to $30,000 per year to be a member of his panel. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement is too low. Physicians have to see many patients to make ends meet.

 According to the nonpartisan Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 29% of Medicare beneficiaries who were looking for a primary-care doctor in 2008 already had a problem finding one.

All of this is beyond President Obama’s vision even though it is happening right now.

Obamacare is causing private insurance to become unaffordable for the middle class.

Obamacare’s regulations on pricing and coverage have already forced termination of private health insurance for more than at least five million Americans in the individual insurance market.

The Congressional Budget Office is now projecting that as many as 10 million people will be forced off their chosen employer-based health insurance by 2021.

This increase represents at least a tenfold increase in the 2011 projections at the onset of the law.

“Numerous reports in the top medical journals like CancerAmerican Journal of Cardiology, Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, and Annals of Surgery clearly show that patients with private insurance have better outcomes than similar patients on government insurance. It is highly likely that restrictions in access to important drugs, specialists and technology account for these differences.”

All one has to think of is the VA hospital system and its scandals to visualize the effect of government bureaucracy and its bureaucrats on a healthcare system.

Another example is the government bureaucracy’s inefficiency in building the web site for the federal health insurance exchanges.

Why are Americans not protesting? Why are Americans letting President Obama get away with destroying the healthcare system?

Medicaid’s problems are more complicated than Medicare’s problems as a result of Obamacare. I have a feeling the Democratic congress that voted for Obamacare is realizing they should have read the law and understood the law before they passed it.

Originally Medicaid was healthcare insurance for people receiving welfare. Obamacare expanded coverage to all people below 138% of the definition of poverty. In most states the yearly salary is below $38,000 per year.

The federal government originally subsidized the states at the 50% level for Medicaid costs. For the next year the subsidy is 100%. Then the federal government will decrease the matching rate to 90% and subsequently to 80%.

States cannot print money to cover their obligations. States must balance their budgets. One of the reasons thirty-seven (37) states opted out of the program is because they would have to increase state taxes even further. Somewhere along the way Medicaid coverage for the poor has to be revised. Medical care is poor and reimbursement is terrible. The poor cannot find doctors. It is unsustainable and medical care needs to be improved.

President Obama keeps on lying to the American public as he tries to protect his “legacy” legislation Obamacare. It has become a legacy history will prove he should not be proud of.

To declare on Medicare’s and Medicaid’s 50th anniversary that both of these programs are not in crisis is a bold faced lie.

Medicare and Medicaid will decimate the federal budget unless something positive is done about these two programs.

Medicare and Medicaid in their present form will crowd out funding for vital priorities like national defense, infrastructure security and homeland safety while failing to deliver on their promises of quality health care at an affordable price for seniors and the poor.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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President Obama: “Obamacare is driving Down the Federal Budget Deficit”

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

In July 2015 in a speech on the economy at American University, Barack Obama  made the following statements.

The cost of “health care is now the single-biggest factor driving down” the federal budget deficit.”

The American public is tired of listening to President Obama’s lies, mostly lies and half truths.

Politifact analyzes many of President Obama’s statements of fact and grades them with Pinocchio’s and scores these statements.


President Obama’s statements by ruling

  • True               119         (21%)   (119)
  • Mostly True   149          (26%)  (149)
  • Half True       151          (27%)  (151)
  • Mostly False    67         (12%)    (67)
  • False                70          (12%)   (70)
  • Pants on Fire     9             (2%)   (9)


Total                                    100%          565

Politifact determined that President Obama was telling the whole truth only 21% of the time.

He was mostly truthful 26% of the time. We have seen these mostly true statements over and over again.

A recent example is that he has not seen the private agreements in the Iran Nuclear Deal. He has not seen the agreement in writing but he has heard about it as John Kerry heard about it.

I consider this an act of deceiving the American public.

Half true, Mostly false, False and Pants on fire classifications add up to 53% of the time President Obama has used the bully pulpit of the President Of the United States to deceive the American people.

If you add the 26% of the mostly true statements to the rest of the deceptions you get an astonishing 79% of the time an attempt has been made to deceive the American public.

This brings me to President Obama’s statement at American University. “Obamacare is driving Down the Federal Budget Deficit”

Politifact gave this statement a mostly true.

The statement is mostly false in my opinion. The devil is always in the details. President Obama has mastered the details of deceptions.

“Partly because health care prices have been growing at the slowest rate in nearly 50 years, the growth in what health care costs the government is down,” Obama said in a speech about the economy last week at the American University.

The budget deficit is a result of revenue generated as compared to expenses. If a government spends more money than it takes in it has a deficit. The size of the deficit is a function of the deficit over the revenue. A deficit reduction from one year to another is that percentage difference one year to another. It is a percent and not a real amount.

A deficit reduction can result from many factors. One very important influence on the deficit is an increase in revenue resulting from an increase in Obamacare taxes. There has been a tremendous increase in taxes resulting from Obamacare. The effective tax rate as I have shown previously as a result of Obamacare is up to 50%.

Another influence on the deficit is a decrease in spending.

Medicare spending has decreased as a result of a very clever maneuver by the Obama administration. It claims it has increased reimbursement by around 2%.

Originally Medicare would pay 80% of the allowed reimbursement and the patients would be responsible for 20% of the fee allowed. The allowed fees have decreased. Fees previously allowed have been changed to non allowed fees.

Physicians’ claims for services might be for $200. Medicare might allow $80. Medicare would pay $64 and the patient or his Medigap coverage would be responsible for $16.

This has not changed. However the percentage of the claim allowed has been reduced and patients without Medigap insurance are responsible for the difference.

This is in addition to Medicare premiums and deductibles increasing yearly. Medigap premiums have also increased yearly.

Medicare recipients are experiencing greater out of pocket costs. Many cannot afford the cost and are not going to get medical care.

This has two potential effects. Office visit claims are reduced and Medicare payments are reduced. It decreases the deficit but could result in a sicker patient. Patient cannot afford the out of pocket expenses.

The result is Medicare experiences a decrease in the percentage it affects the federal deficit.

It could result in a valid decrease in office visits or an increase in sicker patients and higher Medicare expenses.

Obamacare might have helped decrease the resulting government deficit but it could result in increased spending in the future.

It did not result in better quality care.

All of this is very difficult for a casual observer to follow. Meanwhile, President Obama has established the media message that Obamacare is working to decrease the budget deficit.

Then pundits like Paul Krugman, can ridicule opponents of Obamacare for saying Obamacare will fail.

President Obama uses an argument that is a half-truth. However, it does not represent real numbers. He uses percentages.

In addition, many of the costs of Obamacare such as the web site and the website navigators are left out of the real costs of healthcare.

Other costs are left out of deficit reduction analysis such as the direct cost to the consumers and the direct loss of revenue to providers.

“Since the Affordable Care Act was first proposed, policymakers have been debating its potential effect not just on health care but on the economy as a whole. The bill effectively increases some types of spending, reduces other types and increases some taxes.”


Growth in national health spending, which had dropped to historic lows in recent years (deficit reduction), has snapped back and is set to continue at a faster pace over the next decade, federal actuaries said last week.

Senator Ron Johnson, member of the budget committee, discusses the real present and future costs of Obamacare. He also discusses President Obama’s misleading promises about Obamacare. Senator Johnson gives us a real understanding of the Obama administration’s manipulation of the facts.

Obamacare is a bad deal. It is destroying the medical profession. It is destroying the economy and America’s chances for economic growth.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone

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