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All items for January, 2010


Congress Needs To Start All Over Again!


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE


Several readers commented they were thankful that the healthcare bill passed in the Senate on Christmas eve.

I was curious to know their reason for being thankful when the bill is so flawed. Universally, their reply was “we need healthcare reform and this bill represents a good first step.”

I asked each commenter if the bill makes the healthcare system worse than it is now does that represent a good first step?

Their reply was if we do not take this step now there will be nothing done about healthcare reform again for another 40 years. I believe this is untrue. This is the view of the administrations propaganda machine to get a bill passed. .

The propaganda is flawed for several reasons:

1. The step taken 40 years ago was to enact Medicare. However Medicare has evolved into an unsustainable federal entitlement. Changes in Medicare over the last 40 years have resulted in an unaffordable but necessary program for seniors also.

2. The continuous band-aid fixes to the structurally flawed entitlement program has not solved the economically unsustainable problem.

3. Expanding enrollment in both Medicare and Medicaid is going to make both programs more economically unsustainable.

4. Medicaid is a failed program. Expanding Medicaid for a renewed definition of poverty is not going to fix Medicaid’s failure. Medicaid reimbursement is so low that it is difficult to get providers to service Medicaid patients.

It takes creative physicians practices’ to generate more revenue than expenses seeing Medicaid patients. These practices have initiated cries of fraud by many government officials and healthcare policy wonks.

It might be fraud in some cases but the fraud was initiated by the reimbursement structure.

Medicaid physicians are reacting by asking the question “why bother seeing these patients?”

This attitude has produced a physician shortage for Medicaid patient services.

Why would Senators and congressmen believe suddenly expanding Medicaid eligibility will alleviate this physician shortage?

The Urgent Care Clinics staffed by nurse practitioners and physician assistants and owned by private corporations are cash for profit businesses.

Medicaid does not reimburse for 30 to 60 days. Its reimbursement is less than the Urgent Care Clinics’ and physicians’ offices cost of doing business. Medicaid patients cannot afford to pay cash. The Urgent Care Clinics and physicians offices cannot afford to see these patients.

States are responsible for part of the Medicaid coverage. Most States are on the verge of bankruptcy. President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Bill will not provide increased funding for the increased Medicaid spending. Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska held his vote out until Harry Reid gave Nebraska 100% Medicaid supplement.

Many other members of Congress are eager to follow the Nelson example, including one from South Carolina: Representative James Clyburn, a Democrat. Mr. Clyburn told The A.P. that he wanted to get more money for his state when the Senate and House begin negotiating a final health care bill.

Mr. Clyburn said he hoped to increase the federal portion of Medicaid payments to his state to 95 percent. That would be up from the 90 percent that most states get — most except Nebraska, which will now get 100 percent of its Medicaid expansion picked up by the federal government, in perpetuity, thanks to Senator Nelson.”


President Obama pledged he will not tolerate earmarks (pork barreling) to gain legislative approval.


Harry Reid also gave Massachusetts a supplement for Medicaid. The rest of the States are screaming how about me. Arnold Schwartzenegger has been most vocal for California.

Governors across the country have voiced concerns about the national efforts to expand eligibility for health coverage through Medicaid, a federal-state partnership that covers the expense of health care for the poor and disabled.

The net result will be an increased in federal deficit spending.

What is wrong with each version of the bill? Neither bill solves the basic problems within the healthcare system.

The fundamental problem with the 2,074-page Senate health-care bill (as with its 2,014-page House counterpart) is that it wildly compounds the complexity by adding hundreds of new provisions, regulations, mandates, committees and other arbitrary bureaucratic inventions. “

Overlooked is the fact is that all these bureaucratic interventions, provisions, regulations, mandates, committees are going to increase expenses. All President Obama has to do is ask any practicing physician. This is going to make President Obama’s healthcare reform bill more unsustainable and increase the federal deficit without an increase patient care.

“Worse, all of this bureaucracy is packed into a monstrous package without any regard to each other. The only thing linking these changes — such as the 118 new boards, commissions and programs — is political expediency. Each must be able to garner just enough votes to pass. There is not even a pretense of a unifying vision or conceptual harmony”

It is obvious that the bill is irredeemable. Howard Dean said Kill the Bill.

"This is essentially the collapse of health care reform in the United States Senate," Dean told Vermont Public Radio. "Honestly the best thing to do right now is kill the Senate bill, go back to the House, start the reconciliation process, where you only need 51 votes and it would be a much simpler bill."

Democrats should make a serious deal with the Republicans. The deal should be made to fix the structural defects in the healthcare system and focus on helping the people who elected them. Otherwise members of both parties should lose their job.

The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

  • Michael Kirsch, M.D.

    I thank you for this post. I am a combination of a skeptic and a cynic on the pending health care ‘reform’ legislation. My core view is that it will cost much more than they say, and deliver much less than they promise. There is no fundamental cost controls in place. Tort reform is entirely AWOL. Mayo Clinic lauded (they just ditched their Medicare patients in their Arizona clinic). Medicare, the existing ‘public option’ is running out of cash. I think they made strides in access but have fallen short on cost and medical quality.

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War On Obesity: Part 14


Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

I wish everyone a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!

Cecelia and I just finished watching the movie Food Inc. It is a movie worth watching.

I was upset seeing the abuse of our food chain by big food corporations. There is little respect for America’s food safety.

America’s obesity epidemic is caused, in part, by the food industry’s ability to produce cheap food. Fifty years ago, when I was at Columbia College, the solution to America’s impending food shortage was debated. The predication was the nation was going to face a food shortage in the next 50 years.

Advances in genetics and farm technology solved the problem. However, the solutions to potential food shortages have led to unintended consequences. Our government has failed to enact and enforce appropriate food safety rules for the protection of its citizens.

Nonetheless, the federal government subsidizes the mega agriculture industry.

The government is supposed to be our surrogate for food safety. The Food and Drug Administration is powerless and uninterested in controlling the abuse of large food producers.

People want their food to be safe. If Americans their food to be safe they are going to have take control its quality and safety. It is has to be done one meal at a time in one community at a time.

Parent/Teacher organizations (PTA’s) through local school districts are taking actions in ways our federal, state and local governments have failed prevent our children from becoming obese.

My granddaughter lives in the Boulder Valley School District. The local school district realized that a good place to start changing eating habits of children is in the primary grades. It is being done by the use of organic, low fat, whole grain menus in the school lunch program rather than the traditional cheap fried fast foods.

Ann Cooper “The Renegade Lunch Lady” came to the school district to introduce her plan to improve school lunches.

The plan is simple:

  • All milk is Organic Valley from Colorado ranchers.

· No more trans fats, highly processed foods or high fructose corn syrup, ever!

  • Rudi’s bread is used for all bread products.
  • Blackjack makes the pizza to Ann’s specifications (51% whole grain crust, etc.).
  • All pasta and red sauces are made in-house and organic.
  • Fruits and vegetables are organic and local whenever possible (all of September’s fruits were both!).
  • Improved salad bars with fresh fruit and protein items daily

The principal sent a note to the parents of the elementary school:

“The best way to support Ann and the commitment to healthy public school lunches is by encouraging your child to eat hot lunch – even if it’s just once a week.  The more money that goes into the system, the more Ann is able to change about the system.  You can check out her web site – she’s world renowned, works in D.C. with the USDA to improve the public school lunch standards nationwide, and is one of the top experts in this field.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Principal, Bear Creek Elementary School

Boulder, CO   80305”


If parents participate in the principal’s recommendation at a small supplemental cost a lot can be accomplished.

1. Obesity in kids decreased. Childhood Obesity is causing childhood Diabetes Mellitus, early coronary artery disease and other complications of Diabetes Mellitus.

2. The impact on the healthcare system will be a decrease in cost. Shouldn’t President Obama be concentrating on food supply value and safety? It could be done inexpensively and effectively.

3. Educated children will insist that the parents “eat healthy” at home.

4. A change in eating habits will force large corporations such as ADM, Monsanto and others to rethink their abuses of the food chain.

5. A change in eating habits will encourage large food chains such as Wal-Mart and Target to rethink their offerings in order to stay competitive.

6. America will have a consumer driven food reform program.

I think we are going to have to do it ourselves one meal at a time. President Obama might wake up and act on citizens’ requests, and not special interests.

It will go a long way to Repairing the Healthcare System.


he opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.

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