Stanley Feld M.D., FACP, MACE Menu

Stan Feld


TXU and the Health of Texans

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

It has been an interesting week for me. The week has been an exercise of an understanding of the legal process in American democracy. It has demonstrated, in my opinion, a flawed process of issuing permits for Dirty Coal Burning Power Plants in Texas. The result is the state government does not seem to protect the interests of the people who elected them. State officials are supposed to be representatives of the people. In this case they are not representing us well. We were unaware of the dangers of the proposed power plants to our health. As individuals the process makes it difficult to defend ourselves and easy for TXU to defeat the people of Texas. I feel like we are the stooges for their profit producing Dirty Coal Burning Plants.

I have also discovered that it starts at the top. Therefore one should never believe any of the campaign promises of any candidate. Governor Rick Perry promised us one thing and then fast tracked another. It seems to me he has no regard for the health of our North Central Texas community. He seems to have a high regard for the vested interest of TXU because “we need energy for Texas to grow”. We are not going to grow if we are the most polluted state in the country. It is possible that he does not understand the issues. However 15,000 of us have sent him letters about the danger to the citizens of our state. He has not responded. Probably the system did not get our pleas to him because he is a busy man. If he cares for the state as he says on his web site he would do what he promises to do. He should intervene immediately and stop the TXU fast track (railroading) Dirty Coal Burning Plants throughout the State of Texas.

On December 5 the Bells City Council joined the Coalition of Texas Cities to protest and stop the proposed Coal Power Plant 4 miles from Bells in Savoy Texas. TXU slipped its application on the proposed plant past most of the cities adjacent to the Coal Burning Power Plant without the proper information. Cites within 100 miles will be adversely affected. When you put all 11 plants together the state will be covered with soot and polluted with everything that is bad for ones health.

Somehow, the flawed hearing process is preventing a Coalition of 25 Texas Cities (with more coming on board daily) from having standing in the permit proceeding. The elected officials in these cities represent the people of these cities. They are acting responsibly as surrogates for the will of the people in their cities. Is it democratic to restrict the will of the people from being expressed? My answer is, it is wrong! What is yours?

This week I heard TXU’s public policy director argue the case for the coal plants at the Bells City council meeting. TXU’s published argument is lame. The presentation is worse. It is filled with sound bites that are half truths. The argument is crafted to have people think it is good for the growth of the area. In fact, it is bad for the growth of the area. Who wants to live in a polluted city?

The Savoy Valley Dirty Coal Plant is going to produce 160 pounds of Mercury per year. What does that mean? Let us do a little arithmetic. 2.2 lbs of anything is equal to 1000 grams. One ounce of anything is 30 cm3. It takes two ounces of mercury to contaminate a 20 acre lake. Each ounce of water weighs 30 grams. The density of water is 1 gram per cm3. The density of Mercury is 13.54 gram per cm3.

160 lbs of Mercury per year is equal to 72,727 grams. One ounce is 30 cm 3. Each cm3 of Mercury weighs 13.54 grams. Therefore, there are 405.2 grams of Mercury in one ounce of Mercury. One ounce of Mercury contaminates 10 acres of water. Therefore one years worth of Mercury from the Dirty Coal Power Plant contaminate the fish in 1,795.29 acres of lakes in North Central Texas. Mercury does not disappear so each year of Mercury contamination is additive.

The TXU representative Mr. Ross told us this is a clean plant because it has decreased the Mercury emission 80% from 800 lbs per year in older plants to 160 lbs per year. The 80% figure reduction is correct. However the Dirty Coal Power Plant is contaminating 1795.29 acres of our fish and soil each and every year. The TXU representative said we are trading in your 1974 truck for a 2006 truck. I told to him the 2006 truck is still a lousy truck.

Mercury does bad things to people as well as fish and plants. It has been found that the incidence of autism was 61% higher in contaminated environments as opposed to uncontaminated environments. School in the contaminated environment had a 43% higher need for special education classes. The result was a higher cost to the community. We know that Mercury inhibits brain growth. May be the increasing incidence of attention deficit syndrome in America is due to the increasing exposure to Mercury in contaminated areas. Maybe as people get older and are exposed to high mercury levels they lose brain tissue faster than people living in clean non polluted environments.

Dallas has been out of EPA attainment for 10 years. EPA compliance levels are too high according to the EPA literature and must be lowered. Yet our federal government has not lowered the levels to levels that will protect us. Dallas can not figure out how to lower the levels. After the new Dirty Coal Power Plant goes on line Dallas will never get into the artificially elevated attainment level. Some one is going to have to be responsible. Governor Perry has not responded the request for action from more than 15,000 letters voters have sent him throughout the state. .

How come? How come the same thing is going on all over the country? We are exposed to toxic compounds and get sick. Healthcare cost increase by 34 billion dollars. Insurance premiums are increased. The result is more people are uninsured. The $34 billion can be saved by our elected officials exercising a little civic responsibility.

TXU knows how to work the legal system to their advantage. They have spun the story to their advantage. We in Bells Texas are just ordinary folk who have little experience working the system. We have few funds to pay for expensive lawyers to defeat TXU. Our state and several local governments have not stepped up to help us out. Our Federal representatives have not stepped forward to help us and to date have supported the TXU application because of TXU’s promise of jobs and growth to the area. Who in the world wants to live in a polluted area where their kids could get asthma and autism?

Organic food farms, cattle farms and fish farms are going to be ruined in the North Texas area with this Dirty Coal Plants. It looks like our elected officials know what is right but do what is wrong for the people who elected them.

I believe part of the reason is because they are so “busy” in committee meetings that they make decisions on sound bites also and do not study the facts. We have to demand they study the facts. If they do not we have to kick them out of office. The ordinary citizen’s health is also going to be ruined. Some families in Bells have owned their farms for 150 years.

Below is the difference in emission between a Clean Coal Power Plant and a Dirty Coal Power Plant. TXU said at the Bells meeting there is no one applying for clean IGCC gasification power plants in Texas. I think that could be true. They also said they are too experimental. However I discovered there are 117 gasification plants in the world and 10 real North American Gasification Units. Three of the ten are in Texas. One of the three has been in operation since 1977. Please study the emission comparison from the chart below. The real issue is not the experimental nature of the plants. The issue is building the cheapest plant you can build to generate the most profit if you can get away with it because the people in the area are not paying attention. Where is TXU’s corporate civic responsibility?

Hooray for the Bells City Council and their standing up to TXU!
Sherman, Denison and Bonham have not seen fit to do the same yet. Few leaders in those cities have studied the issues deeply. I know their citizens will moan and groan after the plant is completed. We will all suffer the effects of the plant. These cities have to act now. We need to hold our elected officials responsible for there inaction.

  • Harry Jaeger

    Dear Dr. Feld,
    You are to be commended for the way that you are bringing to light the health issues related to TXU’s plans to build their fleet of new coal plants in central Texas. To add to your comment about the proven nature of IGCC, I bring to your attention the several commercial plants that are operating in Europe and Japan with quite acceptable reliability records.
    Perhaps the upcoming legal reviews and growing local opposition to TXU’s plans will put the brakes on the “fast track” permitting process, and send them back to the drawing board.
    Harry Jaeger
    Gasification Editor
    Gas Turbine World Magazine

  • Lion Kuntz
    TXU Coal Power Customers for sale at $18,750 for each baaaing sheeple head.
    TXU has 2.4 million customers forced to buy power from them alone.
    That’s all it’s got plus some aging coal plants. Oh yeah, it also has
    $12,300,000,000 of debt too. Some gang is willing to pay
    $45,000,000,000 to buy that mess and the only profit can come from the
    sheeple with the electric noose around their necks.
    Do the math and explain how each customer has to pay out of their
    pockets $18,750 so that their new owners just break even on the
    purchase price of themselves. (Oh yeah, there’s still that $12.3
    billion debt the sheeple have to pay, plus interest too.) Did somebody
    say PV was going down in price?
    “TXU also has about $12.3 billion in debt that likely would be assumed
    by a buyer.”
    $45 Billion Bid for a Texas Utility in Biggest Buyout Ever
    Published: February 24, 2007

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Our Government Knows What to Do. It Just Does Not Do It!

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Insurance companies are in the business of providing insurance. Insurance is for unforeseen occurrences. It seems pretty sensible to me. However, as the health insurance industry has evolved, coverage is not as straight forward as is should be.

The individual patient buying insurance is not treated as fairly as the group buying insurance coverage. If you have hypertension and work for a large company that provides employee health insurance you are automatically covered in your company’s group health insurance policy. If you hate you job and quit, you would not be able to buy health insurance. The insurance company would deny you insurance coverage because of the hypertension. If you could get insurance hypertension and the complications of hypertension would be excluded from your coverage.

If you as an individual had any preexisting illness, the insurance company would make that illness a cause for denial or exclusion of health insurance coverage for that illness. The preexisting illness is not an exclusion or denial if the person is in an employer group health insurance plan. If you are a young individual with no preexisting illness and a healthy family you could obtain coverage with after tax dollars, while the company group health insurance coverage is pre tax dollars and a deductible expense to the employer.

Some of the exclusions are perverse. They include a history of migraine headaches, gallstones, pelvic inflammatory disease, back pain and back disorders, asthma, allergies, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and even sinusitis.

The reasons for outright denials of individuals seeking health insurance are even more perverse. The illnesses include ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, coronary artery disease, epilepsy, and even obesity. Diseases with the chance for immediate emergency such as AIDS, uncontrolled hypertension, previous stroke and leukemia to name a few, are automatic policy with no questions asked. It is paid for by the employer with pre tax dollars and denials.

All of the illnesses above receive coverage in an employer group is a deductible expense.

If anyone in a family got any one of these diseases there would be no option for the employee to leave his job and become self-employed for fear of not being able to obtain medical insurance. This data is available at the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. The person with the group insurance from an employer is imprisoned. He can not change jobs.

Insurance companies are in business to make money. They do everything in their power not to lose money by avoiding risk if they can. The government has not closed this loop hole in favor of the insurance industry.

Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute ( an innovative research organization focusing on health and tax policy) found a remarkable op-ed piece written by Dick Armey (R-Texas) and Pete Stark(D-California) in the Washington Post in 1999. Pete Stark is the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee. Dick Armey was house Majority Leader at that time. The title of the article was “The ultimate congressional odd coupe weighs in.”

The two seldom agreed on anything. However the agreed that “Congress should act now to help the 43 million Americans who have no health insurance”. Remember folks the date of the article was June 1999. It seems congress is a little slow. We are have 46.7 million people uninsured.

“For individuals, being uninsured is a problem because too often it means health care forgone, small warning signs ignored and minor illnesses allowed to become costly crises. It’s a problem for families because unpaid medical bills are a leading cause of personal bankruptcy. And it’s a problem for the nation because uncompensated care is an unfair burden on doctors, hospitals and taxpayers.”

“Indeed, today’s tax code discriminates against not only insurance purchased outside the workplace but also lower-paid, part-time and small-business workers. The highly paid CEO gets a more lavish health-care tax break than the waitress earning the minimum wage.”

“Properly designed, such a tax credit could bring about near-universal coverage without new mandates or bureaucracy. It would eliminate barriers the uninsured face in today’s system, enabling them to shop for basic coverage that suits their individual needs and is portable from job to job.”

To be successful, the credit would need to be sufficiently generous to buy a decent policy; available to those who owe no tax liability; and, to prevent fraud, paid directly to insurers or other entities, not to individuals.”

You notice there is no mention of the need for price transparency and a way to set up competitition between insurance companies to decrease the premium charges.

“ We do want to permit a gradual transition to a world in which individuals are free to obtain the kind of insurance they want, regardless of where it’s purchased.”

Admittedly, a tax credit can’t help people who are too sick to insure at any price. Although we differ, fairly strongly, about the best way to help such people, we agree a reasonable way can be found to do so, and we’ll keep looking for it. (Rep. Stark would prefer to get insurers to take all customers at a common price, regardless of health status. Rep. Armey would set up “high-risk pools” to subsidize sick people’s coverage in the 22 states that haven’t already done so.)”

Pete Stark is right on the money here although I hardly ever agree with him. The common price, regardless of health status is what group policy holders enjoy and this common price should be a community rated price. Community rated price is the average usage a particular community has and a calculation of the price of insurance on the basis of that community usage in a price transparent environment based on cost of the provider and not charges.

Dick Armey is wrong! High risk pools have not worked. The insurance industry has managed to price the cost of insurance in high risk pools out of the reach of those who need it.

“Too often, when Congress turns to health issues, it ends up applying legislative Band-Aids. It’s time to address underlying causes. The biggest health problem facing the country is the uninsured. The tax code can be used to help them. We urge a bipartisan consensus to do so.”

Even when they know what to do they do not do it. It is up to us to demand that it be done. Congress has not done anything since these two leaders said it must be done in 1999. June,1999 was six and one half years ago. Who do you think blocked it? The facilitator stakeholders block it because their vested interest was threatened. It is our turn.

  • Jay Draiman, Energy Consultant

    Energy Independence begins with Energy efficiency – It’s cheaper to save energy than to make energy.
    By Jay Draiman, Energy Consultant
    In order to insure energy and economic independence as well as better economic growth without being blackmailed by foreign countries, our country, the United States of America’s Utilization of Energy Sources must change.
    “Energy drives our entire economy.” We must protect it. “Let’s face it, without energy the whole economy and economic society we have set up would come to a halt. So you want to have control over such an important resource that you need for your society and your economy.” The American way of life is not negotiable.
    Our continued dependence on fossil fuels could and will lead to catastrophic consequences.
    The federal, state and local government should implement a mandatory renewable energy installation program for residential and commercial property on new construction and remodeling projects, replacement of appliances, motors, HVAC with the use of energy efficient materials-products, mechanical systems, appliances, lighting, insulation, retrofits etc. The source of energy must be by renewable energy such as Solar-Photovoltaic, Geothermal, Wind, Biofuels, Ocean-Tidal, Hydrogen-Fuel Cell etc. This includes the utilizing of water from lakes, rivers and oceans to circulate in cooling towers to produce air conditioning and the utilization of proper landscaping to reduce energy consumption. (Sales tax on renewable energy products and energy efficiency should be reduced or eliminated)
    The implementation of mandatory renewable energy could be done on a gradual scale over the next 10 years. At the end of the 10 year period all construction and energy use in the structures throughout the United States must be 100% powered by renewable energy. (This can be done by amending building code)
    In addition, the governments must impose laws, rules and regulations whereby the utility companies must comply with a fair “NET METERING” (the buying of excess generation from the consumer at market price), including the promotion of research and production of “renewable energy technology” with various long term incentives and grants. The various foundations in existence should be used to contribute to this cause.
    A mandatory time table should also be established for the automobile industry to gradually produce an automobile powered by renewable energy. The American automobile industry is surely capable of accomplishing this task. As an inducement to buy hybrid automobiles (sales tax should be reduced or eliminated on American manufactured automobiles).
    This is a way to expedite our energy independence and economic growth. (This will also create a substantial amount of new jobs). It will take maximum effort and a relentless pursuit of the private, commercial and industrial government sectors’ commitment to renewable energy – energy generation (wind, solar, hydro, biofuels, geothermal, energy storage (fuel cells, advance batteries), energy infrastructure (management, transmission) and energy efficiency (lighting, sensors, automation, conservation) (rainwater harvesting, water conservation) (energy and natural resources conservation) in order to achieve our energy independence.
    “To succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.”
    Jay Draiman, Energy Consultant
    Northridge, CA. 91325
    May 31, 2007
    P.S. I have a very deep belief in America’s capabilities. Within the next 10 years we can accomplish our energy independence, if we as a nation truly set our goals to accomplish this.
    I happen to believe that we can do it. In another crisis–the one in 1942–President Franklin D. Roosevelt said this country would build 60,000 [50,000] military aircraft. By 1943, production in that program had reached 125,000 aircraft annually. They did it then. We can do it now.
    “the way we produce and use energy must fundamentally change.”
    The American people resilience and determination to retain the way of life is unconquerable and we as a nation will succeed in this endeavor of Energy Independence.
    The Oil Companies should be required to invest a substantial percentage of their profit in renewable energy R&D and implementation. Those who do not will be panelized by the public at large by boy cutting their products.
    Solar energy is the source of all energy on the earth (excepting volcanic geothermal). Wind, wave and fossil fuels all get their energy from the sun. Fossil fuels are only a battery which will eventually run out. The sooner we can exploit all forms of Solar energy (cost effectively or not against dubiously cheap FFs) the better off we will all be. If the battery runs out first, the survivors will all be living like in the 18th century again.
    Every new home built should come with a solar package. A 1.5 kW per bedroom is a good rule of thumb. The formula 1.5 X’s 5 hrs per day X’s 30 days will produce about 225 kWh per bedroom monthly. This peak production period will offset 17 to 2
    4 cents per kWh with a potential of $160 per month or about $60,000 over the 30-year mortgage period for a three-bedroom home. It is economically feasible at the current energy price and the interest portion of the loan is deductible. Why not?
    Title 24 has been mandated forcing developers to build energy efficient homes. Their bull-headedness put them in that position and now they see that Title 24 works with little added cost. Solar should also be mandated and if the developer designs a home that solar is impossible to do then they should pay an equivalent mitigation fee allowing others to put solar on in place of their negligence. (Installation should be paid “performance based”).
    Installation of renewable energy and its performance should be paid to the installer and manufacturer based on “performance based” (that means they are held accountable for the performance of the product – that includes the automobile industry). This will gain the trust and confidence of the end-user to proceed with such a project; it will also prove to the public that it is a viable avenue of energy conservation.
    Installing a renewable energy system on your home or business increases the value of the property and provides a marketing advantage. It also decreases our trade deficit.
    Nations of the world should unite and join together in a cohesive effort to develop and implement MANDATORY RENEWABLE ENERGY for the sake of humankind and future generations.
    The head of the U.S. government’s renewable energy lab said Monday (Feb. 5) that the federal government is doing “embarrassingly few things” to foster renewable energy, leaving leadership to the states at a time of opportunity to change the nation’s energy future. “I see little happening at the federal level. Much more needs to happen.” What’s needed, he said, is a change of our national mind set. Instead of viewing the hurdles that still face renewable sources and setting national energy goals with those hurdles in mind, we should set ambitious national renewable energy goals and set about overcoming the hurdles to meet them. We have an opportunity, an opportunity we can take advantage of or an opportunity we can squander and let go,”
    solar energy – the direct conversion of sunlight with solar cells, either into electricity or hydrogen, faces cost hurdles independent of their intrinsic efficiency. Ways must be found to lower production costs and design better conversion and storage systems.
    Disenco Energy of the UK has announced it has reached important
    milestones leading to full commercialization, such as the completion of
    field trials for its home, micro combined heat and power plant (m-CHP).
    The company expects to begin a product roll out in the second quarter of
    Operating at over 90 percent efficiency, the m-CHP will be able to
    provide 15 kilowatts of thermal energy (about 50,000 Btu’s) for heat and
    hot water and generate 3 kilowatts of electricity. The m-CHP uses a
    Stirling engine generator and would be a direct replacement for a home’s
    Running on piped-in natural gas the unit would create some independence
    from the power grid, but still remain connected to the gas supply
    Whereas heat is supplied only when the generator is running (or
    conversely electricity is generated only when heat is needed) a back-up
    battery system and heavily insulated hot water storage tank seem
    eventual options for more complete energy independence.
    All government buildings, Federal, State, County, City etc. should be mandated to be energy efficient and must use renewable energy on all new structures and structures that are been remodeled/upgraded.
    “The government should serve as an example to its citizens”
    A new innovative renewable energy generating technology is in development. The idea behind Promethean Power came from Matthew Orosz, an MIT graduate student who has worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in the African nation of Lesotho. Orosz wanted to provide electric power, refrigeration, and hot water to people without electricity. He and some MIT colleagues designed a set of mirrors that focus sunlight onto tubes filled with coolant. The hot coolant turns to pressurized vapor, which turns a turbine to make electricity. The leftover heat can be used to warm a tank of water and to run a refrigerator or an air conditioner, using a gas-absorption process that chills liquid ammonia by first heating it.
    New Solar Electric Cells – 80% efficient
    Mr. Marks says solar panels made with Lepcon or Lumeloid, the materials he patented, … Most photovoltaic cells are only about 15 percent efficient. …
    A major increase in daily petroleum output is deemed essential to meet U.S. and international oil requirements in 2020, and so we should expect recurring oil shortages and price increases. Only by expediting the diminishing our day-to-day consumption of petroleum and implementing of efficiency and renewable energy policy can we hope to reduce our exposure to costly oil-supply disruptions and lower the risk of economic strangulation.
    Jay Draiman, Energy Consultant
    Northridge, CA 91325
    Posted on: 06/26/2007

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“They are Killing Us!”

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Dirty Coal Power Plants are bad for the health of the nation. A major electric company (TXU) and our state government are fast tracking permits to construct 11 such power plants past unsuspecting citizens without regard for the health consequences. The issue of health care costs is a big issue. The healthcare costs are out of control. The incidence of illness is also increasing.

Governor Rick Perry of Texas has made his position clear on his web site. In his healthcare platform he “strives to make healthcare an efficient expenditure of taxpayer dollars, by focusing on health education and disease prevention.” This is an empty promise when he has encouraged the development of Dirty Coal Power Plants all over Texas. These plants will affect the health of all Texans’. The Clean Air Act proposed by Jefford’s will avoid 300 deaths per year in Dallas and 1176 deaths per year in Texas by 2020.

I have choosen a few paragraphs from Rick Perry’s current web site. It is clear he promises us one thing and does the opposite. The take home point is Governor Rick Perry knows what is right and tells us he is going to do the right thing for us. He then does just the opposite. He has it in his power to immediately stop these Dirty Coal Burning Plants that he opposes online.

Below are some of his pronouncements to the citizens of Texas.

Health Care

Access to affordable professional medical care is important to all Texans. To this end Governor Perry consistently supported new professional medical schools to meet the growing health needs of Texans, led efforts to keep doctors and nurses from having to fight frivolous lawsuits in court instead of delivering health care, and promoted options for small employers to more easily offer private insurance coverage to employees. Because Texas spends almost $20 billion dollars a year on health programs Governor Perry strives to make health care an efficient expenditure of taxpayer dollars. By focusing on health education and disease prevention though programs such as child immunization, nutritional education, and personal fitness, Texas saves tax dollars and helps people lead healthier lives.

Protecting our Air and Water

To protect the Texas environment for future generations, Governor Perry require tougher standards for older power plants, provide incentives for local governments to implement cleaner technologies, and helped established pilot programs that monitor air and water pollution levels in near real-time so local officials can take corrective action before public safety is endangered.

The Texas Emissions Reduction Plan

Governor Perry signed legislation creating and extending the nationally recognized Texas Emissions Reduction Plan until 2010. This plan continues to help clean the air by replacing old polluting equipment with newer, cleaner technology. The governor helped triple the amount of plan funding spent on research and development so Texas can become a national leader in developing, verifying, and implementing clean air control technologies.

Promoting Clean Coal Technology

Governor Perry signed legislation providing expedited permitting and financial incentives to attract the U.S. Department of Energy’s (futureGen) zero-emission coal power plant. In addition to generating clean power, the futureGen project is expected to create over 11,000 jobs, and result in over $1.2 billion in total economic benefit if Texas is chosen.

How about that? In light of the eleven proposed TXU power plants this represents quite a contradiction doesn’t it? These plants will make us sicker, cost the state and federal government more medical care dollars and do nothing to clean up our air.
Today I received the following comment for yesterdays post “Our Sound Bite Society”:

You hit the nail on the head here, Stan. Well done.

It is all about having the technology to solve the problem but letting lobbyists and costs to those not at risk (the energy producers) rather than costs to those at risk (the public) dictate the policy. But who will be able to change a system where we have given the power not to the victims but to the assaulters?



I am optimistic. I believe we the people are going to have to take charge and change the system with the very technology that is solving other problems. The moochers are anachronisms in the new society.

Look at what Compact Disks did to Vinyl Records and Steve Jobs did to the CD industry. Innovation has the power to turn legacy system on its ear. Politicians and Lobbyist are going to have to watch out. Someone is going to come along and leave them in the dust. It is going to take a prepared mind with innovative spirit. The people will be there to cheer them on.

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Our Sound Bite Society !

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

We have highly developed short attention span. I believe it is a result of our sound bite society. Our information is fed to us in sound bites and grabbers. Little information is in depth. On the five minute “News Summary” all the news is bad news sound bites. It is time we shake this somnolence and act on the facts and not on the sound bites!!

There is perhaps no greater State of Denial in modern life than sticking a plug into an electric outlet. No thinking person can eat a hamburger without knowing it was once a cow, or drink water from the tap without recognizing, at least dimly, that its journey began in some distant reservoir. Electricity is different. Fully sanitized of any hint of its origins, it pours out of the socket almost like magic.”

Where does electricity come from? It turns out 50% of the electricity in America is produced from burning coal.

Coal is a dirty fuel emitting carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide along with Particulate Matter and Mercury. The combinations of substances cause chronic diseases and the complications of these diseases. Coal is an abundant energy resource in America. Today, we have the technology to clean up the coal emissions and make it a safe source of energy for electricity generation. However, electric companies are doing their best to avoid the use of this new technology and use old cheaper technology in their new Coal Power Plants.

Why is this important to Repairing the Healthcare System? If our government did not permit industry to pollute our environment, there would be fewer people with chronic diseases and the complications of the chronic diseases generated by coal burning power plants throughout the country.

President Bush’s Clean Air Act for coal is the least stringent of the bills on the table. The estimate is his modest restrictions will cost the healthcare system $34 billion a year and save the power plant companies 4.7 billion dollars.

The $34 billion dollars per year is a recurring cost. It is a waste of money on diseases that are totally preventable by newer coal plant technology. The new technology reduces coal emissions 90%.

With new technology we could prevent at least 21,850 hospital admissions per year nationally. There were 26,000 Emergency room visits for asthma alone last year. Asthma is the No. 1 cause of kids ending up in the Emergency Room. Dirty Coal Burning Power Plants cause 554,000 asthmatic attacks, 16,200 attacks of chronic bronchitis, 38,200 heart attacks and 23,600 deaths per year. One can only guess at the staggering increases the 11 proposed plants will have in Texas.

I have emphasized that preventing chronic disease and its complications is the key to reducing our healthcare costs. Eighty percent of our healthcare dollar is spent on the complications of chronic disease. Ninety percent of the Medicare dollars are spent on the complication of chronic disease. The emissions from Dirty Coal Power Plants cause chronic disease and the complications of chronic disease. The diseases can be prevented by decreasing emissions with the new technology available.

Texas Governor Rich Perry acted irresponsibly when he issued an executive order to fast track new power generation plants that use “Texas Natural Resources” for “energy diversity”.

Rather than protecting the people from environmental pollution, he has acted to expose as many of us as he can to pollution. The Governor and state legislature could finally start helping us utilize solar power and wind power. We have plenty of these “natural resources” in Texas. These clean, renewable natural resources will not hurt anyone.

At the same time, TXU “our electric company” applied for permits for 11 new, giant, “dirty” coal plants in Texas. Where is the coal coming from? It is coming from Wyoming via very long noisy freight trains riding through our beautiful North Texas countryside.

One of the coal plants proposed is on the border of Fannin and Grayson County in North Central Texas. One Dirty Coal Burning Plant is within 10 miles of my farm in Bells, Texas. The proposed plant is within one and one half miles from the new public elementary school, middle school and high school in Bells, Texas. The forty story smokestack will be belching soot, mercury, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides and ozone at children all day long contributing to the early onset of chronic lung illness in these children. These compounds do not stay in the local area. They spread for miles. Dallas, Texas presently has a large air quality problem. This proposed plant will add to Dallas’ air quality problem.

TXU defense has been lame at best and arrogant at worst. They say they are going to reduce emissions by 20% over present operating coal power plant emissions. The pollutants can be reduced by 90% with new technology. TXU says the pollution is exaggerated. Carbon dioxide is not a regulated pollutant. The Federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) disputes this statement with many good scientific studies. TXU also says it is good for the local economy. However it is obvious that a polluted environment will drive people away from the area and drag down the local economy. We need to immediately stop tolerating sound bites.

The people who should be worked up by the proposal are the local people but they seem to be believing TXU’s sound bites. Laura Miller, the Mayor of Dallas, and the Mayor of Houston are forming a coalition to fight TXU’s application. I hope it works. I hope Governor Rick Perry wakes up and stops his irresponsible action.

Everyone throughout the United States should be on alert. The use of Dirty Coal Power Plants represents 50 year blight on the health of our nation.

What do these pollutants do to our health?

Sulfur Dioxide: Sulfur Dioxide is formed when coal on burning releases sulfur that reacts in air to form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid causes wheezing, coughing, nasal congestion, and cardiac irregularities. It also causes low birth weight and increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The most vulnerable people are children and adults with asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Nitrogen Oxides (NxO): Nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide are formed when coal is burned and Nitrogen is released from the coal. These compounds react with air in the presence of sunlight and form ozone.

Ozone: Ozone is a corrosive gas that causes rapid shallow breathing, airway irritation, and coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and intensifies asthma. It is related to premature births, cardiac birth defects, low birth weights and stunted lung growth in children. It affects outdoor breathing in adults, worsens asthma and respiratory diseases.

Particulate Matter: Particulate matter complexes with the gases formed and are toxic to lung tissues precipitating asthma, inflammation of the cardiac system and premature death. It is also related to premature birth, chronic airway obstruction, and sudden death syndrome in infants.

Mercury: Mercury is a metal in coal. It is released when coal is burned. It pollutes our water supply and causes defects in our nervous system and our ability to learn. In adults it affects blood pressure. In pregnant women it represents a great risk to the fetus.

Carbon Dioxide: Carbon Dioxide results in climate change as well and ecological environment. It is connected to the spread of West Nile virus and extinction of many helpful insects.

Dioxins: Dioxin is an endocrine disruptor that can cause hypogonadism in both males and females. It is also a precancerous irritant.

You do not need further explanation to realize our public health is at stake. Corporations have to be required to exercise reasonable social responsibility. Government has a responsibility to set the rules. When something is obvious the government must act for the good of the people and not the good of industry.

This is a case for Erin Brockovitch. Whoever is going to issue the permit should be notified of their liability before all these people get sick, and not after they get sick. The officials’ should also be liable for the 34 billion dollars the result of the pollution is going to cost the healthcare system. Maybe this will get TXU to think twice before completing their application process?

The devil is in the details. Let us start thinking about the details and not fall for the sound bites of irresponsible corporations and sound bites of our irresponsible elected officials.

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Medical Savings Accounts and the Problem of the Uninsured

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

We have experienced an increased number of uninsured patients for the past 16 years as insurance premiums have escalated and employers have been reducing and eliminating medical insurance benefits as part of the employment package. In 1990, 34.4 million Americans were uninsured. At that time, 85% of the uninsured patients were members of a family with a working adult.

Today, that number is 46.6 million, according to a new Census Bureau report. This represents 15.9% of our population up from 15.6% of our population in 2004 representing an increase of 1.3 million in the last 2 years. The number of workers with no health insurance rose from 26.5 million to 27.3 million. Nearly all the increase in uninsured was among working adults.

Do you think we need a creative innovative solution to ensure that all Americans have affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage? You bet!

Congress has so far failed to reach a consensus on how to even approach the problem.
Our difficulty is we have an elected Congress that professes to support the publics’ vested interest but in reality is swayed by vested interests’ political contributions. This is the reason they are in a State of Denial about everything including medical care of our population. America does great when the crisis is overwhelming. When the crisis subsides we resort to our highly developed short attention span and ignore our problems. We leave ourselves vulnerable to be taken advantage of by stakeholders who are protecting their vested interests.

What should we be focusing on?

1. As the price of insurance has increased and out of pocket payment for the employed has increased, the price of coverage has exceeded the price the employers can afford.

2. People working and not covered by employer provided health insurance have to pay for health care premiums with after tax dollar, while their employers pay for employee health insurance with pre tax dollars.

3. Evolving tax laws and employee benefit laws are causing employers to act in ways that cause the employer to provide fewer benefits to the employee. The biggest impact is felt by moderate to low income families. They are priced out of the market. If they get sick, they figure they can get medical care paid for by their community. The result is an increase in economic pressure on the individual and the community.

In light of this the facilitator stakeholders try to protect their envisioned vested interests at the expense of the patients and society. Policy makers have proposed to force everyone to buy insurance. The goal is to force the employer to buy insurance for the employee, or force the uninsured to buy insurance or go on Medicaid. The State of Massachusetts just passed a law mandating insurance and guarantying insurance for all.

It seems to me all of these proposals ignore real reason people do not buy insurance on their own in the first place.

They cannot buy reasonably priced insurance on a before tax basis. The patient is disadvantaged by an expensive and defective third party payer insurance system that does not permit them to control their healthcare dollar.

A Medical Saving Account system in a Price Transparent environment cures all these defects. Real insurance would be sold to individuals using after tax dollars in a freely competitive environment. The competitive environment would not be price manipulated by the insurance industry as the Medicare Part D benefit is. People would have an economic motivation to purchase insurance and keep themselves healthy. If someone had a chronic illness and if they avoided the complications of disease they could be rewarded economically.

Families on Medicaid could be motivated in the same way with the government providing the same or similar subsidies. The cost of care to State governments would be less than it is today. However, we would be empowering to the Medicaid family to make independent decisions rather than demoralizing these families in the present system of care rationing.

Americans yearn to be free and make free choices. We are not a dumb people even though our education system is crumbling. We need enlightened leadership not imprisoned by our hierarchical bureaucracy. I believe it is going to be up to the population of 40-50 year olds to step forward and say “we are sick and tired of this and we do not want to take it anymore.

  • R. Carrillo

    In the past 30 years, the costs of healthcare have soared in the United States. Due to rapidly escalating healthcare costs, Americans in ever increasing numbers have begun to search for alternatives that could reduce their personal out-of-pocket medical expenses. In the last few years, hundreds of thousands of Americans have chosen to become Medical Tourists.
    Cost of medical and surgical procedures in Mexico is very low compared to what is paid in the United States. In most cases, the savings from their medical treatment can give people extra money for vacation. Indeed, a patient and his/her family can take a luxury vacation in a Mexican resort and pay for the trip with the savings they receive on getting their procedures in Mexico. Medical Tourism in the city of Guadalajara can certainly be a win-win proposition. While taking care of health needs at big discounts, shopping sprees, sight-seeing, cultural pursuits, and trips to nearby beaches and spas can all be arranged around a medical appointment schedule.
    For more information contact

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State of Denial

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I have just finished Bob Woodward’s new book “State of Denial” and feel devastated. State of Denial of describes the facts and information denied by our government about Iraq. I am convinced neither the people running the executive branch or legislative branches of our government are stupid. The dumb part is how information is gathered, reported, scrubbed and then presented to leaders to make decisions. The problem seems to me to be independent free standing information systems that do not communicate with each other. Additionally, everyone presenting the information wants to look good or hide for their mistakes. The longer the mistakes are covered the worse situation gets. The mistakes are the result of the hierarchical structure of a bureaucratic government. Clearly the government needs to be tightly networked.

Bob Woodward has had the ability to survive the Washington bubble for some 40 years without being destroyed by the political machinery. I believe his book may have helped the Democrats win both houses of Congress last week. It may help change the course of the war in Iraq as well as the geopolitics in the Middle East forever. He accomplished his goal, to unseat the Republicans. However, he did not fix anything that is wrong with our government’s decision making process, the defense department, nor the relationship of the administration to congress.

We continually hear criticism of what is wrong. Somehow it seems the government hardly ever does it is right. However, I believe that the intention of all branches of government is to do what is right. The government’s problem is similar to the problem many industries in our country have.

The automotive industry is in almost in a melt down. Why can’t GM or Ford build a better car than Toyota or Honda? I do not think it is because GM and Ford spend $1500 a car for healthcare. I think the smart people running GM and Ford are ossified by the same bureaucratic structure that has ossified our military, intelligence organizations, our energy department, social security administration, the medical care administration, and department of education. The structure of organizations has evolved to inhibit innovation and marginalize creativity.

Michael Mandelbaum, the author of “The Case for Goliath.’ remarked “We’re not just in a ‘state of denial’ about Iraq,” We’re also in a state of denial about the budget deficit, health care, energy and Social Security.”

Thomas Friedman wrote in his column of November 4 “If I had one wish” that he hoped each house of congress was won by the Democrats by one vote. Then the Republicans and Democrats would have to work together in order to get anything done.

The administration is not the only one in a state of denial. Both the House and Senate are in a state of denial. They are all impotent to do anything constructive about the war, the budget, health care, energy and Social Security. It seems pretty to me that if the government really wanted to do something for the people (you and me) it takes more than begging for our vote the last week before elections. They should do sensible, logical and innovative things to fix our problems without protecting the vested interests of those who can afford the best lobbyists. It looks like a football game to me. If one lobbyist is better than the next, the better lobbyist will win. The government ends up doing the wrong thing rather than the right thing for the majority of the people.

Thomas Friedman also said, “The reason that Mr. Bush’s call a year ago to end our oil addiction has been a total flop has to do with a struggle in his administration between foolish market worshipers led by Dick Cheney—who insist markets will take care of everything—and wiser, nuanced policy makers who understand that government’s job is to set broad goals and standards, and then let the market reach them.”

We, the people, are also in a state of denial. About twenty years ago, I had a patient to whom I complained about the state of the world. He had done consultation work for many Presidents. He said to me that we get what we deserve. We have been programmed to have a short attention span, and have been manipulated by the media. The details of our problems and real issues are not compelling enough to command our attention.

I have also recently been impressed by the book Fooled by Randomness. We are information junkies that buy not the best information but the smoothest sounding information. The best Public Relations firms craft the messages that win in our society. We should demand accurate information from our government.

With medical care we should demand free choice to buy the best insurance product on a level playing field under government set broad goals and standards. Then let the consumer driven marketplace decide the winner. We would be surprised how powerful this would be.

Nancy Pelosi’s call for government negotiation of drug prices is another complicated mistake. We need to understand the cost of production of drugs, eliminated waste in the drug companies and let the drug companies compete for our business. Price controls never work.

I spent a lot of time on the DRG fiasco. The final rules have just been published by the government. The point is the hospitals won. The physicians lost. There is no movement to fix the DRG system. Hospital payment was neutral. Physician reimbursement was decreased by 6%. There are no incentives to decrease the complications of chronic diseases. Remember, the complications of chronic disease cost the government 90% of the healthcare dollar. The beneficiary of that money is the hospitals. Guess who has the best lobbyists. Who is in a State of Denial? The government!

Remember the real role of government is to set broad goals and standards for the patient, and let the market reach them. Saying it another way is to set the rules for true price transparency and give patients an opportunity to buy real insurance in the form of the ideal Medical Savings Account. With the incentive to shop for savings and quality, the consumer will force reduced profits. Then we can see if the market place will determine the winner. From past experiences it will work.

  • P-Air

    Let me add a more pedestrian perspective which suggests that those from the Red States that previously voted in all Republican card, were doing so sadly on the basis of two policy issues which Republicans understood well; gay marriage and abortions. Even were their economic interests were not being served by administration’s economic policies (Red Staters will tell you how bad Walmart is for their local economies). Fortunately, the Iraq war has finally reached the pitch that Vietnam did and every one is fed up, but that shoul have been the case two years ago as well.

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An Example of Published Administrative Waste

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

After posting today’s blog on administrative waste I came across this article in the Buffalo News. You will also recall that much power to regulate abuse in the system lies with the State Boards of Insurance, Hospitals, and Physicians.

Today, Buffalo News published actions by the New York State Insurance Board fining 21 companies $310,000 for withholding claims payment and violating New York’s Prompt Pay Law. The Prompt Pay Law requires insurance companies to pay uncontested claims within 45 day or face fines.

“Health insurers in New York were fined $310,000 over a six-month period for failing to pay claims on time, according to the state insurance department.”

One might think $310,000 is an insignificant amount money. However, I suspect it represents just a glimpse of the abuse payments for claims not made by the insurance companies. It is often to costly to refer these abuses to the Insurance board. The publicity might motivate physicians and hospitals to report their unpaid claims

We have to understand delays in payment simply add to the administrative costs of healthcare system. These unnecessary administrative costs add no medical care value to the healthcare system. One can easily visual these abuses occurring daily and adding to the inefficiency of the system throughout the system. The Medical Saving Account system of instant adjudication of claims would eliminate all this waste and permit decreasing cost of insurance premiums.

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Administrative Costs: Difference between the Medical Savings Account System and the Present System

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

In my view none of the published estimates of administrative costs to the healthcare system are correct. The latest estimate of administrative costs to the healthcare system was $150 billion dollars. I bet this estimate is only half of the administrative costs. The estimate represents only the costs the insurance companies add on to their insurance premium calculation. It does not represent the cost to the physicians to process each claim.

My estimate for the administrative cost to the physician for each office visit is $35- $40. The physicians’ administrative costs include the cost of physicians’ time to complete the paper work for each encounter as well as the cost of back office personnel for processing each claim to completion. Many claims are adjusted by the insurance company and disputed by the providers. The claims are then resubmitted for another round of non medical value added costs. The total cost to the system could represent $300 billion dollars. Three hundred billion dollar savings can go a long way to reducing insurance premiums to manageable and affordable levels. I could also go a long way toward increasing accessibility to care.

A few weeks ago I wrote about economists declaring that we can afford the cost of our excellent healthcare system. I blasted the concept as ridiculous. The economists ignore the inefficiencies and not medical value added cost to the system.

This week an article appeared titled “Running on Empty: Healthcare As the Engine of the Economy by Brian Kleeper and Alian Enthoven.
“Healthcare insiders know that the industry’s rosy prospects can continue only if its funding remains stable. Most also acknowledge that the dollars are not likely to flow as they have in the past.
The reality into the foreseeable future is that healthcare–at least beyond a narrow definition of “basic care”–will remain a voluntary buy. In fact, there’s every indication that group purchasers are quietly abandoning the market. A wealth of recent data shows that healthcare cost growth is pricing corporate and governmental purchasers out of the market for coverage.
Reports from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis show that, between 1999 and 2004, premiums–the point where costs converge from throughout the healthcare continuum–grew 5.5 times general inflation, 4.0 times workers earnings and 2.3 times the growth of business income.”

Please recall that much of the increase also results from a faulty DRG system. The present system reimburses on hospital charges and not hospital costs. The DRG system contributes to the engine of the inflationary medical costs.

“The numbers are spectacular. And purchasers are responding. In September 2006, another Kaiser report on employer health benefits showed that, between 2001 and 2006, the percentage of employers offering coverage plummeted from 68 percent to 61 percent, a 10.3 percent drop over five years or a 2.1 percent annual erosion rate. During the same period, the percentage of employees with coverage dropped from 65 percent to 59 percent. Data from other sources show that certain workers–those in the private sector, service workers, retail employees–were particularly vulnerable to losing coverage.
Meanwhile, Florida’s Office of Insurance Regulation released data showing that, between 1996 and 2004, 132,000 small employers (with 50 or fewer employees) stopped offering health coverage. This represents a 53 percent drop, while enrollees in small group plans fell by 760,000 individuals (42 percent, or 5.25 percent annually). The state’s population grew by three million during this period.”

As fewer and fewer people have health insurance coverage there is less and less premium dollars in the system. At present we have 46.7 million uninsured in America, 80% of whom would buy affordable insurance if they could.

Jon Lowder’s blog entry of November 10, 2006 nailed the problem. There are precipitous enrollment drops and an increasing uninsured population.

“These precipitous enrollment drops make sense, particularly when you compare the scale of healthcare cost to earnings. The actuarial firm Milliman calculated that the total coverage costs for a family of four averaged $12,214 in 2005. But one-quarter of the nation’s workers made less than $18,800, and one-third of its families made less than $35,000. How can mainstream Americans stay in a game that’s stacked like this?”

“Most people understand the healthcare crisis in terms of its human costs: more uninsured people and underinsured people and more frequent cases of personal bankruptcy. But an equally daunting problem is that losses in coverage translate to reductions in the system’s financial inputs. This means fewer dollars are available to buy healthcare services and products.”

The situation is ominous. Nonprofit hospitals may be able to finesse shrinking revenues through cutbacks in staff, equipment or programs. But for publicly traded companies like Pfizer, United Healthcare, Medtronic or HCA, the drops in funding must negatively impact margin, stock price, market capitalization and credit.”

Worse, healthcare is 1/7th of the economy and 1/11th of its job market. If this sector develops a large demand-resource mismatch and becomes financially unstable, the disruptions could cascade to and destabilize others sectors, threatening the national economic security.

Many people who follow the healthcare crisis know all of this. Unfortunately the public is not aware of much of it. We only realize that health insurance cost more and more. We have discussed much of this previously.
However, no leader has the courage to step forward and do something about it. I have emphasized much of the leadership can be exerted at the state level by state boards that license the insurance industry,hospitals and physicians. No one has organized the people to protest. The excuse is that the healthcare system can not be fixed. It is impossible to control physicians. I believe all these excuses are smoke to cloud the solution. The facilitator stakeholders are simply holding on to what they falsely perceive is their vested interest.

“A theory of limits applies here. In a voluntary market, healthcare purchasers–employers or taxpayers–will tolerate only so much cost growth. Then they’ll recede. It is preposterous to believe the well won’t run dry.”

All of these pricing mismatches and excess non medical value added costs can be eliminated by permitting the patient to be in control of their healthcare dollar and selling pure insurance that is fairly priced. The ideal Medical Saving Accounts system represent pure insurance in the form of high deducible health insurance and motivation for the patient to become an informed consumer.

The cost of processing claim could be eliminated completely. The service claims could be adjudicated instantly with a credit card. Thousands of diverse businesses adjudicate claims on purchases instantly daily at a low cost. The use of credit cards to pay for Medical Savings Accounts could provide an instant savings of 150 billion dollars to costs in the healthcare system. The losers will be the non competitive insurance company. The winner will be the bright flexible company that puts the system in place.

  • Jon Lowder

    Dr. Feld,
    Thanks for the mention and also thanks for your continuing coverage of this issue.
    The average yearly cost per family that you quote, $12,214 caught my eye because that’s very close to what we spent last year. If we don’t find an alternative then the premium increase we’ve been informed are in store for ’07 will cause our yearly expense to probably be closer to $14-$15,000. That’s just nuts.
    I agree that something’s gotta give, and sooner rather than later.

  • supra for kids

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

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United Healthcare and HCA Win: Patients Lose

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

United Healthcare and HCA settled their contract negotiations for the 850,000 patients in the Denver area. The contract is a long term contract lasting until 2011. Additionally, HCA reached a long contract settlement with United Healthcare throughout the country. None of the terms of the contract were transparent nor can we expect a reduction in insurance costs.

We have discussed the outrageous salaries of the United Healthcare Company’s executives under previous contracts as they continue to raise insurance rates. We have also discussed the leveraged buyout by KKR and partners.

United Healthcare decided, rather than playing a role in changing the paradigm of the structure of healthcare insurance by promoting price transparency and Medical Savings Accounts, it would be prudent for them to remained in total control of the potential patients’ medical care and their healthcare dollars.

The Denver Post reported “Some United members sought care at hospitals outside the HCA-HealthOne network, leaving hospital beds unfilled.”

The unaddressed point was how many hospital beds were left unfilled? How much money was lost by HCA in the last few months of the dispute? The contract dispute permitted patients to choose because their own money is involved.

“United had faced the possibility of losing corporate and individual policy-holders to other insurers during the open-enrollment season.”

United Healthcare rather being innovative, probably concluded that it was “too dangerous” and costly to lead the way toward insurance reform.

“More and more insurers and hospitals are looking to sign longer-term deals, given that the insurance premiums they can charge are increasing at relatively modest, single-digit rates.”

I think hospitals and insurers decided that the enemy to their outrageous profits is the major stakeholders, the patients and the physicians and not each other. I suspect United will offer employers long term contracts in order to keep patients in the ossified healthcare system that has lead to uncontrolled costs, excessive waste, and the vast number of uninsured.

“It’s a case of two very large health- care companies that truly needed each other,” said Paul Newsome, a financial analyst with A.G. Edwards in St. Louis. “It works both ways.”

“HCA-HealthOne saw an immediate loss of business after it terminated its contract with United Sept. 1, said Jim Hertel, publisher of the Colorado Managed Care newsletter.”

“I don’t think that United was being impacted to the extent that HCA was,” said Hertel. “I would think the settlement was closer to United’s requirements than to HCA’s based on the timing.”

“United had claimed that HCA-HealthOne demanded a 35 percent reimbursement rate increase over four years in Colorado. HCA-HealthOne countered that its requested increase would translate into a 1.6 percent premium increase per year for employers and individuals.”

Neither side disclosed terms of the local or national deal.

So there you have it. It is the same old, same old.

If anyone thinks the insurance industry is going to fix the system you are wrong!

If anyone thinks the hospital industry is going to fix the system you are wrong again!

I do not see any government or state officials standing up to help. I do not see organized medicine capable of fixing the system.

It is going to be up to the patients to fix the system. The doctors will follow the patients, not the hospital or the insurance company as we saw in this HCA/United Healthcare episode. Once the patients demand change, the hospitals and insurance companies will change.

Leadership for change is what is needed now! It is going to take a bright innovative company with the knowledge and capability to use information technology techniques for the benefit of the patients and the physicians to create a paradigm shift. We must remember without patients or physicians there is no need for a healthcare industry.

  • Ricahrd A Dickey, MD

    Hopefully, not only you but your blog’s readers are beginning to get it and respond.
    This one-minded, sound-bite attack on our health and environment is and has always been about money. If there is any hope of changing things it will be only through others getting the strong messages you are sending about the consequences for our environment and health. Eventually, the costs of those consequences, which are cumulative and progressive, could speak more loudly and effectively than the profits from the acts which assault our lives and our world.

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