Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
Repairing the Healthcare System
Dear President-elect Donald Trump: Part 1
In 2008 I wrote to President-elect Obama and told him what has to be done to repair the healthcare system from a practicing physician’s point of view.
He did not listen to one suggestion.
I am going to try to help you out also. You are correct to want to repeal and replace Obamacare. It is a failure. It is also a disaster to both America’s healthcare system and economy.
The healthcare reforms you propose on you website are good so far. However they are incomplete and inadequate if your goal is to achieve a viable market driven healthcare system.
I will list the others elements with links to the documentation in future letters to you.
Patients and physicians are the two most important stakeholders in any market-driven healthcare system. They are the only stakeholders that can drive the market in an affordable way.
The insurance industry, the government, hospital systems and the pharmaceutical industry are all secondary stakeholders.
You have told a biased media that you will repeal and replace Obamacare.
They are now trying to make fun of you because of your threat to the establishment. Please ignore them.
The progressive spin machine using Ezekeil Emanuel and other surrogates are wrong when they keep repeating that neither you nor the Republican Party have not offered a viable replacement plan.
You might remind them that their plan was not very viable. What makes Ezekiel Emanuel an expert when he has never practiced medicine in a private office setting?
You and the Republican house have some very viable suggestions. Democrats refuse to read them or recognize them. They have not analyzed their economic effect on the healthcare system.
However, you do not go far enough in including the patients who are essential to drive the healthcare system. Patients must assume the responsibility for their health and care of their diseases.
Patients must be provided with treatment options and potential outcomes in order to be responsible for their health. They must also be provided with financial incentives to take care of their health.
Consumers must be in control of their health and healthcare dollars to achieve an efficient market driven healthcare system.
Obamacare treats the two most important stakeholders as economic commodities. It disregards patients’ feelings.
Healthcare policy should be built around patients’ needs and not the needs of secondary stakeholders.
The key to Repairing the Healthcare System is the promotion of individual consumer responsibility for their care. Patients must feel physicians and their healthcare team care about them.
The physician patient relationship is the most important healing element in a therapeutic equation. It can lead to patients understand and adhering to recommended treatment.
Patients must be the captains of their therapeutic team. Physicians must be the head coaches with their nurses and physician assistants being the assistant coaches.
Only then will we have an efficient and affordable healthcare system. I have written in detail about the mechanisms necessary to achieve an affordable healthcare system.
A successful and affordable healthcare system must be a consumer driven healthcare system using my ideal medical saving accounts .
Medical Savings Accounts are different than Health Savings Accounts.
The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.
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