It is clear that Donald Trump won the presidential election.
The U.S. economy is in bad shape despite what President Obama has been telling us. Economic growth has been stagnant with growth at less than 2%.
People are feeling the loss of jobs as factories are closing.
Corporations are moving factories overseas for cheaper labor.
The many unemployed gave up looking of jobs. Full time jobs have been switched to part-time jobs so corporations can avoid the Obamacare mandate. People need to have at least two jobs to make ends meet.
Price inflation continues but is not measured because food and fuel are left out of the inflation calculation.
Inner city unemployment is worse despite President Obama’s saying it is getting better. Neighborhood security has declined. National security is threatened. People do not feel safe.
Obamacare, which was supposed to provide universal healthcare that was affordable to all, was a outright failure both in terms of affordability for individuals and to the national economy.
Yet, the Obama administration, through the mainstream media, keeps telling the people everything is going as planned.
The people could easily see that the administration was tell them a lie. The unemployment rate was reported as being less than 5%.
Americans realized that much of the money for food stamps was being abused. It was discovered that many people were not using the money for food.
Hard working Americans found out that one could collect at least $49,000 non-taxed dollars from the government for not working.
Our foreign policy was in a shambles.
Americans were being told by President Obama that we winning the war. Yet we were losing territory to ISSI and experiencing terrorism both at home and abroad.
Ordinary hard working people were beginning to realize that the tax and spend Democratic Party were ripping them off even if the details of these rip offs were unclear.
Many state governorships and state legislatures were lost to Republicans. Many seats in the U.S. Senate and house were lost to Republicans.
It was clear that the people wanted a change even though they felt the Republican establishment had deceived them previously.
They understood that government was too large. The government bureaucracy consisted of people who could not be fired. These people can obstruct change.
As government grows it employs more people and it becomes more stagnant and less functional.
Along comes Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was a non-charismatic presidential candidate who received millions of dollars from rich people to buy uninspiring advertising on television.
Her message was that she was going to continue President Obama’s legacy. She missed the point completely.
Donald J. Trump comes along and tells the people they are being ripped off by our own government and by other governments. Our trade deals stink. Other countries are living off our tax dollars because of our government’s stupidity. He promises to fix it.
He says America has to be run like a business. He will bring back jobs, decrease waste, increase the status of our military all around the world and uncover the great energy and potential of America, especially in the decaying inner cities.
It is a great message. Few know how he is going to do it. He is not telling anyone. He says he is going to hire great people to help him. He is going to hire successful people to help him.
He is going to create opportunities for everyone using a free market based economy.
America as been sliding toward a central government controlled economy for many years.
It should be clear to everyone that Keynesan based central controlled economy does not work.
Fredrick Hayek taught us that in 1937. However, few listened.
I think it is because the central government fears a loss of control over the economy and the people. It fears that very smart people can take advantage of an economy if they have the ability initiative and become innovative without government restraints. The government does not want to believe that the free market works.
Steve Jobs believed it. Jeff Bezos believed it. All the start-ups believe it.
At the Consumer Electronic Show I saw many companies tying to succeed without government interference.
Why? People want to have the freedom to be innovative and creative.
Maybe the American people believe that Donald Trump is going to give them that opportunity without as many government restraints.
The establishment’s fear is warranted.
My view is the government’s job is to legislate the rules that put everyone on a level playing field. The government should step aside and make sure everyone plays by the rules.
This brings me back to my title, “Come On Guys. Give Them A Chance!”
Donald Trump might just know how to navigate through the swamp of the dysfunctional government bureaucracy.
He doesn’t have to tell us how he is going to do it yet. He just has to do it. He might know how to navigate around America’s bad trade deals.
He might just know how to pick a Secretary of Health and Human Services in the name of Tom Price M.D.. Tom Price M.D. might be the person who can navigate across the failed Obamacare healthcare system.
Tom Price M.D. is a smart and decent man. The Democrats and the media might want to indulge in his character assassination out of fear that he might have a workable plan to repair the healthcare system.
The American people are wise to the Democrats’ tactics.
These tactics will hurt them and not Tom Price M.D..
Maybe he knows how to create a system where if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. If you like your freedom to choose you can keep that also.
The Democrats, the main stream media and the government bureaucrats should not criticize Donald Trump when the Democrats have failed so miserably. They do not know what the Republicans will propose.
We know what doesn’t work. That is Obamacare!!
Give the new guys a chance!
The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” is, mine and mine alone.
All Rights Reserved © 2006 – 2017 “Repairing The Healthcare System” Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
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